Article: "Science Stopped Believing in Porn Addiction. You Should, Too"

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Theotherstreet, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. vril

    vril Fapstronaut

    Something I thought about after reading this article:

    I used to PMO about every week or two for several years. There were times that I went looking for really weird stuff, but for the most part I returned to the same things that turned me on. And I had a reason I used porn: I wanted to stay single. I did not want to get into a relationship and this was a way I could relieve myself. And to be honest, this time that I've stayed single and independent have been the most productive years of my life.

    However, I was lonely and didn't have much of a social group. So I joined the church. It was the religion I had been raised in, so I was familiar with it. There, I was taught that PMO was a sin and you could go to hell for it. That's when I really started to feel extremely guilty and ashamed about it. Every week I was going to confession and every week I was failing again and again.

    This year, I got even more serious about it. I joined SAA for a short period of time, then I joined a small group that was like a Christian version of a NoFap reboot. I started to put together longer streaks, but relapses were much worse. I was more paranoid and depressed, even suicidal because I thought I could never overcome this problem. The COVID lock-down was pure hell in this respect. So I went from these really high points of being "pure" to these really low points of hating myself for failing. Which looks a lot like an addiction.

    My point of course is that when I was just rational about the whole deal, porn wasn't much of an issue. When I put myself on this absolute moral standard, then porn became THE problem in my life.

    Now I think that putting religion aside, maybe it is time for me to start dating again and porn could be a barrier to that. Maybe there are some emotional issues around relationships that I haven't been willing to look at, and porn is acting as a cover. So I don't think stopping porn is necessarily a bad idea. However, I do think that absolutist thinking about it makes it almost impossible to overcome.
  2. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    It shouldn't be as much in your face. It's shouldn't be the default that it's instantly accessible on every device.

    I believe every internet service provider and every mobile network provider should block porn as the default, and if you want to access porn you'd need to be the account holder and over 18 to turn the porn/adult content block off on your account.

    My mobile network provider already does this. But I believe every internet service provider and every mobile network provider should do this.

    This isn't banning or blocking porn. If you're over 18 and the account holder you can access it if you want.

    At the very least this would save a countless amount of young people from stumbling on to porn content.

    I really don't understand why anyone would have a problem with a system like this. I really don't understand why instantly being able to access porn is the default.
    Jo-trying likes this.
  3. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Yes, I completely agree with this. I would also go so far as to say if you ask a provider to NEVER allow any type of porn/explicit material through that account it should be for life, much like gambling addicts go to casinos and sign a contract that they can never be allowed to gamble in that casino.
  4. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I understand your logic. But there is a few reasons why it would be difficult to do this.

    One reason is porn addiction isn't even classed as a proper addiction. It's not taken anywhere near as seriously as gambling addiction. Even though it is the same thing that is happening in the brain with these two addictions. I would actually argue that an all day PMO edging and binging session on high speed internet would easily raise more dopamine in the brain than what a full day of betting for a gambling addict would.

    But gambling addiction is taken seriously and porn addiction isn't taken seriously.

    So I feel like if someone blocked porn with their internet service provider or their mobile network provider, making it clear to them they wanted to be blocked from porn permanently, but then later got in contact with their provider demanding access to porn, I honestly don't think their provider would refuse them it. It would likely be a different scenario for gambling sites though.

    Another issue is you could simply change your dns on your computer or laptop and this would bypass any blocks. Although you could also ask your internet service provider to block third party dns. But then there would also be the issue of VP Ns. But I would imagine you could potentially get these blocked also.

    These blocks work a lot better on mobile phones. On computers there is more ways to bypass them. But at the very least they would stop a lot of young people stumbling on them. But I feel like if your an adult then blocking your self from this stuff altogether is more difficult. But there is other programs you can download your self that would help you achieve this, and you could also restrict your self in other ways, getting rid of devices ext.

