Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Wolfyoufeed, Dec 26, 2019.

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  1. “This is the Way”

    147 vote(s)
  2. “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    2 vote(s)
  1. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the long streak without posting anything and for missing out a lot about you everyone, day 15.

    Sounds like a lot when on while I was away, needed some time to let go of everything for a while. I enjoyed running, skating, skateboarding, drawing, studying, working, talking more these past days while away from the nofap forum and to completely shut down everything concerning porn helped me not to think about it and to enjoy moment of connections with people I met more often and more deeply then when I was on this thing. NoFap is a benefit in a life, there's no other way. Thanks to this community to exist and to every member in this group, we're in this together and I will advance with you and assist you to strive for love and peace inside oneself.

    How is everyone doing right now? What battles are ahead of you/in your life at the moment?

    Take care everyone, NoFap is a blessing. Happy that you're still on the train everyone. If someone did not tell you today: I love you. Doing that is a true mark of love we're letting ourselves have. We deserve that love! Brace yourself, brothers and sisters!!!

    *Battle scream HOURRAAAAA*
  2. Wenceslaus935

    Wenceslaus935 Fapstronaut

    Day 70 check in.

    Haven't checked in for a while. I am really beginning to feel the benefits of Nofap now! Overcame a 2 week flat-line Definitely have increased motivation and much, much higher self esteem.
  3. discovery

    discovery Fapstronaut

    Day 90.

    For my insignia, I choose a Hokusai Wave, to represent the conquest of my fear of deep water.
  4. Back to day 0 for me :-(

    Yup, I hear ya. I'm mostly in that state too. While I think I'm doing the right things - relating to people, doing things I enjoy that are also exercise (eg indoor rock climbing), at the moment, the high passes even quicker than it arrived and I end up back in the rut of low mood etc.

    Congrats on your streak btw. Wasn't long ago that you were struggling to get just a few days here and there. Wishing you all the best, not only with porn counter but with dealing with life, esp the events of the last couple of months. Seems like generally you're coping with things even better than the average Joe would (hard to tell of course, but that's what it looks like from across the screen).
    Gonarth and Unhommebinsoft like this.
  5. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Hey man, sorry to read about it... focus on what you can control plz, you can do it. You can control that "necessity" during the void, focus on other things and let yourself enjoy them. Like when you're feeling sad: use that sadness to do writings, to draw, to sing, to unleash during training that thing because you can't inhibate it, but you can control where you will put that energy, that "necessity" of this thing. I once draw a naked girl because she was really beautiful and she was always in my head. However, I decided to draw and to not let go of that pen until my energy was gone (like a father restricting his son of doing something beyond what is tolerated) and it made me take some time to focus instead on something more beautiful than the "object" I was fantasming about: the details, the eyes, the eyebrows, the proportion of the face, the earlobes, the neck, the chest, the legs, the ankles... focusing on something close to what triggers the envy is dangerous, but is also what us people will always encounter in everyday life: I will have to get close by of these things, and respect what I want to believe and what I want to put value on. Just like you, me and anyone else, when you encounter P content and your desire of M and O rise. Use that energy, but don't try to inhibate it. It's impossible and dangerous for your self-respect and your self-esteem: how can someone value himself if he's always trying to suppress what he really is? That's the true problem of today's society and porn doesn't help at all because it is an easy escape to every problem.

    WolfYouFeed said: Be the hero of your own journey! Believe in you, just like a good father would always tell his own son! Just do it! And you know what? I failed is 100 times more courageous than "what if?" because "what if?" never went to the arena (quoted from a motivation video)! EVERYONE HERE, you chose to be in that arena and I love you for that: you're trying! Even if it is difficult, you still clinge to that hope of a better life and a better esteem. That is pure gold in a world where everything seems hopeless, find that hope and find your own sacrifice please!!

    Love you all, go get it!
    EndPornLiveLife and Gonarth like this.
  6. Wenceslaus935

    Wenceslaus935 Fapstronaut

    Day 73.

    First time I have 'edged' on p during this streak. I returned back to my old apartment this week and I think my old location-based habits kicked in with a vengeance. I have taken steps to prevent this from happening again, and I have decided to block reddit for a few months until I feel like my habits have changed.

    Was very close to losing this streak. I'm going to take a walk and clear my mind. This was a humbling experience, it was a helpful reminder that although I have made great progress on this journey I am very far from the journeys end.

