Gonna end the huge Monk Streak!!

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by EnterTheMatrix, May 23, 2020.

  1. thanks buddy, googled it to find the thread, already finished almost 20 pages.
    It's interesting that I am finding similarities in my techniques with his. I was wondering as to why I stopped having wet dreams since my last one which took place on day 82. It turns out it was because I have been doing stretching exercises for the past couple of months and this was the reason why I don't have wet dreams lol. It's mindblowing really how your body can guide you
  2. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Very true, that ballsoffire can't get.
  3. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    Brother I totally get everything on this journey as Im on it for 7 years. So I know very well what tricks our mind tend to play.
    I never said you should release once per week.

    At my age (37) I can prolly have one orgasm every 30-35 days, but I dont want to do this. Even now, at 82 days, I dont want to release because I will still feel
    the loss of energy. Several seconds of pleasure is not worth that many days of grinding.

    With that being said, I plan to fully recharge to about 120 days (this is my top and also full capacity so to say lol) - last time at that point I had so many wet dreams and I was literally overflowing with energy. Maybe I did not knew how to control it - this time I try to think about sex less and be more productive (like EVEN more because I exercise, do yoga, weighlifting, cold showers, meditation, working on side projects etc - living healthy eating healthy no sugars no alcohol or caffeine etc) - so along with this journey I also mastered myself. With that came the realization that women or sex was NEVER the culprit.

    Porn was. Addiction to masturbation was. But NOT women or sex. I never actually had ENOUGH of HEALTHY sex with HEALTHY women in my life.

    I had several LTRs but only one girl was really healthy, and with her sex was really a healing experience. For both of us, and we loved it.

    Saying that sex, or loving yourself is something evil is just stupid and it only proves one has not mastered any control over it.

    Like alcohol - now I can have a drink and NOT do it the next week or next day. Or next month. Same with sweets. I have TOTAL control.
    And with that control, sometimes I eat a candy bar but I still choose to ABSTAIN from it on 90% of the time. Because I FEEL BETTER that way.

    With that being said - I believe its GOOD for your body to actually have a normal, full blown orgasm with a woman (or if you dont have one - masturbating if done right and NOT to porn) just so that your system can reset, your glands can reset, your semen production can reset. And you wont lose all of your semen or energy from 1 orgasm after ,say, 100 days.

    After that you DONT jump back to porn or masturbation. That probably takes even more strenght of will due to collidge effect/orgasm chaser (the feel to have another one soon).

    That is my truth, feel free to have your own world view.
    I listen to my body and mind and at this point after several YEARS of working on myself I KNOW whats best for me and my body.

    You need to find whats best for YOURS. Our ways might be different. That DOES NOT make them WRONG for any of us.

    Hope that clears this out for you.

  4. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    if your on 181+ days then its more than 6 months. How old are you?
    You need to answer yourself why youre on this journey, what you want to achieve? whats the end goal?
    healing your dopamine pathways? healing your sexuality? willing to be able to be in a relation with a woman?
    mastering yourself?
    have you mastered other areas of your life?
    are you transmuting this energy?

    if youre doing all of this like me, then you will reach a time when you will know its not about the releasing or not anymore, but it will become a normal, healthy
    cycle for you. just like with every other HEALTHY NON ADDICTED TO ANYTHING
  5. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Nah masterbation can not be done right, this guy is full of talk, but is subscribed to harmlessness theory of masterbation.

    Story from chinese rebooter:
    How it started
    It first started out from when I first felt pleasure caused by friction movement and it was followed
    by what is best described as “once you pop you can’t stop”, I became addicted and was unable
    to pull myself out, the addiction has taken hold of me. The analogy of “Once you pop you can’t
    stop” is something that I see fairly often in the rebooting forums and is comparable to the
    bursting of a dam. Therefore the saying that no harm is caused from moderation is very much
    BS due to the fact that once you start it’s no longer possible to quit, just like the opening of the
    Pandora’s box.

    I have studied the process of masturbation addiction as well as in other areas such as addiction
    towards drugs, quitting drugs, smoking, gaming, shopping. The process of addiction is similar to
    that of being allergic in that there can be many stimulants, this is why it’s so important to
    surround oneself with a clean environment. Addiction can be grouped into two categories,
    physical addiction, and psychological addiction. The human addiction mechanism is closely
    related to dopamine. Dopamine being a neurotransmitter is responsible for communicating
    information between the cells, it is one of the fountainheads for the pleasure center of the brain.
    Because dopamine is mainly responsible for transmitting pleasure related signals, the secretion
    of dopamine is often out of balance for masturbation sufferers. rebooting must correct this
    imbalance by getting rid of the addiction towards sex. Many people have a hard to stay clean
    because the psychological addiction is too deep where the subconscious is filled with filthy
    material. The only way to rid these filthy material is by a complete rewiring of our thoughts and
    deny that material which causes the addiction. If our first reaction by looking at a beautiful
    woman is arousal then we are finished. If our first reaction is indifference then that would be
    correct, in time our determination will strengthen. Beautiful women is like electricity, we must
    transform ourselves into insulators, beautiful women is like a magnet, we must turn ourselves
    into a wood. Remember, you are in control of your desires and not the other way around, you
    will not become the slave to your desires.

    Masturbating is Pleasurable
    If this tale is frighteningly familiar, you’re not alone. Almost every heterosexual male has lived through this cycle.

    To explain this phenomenon and its impacts, let’s start with dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for controlling the brain’s reward and pleasure centers.

    Behaviours such as eating and sex release dopamine because of their necessity to survival. Due to dopamine activating the brain’s reward system, you become more inclined to seek out these behaviours in the future.