    Something I have mentioned in other posts on this before is to make it next to impossible for you to access it you literally need to go out your way to achieve this. I feel like the system has got it backwards. I feel like you should more have to go out your way to access it. But the default is everyone must instantly be able to access it on every device, and if you wanted to block it to the point it's difficult to access it then you seriously need to take matters in to your own hands and go out your way to achieve this.
  5. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Late to this thread, sorry. Just jumping back to @Theotherstreet's first post
    I'm not sure who the they is you are refering to @Theotherstreet, but do you follow Gary Wilson on twitter? He's the guy behind Your Brain On Porn. I cannot imagine anyone citing more research—he's obsessed. For example here are his curated lists of
    I'm not sure where you get the impression that "they don't really cite their sources", I get the opposite impression.
    Candun and Psalm27:1my light like this.
  6. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    I gotta say this whenever I hear anyone say "P addiction isn't recognized by science".

    Gaming addiction is officially recognized by both the DSM and ICD.
    Person A: Sits on his computer using his mouse and keyboard to play games 10 hours a day, can't stop himself.

    Person B: Sits on his computer using his mouse and keyboard to watch P 10 hours a day, can't stop himself.

    If you think one is addicted on the other isn't, please let me know what drugs you're taking and where I can get them.
  7. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    There will be conflicting scientific opinions.
    You think about it and decided what you think is correct.
    Never rely on the “Expert’s Opinion”.
    Garek likes this.
  8. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    If as you say, DSM is voted merely by Psychiatrists,

    Most Psychiatrists/Therapists out there don’t have proper orientation of the Biological Mechanism of Addiction.
    I have seen many lectures by Robert Sapolsky, Who’s a Behavioural Biologist gave multiple examples of cases where a misdiagnosis of the problem by the psychiatrist caused havoc in the already unstable lives of many people.

    Depression, Addiction is not only Mental, but there’s Biology behind it: Neurochemistry, Evolution, Lifestyle.
    Okiquit, engelman and Candun like this.
  9. SlayTheBeast

    SlayTheBeast New Fapstronaut

    I'm surprised that so many people take this article seriously. David Ley is a known liar. He is the kind of guy who will ignore hundreds of studies contradicting his thesis, then find one study which (supposedly) supports it and then proclaim he's correct and everyone who disagrees is a religious bigot. I used to read his articles, but now I don't even see a point.
    Candun likes this.
  10. Okiquit

    Okiquit Fapstronaut

    Complete bullshit. That's like saying addiction to alcoholism or drugs doesn't exist. I bet that this is written by pscylologists whose paid by dirty p***industry to write crap like that. I highly doubt any sane psychologists or therapists would agree on this article. I had therapy a year ago, before quit watching p***, I quit participating bdsm because I was too depressed and too emotionally hurt and incapleable. So duh, p*** is addictive.

    With that said, morality and religion should not be the reason to quit p***. It's about the brain, too much of anything can destroy both itself and the surroundings. I mean how many relationships who hasn't been destroyed by someone's addiction. Like seriously. This is nothing, but normalisation to addiction and abuse. P*** industry is also abuse since i'm sure there's been major scandals about P***hub not taking down any videos of underaged kids being trafficked and abused and there are survivors of traffickings. No, im no fan of organisation against p***hub due to their anti-LGBTQ history, but it still not changing the fact that p***industry like p***hub are monsters for not only exploiting kids, but also adult sexworkers as well. There's more, but I stop there.

    Have a good day folks!
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  11. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    For those that are confused go and check out the signs of addiction for yourself. A quick google search will tell you if you are addicted or not.

    A hint. If you cant stop watching or you have cravings for P, then that is a sign. David Ley is a known bullshit artist, believe him at your own risk.
    Okiquit likes this.
  12. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    A medical diagnosis failed me at the worst of times. You can search to find the common signs of addiction. Didnt think i needed to explain that one.
    Okiquit, Candun and Dave G 123 like this.