Why do some people keep reinforcing that porn is not bad?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ahighertruth, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    I google NoFap and theres just a myriad of articles or commenters that claim that NoFap is a hoax. Nobody takes it seriously and they even suggest that people take drugs for their mental illness versus refraining from disturbing behavior. I don't get the world its like people either want to justify their addictions or bring others down so they can't be the best version of themselves. It's like when I used to have second thoughts about smoking pot, and I google about it and get results suggesting that pot is actually good to smoke in moderation...

    Its insane because I don't know who or what to believe anymore. I thought we were supposed to help eachother be better versions of ourselves, not the other way around.
  2. Yasharsab

    Yasharsab New Fapstronaut

    Wow, same about the pot, i think you just opended my eyes. Thanks man
    ahighertruth likes this.
  3. Because Pornography means a lot of money and trying to educate people that it is bad will result with less money. Capitalism. The fact that mainstream "scientists", "medics", etc...didn't talk about it and say "there is no evidence that is bad", bla bla bla mean that they are so fucking corrupted or just lazy.
  4. HopefulAndrew

    HopefulAndrew Fapstronaut

    Just put it this way, were people PMOing to artificial stimuli and computer pixels 2-5 thousand years ago? Do you think they were walking around masturbating once to multiple times a day? Or were they living their lives trying to survive by finding food and shelter, protecting their families and villages? It’s just so deeply rooted in todays cultures and people’s minds, since it’s so pleasurable for specific time, before it becomes an addiction and recks havoc on our brains and bodies, that they try to justify it as good because it’s so pleasurable and addictive. I’ll tell you this much in my 30 years of life, the most happiest and energetic guy i’ve ever met was a guy that never masturbated, he even told us at the time, that the last time he ejaculated was 9 months ago through sex, and all the zombies who ejaculated daily including myself, said “ohhhh broo what are you talking about? You’re nuts, that can’t be healthy, you’re going to get prostate cancer”, the point i’m trying to make is, humans were ejaculating a few times a year back then, mostly for procreation, and of course sex with their wives and significant other.
  5. The people who appreciate and promote porn have never watched porn themselves and they dont think its a big deal. They think that it is some kind of joke. They dont know about the disastrous effects porn can have on people's lives. Just ignore those people. good luck.
  6. PMO is a very real problem - just as real as the sky and trees we see outside. PMO has become the norm and socially acceptable to masturbate your brains out to artificial content. Not ever highlighting the bad things porn can bring to the human mind. We live in a world of indulgence and instant gratification - I imagine most of the population is walking around as addicts without knowing it. People will always justify their bad behavior to not seem like what they're doing is "bad".

    Those are the people that have a hard time growing up and letting go of something extremely pleasurable. Imagine sitting around and eating candy all day, yeah it's very enjoyable but now you're depriving yourself of so much more that you need. I know someone who smokes pot everyday and openly mentions very often that they aren't satisfied with life and want more. I believe constant mind-altering over-stimulation like weed and PMO makes for an overal shittier life. Remember, most people aren't happy (even though they appear to be) - it's merely our assumption.

    From the 3 days I've been without PMO is all I can attest to. I'm feeling much happier, calmer, and at peace - I feel more human as I'm no longer hurting myself constantly. Do NoFap for yourself, read success stories, and screw what the naysayers are saying. Connect with those that are actually making changes in their life to become a more wholesome person.
  7. HopefulAndrew

    HopefulAndrew Fapstronaut

    Beautifully said!!!
  8. Hardwork11

    Hardwork11 Fapstronaut

    my father drank alcohol in moderation but the last 10 yrs of his life he drunk to his death.
    i smoked cigrattes for 16 years then i stopped but not before developing chronic bronchitis and mild asthma.
    i then got addicted to chewing smokeless tobacco thinking it is harmless turns out for me it actually triggers the bronchitis and wheezing especially when i swallow small amounts of the chewing tobacco accidently.my doc believes it is a trigger just like mold and animal dander.i had no choice but to stop for my health.
    tobacco dipping is powerful addiction,the oral fixation cravings are unbearable.i had to use raw ginger as a dip to satisfy the oral fix.

    i have been fabbing since 1998,there is no porn,no mobile nothing,i used to seek out porn magazines which were rare to find.i became voyour spying on our neighbours women while jacking off.i used to pay women money to show me their ......jerked off in the most awkward places public toilets,mosque toilets,friends house,in the dorm while friend sleep soundly,same bed with wife sleep.
    anyway,internet came and it was like a disneyland escalated from vanilla sex to fetishes nothing to crazy.i stopped for 2 months and 10 days then lost the streak due to sorethroat.yesterday i developed nasty sorethroat and rationalized if i wanted to sleep i need to M.just pics only i fked up.my sorethroat is ok but i feel sht for losing 71 days.

    i have addictive personality and i have used to my advantage sometimes like when preparing exam i get addicted with the preparations and will not rest until i finish it.this helped me in uni.
    but majority of the time i use it negatively to seek out thrills.

    yesterday i had a powerful awakening,an idea has popped into my mind,the purpose of life is just to continue living healthy life into old age.that is it it is survival.to live another decade in healthy way like exercising ,eating good balanced food,meditation and seeking if god is out there ,having sex with real partners,these small things are the building blocks of happiness.
    mouton1998 and HopefulAndrew like this.
  9. HopefulAndrew

    HopefulAndrew Fapstronaut

    Great post brother!!!
  10. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    It would be hard to refute that they were masturbating, and they might have been stimulated by their imagination or seeing naked women. I think voluntarily releasing semen without having sex is gonna fuck u up in the long run.
    HopefulAndrew likes this.
  11. HopefulAndrew

