Athens Academy

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. M=3:27
    johnnythejohn, ....... and fg4795 like this.
  2. I ordered some materials . Absolutely concluded that regimes are not for me, as I am such a free loving spirit .

    I have so much books, I have read so much for my age .
    Some people I see on the street, the difference between us is like tons of books ... It is not even funny anymore. Hahah
  3. B=1:49
    johnnythejohn, ....... and fg4795 like this.
  4. Do you find you retain the information well and easily?
  5. It depends .
    Info is complex .
    It's kind of impossible .
  6. CE=8
    The day before
  7. H=0:15
  8. CE=3
    (5 hours for the exam ;) )
  9. It last so long?!
    Leader of ME, fg4795 and ....... like this.
  10. B=2:55
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2020
    johnnythejohn, fg4795 and ....... like this.
  11. The exam itself was 3 hours and a half.
    But be present on the zoom chat, be recognized, complete the first part of the exam(1 hour about theory), make your pdf, upload to the professor, a break to check if everything is okay with the upload, second part(2 hour and a half of exercises), solve them, make your pdf(heavier this time), upload, check, go out.
    Well time flies in this occasions ahah
  12. johnnythejohn

    johnnythejohn Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone!! I will join this studying Academy. I'm preparing for 2 difficult exams and I need all the willpower and motivation to do my tasks.

    H - History
    E - English
    L - Literature (just 10 days before the exam)
    G - Geography
  13. Bethoven says, if he doesn't play a day, he realises, 2 his friends, 3 days in a row - the world . It means, 3 days not practice normally equals to.. you lost it .

    Let's get it, scholars .
  14. cr7da8055

    cr7da8055 Fapstronaut

    Hey @fg4795 its great to know you study chemical engineering. Currently,I might get chemical engineering in a top 15 college in my country. I love chemistry,especially organic chemistry. I’m so so with physical,but I kinda hate inorganic,but I have to study it cause it’s there. I need some advice on what things to expect if I took chemical engineering. I once had a plan to start a chemical company and beat DuPont at everything,for whatever reason :). Is the chemical engineering course same in all countries?
    Ὀρφεύς, ....... and fg4795 like this.
  15. cr7da8055

    cr7da8055 Fapstronaut

    @BeastBoyBalling 獣 im in. Studying to get into engineering.
    I study Physics,Chemistry and mathematics(P,C,M)
    Ὀρφεύς and ....... like this.
  16. I am glad .
    Though I see your counter,
    saw this in the duels with you .

    I will allow myself an advice .
    I know you love to study and work and you are a hard-worker and a good boy , but
    First, concentrate the mind to get on the right path . Take some time, before pushing study, just to feel yourself . To take aim !
    cr7da8055, Ὀρφεύς and ....... like this.
  17. My friend you will discover that it is everything about thermodynamics.
    I mean chemistry of course is fundamental, but we do not need to deep into chemical modeling of atoms or single elements. We have the larger vision about the industry. I've been taught do not care so much about every little organic reactions present, we model what we might put in and what we expect to get out.
    I'll give you an example from my thesis.
    It was about anatase in the waste water treatment.
    Of course I studied and modeled the little reaction, of course I know everything about optical features of the atoms of anatase, and how it is related to the pollution present in the water, but in the end that was not my thesis was about.
    The question was:Using anatase in that process, no matter what will happen inside, will improve the selectivity of my process? Will I be able to obtain cleaner water? Could I save money? Could I implement it in old reactors or I need to build new ones?.
    So if you're really into the atomic reaction and why they happen, I think that maybe you can find your way in chemistry, or industrial chemistry maybe :)
    cr7da8055, Ὀρφεύς and ....... like this.
  18. C=2:46
  19. cr7da8055

    cr7da8055 Fapstronaut

    Oh okay,so something more practical chemistry,than something which is possible only on paper and not feasible economically? Wow. So in a way you try to use your creativity to apply what you’ve learnt about various compounds and use them to achieve practical results? Correct me if I’m wrong. Impressive work there,my friend. Gives me good thoughts about taking up chemical engineering!
    ......., fg4795 and Ὀρφεύς like this.