Is porn without masturbation really all that bad?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by goodnice 3.0, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    @Garek i primarily want to know if just looking at porn itself is harmful. Bc so far, i don't feel much negative benefits from doing it other than it wasting time. I do also feel very empty after looking at it sometimes, and some times out of sorts

    Its best to just avoid it altogether. But i need a strong reason not to just look, bc to me just looking doesn't seem to be all that bad
  2. You can't seriously compare a naked girlfriend to porn.

    I wouldn't even consider M because I'd be 6 inches deep in her pussy making her scream. This is real contact with a person who reciprocates a feeling of emotional investment in you.

    If you're saying this, then you're still very much an addict. I can say with complete sincerity that there is absolutely nothing hot about watching the exploitation of women on a screen filmed by a cameraman with a wet boner. The whole concept of invading someone's privacy like this, even if they allow it, goes against everything my parents raised me to be.

    It depends on your principles, I guess. Your avatar implies that you're Christian. Find me a verse from the Bible where your God condones this act as pleasing to the eye and I'll agree that "its nice to look at". I'm not even a Christian and I already know the answer.
  3. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    lol charming and ah, lovely. But the emotional investment aspect is probably the best part. I have never had that so...
    What about amateur videos? Where it isn't staged? Is that considered exploiting women?
    I like your remark about invading someone's privacy. It is, now that you say it, i just didn't think of it that way.
    That itself, the weirdness of invading someone's privacy might be a strong enough deterrent to keep me away
  4. Do whatever makes you happy. I look at porn to fend off boredom and stress. Knowing that about myself, I look for other ways to fend off boredom and stress. If you never masturbate again but continue to look at porn you are an outlier. If you look at porn at 3:00 then beat off to your imagination at 10:00 that still looks like a PMO cycle to me.
  5. I guess we'll never know, will we? I can, as a hypothetical porn director, just label all the poorly filmed videos as "amateur" and sell it off as a novelty. The fact remains what you, as a consumer, just won't know if it's actually staged to appeal to a particular set of viewerbase, or not. The concept of privacy still applies, does it not? As a morally strong person, you should have the strength of character needed to maintain your principles in the face of temptation- I daresay that's what nofap is really all about.

    For me, this is all I needed to realise to find P unappealing. I am no longer a Porn addict by any measure and I have gone months without it with absolutely no temptation to return. However, I still need to work on the "strength of character" part and realise that just because I have resigned myself to an MO session does not allow me to convince myself to involve P in it, as that antagonises my own principles.

    I truly hope you will change your views on Porn. There is nothing more useless in this world to me, except perhaps glow in the dark toilet paper.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  6. Benedicti

    Benedicti Fapstronaut

    No, keep with your addiction.
  7. Finder77

    Finder77 Fapstronaut

    This is very stupid.
  8. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

  9. locomia

    locomia Fapstronaut

    Instagram is basically porn,you just see asses,tits,attention whores everywhere,simps everywhere.Who said ig wasn't porn? lol
  10. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    thanks im gonna remember this post. This is what i was looking for. You helped me a lot. My mindset has already changed now, and i think i can find P unappealing.
    And you are right my friend. I should be having the strength of character to maintain principles in the face of temptation, much like Jesus did

    But ugh best of luck to you sir. For me, stopping M isn't that hard once you put your mind to not trying to get with women, and when you think of all of the benefits. See my other recent post on "dating during reboot" section. It will help you
    Sosuke Aizen likes this.
  11. Thanks man. Glad you have the temperament needed to evolve your thoughts.

    Have a blessed day.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  12. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    thank you, actually throwing a bday party later today. Have a blessed weekend fam
    Sosuke Aizen likes this.
  13. This question shouldn't even be a question lol.

    P is completely evil and terrible for you and the world.

    And if you don't m, you will probably just binge, which is literally the worst thing you can do to mess up your brain. People say binging is worse than just pmo'ing.
  14. Well nowadays movies are full of naked scenes if you think about it for a second
  15. Emanuil

    Emanuil Fapstronaut

    yeah, I completely forgot about that. Well, then you don't have to watch porn anymore, watch regular movies ;)
  16. Emanuil

    Emanuil Fapstronaut

    Yep, that's true - ratio is probably 99:1. But my question was - why would somebody do that at all watch it without masturbating?
    For me it was personal quest to see if somebody can become "pornproof" e.g. to completely loose interest in porn - and it's possible.
    btw ... mine main triggers were stress, anxiety and boredom too ;)
    Garek likes this.
  17. Arjuna's path

    Arjuna's path Fapstronaut

    Everything transmits a message. Porn transmits the message that we aren`t capable of imagining idelaistic situations with woman, so we need to get images, video and sounds from an external source. What damages the brain is the intense exposure to violent scenes (like porn) for periods of time.

    See, there is a study that gathered a group of 100 students or so together. In the entrance of the building, there was a receptionist who claimed to be on a test period to be hired, and he managed to treat eveybody like shit, insulting the students, talking bad about their appereance and stuff. Half of the group entered in a room with joyful music, and sat in front of a screen to watch motivational videos, comedy scenes, relaxing clips, etc. and the other half of the group got horror movies, tragic news and war films. Both of them stood in their rooms for the same period of time. At the end, the researchers asked the students if the recepetionst treated them respectfully. The group with the happy scenes said that they thought his attention as O.K. The group who watched the tragic movies insisted that the receptionist was this horrible human being, and some of them even wanted to present a demand on him.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  18. So we should not watch Netflix anymore ;)
    Emanuil likes this.
  19. It all has to do with novelty and anticipation for something good, they both act very similarly but porn taps into the sex drive which I would say Is the strongest drive humans have, so the dopamine will be way more.
  20. Emanuil

    Emanuil Fapstronaut

    I don't not watching TV for like 10 years, and I've stopped watching movies and series like a year ago (i'm still seeing few cartoons occasionally). I haven't saw good movie since 2012 ;) ... so no problem in that area.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
    TudoBem23 likes this.