Time to become real men.

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by False promise, May 3, 2020.

  1. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    wanted to share this with you my fellow men:

  2. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    judgement day is here. We’re in the midst of it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Here is another one, I know long posts can be boring to read, but it is a good post.

    The Sexual Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. To begin we should look at both the past and the future.

    In the 1900s, men would in essence buy women for money and once they grew old they would be discarded and women would only sleep with wealthy men. Fine, there’s that inherent nature of men wanting sex and women wanting someone to provide but it was detrimental to both parties. We advanced beyond that by instillation of family values as the economy got better that’s how we got the “wife and two kids in a house”. That was a norm that was not just functional but good.

    Our present begins with women who were raised on romcoms and Disney movies where Prince Charming is always there to provide; to give her a chance to live in his castle and enjoy unlimited material wealth until she passes. Our present is also dictated on the men who grew to watching hyper-simulating pornography and with movies and advertisements, purporting that they must be sex-crazed and the availability of women are endless. What does that create women that want to live exorbitant Kardashian lives of luxury and men who want to have their own harems of a constantly changing roster of women.

    But real life isn’t like this; so systems were created so it could be. That’s how we got to now with the rise of onlyfans, where women living in a time with more education, opportunities and access to wealth are willingly choosing to become digital prostitutes. As well as men, who ,depending on the level of isolation and mental illness they have, range from the ones that want their personal online harems to the obsessed mentally depraved, commonly known as a simp. We took the idea of sex and provision and accelerated it far beyond our monkey brains are meant to be able to access it by turning it into a simple transaction. We are not progressing, in fact we are actually regressing back to what many people argue were bad times sociologically for both men and women. Instead of building relationships, we are consuming multiple facets of them via monetary transactions. Want to meet a guy? Swipe through your endless hoardes of horny orbiters. Want to have sexual pleasure? Just buy nudes. However these luxuries have an expiry date, you will grow old and your looks will fade consequently your orbiters shall leave you for a hotter younger version of you. People will no longer pay to see your body, leaving you poor, lonely and worthless. The only talent you will have fostered is in taking photos of your body and the only thing you will have as your body naturally enters a child-bearing stage is the fleeting happiness of being wanted. Your Onlyfans didn’t liberate you, it just made you a product to be sold, bought, consumed and disregarded like all other products. There are ofc exceptions to the financially literate 1% of onlyfans models as well as ones who can lock down a simp then enter what would normally be an unfruitful relationship.

    Now the future? Japan. Japan is one of the most loved countries in the world because of their increased technological advancements and leading the charge in innovation. It’s economically prosperous, they have what is probably the lowest homelessness rate worldwide. The food and weather is great, the phones are cool but the people? The people are depressed. Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. There is a huge population problem as men are too scared of having partners and raising a family. The women are afraid of missing out on work and generally work until they are old. The porn available in Japan is more advanced and with more fetish shit that allows the youth to spend days if not weeks strapped to VR headsets constantly pleasuring their dopamine receptors away. The modernity we crave is a farce and the culture our forefathers fought day and night to protect is being sold off as we continue to enter massive efforts of consumerism.

    In this day and age, any 11 year old can access the most degenerate, psychologically and spiritually damaging pornography that’s ever been created all within a few clicks or even a google search. We are currently a mass guinea pig generation of being overly stimulated by every facet of our lives. We have no hard data as to how our modern day luxuries of social media, easy access to sexual content and general automation is killing us yet we are so addicted. In the 70s, men had to buy pornographic material to jerk off: at a store, in front of a neighbourhood shop clerk who’d probably know him and with an ID. It was done discretely and as a whole looked down upon. Nowadays, ph doesn’t even ask wherever you are 18 before showing you the most filthy subsets of fetish material like gang rape, incest(step mom and step sis) and cucking porn. This isn’t just easy-access, it’s normalised. Memes of porn are widespread and the ph Twitter accounts even engages with Oreos’ twitter account and vice versa. People forget that at the end of the day, porn companies (Mindgeek to be exact lol) is a company who’s main priority isn’t benefitting you but to make a profit. Ph is not “wholesome”, it is a business model that relies on constant watching and addiction. Ph is also an enabler in refusing to take down videos of child sex acts and child abuse.

