100 Days Without P or M - The Ultra Marathon (Started on May 15, 2020)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Jefe Rojo, May 7, 2020.

  1. 18 clean and green days down. Heading out for a run. Feeling good, fam.
  2. *****************
    DAY 19
    Checking in. Just did intense plyometrics workout for 60 minutes. I’m spent but I feel good. Feeling strong today. Let’s make it to 20!
  3. "Charted Accountancy is not easy". This is what I have heard people saying about it.
    Better late than never! Keep it going my friend :)
    Jefe Rojo and Nikhil001o like this.
  4. Are you from India?
  5. Today hit flatline, but not depressed or anything, just feeling little light headed.
  6. Yes, I am from India.
  7. 18th day is in the books. Saw a really inspiring video of someone who left their corporate job to become a Navy SEAL. This is really inspiring to get out of the comfort zone.

    A really boring day work-wise.
  8. Hell yeah. This will be my "Hell week" coming up. I'm a bit nervous but feeling stronger than ever!
  9. Yeah, the next 20 days are historically tougher for me but I’m not going to do anything that will disqualify my participation in this race. This time I’m going to find a way to make success happen. I’m definitely feeling stronger than I usually have in the past at day 35.
  10. Simple but very effective rule of Nofap: Keep your hand out of pants.
  11. True. If you take it a step further you could say: “keep your thoughts clean so that you never go there”
  12. Someone said 82 days to go??? Waaaa!

    By the way what are people thinking to do when they complete day 100? If indeed they reach there (god willing)...

    ...I was watching this guy on YouTube who said he stopped doing challenges because at the end of it... he would jerk off to celebrate.... haha it made me laugh! Anyhow just throwing this out there for a giggle.

    Take it easy all... day 18 done and dusted.
    fg4795, LongWayToGo, Juha and 2 others like this.
  13. Juha

    Juha Fapstronaut

    I've had experience with the Leangains (or 16:8) method of fasting and lost weight doing it. I would recommend it to start with. Here's a comprehensive guide to intermittent fasting from a reliable website. Hope it helps.
  14. The commitment to NoFAP gets stronger.
    I wish I could repair the damage done in the last decade. But, with each day of NoFAP, repair is happening, and NoFAP will continue forever.

    I might try preparing biryani on 100th day. :) It has been a long time I had eaten some really delicious biryani.
    Let's see how the days uncover.
  15. Not feeling like working and doing the household chores.

    But anyways will have to do all these, as I am living alone.

    Feeling stuck career-wise. I don't know where to go.
    Feeling clueless about future. Just wanted to write how I have been feeling today.
  16. Sounds like a great plan! I have tried making Hyderabad style biryani... still have a long way to master it. I went easy on the chillis last time, this time I might try adding a few more.

    Day 19 people ---------- Day 19
    Sorry so impressed with myself I had to say it out loud a few times
    Day 19! lol
    fg4795, SpeedPRDGi, Jefe Rojo and 2 others like this.
  17. *****************
    DAY 20
    Welcome to day 20! Today I’ve been having thoughts about my past and how many times I have failed and why should this time be any different. But I’m dismissing those negative thoughts. I hope that once I get to 100, which will be my personal best streak, I will feel a bit more confident in my ability to overcome MO. These next 30 days will be telling for me. If I can make it to day 60 I think the rest will be smooth sailing.