Are games bad for dopamine?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Ghost79, Jun 4, 2020.

  1. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I want to repair my dopamine levels from years of overusing porn and temporarily also not listen to music. But should I add games to that list as well?
    desmond3 and Akeakua like this.
  2. redapplecigz

    redapplecigz Fapstronaut

    Yes, video games are extremely bad for dopamine levels. Think about it bro, when you play games your brain is getting a straight up dopamine jolt which is why they are also so addictive and why so many kids these days act like lifeless zombies.

    if your gonna do NF you need to stop or at least cut down on the gaming too bro if you want to experience the full effects of NF....and if you want to maximize the effects then you should eat healthy and exercise too.
    desmond3, Buddhabro, punch54 and 4 others like this.
  3. I quit playing games but more because of my perfectionism.
    I wasnt happy until i unlocked everything i wanted
    Akeakua and AngelofDarkness like this.
  4. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    Games and videos are definitely things I’m looking to cut. They give you the extra dopamine you’re accustomed to from porn, and keep you from really “living” as well as you could. Go outside, get your hands dirty. Feel pain from hitting your thumb with a hammer lol. No, not on purpose. You can listen to classical music, that’s a healthy genre.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  5. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    @Ghost79 For me, 1..2 hours a day of gaming is not bad. If you are playing more than that, maybe you can consider reduce it.
    GTraven95 likes this.
  6. iLoveRain

    iLoveRain Fapstronaut

    I game like 2.5 hours in pretty much every evening and it didn’t affect my PMO recovery in any way. Now, I don’t know maybe it’s different for others.
  7. I quit video games completely and have been game-free for almost a year. I cannot play them in moderation. Too many times I've gone without any sleep into work during a weekday because of my obsessive desire to keep playing. The last time I saw the sun come up and I was still playing, I knew it was time for a change. I've since deleted my Steam, GOG, Blizzard, and Minecraft accounts and deleted all my emulators and ROMs. PMO addiction is already bad enough on its own. No more games for me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2020
    Akeakua and redapplecigz like this.
  8. Games contain tons of triggers and wear down the dopamine system.I gave up many games and i don't regret.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2020
  9. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Well are we talking classical music or pop, first person shooters or strategy games? You see what I'm saying?
    theflutesofSilenus likes this.
  10. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    What's the difference of shooters and strategy games on dopamine levels according to you?
    Overcome Fear likes this.
  11. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Do you really need to take my word for it if I say chess and go are slower paced? You think accessing porn for instant gratification is only relevant with the patience or lack of it only "according to me?"
    theflutesofSilenus likes this.
  12. Ask an alcoholic (a person with addiction problems): Well are we talking whiskey or red wine, hard liquor or beer?

    Addicts, which is certainly not everyone, need to completely abstain. Non-addicts can use moderation. Moderation, when someone is addicted, doesn't work very well.
    Redemptionisrequired and Ghost79 like this.
  13. Mitsuro

    Mitsuro Fapstronaut

    Gaming is definitely an issue for me too. I have stopped in the past, I can and have wasted so much time and energy on games. I could and have just game all day and half of the night. I feel resistance to stopping though, I really hope I can.

    Stay strong all.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  14. Mitsuro

    Mitsuro Fapstronaut

    I’ve just deleted all my gaming stuff. All gone! I really needed to do that. Time to reset this frazzled brain.
    Overcome Fear likes this.
  15. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I just started playing Far Cry Primal. But getting bored now that I am overpowered lol!
  16. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Yeah except that doesn't follow. Do you think a fps addict can even be interested in chess to the same extent? You might as well say all videos are bad, even educational ones.

    And seriously don't you think a good number of people know that about addicts? I would anticipate that's already commonly known just by the fact we're talking details. Sounds like pointing to the obvious.

    And actually I happen to know people can be hooked on Go, but even if those people are on here I think they can tell you it works at least a little differently.

    There are food addiction programs that ban all sugar, we can say that's good but do you want to focus on everything or at least a few things? You forgot to check the label on a food product, ohf its reset time. Lets list every single possible addiction and all abstain from all of it, does that work?
    theflutesofSilenus likes this.
  17. LethalSlim

    LethalSlim Fapstronaut

    Ya I've been thinking for a while that I need to drop video games because I know that's an addiction I have as well. I started to and it felt really good; But due to my current life circumstances and also the timing of the virus, I got really depressed and lonely and started going back to video games a bit. Especially on weekends because I live alone and don't usually have much I have to do on the weekend other than mowing or laundry. I always kind've knew it was something I should drop. I'm definitely keeping a close eye on it now that I'm seeing ppl back up my thoughts that it kind've holds me back a bit from getting better.
  18. Mitsuro

    Mitsuro Fapstronaut

    Yeah this virus was definitely bad for me regards gaming as well as PMO, I deleted all my gaming stuff yesterday. I want to build a solid life and not carry on down this path I’m on.
    Overcome Fear likes this.
  19. Yes I do. I was addicted to Counter Strike, UT, CoD, and BF series of shooters and then to chess when I quit playing computer games. I even had a chess rating and joined USCF at one point and had acquired many books on openings, middle game, and endings. My favorite openings were the Ruy Lopez as white and the Sicilian Defense as black.

    For over a year, I stopped studying for my job and spent my all my free time playing against the computer and going to clubs. I wanted to get better. Getting a good rating takes a lot of practice and dedication--it's basically a part time job and can become a full-time job if obsessed enough. I studied and practiced roughly 4-5 hours a day to only to have a mere measly rating of 1200. I realized then that I was just transferring my gaming addiction from video games to chess.

    I've seen my relatives go from alcohol addiction to gambling addiction; they were indeed sober now, but living in poverty from losing all their money at the casino. I don't why it happens, but addicts are prone to transferring the addiction from one activity to another when they finally quit.

    People who practice moderation don't feel a need to defend their chosen lifestyle; they know what they are doing doesn't affect them negatively and so there's no contention about their life choices. Only addicts feel the need to rationalize and defend bad choices. If playing games doesn't bother you, then please continue playing them. For me, games are an easy way to disconnect from reality and not face the many problems and fears that I've been running from all my life.
    Uriichi likes this.
  20. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Yes, and you are simply not all addicts. Many do not have the concentration for something like chess. I also don't think generalizations apply across the board even if there's a point to be made.

    You also basically just used your own example and completely ignored the information that doesn't support your point. YouTube can be addictive, should people give up all videos including educational ones? Or is it the platform rather than the content? What do you think about brain training games for people who may have learning disabilities? It's not what most play but it's a game, even video games.

    I'm discussing the subject and making distinctions, it isn't always just defend bad choices or whether something bothers a person. This is a problem when everything is about personal experience. We're on a forum not a share at a meeting. Those possibilities may be enough for hard core addicts but I'm sorry it is just too simplistic to explain everything and everyone.

    And I actually don't game, so if you think that's why then that was your assumption.