Relapsed to MO - My current situation (severe PIED case)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by shpetim132, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    My full story is on my page for those who want to know, but currently I am in the following situation:

    I am a 22 year old healthy man. On the 22nd of July 2020, I told myself now is the time I get my life back together before University starts, so I gave up PMO completely, baring in mind I probably left porn since around May/June 2020, however I continued MOing as usual. I can confidently say I have no porn addiction, my addiction or you could say weakness is MOing. I can't go more than 2 weeks without fapping. It actually scares me how problematic this has become, like it's a mission to stop this behavior. With that being said, no doubt my PIED has come as a result of years of PMOing since the age of 11 year old.

    Here I am on the 30th of August, 2020, having relapsed with MO 4 or 5 times this month. My last relapse kind of scared me because it involved me waking up and virtually MOing almost you could say unconsciously. What scared me the most was how I had been dedicated for 13 days completely free of PMO, then out of no where I woke up in the middle of the night horny. Then boom, I relapsed with MO. I feel demoralized, lost for words, scared and disappointed in myself. But by the permission of Allah azj I will get through this.

    My main question is how long could this take me to recover? And could it be that MOing is the reason I'm in this situation where I can't get any random erections at all? I mean last night when I fapped, I barely got an erection but orgasmed. Then I fapped a couple more times by the late morning and it became more erect but I don't know if this is purely due to the chaser effect. One thing I am happy about is I was able to achieve somewhat of an erection without porn, which must mean something right?

    I'm just so tired and anxious of this journey already. I just want to be cured and normal. I'd give anything in this world to just have that back. I sometimes come across stories of 2 year flatlines and I'll be lying if it didn't absolutely horrify me. I just need assurance and help.

    Also, does rewiring speed up the recovery process?
  2. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    P is what caused PIED, not MO.

    The reason this is so hard for you (believe me I've been there) is because you're scared of MO. You think that if you MO, it'll destroy your life entirely and you've built it up as this massive demon in your head, which gives it lots of power over you.

    The main way to get over this (and be happier with life in general) is to accept these feelings rather than resist them. This means unconditionally accepting that sometimes you'll feel bad, sometimes horny, sometimes elated etc. Don't fear these feelings, don't resist them. Just accept them. Doing this will massively take the pressure off and make the process a lot easier and healthier.

    MOing 4 times in a month is not unhealthy or addictive behaviour. The fact you can get it up without porn indicates to me that you actually have more of a psychological anxiety issue than PIED. The way to find out is if you get intimate with a girl, pop some Viagra and if it works then your issue is your anxiety. Use this until you're more comfortable and it'll help you rewire faster, just don't abuse it.

    My previous porn use convinced me that I had PIED (I probably did to some extent) which lead to a negative feedback loop and avoidance of relationships. Recently I went to have sex and used Viagra and it went great, which has helped my confidence greatly. I have stopped fearing porn and accepted myself for who I am which has drastically helped my reboot process. If I MO once in a month I'm not going to beat myself up about it, learn from it and move on.

    Happy to chat more if you'd like
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the response brother. I agree and disagree with you at the same time.

    I do believe that there is a mental element going on with my ED as I was able to get it up during masturbation, however this erection was not completely solid (although sufficient to penetrate a vagina) and it didn't last after orgasm, but nonetheless it's a relief to know that my penis is still alive in someway medically speaking. Although I would say my PIED is still pretty damn strong. My problems are that I can't get random erections throughout the day thinking about arousing scenarios, which I was able to when I was 13/14. I also believe I wouldn't be able to get it up during intercourse properly or even at all. Like I said I have left porn since May/June, and started my nofap journey yesterday. Has cutting out porn only helped? Yes it has, my penis sensitivity and delayed ejaculation has since somewhat improved. However I want to know, what will it take to restore my optimal erectile health? Is no PMO at all for 6 months to a year the best way in your opinion? Also, could rewiring speed up the process?
  4. iwontfail67

