The 2020 Book Club Thread Strikes Back!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by aspiringwriter1997, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. Reading Beast, Men and Gods of Ossendowsk i now.

    Anyway if someone i s searching for ancient boo ks you can find a lot of them on Ebook on Archive.Org
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2020
  2. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    The battle of helms deep is such a good chapter. I knew it would be because of how good it is in the movie but still, holy crap.
  3. Depends what you're after. If you're looking for proper military analysis there's probably not enough depth there. It reads like a novel, he does this thing a lot where he describes troop movement and then zooms in on the average soldier or civilian and their experience. As a casual I like it.
    Cathcart22 likes this.
  4. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Just got done with The Two Towers. A great continuation, I am looking forward to the final part, which I will start soon.
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.
  5. Already?!
  6. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I've been reading it a week, its not a very long book, around 350 ish pages.
  7. Beat_Wizard

    Beat_Wizard Fapstronaut

    this one. Kafka on the shore is a great read. Found it to be very mystic and dazing.
  8. That is true. I think that was the shortest book of the main three or the one with the least amount of heavy world-building information and I got through it in around two weeks or so.
  9. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think Return of the King is actually shorter if you dont count the appendices at the end. I am unsure if I want to read those because it seems like it is basically 200 ish pages of information I could read on a wiki if I was really all that interested, plus a lot of it I already know anyway.
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.
  10. I read
    • Mastery by Robert Greene.
    • King&Warrior&Magician&Lover by Robert Moore.
    • The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.
    • The 48 Laws of Power (Still reading) by Robert Greene.
    AtomicTango and AlphaGod like this.
  11. I didn't read that because I think that while it is interesting, I didn't see the need to read about that stuff again if the book already covered it. Plus, Tolkien's writings in The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales are more enjoyable, but that's just me.
    AtomicTango likes this.
  12. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    Im honestly too busy to read and will be but I started reading books seriously about a couple months ago.

    Books finished-
    "Can't hurt me" by David Goggins
    "From small talk to big business" Israelian author

    Started reading a book called "Science of luck"
    AtomicTango and Deleted Account like this.
  13. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I just finished reading the battle of the Pelennor fields in Return of the King. In the movie I always found the fight between Eowyn and the Witch King to be cringey, a very jarring "strong woman" moment that felt out of place. In the book it plays out differently, with Eowyn saying the line "I am no man" right at the start of the encounter and crucially, before she loses her helm and its revealed who she actually is. This seemingly small different makes it seem like book Eowyn is defiant, and movie Eowyn is gloating. I much prefer the book version of this to the movie, like I say the movie version is maybe one of the few moments that stand out to me as being kinda bad.
  14. How close are you to finishing The Return of the King? @AtomicTango
  15. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'll have it done by the end of the week, I'm currently around halfway through it.
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.
  16. What do you think about it so far? I did not comment on the movie post you made because I have not seen it so I can not say much about that.
  17. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I like it a lot!
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    “Well, here at last, dear friends, on the shores of the Sea comes the end of our fellowship in Middle-earth. Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”

    And with that, I come to the end of my month long read of Lord of the Rings. The post-book melancholy is hitting hard, not going to lie. What a great story that was. Cant wait to dive into the movie extended editions. As for what book I read next? I'm honestly unsure.
  19. Oh, that is wonderful! What are your thoughts on the series as a whole?
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I want to write a proper response to this, which I will do later tonight, as at the moment I dont have the time to do it properly.
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.