A battle with myself

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by ~Animo~, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. ~Animo~

    ~Animo~ Fapstronaut

    Nofap has been probably the loneliest fight I have been through right now. But when you got no one in real life who you feel you can trust 1000% and know they won't judge you then it's pretty much just my thoughts and actions. Even though here I feel like I can great advice, when I disconnect there's isn't someone here I could chat about this problem. All I got are the demons in my head telling me that I'll miss porn and fall right back into the position I am in. The same demons that have destroyed previous progress on Nofap. Sometimes I felt like telling my best friend that I know like when I was 5. But I don't want to throw my problems at him. I already know if I told my parents it will not go well. I could possibly be kicked outta the house as the worse scenario that can happen. Man sometimes I just space out with my thoughts as I type and have no idea where to go from there. Yeah a lonely battle that I have to overcome the addiction that started from a young age. All I got is a messed up head, pencil and paper.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Candun like this.
  2. Smoky

    Smoky Fapstronaut

    I do not have anyone to share it either. I'm all alone in this journey. Just like you.
    I've been without PMO for 108 days and counting.

    I am sure you can do it too.

    Remember you don't need anyone to achieve the things you want, only you. The only person totally aware of your problems is you. As simple as that. Once you start to recover the faith on you, new and better friends will appear. I am sure. It's like you will be in another frequency and you will attract people on that frequency also.

    Take care mate and you will be fine.
  3. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel, when you're around other people you really just do your best to act "normal" and how you think people perceive you, and the more you do it the harder it becomes to tell the truth.

    If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to me anytime.
  4. WingNutLoogia

    WingNutLoogia New Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't say you are completely alone, you got all of us here. People like me who are going through the same problem. As much it has been repeated many times, you need to keep your faith. If you let go of that hope the only way you are going is down. The deeper you go the harder it gets to climb out. As long as you keep that desire to change yourself for the better, then there is still the opportunity for you to change.
  5. greatchinaski

    greatchinaski Fapstronaut

    Take complete responsibility for your thoughts and actions. Meditation will help in this regard. Understand that your thoughts are not you. Become a detached observer of your thoughts and they will lose their power. In other words, control your thoughts or they will control you.

    You can act wisely or you can act foolishly. You can build or destroy your life as you see fit.

    It's not true that you have no one in your life. You have yourself. Become a good friend to yourself to heal yourself.

    I know the feeling well. The truth is there are no real demons. They feel demonic because you cultivate evil (i.e. porn is evil, imo). The more you distance yourself from porn, the clearer your mind will be. Again, take responsibility. Don't blame your mindset on demons. Work on altering your mindset and so-called "demons" won't destroy you.
  6. ~Animo~

    ~Animo~ Fapstronaut

    Thanks! really motivating words too. Yeah, even though I haven't been in the best positions, I have been choosing my group of friends carefully.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  7. ~Animo~

    ~Animo~ Fapstronaut

    Thank you, hope we can chat more because I feel we relate on how we feel about these types of situations.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  8. ~Animo~

    ~Animo~ Fapstronaut

    . I didn't mean I got no one at all. I got friends, parents, and siblings. I don't take these important people for granted in my life. I just mean there are some people who will support you and help you out without judgement like here. Instead of calling people out on their actions here, this community has instead provided advice to help overcome their obstacles. But, you are still correct that I need to keep faith in myself to get through this. In the end I am the one who decides if I want to better myself or let go.
  9. ~Animo~

    ~Animo~ Fapstronaut

    Yeah, sorry about my original post. I was not clear at all with some of my thoughts because I tend to mix it with something that I feel relates to it. The issue with that is I don't take into account that people won't understand what I am saying or that they interpret it differently. By demons I meant, that little Angel you and the little devil you near your shoulders telling you what to do. Instead I have no Angel just demons. Yes, I need meditation. At some point I did meditation but I am not consistent. Also I mean in real life, I don't feel comfortable sharing with anyone about my problem like I do here.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  10. You dont need to open up about it to everyone. I tried opening up to people close to me about PMO and about my schizophrenia. The thing is that some things are hard to share without getting judged in some way. You can feel your way trough it and tell to some people if you feel like it is safe, eventually. I dont share my secrets too much anymore. I used to be open like a book. I am always honest but I wont get too personal unless I sense that people actually want to hear my story.
    Candun likes this.