    iwontfail67 Fapstronaut

    I second that response. Porn is the problem. Once you’ve healed from porn, masturbating every now and then means nothing. You consider masturbation a failure and therefore associate sexual release with failure. If you just do it every now and and try to enjoy it, and not automatically think you’ve suddenly relapsed or failed your Nofap commitments, you’ll be fine. Semen retention doesn’t do anything. Porn is the real problem. On quitting porn it’s good to abstain for as long as you can as a way to disassociate sexual release and masturbation with porn, but if you can MO naturally, without porn, infrequently, to realistic fantasies or to just pure physical stimulation, then you’ll be fine. Just stay away from death gripping. That can fuck you up and make you think you have ed. Be gentle and use 2 fingers.
  5. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    So in your opinion, why is are the most fastest and optimal recovery stories all associated with long-term abstinence of P as well as MO? Also, would you be able to shed some light on how long it took you to cure your PIED?
  6. iwontfail67

    iwontfail67 Fapstronaut

    I’ve been trying Nofap for about 2 years, and I’ve had 2 streaks of 70 and 72 completely PMO free. After the 72 day one, I had a couple relapses but tried to stay mo free for as much as I could, but I soon realised that mo wasn’t the issue. I originally had a death grip issue, and an extreme porn escalation which desensitised me to anything natural. Quitting porn basically eradicated that.

    I then started masturbating every now and then to natural fantasies of girls and a natural gentle touch so I could remove the association my brain had between sexual release, death grip and extreme porn. And it pretty much worked. After a couple months of that, I feel better than I ever have at the moment. My sensitivity is crazy good, but I still have a bit of anxiety surrounding this, but it is definitely not pied. More anxiety since I’ve had pied in the past, but when I’m out in public I’m feeling insane levels of attraction to girls.

    Anxiety can basically ruin anything. If you’re full of anxiety that can suppress your natural desires and make you feel flat or dead down there. If you just try to relax and look after yourself, you should be fine down there.
  7. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    I understand what you're saying, and no way am I doubting what you've experienced. I also hope you get through this fully and go back to full optimal erectile health. However, I don't consider myself as fully cured if I can somewhat get my penis up when masturbating without porn. My definition of full recovery is being able to get it up even without touching whether that be through foreplay or imagination. That's really what I am trying to achieve but I just don't seem to have accurate answers for it. The closest information I have is full abstinence of P and MO. I believe cutting porn alone is just not enough, don't get me wrong it does help over time but it doesn't let you reach full potential. Can I ask have you had morning wood recently?
  8. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    Also I wanted to know your thoughts on individual that have taken even up to 2 years to recover from PIED?
  9. iwontfail67

    iwontfail67 Fapstronaut

    In the beginning full abstinence is important, I did that aswell, but after you’ve gotten over porn, there’s really no need to completely avoid masturbation. People on Nofap tend to link release with failure, and that can make them think that a simple orgasm is a bad thing. If you associate the feelings of an orgasm with pleasure, then you’ll realise that masturbation isn’t bad at all if you don’t over do it. But of course, if you can’t get it up by just using your mind, then don’t force it. Wait until the porn is completely out of your system. You’ll know when that is.

    Morning wood for my comes and goes. It’s a good indicator but I wouldn’t sweat on it if it doesn’t happen.

    Also 2 years to recover is standard I guess. It took me 2 years of streaks and relapsing to be where I am now, and I’d say I’ve recovered from pied. Just don’t PMO but also don’t go hard on yourself if you MO. One mo isn’t going to change anything, especially if it’s without porn and with gentle contact. If anything, you’re training yourself to expect natural, genetic stimulation, instead of pornographic influence stimulation. End of the day, do what works for you, everyone recovers differently.
  10. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    So can you get morning wood and achieve erections with pure fantasy? Because if not, then you're not fully recovered
  11. iwontfail67

    iwontfail67 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I can. Not everyone gets morning wood every day. It depends on what type of mood youre in when you wake up. But, yeah i can achieve erection by fantasising, and finally, its without the whole extreme pornographic influence. I might not be completely 110% recovered but im pretty damn close. My only issue is anxiety at the moment, but i've always been one to overthink and over-analyse things so apart from that, I feel fine.