    This is the way.
  7. Wenceslaus935

    Wenceslaus935 Fapstronaut

    Day 74 check-in

    Edged again today. One precaution which I have taken to stop this happening again was I blocked the 'microsoft edge' search engine with cold turkey. For some reason cold turkey can't block within edge like other browsers so I manually blocked the app entirely.

    One peculiar thing I noticed when edgeing the last 2 days is how different P is from reality. I know this sounds obvious, but it really only hit home now. Like, I haven't even found the P I consumed enjoyable. I haven't even experienced any fantasises even remotely similar to what is depicted in P in the last 30 days or so. It really shows how much of an effect this stuff has on your brain.
  8. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Nice man, it just show how much it is not necessary in life to be happy. This is good, keep it up! Soon 90 days, keep pushing
    Gonarth and Wenceslaus935 like this.
  9. I hate the up and down of my emotions right now though they are beginning to stabilize. Flatline just sucks.

    Thanks for the encouragement! This is only the third fourth time I have gotten to 30 days or beyond. I am still struggling with grief but coping a little better with every passing day.

    I also hope you get back fully on track
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  10. Day 31

    Not feeling too enthused or motivated about life at the moment. I hope this flatline period comes to an end soon.
  11. Wenceslaus935

    Wenceslaus935 Fapstronaut

    Day 76 check in, all proceeding on course.
    EndPornLiveLife and Gonarth like this.
  12. Day 0.

    I've not done well at all the last couple of days. I'm back on the train.

    Mate, this was so encouraging. You are a blessing to us here.

    Thank you, I think you're right, we need to re-direct the energy rather than trying to suppress it. That's one part of why I've struggled so much in the last couple of weeks - not doing daily exercise.

    Oh and it looks like your streak is going well! What's helping these days?

    Thanks for sharing. Yeah, so different from reality hey. I've really noticed that in the last few days too.

    Thanks also for the mention of Cold Turkey. I'd never heard of it before. Have just installed it and made a website blocker for P. Handy.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020
    Unhommebinsoft likes this.
  13. Wow, are you stoked? Day 34 currently - nice! You seem to be doing well at posting on here regularly too.

    It can't be easy man, and I'm impressed that you're continuing this at this difficult time - I believe it shows true character, and something you can look back at and be proud of.
    Gonarth and Unhommebinsoft like this.
  14. Wenceslaus935

    Wenceslaus935 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys it is with something of a heavy heart that a mere 10 days before reaching my 90-day goal I have to reset. Ironically I had largely overcome the edging problem I mentioned earlier my relapse today was caused by something else entirely.

    But ultimately I’m not going to make excuses. I have seen how beneficial NoFap is on my life and I have no desire to returning to pornography abuse. Pornography is so at odds with who I am and who I am becoming that there is no way I could ever possibly return to it.

    Rather than fret over this slip up I’m going two triple my resolve to make this reset my last. Hopefully, I’ll be able to look back at his moment and say it was to my benefit in the long run. That it centered me and gave me the focus and drive to become a much better person.

    For now my insignia will have to wait. But the extra time and effort will make achieving it all the sweeter.

    This is the way.
  15. Day 2

    This is such a strong response. Good on you @Wenceslaus935, you've got this. You've got the resolve and the strategies to stay away.

    We're here for you.

    What's your plan for getting past the chaser effect?
  16. Wenceslaus935

    Wenceslaus935 Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much man!

    So I have generally found my urge to watch porn is less connected to sexual desire and more connected to a desire to relax after the occurrence of a stressful event. I'm going to take a two-step plan toward breaking this dependency.

    Step 1 involves improving my resiliency to stressful events. During step 2 I hope to learn how to use stress to my advantage i.e to become ‘Anti-fragile’ in the words of Nassim-Taleb.

    Step 1

    1. Sleep Hygiene: Although my sleep duration is pretty good at the moment; I need to improve the quality of my sleep. I’m eliminateing any technology use an hour before bed to give time to unwind.

    2. Meditation and stretching. I’m dedicating about 10 minutes a day to either stretching or mediating.

    3. Prayer: I’m putting 10 minutes a day aside for prayer.

    4. Caffeine: Although caffeine doesn’t have a stress inducing effect on many people unfortunately it does on me. Since I have already been able to reduce my caffeine consumption considerably over the past few weeks, I should be able to transition to decaf relatively easily.

    Step 2

    1. Weight- lifting. Since I tested negative for COVID I'm able to go back to exercising in the gym. I have already started a new lifting routine and I’m going to try and really push myself past my current limits.

