What is your opinion about masturbation (without porn)?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BloodyM, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. Do you have any evidence for anything you just said?
  2. thelightfantastic

    thelightfantastic Fapstronaut

    The first thing i want to say that, if this was a survey, 90% of people here would say that it is bad.

    They wouldn’t be wrong, but they wouldn’t be right. Just having an account here demonstrates your (Significant) bias, why sign up to a website to quit PMO unless you have had a very bad relationship with it?

    If you did a survey on an unrelated site the % would be much more balanced.

    so the answer is that it’s individual, fluid and it depends specifically on your relationship with MO, so for the majority of us here it isn’t any longer a positive one and so it is percieved as bad.

    Personally i struggle to return to having a balanced relationship with it, like someone said if you start again (with our background of PMO) its a slippery slope back to behaving like an addict. Completely agree.

    not everyone has that though snd so for others it’s a positive thing to do, can give you all the benefits that many people experience with it.

    if i relapse I do connect with myself better actually but unfortunately i also get the side effects of anxiety, disconnected from my wife, poor concentration etc.

    So enjoy your point of view, it is valid. But don’t be too judgmental :)
    Timecop and bestme996 like this.
  3. Wave Surfer 2.0

    Wave Surfer 2.0 New Fapstronaut

    You don't really seem to be using much objectivity or rationality yourself there, mate. Do you know that the function of eating fast food and candy is pleasure? So why don't you eat chocolate cake and pizza every single day in order to feel good? Because it's bad for your body. Because your body wasn't designed for that. The point of masturbation, at least for men, is to spread their genetic material and continue the species. By taking your own hand to bed instead of a female, you are not doing anything your body was designed to do. And for a porn addict, that keeps reinforcing unnatural pathways in your brain.
  4. The function of eating FOOD is nourishment. In humans, eating food also happens to give us pleasure. Fast food and candy are still nourishing, though far less than other foods.

    Because certain kinds of food are known to contain substances which have an adverse affect on our health. I'm assuming that's the answer you wanted?

    I do not acknowledge the concept that the body was "designed" to do anything. There are certain biological functions that it is able to perform. And eating junk food is bad for your body - you are correct. But what does this analogy have to do with orgasm? You still need to demonstrate why masturbation is bad for your health. I challenge you to find ONE piece of evidence that supports this.

    How many times will I have to say it until you people get it? The point of masturbation is pleasure. Do animals who masturbate think that they are impregnating anything? The point of SEX is to continue the species.
    I don't agree with the concept of design. You keep avoiding the question: what about masturbation makes it unhealthy? Please just tell me one thing.
    Here it is. You finally found the actual issue. I thought I would have to hold your hand but I guess you figured it out on your own. Certain behaviors and substances, while benign or even positive on their own, can have negative effects on predisposed individuals. That is why we are here, that is the point of this website. Jerking off in excessive amounts to the point where it has negative physical and mental effects is unhealthy.

    But here you are making the case for why masturbation and orgasm are unhealthy. This would never be tolerated on an unbiased website.
  5. Secular reasoning! LOL
    "bro dont put ur dick in your hand it's not supposed to go in there!" source: secular reasoning

    Dude, if you are a troll you've totally got me. You might be the best troll in the world.
  6. takezawa2

    takezawa2 Fapstronaut

    thank you for responding with some logical reason. Some of the anti fap responses are extremist and kind of scary!!
    FellatiousD likes this.
  7. takezawa2

    takezawa2 Fapstronaut

    My goodness!! Quite the responses here!!! I’ll share MY perspective - I’ve had a very unhealthy relationship with porn for over 10+ years. At my peek level of P addiction I developed porn induced erectile dysfunction. I was watching extreme things and still not getting aroused. For me I need to reboot my brain from porn and be able to maintain an erection without stimulants. I don’t think there’s anything WRONG with masturbation, but for me I’m just not fully rebooted to have a healthily relationship with M.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  8. takezawa2

    takezawa2 Fapstronaut

    No need to be sarcastic and rude. We’re all trying our hardest here. This is difficult.
  9. thelightfantastic

    thelightfantastic Fapstronaut

    thought I’d politely wade in here, he never said that compulsive masterbation was ok or good, he said masterbation was ok.

