Should everyone ditch their smartphones?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I don't actually use a smartphone, and I haven't used one in 28 months.

    The reason I actually got rid of my smartphone is because I couldn't block porn and artificial sexual stimulation on my smartphone to a level I found acceptable. I couldn't block porn and artificial sexual stimulation on a smart phone anywhere near on the level I could block it on my laptop.

    But being 28 months without a smartphone I honestly don't miss it. I don't even want one. I don't feel the need that I want a smartphone.

    But when I went out for lunch today the amount of people I seen mucking about on there smartphones was crazy.

    What I was thinking is people aren't even escaping the internet when they leave their home these days, because they are constantly on the internet on their smartphone. At least if you only used a computer or laptop you'd actually completely be away from the internet every time you leave your home. But like I said a lot of people are never escaping the internet, because they are on the internet constantly when they are at home, and constantly on the internet on their smartphone when they are not at home.
    Mujahid21 and Deleted Account like this.
  2. In my opinion, it doesn't really matter. If you rely on blocking porn to not relapse, you are going to relapse. We have unlimited access to the internet and even if you block it on your laptop, you might use another device. You will find a way. When I didn't have a smartphone (I got mugged and my parents didn't have enough money to buy a new one), I used my mom's phone. She found out, so I started using my sister's laptop, etc. You get the idea. Ultimately, not having a smartphone is your choice and I believe it's a valid one, even though I don't think that it's the ideal path, but don't believe that you are escaping the internet if you don't have a phone.
    Deleted Account and Sleeperhead like this.
  3. Bluespace123

    Bluespace123 Fapstronaut

    I feel like my smart phone is helping me distract myself from things that really matter to me in life, there are alot of things I could be doing but they all require time and effort. With my smart phone I just waste hours of the day away by scrolling through stupid posts about shit that's not even happening in my life, its an easy distraction to get away from things, but its also destroying my focus and attention span. And worst of all im a lurker on all social media so I just browse shit for hours and never even engage in conversation, this tends to make me overthink things I shouldn't even be thinking about in the first place. And this is all with me having a porn blocker on my phone, so I'm staring to see how warped a smart phone can make my mind even without porn. So ya I should really consider ditching my smart phone, I don't see much of an upside to having one unless its actually a valuable tool for you.
  4. The purpose of a smartphone was to simplify tasks not necessarily make people’s lives easier. I believe Steve Jobs said this himself. Of course, most people use it besides simplifying tasks, which wasn’t what the smartphone was made for. The choice is yours my friend. On the bright side, you never have to worry about the government or people tracking you.
  5. What motivates me to quit my Phone addiction is seeing other people chained to their phones. Doesn’t matter where you go these days, people are hooked on it like it’s candy on Halloween.
  6. I don’t like smartphones. It’s hard to let go of it considering that everyone has one and wants to remain in contact with you 24/7. Not to mention, that your social life revolves around the smartphone these days.
    dark_zerolord likes this.
  7. I remember the days when I had a Nokia flip phone in the 10th grade. I could play video poker and call up my
    friends to hang out. No social media, no online news, no drama. Oh how, times have changed.
  8. It’s your choice. My employer needs me to be in touch 24/7 about work related stuff. So getting rid of my smartphone is next to impossible. Considering I need to do email on the fly and send documents on the fly as well. I use my smartphone for my benefit. Not as a way to waste time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2020
  9. It’s really a simple question that boils down to a tough answer. Is this smartphone that I have doing more good than harm or doing more harm than good? If it’s doing more harm than good, get rid of it. If it’s doing more good than harm, keep it.
    Mujahid21 likes this.
  10. Its a smart phone zombie apocalypse out there right now. I think we could all benefit from not owning one.
  11. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Through my own personal experience with using blockers, having a good blocking system on my laptop, seriously restricting my self through getting rid of all devices except my laptop, I completely disagree with you.

    Sure if you have a rubbish blocking system on your computer and it's easy to bypass, then I'm not surprised this doesn't work.

    Sure if you have a good blocking system on your computer that's next to impossible to bypass but you can just go get another device and go on porn and artificial sexual stimulation with that then I am not surprised this doesn't work.

    It's a bit different when you only have one device you can access porn and artificial sexual stimulation on though, and you have this blocked to the point you basically can't access any porn or artificial sexual stimulation on it, and it is next to impossible to bypass. Potentially impossible to bypass.

    I guess in a way you do have a point though, because I do still sometimes relapse, as I can plan to get porn and artificial sexual stimulation a week in advance, and I do occasionally do this. But the system I have in place compared to easily being able to access porn and artificial sexual stimulation is like night and day.

    The system I have in place I'd say 95% of the time I'm never on porn or artificial sexual stimulation. I get month long streaks constantly away from all porn and all artificial sexual stimulation with the system I have in place. Where as if I didn't have this system in place I know for a fact I would likely be relapsing and binging constantly.

