Smartphone fasting for 3 months, What I've learned..

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Mujahid21, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. Mujahid21

    Mujahid21 Fapstronaut

    The mental clarity is so important for supporting our nofap journey. One of my biggest decisions in maintaining my mental is quitting SMARTPHONE. it took much times for knowing what's my biggest problem actually. I start to study and do my own trial and error. I'd done self improvement stuffs but it doesn't work. then I found I'm addicted with social media. I tried to delete my account and social app, but after several weeks I downloaded those stuffs and "RELAPSED" with porn. Recently, I knew the main distraction is not social media, it's SMARTPHONE. It's like I want to quit smoking but I bring the cigarettes with me. It doesn't work.. then yeah, I give up with my smartphone.
    these several things which I get after 3 months smartphone fasting:
    1. Increasing my empathy. I become someone who cares with my family, friend and even with random people.
    2. Decreasing 90% of distractions. Porn, social media, games, and youtube become the common problem for fapstronouts. and smartphone bring them altogether.
    3. Stop comparing my self with others
    4. Focusing on my present.
    5. saving my money. I don't think too much upgrading my phone and its stuff. I can save my money for my hobbies and work.
    6. Reducing my anxiety. I become more confident and don't think too much about "what will happen to this world??". get rid the random news from your circumstance can help you to reduce your social anxiety.
    And these are some information about it:

    let you try it brothers..
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
  2. johnnythejohn

    johnnythejohn Fapstronaut

    Motivating post mate!! I've done smartphone fasting too and I can agree with your benefits list. We put too much attention in these smartphone and do not see the reality around us.
    :)-keepsmiling and Asgardian36 like this.
  3. Mujahid21

    Mujahid21 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, keep spirit bro...
    :)-keepsmiling and johnnythejohn like this.
  4. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations man!

    its really impossible for some people to NOT have a smart phone..
    :)-keepsmiling and Mujahid21 like this.
  5. Mujahid21

    Mujahid21 Fapstronaut

    thanks bro. it's really hard to quit using smartphone at the first time. but, I feel very hard for quiting porn when I bring my smartphone with me. I try to make it possible..
    :)-keepsmiling likes this.
  6. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    I decided to unsubscribe from all social media, to block games and distracting apps like youtube. Now, on my phone, I only use Whatsapp, along with productivity apps, financial apps or important ones. I only see Netflix and other film platforms on my Fire Tv, so only the evening in my living room. Now I find the time to stay with friends, to work out and to read books. Oh, I also stopped playing with my ps4, it is time to grow up! (I am 17 yo)
    :)-keepsmiling, Mujahid21 and aston20 like this.
  7. Mujahid21

    Mujahid21 Fapstronaut

    that's nice dude, keep forward..
    :)-keepsmiling likes this.
  8. Are you ever going back to using a smartphone?
  9. Mujahid21

    Mujahid21 Fapstronaut

    for the first trial absolutely yes. because I justify my self to use it and forget something dangerous on it : " the easiest access for Porn "

    but right now I dont use it.. and I hope never use it anymore. I have struggled with the smartphone and internet addiction which lead me to porn and Comparing my self with other people. I still need the internet because of the benefits. without smartphone, I can control the using of internet. Walhamdulillah..
  10. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Woah that's intense. Must have been difficult. I am proud of you!
    Mujahid21 and :)-keepsmiling like this.
  11. titkata92

    titkata92 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations. That's a good thing you did. But I don't think smartphones are a problem, as long as you know how much time you spend per day. I recently bought an iPhone 7 quite cheaply because to can contact with my friends. I use it 30 minutes a day or up to 1 hour per day. I get texting quickly with someone to go out or tell me something important and i leave it. the most important thing is, that not whether you have a smartphone or a regular one, but how long you use it and for what.
  12. Mujahid21

    Mujahid21 Fapstronaut

    That's wonderful brother,
    I'm smartphone addicted. so, I decide to quit. I suppose my self as someone who has problem with the sugar (diabetic), so I need to quit sugar consumption because it's bad for me. But that's not meant sugar bad for everyone. Keep forward...
  13. Mujahid21

    Mujahid21 Fapstronaut

    It's difficult. But not impossible. cheerss..
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  14. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    I understand what you say. Even porn is an addiction. So in order to stop it, we don't do it anymore. An addiction must be extirpated!
    Mujahid21 likes this.