Gonna end the huge Monk Streak!!

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by EnterTheMatrix, May 23, 2020.

  1. I would say for the majority of people on here (99%) yes you are NoFap 'Monk' mode

    If you are really pushing the boundaries and want to be an elite league with only true monks and yogis... then these guys abstain from even wet dreams! The idea is to purify your mind completely (not a bad goal for a lot of nofappers)... however even some monks say this can take 12 years to acheieve. These people push themselves through to a perfect level of celibacy where no blood ever flows down towards your gentials; the idea is that you're body receieves the energy, especially your brain where you achieve a high level of 'ojas shakti'

    Just sharing this as you mentioned 'Monk Mode' LOL.
    Josphat and EnterTheMatrix like this.
  2. Also this means you will never ever be turned on by women again ever in your life
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  3. My experience has shown me that masturbation is completely different than marital sex. Having sex with your spouse is much more fulfilling, fun, and guilt free. And it strengthens your relationship. Masturbation leads to self satisfaction and can lead to a downward spiral into uncontrollable masturbation and PMO. Don’t fall for that trap. Wet dreams are the body’s natural way of releasing semen. Don’t do anything to help that release or you will pay for it (unless you are married and can have a healthy sex life).
  4. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    It's not me, it's from our chinese brother from on nofap, it's his story I just copied this from one of his articles.
  5. Josphat

    Josphat Fapstronaut

    If you work hard I believe it is possible to do away with wet dreams. It is all about awareness. Check the book Allatra for more.
  6. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    I had somewhat similar experience. after 100 days I started to experience often wet dreams during night, sexual dreams.. and then I felt ''lower'' for a few days... I managed to go towards 120 days and then I just had to relapse, it was too much for me.

    took me few months to jump back on track now Im on 74 day and felt great, yesterday did some qi gong exercise and got full night of sexual dreams, today I felt like I ejaculated [I did not and no wet dream to my knowledge] so thats VERY odd. idk.. but it feels like your body really want us to ejaculate once and in a while. everyone sweet spot is somewhere else, for me I think its around day 90... sperm maturation happens around day 75 day too

    what I learned is that it is a cycle : nothing in nature retains its semen forever. humans should not do it either I think.
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  7. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    So is it all right to masturbate occassionally after much gap but only once?
  8. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    YMMV. Everyone is different. There are no iron rules to this, we need to create our own... I am just saying that theres no animal in nature that retains seed indefinitely. Its against nature. Everything in nature that goes up, must come down. You cant have eternal ascend... you WILL descend at some point this way or the other.

    Some people will say - body will regulate this with wet dreams, others will say - your prostate will get sick when you get old, some say - no, you can go 3 years no ejaculation... to be honest I dont know anyone in person who goes that long, so its not possible to prove as we are on the internet and everyone can tell whatever they want to tell right?

    I say, if my sperm matures in my body in 75 days (scientific fact) , and I feel my energy overflowing so much Im having constant erotic dreams and erections and wet dreams around day 120 then this is my ''pool'' capacity, right? My body has its own wisdom and its trying to tell me something.
    However in this session I try to go longer and see- maybe I have learned to control the urges more and it will move more towards 150 days? I will see and post it in here.

    With this being said, I believe its IS healthy to ejaculate once or twice just to not let your body think youre completely stopping the use of this organ and the whole system - as in that old saying ''you not use something it stops working''. After such a long time it wont make you lose all the energy in 1-2 ejaculations, if done properly with a good quality women (not to porn). If it does, then youre doing something wrong. Or need much more healing, idk - I can only say in my own experience.

    I write down everything my current cycle is session 26 (that means I had 26 written down attempts to go past 100 days of no PMO, from which only 2 succeeded)
    I failed so many times man! But I never surrender. I battle this addiction for 7 years!!!
    Its hardest. I won over alcohol, sugar, drugs, cigars... everything. But this shit is the most powerful one. Possibly because I started when I was a kid, right...

    So I will see. I can tell that during last long session I had tons of sexual dreams around day 80, this time almost none. So I might be learning to work with the energy after all, I put it into my side projects, working out etc.
    Also... around day 80 I usually start to have this sensation in my prostate- like a temporary contractions, like a vibration, that last for 1-2 seconds and dissipates. Like a twitching nerve, only stronger. Maybe its my body telling me - hey, its time to empty the tank and fill it again?

    Also, I dont believe in complete abstinence. Sex is NOT unhealthy. Our addiction to porn is. Dont demonize our bodies. Check sexual kung fu channel on YT.
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  9. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    No it’s not. Don’t listen to this guy. We humans have brains that allow us to do things other animals can’t.
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  10. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    This also true
  11. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    dude. I am not forcing anyone to do anything they dont want to do.
    I am expressing my truth thats all.
    you have right to not like it but I will continue to say it.

    the very same brain should tell you that your body has a function, and you should listen to your body. when its telling you to go and pee and empty your bladder,
    you dont hold it for next 7 days just because you have a brain and can control it, right? you will eventually get sick from this.

    nothing in nature goes only up. its a cycle. up and down, left and right etc.
    if you want to become a life-monk then sure go for it, but sexual energy is the major drive of humanity and its the strongest energy.
    you CANNOT control it by SUPPRESSING it.
    it will COME OUT eventually.

