Why you should never drink alcohol- Not even 1 Drop

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by goodnice 3.0, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    You are free to do whatever you want, of course. But I say this to you, as a warning, out of love. If this sits in the mind of even one person, then I will count this as successful. Someone once warned me and I am forever thankful, because their words are seared in my subconscious. Those words... Not one drop!

    Since you all know the detrimental effects of PMO, if you have not tried alcohol, I would strongly recommend you never try it, not even one drop. ever. Does that sound extreme?

    Well, consider all the damage PMO has done. Remember, the first time you did it. It seemed like fun right? It was awesome right? But I am sure now, if you had a time machine, everyone of you would have done anything to tell that little you not to do it!

    Think about all that you have lost, the potential good times, the self esteem, the chance to be the man you wanted to be.

    Drinking could just be "fun". But what IF your very first drink is the start of a long road of alcohol addiction. You are in for so much pain, even losing your life possibly to drinking and driving. You never know. Why even go there? This is my mindset. Why even touch it after all the damage you have seen PMO do in your life?
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  2. whiteflag70

    whiteflag70 Fapstronaut

    Your intention is good but yeah, it's kinda extreme. It's like saying don't ever have sex cause it may lead u to become a sex addict and u could get hiv/stds.

    More important is where a person stands on the self-awareness benchmark and is he aware of the risk of that particular activity. How many have the proper emotional management skill to healthily process difficult emotions rather than self-medicate/distract ourselves with porn, drugs, alcohol etc. And many of us weren't even aware that porn addiction existed until we heard about NoFap.

    I have a weakness for porn n weed, so I stay clear of those two. Some have no problems with weed at all, some do. I drink with friends at bars (when I do go, which is rare) and hardly drink at home even tho I enjoy whisky. So alcohol is not an issue for me. But I won't drink or even mention alcohol to a friend who is alcoholic.
    I believe more relevant is how well do we know ourselves and our surroundings.
  3. 7seeds

    7seeds Fapstronaut

    Sex is a natural part of life , drinking alcohol and taking drugs is not. The analogy is not good or correct.
    I will take a guess and say nearly all the stupid and bad things that you have done in your life were done while intoxicated. Avoidance is the best way.
  4. whiteflag70

    whiteflag70 Fapstronaut

    Your post however good intentioned was not about whether it is natural or not, it was about the danger per se. So i am responding to that part. Replace the word alcohol, and the same argument can applied to drugs, no? And in some parts of the world, alcohol and weed is part of the local culture. That makes it as 'natural' as can be.

    Your guess is off. Alcohol was never my drug of choice, so no, and i came from a family of non-drinkers. Half a beer can (at most 1.5 cans when i am feeling really macho) and i would be sleeping, i am a cheap drunk. In college i feel asleep once during class and once puked at a party. That was the limits of my stupid things done while drinking. My late nights, zombified/desensitised/damaging attitude came mostly from constant porn and weed usage. If anything, i should have used more alcohol to get me to sleep more rather than spend so much time smoking and watching porn.

    Even though i think more people die from alcohol related stuff than weed, i am hesistant to generalise something as "the best way" for everybody.
    kaylee time and clearfur like this.
  5. 7seeds

    7seeds Fapstronaut

    Taking drugs of any kind is not natural .
  6. whiteflag70

    whiteflag70 Fapstronaut

  7. PerseveranceToday

    PerseveranceToday Fapstronaut

    I've never knowingly ingested alcohol in my life. One time I have I wasn't aware until after the fact. After knowing what porn has done to me, I am firmly straight edge. And let's not forget that as awful as PMO addiction is it pales in comparison to the destructive potential of alcoholism.

    But hey, I'm pretty sure a lot of people can drink alcohol safely in a social setting. All my friends do, and all it took was one outing where they all got drunk off their ass (maybe two) for them to realise everything's a lot more fun in moderation. It's not wholly evil. I'm never gonna touch it though.
    7seeds likes this.
  8. I stopped drinking in 2019. Relapsed two times.
    It feels great to be sober. It really does. No drinking, no hangover, fights, useless talks etc. Just being myself, with myself. Never drink, it will mess you up. Peace.
    Timecop, PerseveranceToday and 7seeds like this.
  9. whiteflag70

    whiteflag70 Fapstronaut

    It's nice to feel sober, and alert. personally, what is nice is also once in awhile, on a cool night to have a ciggie and a shot (maybe 2 ciggies and 2 shots of whisky). Slowly sippin' that delicious golden liquid while having a nice chat with someone dear. It enriches the quality of my life.

