Nofap BOOTCAMP ; NO PMO/ HELL Mode [Open]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by MONSTER MONK, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. bornagaingirl

    bornagaingirl Fapstronaut

    Day 34. Walked 10k steps. No relapse.
  2. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Reporting from the weekend service :emoji_european_castle:

    Happy padre's day! Some notes as below.
    Relationship with the padre.
    Interpertation of the Father's love.
    Father's concerns; having the right job, right income. But in somewhere written, "you are enough." "The light of the world." You are the light of the world. Now is in darkness as it implies this pandemic. But one day this would be rewritten. We have the right to do it.
    Casper400, Symbol of Peace and fg4795 like this.
  3. 105 checking
    Easy day.
    Donated the blood.
  4. bornagaingirl

    bornagaingirl Fapstronaut

    Day 35. Watched a sermon, listened to worship and worked.
  5. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Daily pt is done.
    Spent the day calmly.
    Some negative thoughts about the future.
    Immediately listened some mental stuffs.
    A virtual time with friends.
    That's all for now.
    Symbol of Peace and fg4795 like this.
  6. Casper400

    Casper400 Fapstronaut

    Starting back over, day 0.

    Had a rough day. My father passed away in January 2018, today was Father's Day. Was supposed to hang with friends but have been by myself all day. Reasoned myself into giving myself a break and PMO. Then pretty much a girl I've been kinda in love with most of my life that I've known since 7th grade sent me a picture she finally got of her and a guy she's seeing. So that hurt and I reasoned to myself I needed a load off again.

    Felt exhausted from prep and video interviews I submitted today, but forced myself to continue on my functional hypertrophy (body-building) training and feel great and renewed. I was defeated today, but I am feeling like I'm getting in the rhythm of doing the right thing - PMO is really the only Vice that I have over me consistently. I once kicked its a** for 5 straight months when I first started on this forum.

    I want to be remembered as living in a way and being one and a million vs. being one of the millions.

    This Virtue of self-control will be a central part of that.

    Let's get it guys! I'm going to start checking in more with the Soldiers here!
  7. bornagaingirl

    bornagaingirl Fapstronaut

    Here's some motivation for you guys!

  8. Casper400

    Casper400 Fapstronaut

    Love this! Motivation fuel!
  9. Day 106
    Or let's say day 1
    Of the hell week for my exam.
    Woke up early.
    Today I just studied, worked, workout.
    Repeated until thursday.
  10. bornagaingirl

    bornagaingirl Fapstronaut

    Praying for your exams, @fg4795
    You've got this!

    Day 36. went to therapy and worked.
  11. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Martial arts :emoji_juggling:
    Preapraing exam :emoji_coffee:
    Found some new things to add into the boring schedule. Hope there's 48 hours a day.
    That clip is well motivated.
    Respectfully out.
  12. Thanks for the thoughts, they're much appreciated :)
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  13. Hope you will get the best my friend :)
  14. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    You too pal!
    Symbol of Peace and fg4795 like this.
  15. Casper400

    Casper400 Fapstronaut

    Reporting Day 1 onto Day 2 today:

    Reading more of the Bible, spending more time in prayer, and reading a transit Christian book designed to bring me closer to God. Includes journaling a thought and reading two chapters of scripture, which I’ve added in addition to my daily 3 chapters per day.

    Keeping my diet pretty clean, with the exception of being invited to eat out with friends. And staying in sync with my training program.

    Lets get it Soldiers!
  16. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    I'm reporting,
    Physical: swim :emoji_swimmer:
    Mental: parenting :emoji_family_mwgb: kinda repetitive to the previous, narcist parents create narcist kids, not always but mostly. Another discover was, parents heights and weights are related to the kids. Also depends on the surroundings. Nurtritions and metal stuffs.
    Spiritual: appreciation to the food :emoji_fork_knife_plate:
    Academic: new things need to put on hold. Exam first.
    I'm oscar mike.
    Casper400, fg4795 and Symbol of Peace like this.
  17. bornagaingirl

    bornagaingirl Fapstronaut

    Day... 37/38 (I see I was a bit confused with the days lol).

    Yesterday worked a lot again and saw the veterans (grandparents) :)
    Casper400, fg4795 and Symbol of Peace like this.
  18. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Let the counter do the work, while you make the days count :cool:
    Casper400, fg4795 and bornagaingirl like this.