    HopefulAndrew Fapstronaut

    Is it safe to say modern society, and mostly western culture has fucked up? Due to hyper sexualization and men are obviously weaker nowadays compared to back in the days? especially taking inconsideration, that testosterone levels have significantly declined compared to prior generations and men. Is all of this somehow related to porn or excessive masturbation? So many questions, but the fact is there are hundreds of thousands of young men, like ourselves on self help porn and masturbation forums, having emotional and physical problems, that men shouldn’t be having at out age, something is obviously very wrong.
    Hardwork11 and ahighertruth like this.
  12. Everything is about “tolerance“ these days. If you tell someone something is bad for them you’re “shaming them” and you’re a close minded bigot
  13. Indeed. Orgasm is meant for intimate sex with one you feel emotionally bonded with. When we PMO we are going against how human nature was designed.
    GoldzNTreez and HopefulAndrew like this.
  14. saline

    saline Fapstronaut

    I think when there is something that is hard for society to not do, criticism arises which targets those who know it’s bad and try to stop. Drinking is accepted, yet terrible for health, smoking pot, accepted yet terrible, porn, accepted yet terrible. Because all these things are more addictive than we know, and are extremely hard to stop doing, so hard that society can’t stop noattwr how many drunk fathers abuse their children or drunk mothers die in car accidents and so much more, etc. humans don’t like to work hard, but the ones who do excel in life. So believe in defying the majority, kill porn, drugs, and alcohol.
  15. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    I agree. Porn definitely has increased the desire to masturbate, and created so many problems for men because of how addictive it is. I just don't understand that if it is a problem, and there is an entire community of porn addicts that testify to how much damage it has done in their lives, then why is there people still denying the fact that is a problem?

    I just feel bad because we can't reach out to everyone in the world, but if people know about NoFap they need to realize it does have detrimental effects on men and that it shouldn't be taken lightly. I just hate to see someone persuaded to not do NoFap because of others claiming that it has no positive effects.
    Hardwork11 likes this.
  16. Dub_Bass

    Dub_Bass Fapstronaut

    I see it as the same reason why carcinogens in everyday products disputed in their negative effects. You can find article after article talking about how XYZ that has been linked to cancer isn't really that bad or find the opposite opinion...well i'd rather not use something that has conflicting reports, and with that said one could find detergent that doesn't have XYZ or make their own with baking powder and fragrence.

    The same with porn, you can find articles supporting or refuting its negative effects, however, wouldn't you rather just stay away or minimize the damaging effects if its being discussed by thousands of people?
    Indurian and Hardwork11 like this.
  17. fishfoody

    fishfoody Fapstronaut

    No doctors or scientists can say that porn is bad for you because Porn industry paid them to shut up. If they say anything bad about porn they will lose money and jobs. Porn industry paid buzzfeed to promote porn. Porn industry even have official verified twitter account. This shows that they have power to turn everyone to their allies with power of money.

    Porn industry doesnt care if you are sick and have sexual problems. They only care about making their business afloat. Are you still going to keep PMOing just because doctors say that it's okay to do it in moderation? I am sorry but there is no moderation when it comes to addiction. You either cure yourself and reclaim your life or become even more addicted to extreme porn and risking your health, mind, family, relationship, friendship, and sanity.

    Porn Industry try to make their product as innocence as possible. They will go great length to destroy everything that gets in their way
    Have you heard about this nofap forum getting DDOSed few months ago? I wonder why? Why would someone wanted this forum which is very useful for people disappear? It must be from pornhub and its allies which don't want nofap ruining their businesses so they attacked this website. And the message you read on the top of this website saying that pornhub is trying to bring nofap down is real man.

    We are going the right path. Porn has penetrated humanity and thanks to that, nudity is almost everywhere. don't let porn business rise. Boycott them and educate yourself. Everything society tells you that porn and masturbation are healthy and people do it from time to time are wrong and misleading.

    At the end of the day porn industry wants you to keep addicted until you die
    Timecop and ftgyhuji like this.
  18. It really is hard to wrap one's head around. It just looks more and more like the devil is real. If you manage to remove yourself from the mainstream narrative for any length of time, it's crazy just how sucked in people are. Social control is a double-edged sword; on the one hand, it gives people structure and a sense of meaning and belonging, which are essential for human flourishing. On the other hand, you will think and feel what you're told to think and feel, and when it's your turn for the slaughter, you won't see it coming. Just trust your own instincts, is all you can do. You won't regret it.
    ahighertruth likes this.
  19. LoveIsAllWeNeed

    LoveIsAllWeNeed Fapstronaut

    You'd better see this video.
  20. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    There was a political "sexual revolution" that normalized both porn and masturbation, that took off in the 70s. People who are pro porn and pro masturbation are toeing that party line. Nofap itself, as I just realized today, is actually part of that culture, as it is actually pro masturbation, just anti porn, because porn is considered misogynistic. So according to nofap, almost everyone here is actually a recovering misogynist.
    Are people really addicted to porn? I don't think so. They are addicted to the masturbation, which is a type of sex addiction, the porn is just a tool for masturbating with. It's the masturbation that is harmful, the porn exacerbates it. I'm anti porn and anti masturbation - just to make that clear.

    There's some research now that pot can be harmful. It's better now. When I was a kid there was actually none, everyone said it was a wonder herb that's totally harmless - no such thing. I don't know if they still refuse to call it a drug, they used to say 'herb' to get around it's classification as an illegal drug, maybe they still call it that, I don't care. Cocaine is made from a plant, but I never heard a similar argument for it when I was a teen, maybe there's some lame technicality for why that is - I'm not interested in hearing it though. If it fucks you up it's a drug for all intents and purposes.
    Psalm27:1my light and StarRider like this.