    Because masterbation is a bit like junk food, occasionally if you fancy it and are in the mood mood, no biggy.

    Anything compulsive is bad for you and is usually destructive behaviour, think hoarders, compulsive eating, compulsive social media use, some people compulsively pull their hair out or bite their nails to extreme.

    there isn’t anything wrong with masterbation unless you think there is, some people think it isn’t and don’t get negative effects from it.

    so it’s an opinion not a fact, depending on your experience, point of view and your background.
  10. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    It is very much a fact: Masturbation is detrimental. Let’s prove it.

    I invite all the people who think it’s fine to Masturbate(No P) on a regular basis, to list the benefits(if any) it showers upon these people.

    And please don’t say it helps prevents Prostate Cancer. There’s no Large Scale Widely Accepted Study for this.
  11. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Exactly! Wait, let’s see ‘em list it. It will be fun. :)
    StarRider likes this.
  12. thelightfantastic

    thelightfantastic Fapstronaut

    Sorry but asking a bunch of pmo addicts on this site to back up your point of view Doesn’t prove anything, it’s is hardly a representative sample of the wider population. Your cherry picking your audience. That’s like asking alcoholic anonymous if the people there believe alcohol is a healthy and social thing to do.

    Also, even the evidence for porn induced addiction is a source of centention and isn’t proved. There is sone evidence but it isn’t proven.
    For the sake of this debate, i do believe porn causes addiction changes and causes you to have an unhealthy relationship with sex.

    I would argue porn addiction causes the things that you are pointing too, its a super stimulus and changes interactions in neuralchemistry in the brain.

    to both members; There is no evidence that masterbation does this alone, find me peer reviewed evidence that says otherwise.
  13. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    No, please. Let us have a factual listing. This way we can avoid the taking over of emotions in these discussions.

    Please elaborate ‘this’
  14. thelightfantastic

    thelightfantastic Fapstronaut


    This is my last reply as i have my own thesis to write, put simply, there has been no research that proves masterbation is unhealthy or harmful. None. If there is, you find it, why should i back a point with evidence that doesn’t exist?

    Porn induced sexual behaviour change has been investigated and there is some evidence that this is true, I believe that this evidence is pointing in the right direction and has helped thousand (myself included) to recognise how harmful it is.

    and to make it abundantly clear, because i get the impression you guys are confusing the two: believe it or not there are men out there who don’t or have never used porn or got addicted to porn.

    to prove what you are saying, you would need to sample these very people in research and prove they have the same detrimental changes as those with porn addiction.

    on that note have a good day
  15. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    It becomes a conditioned Reflex, yes. Pavlov’s experiment.
    Either of the two is associated with the other.

    Have a good day! @thelightfantastic
    thelightfantastic and StarRider like this.
  16. Honey_Singh_420

    Honey_Singh_420 Fapstronaut

    It won't serve the purpose. Period.

    You might have got in to nofap because the porn addiction made your intelligence dim enough to see only holes and jerk off right away.
    While abstaining from porn and masturbating, you're just avoiding the pixels on your mobile/laptop. Instead, you run the show on your mind. Thus one is bluffing with their cause when they say at least they can masturbate.

    Well, the deep-rooted habits with or without energy stuck in your body makes you fap.
    All you could do is don't give in to the the habits, instead question them heavily.
    Where did they come from?
    Do i really need to follow and give in?
    How does this habit create urge?

    Also you need a creative release. That's why people say pick up a hobby or do something productive.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  17. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    You mean it’s ok to do it after 90 days and see what the affect is if you have urges
  18. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    Pmo will make you lazy right? Loose motivation
    Honey_Singh_420 likes this.
  19. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah! Big time laziness.
  20. Honey_Singh_420

    Honey_Singh_420 Fapstronaut

    Yes it will
    thinking_differently likes this.