    It’s most commonly depicted when talking about addiction that drugs like cocaine, heroin and meth are the culprits. But it is now evident that various behaviours which repeatedly reinforce the reward, motivation and memory circuitry can all lead to addiction.

    The 10 stages of rebooting
    Stage 1: This is when we realize that masturbation is affecting our healthy negatively and we
    have a thought about quitting. However, after reading about the harmlessness theories of
    masturbation we are not so determined anymore, we think that masturbation in moderation
    should do us no harm. This is the very initial stage of rebooting which is characterized by
    ignorance and naivety. The result: failure!
    Stage 2: We gain a small understanding of the harmful effects of masturbation, but not a
    thorough understanding. The result: failure
    Stage 3: We begin to study other peoples’ experience of rebooting and we try to break our
    rebooting record. Although we have managed to set a new record on the number of rebooting
    days we are still unable to break out of the vicious cycle. The result: failure!
    Stage 4: This is the confusion stage, after numerous failures, we start to doubt ourselves. At this
    stage, we are not putting in enough of a fight, no fight no victory! The result: failure.
    Stage 5: Our body gives out signals once again and it’s clear that our health has deteriorated.
    Once again we make up our minds to quit and rely helplessly on the brute force method without
    learning about the correct methods. The result: failure.
    Stage 6: We begin to see the harmlessness theory for what it is, that it only works to trick the
    “children”. This is when we experience a breakthrough in our way of thinking but we still fail to
    understand why we are unable to quit masturbation. The result: failure.
    Stage 7: This is the stage of understanding, gained from reading vast amounts of rebooting
    articles, we begin to acknowledge spiritual teachings (such as Buddhism) which helps to
    increase our determination tremendously, we break the 100-day streak. The result: still failure.
    Stage 8: The thorough cleansing stage, we are starting to cleanse ourselves both consciously
    and unconsciously. Once this idea has entered our subconscious we easily break the 200-day
    barrier. There may come one day when we are browsing the internet and have our guard down
    or we have been slack in our rebooting studies, we therefore stumble near the finishing line. The
    result: still failure.
    Stage 9: We are almost there now and have become even more careful, our understanding
    takes on another level. We are no longer affected by dirty thoughts, what we see do not enter
    our intentions, what other people sees and like we react with caution. We are steady in our
    heart even amidst rough winds of thoughts. We have discarded the habit of masturbation
    Stage 10: “Nothing to begin with, how can nothing stir the dust”. We have come to the highest
    stage where all things returns to simplicity, just as the “sweeping monk” from Jin Yong’s martial
    art novels. Great skill is hidden in plain site, this is only achieved by the Master.
    Tips: Everyone should be able to find their current stage in rebooting, just like in video games
    we have our levels, once we have reached that level success will come. If our level of
    understanding is not there we will have a hard time to quit masturbation, for a master there is no
    difficulty, while mastery is difficult to achieve for a layman. Hopefully, everyone will continue to
    study rebooting articles, the day when we find our “aha” moment is the day when we can walk
    away from masturbation for good. For the few bright people with keen minds, they are able to
    skip over stages just as a bright student is able to skip grades and the poor student will need to
    remain in the same grade.

    Below let’s talk about harmlessness theory and the theory of harm from restraining:
    Harmlessness theories tend to be very confusing and misleading because everybody knows
    that after marriage there will be sexual activities, why shouldn’t there be any such activities
    before marriage? Many people carry misconceptions in their thoughts and will ask such
    questions, they would also agree on the idea of harmlessness from moderation. Back in the
    days I was also confused by the harmlessness theory and deeply misled by it, these seemingly
    correct theories are highly damaging to teenagers and inexperienced brothers. These theories
    will allow the masturbators to sink deeper into the trap when the body is displaying symptoms it
    is past the time for regrets. In the many cases that I’ve seen, brothers would always criticize the
    harmlessness theory as they think that it has harmed them from the very start. Therefore, with
    regards to the harmlessness theory, one’s position must be firm and resolute, there is no room
    for doubts, or else it is impossible to become clean, one will only wander aimlessly in the vicious
    The hole in the theory of moderation is ignoring the addictive quality of masturbation as it is
    highly addictive. Once hooked, you are no longer in control, like a breached dam. Many brothers
    would do it twice once they have relapsed, even indulging in several days at a time, impossible
    to hold back. Why is it that after marriage, it is allowed to have a sex life? In the post-marriage
    sex life, one must, of course, pay attention to “moderation”. Records since ancient times have it
    noted that sexual excess weakens the body and induces illnesses. Many brothers in the
    rebooting forums are already married, yet they still want to reboot, why? Because the body is
    greatly weakened and is stricken with many symptoms, one must reboot or it is all finished.

    Regarding harmlessness theories, I will name an example, after seeing this everyone will know
    how to treat harmlessness theories. It goes like this: Two people come up to you to talk, one
    says that elephants are grey, the other says elephants are blue. The first person supports his
    claim with good arguments while the latter comes up with even better arguments, this is when
    you start to hesitate and don’t know who to trust because both sides have good arguments. In
    this moment, I will tell you a method and that is to go see yourself what color the elephant is!
    Reality triumphs rhetoric! Similarly, when it comes to rebooting, you can directly look for cases
    from brothers in suffering and study them, let them speak for themselves and discover the truth
    in them. Cases are the foremost precious resource, the reported conditions are the most real.



    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
    False promise likes this.
  6. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    He calls masturbation “self love.” How delusional can you get. Masturbation is literally the opposite of self love. I don’t care how many days you retained for.
    Captain! and leetspeak like this.
  7. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    There is no self love if you are releasing the nutrients needed by brain, body and spinal cord, its just acquainted with highs of orgasm.