    the only way is to transmute this energy, and this requires YEARS of dedicated practice like Qi-Gong and really strong practice.
    my point is that once you have healed your porn addiction and your body is working fine, youre not jumping back to your bad habits drugs porn etc
    it is OKAY to resume having HEALTHY relationships with women and your own body.

    you should not feel TENSE about it. if you do, then youre still repulsing part of yourself.
    sexual energy is made to circulate between men and women, not only stay in your own body.

    in my own experience, I feel better when I am accepting that this is a cycle. I do 100 days of semen retention, then I have sex 2-3 times and ejaculate, I feel great and satisfied, my glands and organs are exercised and happy as they are working according to their purpose, then I go on another 100 day (or so) cycle. My old semen is used, new one is built.

    Ultimately there is nothing wrong with masturbation or sex. Its PORN that damaged us. Compulsion, habit, addiction.

    This is about self control and strong will, not about never having pleasure from your own body. Thats just naive and silly.
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  12. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    The truth is objective my friend. There’s no such thing as “your truth.” You comparing the release of urine (a waste product) to semen, is ridiculous. We’ve heard it all before. Why are you even in this retention forum if you think masturbation is perfectly fine? People here don’t think kasturbation is acceptable, ever. If it was, you could kasturbate without porn regularly and have no ill effects. It’s common sense. Anyone who says porn is the issue not masturbation is quite frankly, delusional.

    Btw, I never claimed you were forcing anyone to do anything. However your words very well have had a negative influence (in my opinion) on our brother @EnterTheMatrix behaviour. Which is why I stepped in and offered a dose of reality.. not prancing pixy dust reality you live in. I find it hard to believe you’ve maintained 100 day streaks follow by relapse consistently. How many times have you gone 100 days relapsed and gone another 100?
    mr.incognito and EnterTheMatrix like this.
  13. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Our reproductive organ is not a muscle that needs exercise to not deteriorate, as much as lactation comes to a pregnant woman when its about to give birth so is ejaculation comes to a male for reproduction in its righful time, it is always there and will never go away if you don't use it, it is a gland, and it has purpose intended to do. We dont force our tears when we dont want to cry, tears come off natural, so do we need to exercise crying, it will just damage our gland, just like everyone that come here on the forum because we all have a damage gland, our gland for reproduction.
    EnterTheMatrix and False promise like this.
  14. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Wow great analogy bro... perfect.
    EnterTheMatrix and Captain! like this.
  15. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    Im not comparing it, Im giving you an example.
    Theres no such thing as ''my truth''? seriously? cmon man...

    the only objective truth is that we all going to die. the rest is subjective.

    "People here don’t think kasturbation is acceptable, ever." - and who said that? God? no, you did. its YOUR TRUTH. subjective. not objective. dont get ahead and think everyone believes or wants to live like you.

    ''If it was, you could kasturbate without porn regularly and have no ill effects'' - did you had any negative effects from masturbation when you were young? because I did not. I could ejaculate 10 times and masturbate for hours. no ill effects. you know why? because your supply of that specific lifeforce energy was being replenished far more efficiently then when you hit 30s.. and you get older. do your research. masturbation is not bad. its natural. kids do that. adults do that. the problems arise with addiction, overdoing this and PORN connection.

    "Anyone who says porn is the issue not masturbation is quite frankly, delusional." - everything in excess is bad. if you masturbate 20 times per day, its a problem. if you do it with porn, its a problem. if you watch porn everyday, its a problem. But you need to understand that for people who were never addicted to masturbation they can do it without bad effects IF THEY DONT OVERUSE IT. Those people exist. I am not one of them, but they exist. you are in denial. your choice.

    however, once you f. up your nervous system with porn or overmasturbation - then of course you wont be able to indulge in this habit as in the past, just like alcoholic wont be able
    to get back to drinking ''as he was drinking in his early years'' because negative results will come back really quickly, even after long period of abstinence.

    thats all. you go on a mission saying masturbation is evil. its not. its a main way of people discovering their own sexuality. thats all.
    overusing this and creating bad habits is wrong, not the act in itself. its an act of self love and if you cant love yourself, you have a serious problem buddy.

    EnterTheMatrix is just your brother as much as he is mine. How old are you btw?
    I feel no matter what I say now you will just use my words to attack me instead. And I dont want to talk like this.

    Lets make a step back and take a breath. we all here to grow and learn from each other. peace.
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  16. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    well, if you get older and youre not using your 'organ' you might have higher chances of getting erection dysfunction. ask older guys - 60 years +
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  17. can you share his website or blog or whatever where you found this? It's truly inspiring, I need because it is getting hellova difficult for me these days
  18. Your mind is tricking you, if you think you can do it once a week you'll be back to binging. Trust me. It's either all in, or all out. You'll start to rationalize each time you want to release and boom, just like that you're back to square one.
    Captain! and False promise like this.
  19. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Nah why go far, they are old their body are deteriorated they don't just have ED they have much more. why just ask many men in this forum who got ED because of PMO.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2020
  20. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

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