    Porn isn’t “normal“, it relies on trivialising black men into sex hungry beasts and selecting recently-turned 18 year olds and women who look prepubescent fuelling pedophillia. Look no further than ex-porn actresses, who not only regret their former careers as it affected them mentally and physically but how they view the new legion of actresses who get prolapsed anuses and torn vaginas seeing as nearly every scene is violent to a degree.

    Porn is not free, your data is being collected and siphoned off to advertisers. They purposely concoct ways in which people will not just start watching but keep watching. Referring to Gary Wilson’s Your Brain On Porn, porn is acting like a drug once it is consumed and to reach that same pleasure it drives on novelty ( This may be why avid porn watchers then start to watch disgusting shit they’d have not even spared a second for before addiction)

    “If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation” -Salahuddin Ayyubi, 12th Century CE In 2002, when Palestinian residents of Ramallah turned on their TVs, What they encountered wasn’t news nor any Palestinian authority programming; they encountered hardcore porn. Three of the four TV stations in Ramallah, had been occupied by Israeli troops. In short, porn was used as an act of warfare. It was used to spiritually cripple the people of Ramallah, corrupt their children and make the men distracted. Nowadays, it is weird for you to choose not to watch porn. This is war and we are under crisis.

    We had been lied to and told porn was okay. “Everyone is doing it, it’s fine.” “You’ll grow out of it” This is no longer the case, a porn watcher now would most likely be a porn watcher for life unless they make changes for themselves. But the important thing is to realise you have a choice. With knowledge most things become a choice. You can choose to bask in your luxuries and comforts and to make them a part of your being. Why eat healthy? You could order UberEats! Why work out? You can play vidya game! Why actually search for a loving partner? Xvideos is free! Alternatively, you can realise the short term pleasures you gain from doing these things will naturally offset you to become a shell of the person you could be. That they are not worth it after the tenth time only making you weak and soft. That after all the hours wasted, you gained nothing but lost everything. If you choose not to open your eyes to the new reality and the choices you must make, then when they are forced open by pliers, it will break you and consume your wellbeing and morale. To conclude, you can join what may very well be a generation of physically weak porn addicted overly-consumerist childless men and women or you can decide to lead the change and be the person you’re destined to be, a symbol of greatness; a showing of the lineage of thousands of years of hard work and perseverance. Choose wisely.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2020
  4. I read that before, such a great post, everyone needs to read this and think deeply about it
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2020
    PowerfulSRE and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Very great post man, keep them coming, inspired!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2020
    PowerfulSRE and Deleted Account like this.
  6. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    a post from sr reddit:

    When you’re weak and ashamed, your eyes show your weakness and shame. When you’re strong and pure, your eyes show your strength and purity.

    Looking people in the eyes not only shows respect for them, but most significantly, it shows respect for yourself.

    Retaining is what improves the soul and the eyes, along with many other things, and this gives you the confidence to talk and be with others openly.
  7. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    True! Every single word.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. jaybelgium

    jaybelgium Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing! It was really insightfull. Recently they also offered premium versions for free because of the national lockdowns. See it as a crack or heroin dealer, your first shot might be for free but then they will have a customer (addict) for life, it's the same principle
  9. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    I agree!

    Every male needs to be a real man, period! It's our biological destiny.

    Pornography isn't the ideal way in being a man! No way. You basically hack your brain to something that's artificial.

    I define a real man as a MAN that is in control of his life and he's working toward his ultimate potential. He is capable of navigating through life spiritually, physically and mentally and is able to solve problems fearlessly. That to me is what a real man does. I'm not there yet. Far from it. But I'm working on this.