    2. Cold showers: Interestingly this habit seems to be central to all of my successful streaks. In fact, returning to warm showers seems to correlate with relapsing. I’m going to try and push myself to new heights with regards to cold water tolerance.

    3. BJJ: I have never trained BJJ before but I am eager to try it out. I suspect exposing myself to more physical stress and competition will make me more anti-fragile. BJJ gyms are in the process of re-opening in my area so although I can’t begin work on this current step right now, though I should be able to do so very soon.

    4. Socialising. I have recently moved to a new city to begin my graduate degree. I’m going to try my best to meet new people whenever I possibly can. Last year I had the bad habit of spending most of my time communicating with friends who live thousands of miles away. Although I’m going to stay in touch with my current friend group, I’m going to focus a lot more on meeting new people and forming new connections.
    Gonarth and Unhommebinsoft like this.
  17. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Hi mister! 3 days like a glove mate, keep it up!! Focus on the task :)

    Honestly, lost the interest and focused on activities and on goals inside those activities, like in running: trying to follow a marathon program from A to Z and to use what I don't like about myself to bring me closer to the goal of enduring what I'm fighting everyday. Drawing: using what I feel inside to draw raw emotions instead of something that is already created, something that has meaning and that is talking to me. Guitar: singing songs about what I feel, what I want to learn, and even trying to compose songs.

    Everything revolving about things I want to be, to accomplish and when my voice inside me is feeding bas energy, i'm using it to push in one of those "arts" instead of things that I think is not bringing me good energy. I'm focusing on feeding good things to my brain and to reming myself that there is not only me in this planet and that people are part of a cooperative mission against the dark side of life. The good part is that life is rewarding you to get past the confort zone, just like EXP points in video games. I saw an article about video games and philosophy and I think it might give you some tips:

    But like everything, be careful: life is not one and only answer, it's multiple answers but you need to chose what you focus on to advance, because too many things to do at the same time isn't better: it's exhausting and depressing :/

    All these goals inside the goal are helping me focusing on other things instead of that thing that I don't like about myself and I'm trying to put it in arts instead in unproductive coping mechanisms, like porn :/ It's rough, sometimes I hate myself so much for putting me first on the line, but limits must be explored and applied in order to structure our life. It's called maturity and sacrifice. It's not cool, but it is a step to getting past the child version of ourselves, taking responsibilites and bringing ourselves with a purpose. I hope you guys find something to clinge unto, because you're worthy of giving yourself that chance like I and other people are trying to allow themselves to. Don't give up and use it, don't suppress it please <3
    EndPornLiveLife and Gonarth like this.
  18. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Man, I respect your sincerity and you humility in that situation. So close to your goal, i admire you for doing that. Get back up and try again, you can do this man!!
  19. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Just want to reming you @Gonarth that the first time you were grinding in reaching 7 days, now you're getting past 30 days with focus and dedication and it seems like you're doing good, like @EndPornLiveLife once said. This is a monstruous step towards your goal and i'm happy for you! Good job man, keep it up!!! You deserve it my friend :)
  20. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Day 27 check in.

    Discovery about myself that might be helpful for those who want to read about it, proceeds with caution:

    One thing I understood was that porn and other coping mechanisms were used to restrain myself from communicating with people and develop my relationships with people by getting closer to them and to me. I have some social anxiety and discovering other people, being one with my emotions and learning to understand other people had been one of my biggest struggles since I was young, and I think that porn had a huge impact in "giving up" in those communications. As a human, i cannot refrain myself to create connections with people and to obligate them to accept me. It's like I'm ordering people to like me because I made all these steps in restraining/controlling myself, like I'm supposed to be some kind of person that need to be praise for everything that I do because I think my "life" is supposedly better than those around me. That's discusting, and I hate that about me. So many times I fleed from confrontations about believes, discussions and getting better at something. In some way: I don't want to be better or to learn: because it is bringing me out of my confort zone! But, I need to get out of it quick, getting out of the confort of being not good, of sabotaging myself... I need to accept that I can bring myself to be better at something, and something I think it's worthy of sacrificing instead of what I think it will please others or the society. What is the purpose? What is it that made it worth it to continue? What is it that brings peace, joy and harmony?

    Sometimes, giving up is the key. Giving up in being perfect, in being someone you're not, in faking relationships... what if being successful is about being happy about what you do everyday instead of being there for others, working 80h a week, training like hell until you vomit?

    I don't know, what are your thoughts on that question?
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.