    I mean I agree blockers don't really work if you have a rubbish blocking system that you can easily bypass, that you can still access loads of artificial sexual stimulation on. I agree even if you have a good blocking system in place on your computer but you can just easily get another device to go on porn and artificial sexual stimulation then I agree this doesn't really work either.

    But restricting your self to the point you have one device you can access the internet on, you have one device you can access porn and artificial sexual stimulation on, and having this device blocked to the point you can't access any porn or artificial sexual stimulation, you can't access anything that would cause you relapse, and you have a set up where it is next to impossible to bypass, potentially even impossible to bypass. Doing all of this is a completely different system, which I believe through my own personal experience does for the majority of the time work.

    That being said I do believe if you are strong enough to use your own willpower and stay away from porn and artificial sexual stimulation this way, then this is the best way.

    But what if you know for a fact that you aren't strong enough to stay away from porn and artificial sexual stimulation just using your own willpower? What if you know for a fact that you will likely relapse and binge much more just trying to use your own willpower? Then what is the answer for guys like this?

    Like I said I constantly get month long streaks away from all porn and artificial sexual stimulation, and I 100% put this down to the system I have in place.

    I could only imagine how much more I would be relapsing and binging, getting no where near month long streaks if I didn't have this system in place.

    I don't believe I am back to square one after every relapse, or even every binge. I know some guys believe that, but I certainly don't. Constantly getting month long streaks completely away from all porn and artificial sexual stimulation is clearly adding up. But I am trying to push my self further, getting longer and longer streaks.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  12. I understand what you're saying and you understood what I said, I'm glad. I meant that relying solely on blockers is not a good idea because you will find a way. You made a point that your situation is very hard to bypass. I don't believe this is common, but if it works for you, that's great. It's keeping you away from porn for at least a month and that's good.

    I agree that you don't start from square one after every relapse. I had multiple week long streaks before I finally reached past the 30 day mark with my current streak. Progress isn't linear, you learn something new every time and you have to keep trying because this time might be the one where you get rid of this addiction forever. Stay strong, man.
    skaterdrew likes this.
  13. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut

    Question is could you live the rest of your life without the internet or without a smart phone? Because if you manage to go 90 days or whatever and you think you’re cured and you bring your phone back you are going to relapse. You need to start from day one living your life without porn.
  14. You can live without the internet, but I don't think you should. Its usage has many benefits that you'd miss out on. That's exactly why I also think blockers are supposed to be a crutch. You use them while you're healing and then you don't need them anymore.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. How about you do you and stop worrying about what others do. In my opinion, it's far too much of a hassle to ask everyone to do whatever you are doing, than to simply practice it and live well.
  16. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    I personally use a smartphone, but I blocked all social media, and only left whatsapp. When I am out with my friends, I rarely check it. I am enjoying the moment. I even love taking photos of landscapes I see. How could you do it without a phone?
  17. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    This is something that somewhat concerns me. Maybe I more feel this way because of the way I do achieve streaks is by completely restricting myself, and it doesn't really have so much to do with willpower.

    But what really concerns me is I have a worry that I will always have an issue with PMO. I don't really believe I will ever get to a stage I am strong enough to just completely cut this out my life altogether just through willpower alone.

    I think a lot of guys believe that after they have been away from porn and artificial sexual stimulation for so long, that this will cause them to not feel the need to go on porn and artificial sexual stimulation the same, that urges and cravings to use it will be much less. That they will somehow now be completely in control and never need to worry about relapse again.

    Where as I believe ending up back on that stuff could easily happen, and is even likely to happen, regardless how much you have recovered.

    Simply feeling horny could cause you to get a powerful urge to want to go on it. Feeling stressed or low in life could cause you to get a powerful urge to want to go on it. Even just feeling bored could cause you to get a powerful urge to want to go on it.

    Something I have actually noticed is after I have been on a lot of longer streaks I actually haven't enjoyed PMOing as much initially. But what I noticed is it didn't take much for it to get a grip of me again, for me to get extreme pleasure from it again, for me to feel like I couldn't control my self again. This happens quickly. Initially it's not as enjoyable, and then before I know it I can't stop doing it again.

    I do believe urges overall will be much less than what they used to be the more we recover. But I don't believe this would cause me to become so strong that I could always just refuse it, and like I said it doesn't take long to get a grip of me again when I do start using it again.

    It's a great feeling when I get a powerful urge to use it but I simply can't get it. It's sort of a feeling like I don't even need to try to refuse it but I simply can't get it. I couldn't count the amount of times I have been desperate for it but just done without because I couldn't get it.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  18. You are right. You may never be strong enough to get completely rid of the addiction, that's a possibility. But overcoming this is not about willpower alone. It's not a strength contest. An addiction is about behavior and mind. You'll overcome it by growing as a person and fixing the stuff that makes you addicted in the first place. Porn is not the root issue, it's the symptom of a larger problem. You need to figure out what it is and solve it.