    So yes society really do need real men. Natural masculinity has been lost. We need to reclaim it. I still have anxiety talking to women. This is insane if you think about it. I'm a male so it's in my BIOLOGICAL destiny to be comfortable with women. Mating should be natural, not artificial. The fact that I'm anxious around women tells me a lot about myself that I need to work on being the best man I can be.
  10. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    i would change your definition. you cannot always be in control of your life, yet you can be a true man. look at gladiator, he was a captive, yet he was a man.
    also i dont like that you point out that he ... is able to solve problems fearlessly. a man doesnt need to be fearless. a man acts despite his fear. thats what courage is. it is not an absence of fear.
    a good definition is: a man is someone who is willing to refrain from pleasure in order to pursue what is arduous and difficult.
    Bozzo, Timecop and jaybelgium like this.
  11. Master21

    Master21 Fapstronaut

    Bro..I am with u..I am right now feeling mental pain urge regret..and I want to ask u how u deal with the urge pain and regret of your porn and mastbration past life?
  12. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    dont dwell on it. also be thankful that god has been so long patient with you. let it motivate you to never go back there again, and strive to make most of the time you have now left. many people dont come to their senses in a lifetime. be glad, your not one of them. better late than never. rejoice that you get to have another shot at life. thats more than most guys get. dig into it man, and become aware! there is only regret if you look in the past and dont look forward. you cant change the past, thats why you feel like shit. because you cant do anything about it. but what you can do, you can absolutely change your future. by taking massive action now. so look forward. figure out what it is that drives you, and go for it. dont look back. the regret will be gone in a second.
    Life Project and becomingreat like this.
  13. Master21

    Master21 Fapstronaut

    OK bro .tnxs..and do u know how long for the pain to go from my mind according to your expirance?
  14. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    So far I shared months old posts, cuz recently even on SR Reddit there is some dropdown with quality posts. Many newbies are there thinking they know everything after 5 days NoFap, or just writing about wet dreams and stuff.

    But here is one post from yesterday that is worth reading.

    A Healthy View on Sexual Energy - Sexual Transmutation Basics 101
    I've been getting questions regarding transmutation and a whole process of awakening, so I decided to write about transmutation. In a simple manner, for both beginners and more advanced people around here. Without complicated techniques or very specific beliefs, kinda of in a nutshell.
    “Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature.”

    First you need to understand that sexual energy is your life force. This means that you entered this world thanks to it, and will be leaving when it leaves you. So , it is one remarkably important in both using and sharing, which one should carefully attend to.

    Such a powerful energy can go to one of two directions :

    • The Mind - When one is highly focused, and diverting the energy up, he will have more awareness, more focus, more discipline and endurance. This means that you are not merely searching anything physical (especially short term) but using your creativity for something yet to be seen.

    • The sexual organ - Through which you expel your life force. It has the function of reproduction as we all know, and dissipating that energy.
    Don't believe me? Think about the times when you resort to a lot of pleasure, what do you get turned into? A complete simp. A simple monkey or lustful animal. Am I right? Too bad.

    Lessons in Pleasure: The more you get turned on, the more you get turned off of life.
    According to most meditation practices, it is recognizable that we have energy centers in our body. Since we are made of energy and create energy itself, it makes sense that energy moves. So, not only in Hinduism or a specific religion, but it is acknowledged worldwide that energy can be manipulated, since ancient cultures. Whether this realization is called chakras, energy centers, or any other term it still portrays the same purpose.

    The reason it is not called sexual transformation, is simply because you aren't actually modifying any of its properties. Just its direction, which is up or down. The "mutation" occurs when its perceived purpose switches. So, not only instant gratification, pleasure, but a higher act. Such as reproduction, a specific goal, objective, etc..

    But how does energy move?

    Kundalini, which seems quite a mystical term and scares the hell out of people just from reading or hearing it, it is simply the spiralling energy tunnel that connects the whole system. It is known to be spiralling as in a Serpent/Snake shape.

    This means that, the higher your goal, the higher will you be energy wise. For both thoughts and actions are channeled up.

    The body is perceived to have seven of this energy centers. But regardless of this belief, understand that ,when you move a little above in the spiralling chain, you will be moving from basic reproductive instincts. Makes sense? So, all the simple simp behavior is left below. HOWEVER, understand that the chain starts with this raw powerful energy, this is the basis. Sexual Energy is your home.

    In nature, usually animals don't have sex for pleasure. Of course there are a few exceptions, again, chimpanzees, monkeys, gorillas....Well and the great Ape, Simp. Kinda ironic...

    Now, I'm in no way bashing sex, but recognizing that an act which should be established through connection, is in fact separating people. But will get to that on another post.