    I only say this as i don't have any addictive alcohol tendencies. For others, a shot of that whisky could be the start of a major relapse. Some people would prefer a toke. That same toke could be the start of a major relapse for me. And we all have our opinion which maybe biased on our own life experiences. Like i said, how well do we know ourselves.
    kaylee time and clearfur like this.
  10. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    You’re kidding yourself. Delicious golden liquid? Give me a break. Alcohol is absolutely repulsive. No one in their right mind enjoys the taste of alcohol. It also doesn’t enrich your life in anyway. Anyone who feels the need to drink alcohol in any setting, is uncomfortable in their own skin. The majority of people drink in social settings to temporarily overcome their anxieties. Fact is, in any amount, alcohol is a poison. Moderation is the key to capitulation.
  11. whiteflag70

    whiteflag70 Fapstronaut

    Just so you know, i smoke as well so a bit of poison doesn't really bother me. I'm sorry you feel the need to act like a religious fundamentalist and imposing your (in your own mind) superior standards on others. Anyone with such obvious uncomfortableness with the taste and preference of others shows how insecure they really are beneath their outspoken exterior. Would also take someone with a narcissistic tendency to believe that their opinion carries so much more weight than the opinion of others.

    I personally do not like beer, don't care much for wine but find a shot or 2 of whiskey (Hibiki 17 or Craigellachie 13) to be absolutely delightful with the right company, the right mood. That's purely based on MY own experience. Perhaps you are just mixing with the wrong people and would consider expanding your social circle.

    As for "Moderation is the key to capitulation.", i guess it applies to some people, some things. Does it fit everyone, every product, every vice/temptation out there? I do not believe so. I have no problems with the occasional gamble either. I'm fortunate enough, at this point of my life to finally know myself.

    p/s - any of you guys here married? what do you think of a thread titled
    Why you should never get married - Not even once
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  12. We are all part of nature. Anything a human does is natural. Aboriginal tribes in Australia use plants to make medicine to cure illness and native Americans smoked tobacco, I don't think anyone could argue that what these people do is "not natural".

    Yes, each to their own.
  13. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    All I see is word salad. Stop justifying your degeneracy. Not that I care what you do.
    AlphaGod and 7seeds like this.
  14. 7seeds

    7seeds Fapstronaut

    And yet your name is the Three Fold Path, the first of which is ethics , of which the 5 precepts are fundamental. And the BUddha specifically stated no alcohol or other intoxicant that clouds the mind.
  15. Yes. But that doesn't contradict what I said. You said "Taking drugs of any kind is not natural." which I said is untrue, because if it was unnatural nobody would do it.

    I don't use drugs, but that doesn't mean I get to go around shoving my point of view down peoples throats or making judgements against them like some people on here do. If someone is happy to chill out with a drink, who is anyone here that can label them a "degenerate". A porn addict calling someone a degenerate? Give me a break.
  16. 7seeds

    7seeds Fapstronaut

    Looks like I hit a nerve . ha ha ha . Funny af.
  17. I don't know how you get that conclusion from my comment. I am just saying it how I see it. And what I see are people being judgemental hypocrites.
  18. On nights out with company I can and do drink a lot and enjoy it too. It would never occur to me to chug a bottle of rum alone or something like that though.

    OTOH for most people watching porn is not a compulsive habit yet here I am being unable to stop every time I relapse. Apparently different people have predispositions for different addictions.

    So goodnice's advice is not silly. However there are negative consequences to being a teetotaler - like missing out on a lot of socializing. In contrast, I can't think of a negative side to not PMOing.
  19. PerseveranceToday

    PerseveranceToday Fapstronaut

    I agree with your point in general but want to insert my own anecdote here, I never drink but I'm still able to have plenty of fun with drunk mates. It's not as hard as you imagine.
    kaylee time and 7seeds like this.
  20. Just wondering, do you consume refined sugar? It rots your teeth and harms your health in many other ways. Also..

    "A highly cited study in the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews found that sugar—as pervasive as it is—meets the criteria for a substance of abuse and may be addictive to those who binge on it. It does this by affecting the chemistry of the limbic system, the part of the brain that’s associated with emotional control.

    The study found that “intermittent access to sugar can lead to behavioral and neurochemical changes that resemble the effects of a substance of abuse.”

    Perhaps you think you don't eat or drink much sugar. Well, take a look at the ingredients of what you consume.
    kaylee time likes this.