    The expression of this energy through only sex and desire, dissipates this energy. Have you noticed? As you pointed the energy down and out, you are deprived of energy. So it takes a while for all your basis of existence to recharge. Your seed is your basis, we are energetic beings.

    Disclaimer I'm not discussing tantra or any spiritual practices which perceive sex as spiritual and Not only a physical act. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If a person lacks willpower - the desire to do things - it can be happening due to leaking out through excessive sexual acts, pornography, self stimulation , lust/desire. All this person's energy is being diverted down. Nothing comes up from going down and out.

    When you acknowledge your desire for women and sex and move it to another purpose, you'll be transmuting. This means that you'll face an immediate increase in willpower, realize your goals (more awareness) and be more productive.

    Okay, great, but how do we do that?

    It first needs to occur in your head. This is the basis of this (your) experience. You need to acknowledge the energy. If you woke up at 4 AM full of energy, and a raging boner, you don't need to beat it (literally and figuratively) . Simply start your day at that hour. Whether you do exercise, or start writing, or working or meditating, or any other goal, you will be transmuting.

    Wait bro, but 4 AM , are you fucking crazy? Shouldn't I be sleeping?

    Well, maybe not. If you are telling me that you are full of energy, with massive desire to express yourself, should I put you to sleep?

    On one hand you are telling me that you have this will, this power, to live, why should you kill it?

    The only realization that needs to happen is that you have more expression possibilities than your sex organ. Especially through meaningless sex.

    The reason we faced PMO addictions was simply because we had too much spare time with too much energy, while not sustaining any goal/purpose/objective established. When you slowly but surely divert the energy up, new habits and ideas will start popping up and YOU NEED TO ACT ON THEM.

    Let me put this into example:

    Let us say a man is 100% focused on women. He reads all the PUA (pick up artist) books, he sees and consumes all digital inputs for women to "manifest" into his life. All his purpose and life revolves around this. He even found out retention, and will try it to retain women. However, what will happen with most when the energy gets dissipated? Again, lack of control, willpower, determination...And women might go away as well.

    Let us say that this men now does not seek a woman. He likes working out. He will be propelled into more workouts, different exercises, diets and what not. He will find himself immersed in it. Or that he enjoys economics/business/management, he will find himself reading more, looking at the world for a chance to create a business and what not...

    The second one has a sustainable chance of manifesting the life he truly wants, because of this alignment. But both of them are manifesting their lives. One is more aware and knowledgeable than the other. I'm sure you can guess who...

    Keep in mind, both above are the same man. Both above are driven by the same energy, they are only diverting it differently.


    The transmutation starts with the realization that this energy can fuel different purposes. There are many expression possibilities than just sex, especially as a physical expression.
  15. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    True statement!
    And the more real men that are out there, the more feminine, nurturing and caring will more women become in order to comply and win these men over. Because, real men who practices semen-retention and self-improvement 24/7 (and don't give a s*** about mediocre females, their lousy behavior or give them any time or attention) are rare in today's world.
    Thus, when these men are present, the good females out there will sense that energy and try to suck it away from him, because that's how nature works. It is here you as a man have to be careful, not go head over heels and not give up any of that huge creative power and force that resides inside of you.
  16. laserfish30

    laserfish30 Fapstronaut

    Alright men, how have we been doing? Me personally I've been doing great in putting my time towards other productive things with spending time reading and hanging out with my girlfriend and my friends. I've had a couple of small urges, but their right when I'm about to fall asleep. I've just been able to ignore them and go to bed. But I need to keep preparing for when I'm not able to do that.
    Bozzo and False promise like this.
  17. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    What exactly are you asking? Urge pain? Describe that further and I can try to help.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    That’s good to hear bro. Keep at it. You have to always be able to do that, no matter the circumstance. Keep training your mind to shut down those urges and sexual thoughts immediately.
  19. Master21

    Master21 Fapstronaut

    It is pain of guilt and shame.
  20. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    You deal with the regret by leaving pmo behind. As you March forward and begin to renew yourself, your past will no longer haunt you. Focus on now, and the future. No one can change their past, but we can rewrite our future. Come on man.. you should know this. Stop sitting on the fence and pick a side. Are you going to continue to be a degenerate wanker, or will you become a real man who retains his seed?