Please help: foot femdom fetish ~~~~ * Possibly triggering text ! *

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by godsaveme27, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    Today went well again went for a run and worked out, gonna go for a bike ride later. Still some depressing thoughts but not letting those take me over probably gonna get into meditating as well.
    Kilrunio likes this.
  2. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    we still going strong more working out and meditating. Still conditioning myself also trying to become an athlete by the end of summer so I can get back into Football. Today was pretty wild I was holding back the urge to bust one so hard it wanted to come out so bad and I wasn't watching anything so I had to go for a run to get my mind off everything. But I didnt I am not gonna let myself relapse unless it is something vanilla related nothing weird and extreme.
    Kilrunio likes this.
  3. i wouldnt worry too much mate but i agree to stay off the p because if anything it will encourage ur feet / findom addictions and it will get into more stuff and get to a point where ur paying to be abused. There aint nought wrong for liking feet and when i was younger i was just into legs and naturally i started liking other stuff. You are not abnormal or anything for liking what you like but when you allow urself away from porn then your mind relies on imagination and thats where true fantasies for you will be made
  4. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    ye to be honest Its not the foot fetish im worried about, its the femdom and the fact that I was only jerking off to that for 7 years disgusts me, and that I've only conditioned my brain to get aroused by that.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  5. No matter how but you must get rid of that femdom shit. I almost sank to the bottom, gladly, this streak saved me. Now I believe I finished my relationship with femdom. I am less masochistic and much happier. I remain asexual but become more and more attracted to women's face and shoulders. Only without this I can achieve what I want. I wish you to succeed my friend.
    Master Chips likes this.
  6. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I hope I am not asexual. I know I cannot say I am until I've gone a few months off porn. I hope I will start liking intercourse but only time will tell and hard work.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  7. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    I dont know how deep I am into nofap dont really care still dont plan on ever fapping to femdom porn again. Sometimes I get thoughts but I get rid of them as fast as possible. Still going outside working out (I got way stronger in the past 2 weeks, built a lot of muscle) . Trying to find new things and discover my true self but its been really hard during the quarantine as I cannot hang out with friends or socialize with pretty much anyone other than neighbor whenever I sneak out. Still have some urges occasionally but not that much and when I do I fight them off.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  8. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    30 days in not much to say just going day by day until I get my vanilla tastes, I think I could probably just bust one with just my hand but only 30 days after 7 years of fapping to foot femdom lol so I did not expect results instantly.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  9. StageDoor

    StageDoor Fapstronaut


    Good work on 30 days. I have a foot fetish too, put stockings on those feet and thats why I am here. 30 years of being turned on by this and I am only now seeing it as a problem because it's a contributing factor in my marriage breaking down. At first she was happy to wear stockings for me however it was never enough and I started demanding more, she started feeling uncomfortable, I started getting annoyed, she got annoyed, we fought, we separated ..... not purely because of my 'fetish' but possibly a big part why. Your fetish is healthy until it becomes an 'unhealthy obsession' like mine. Foot fetish does seem innocent though ..... Don't let it get out of control ..... and just be cautious getting into vanilla porn, you don't want to be back here years down the track because you're addicted to that.

    Keep going mate.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  10. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    amen brother I love that last sentence a lot beacause ive read a lot of a stories and the ones that fail are the ones that get addicted to normal porn so they go back to their old ways. If I do get back into vanilla stuff I only plan on doing it twice a week max. But I feel you its not a problem untill thats the only thing that gets you turned on and it I am glad I noticed now and Im doing this now and not when I go to college.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  11. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    Its definitely way easier since were all quarantined but I am not seeing any girls. Its been like 50 days since ive been out in public because of this corona stuff 31 days I think or 32 days into nofap still gonna go for as long as I need to.
    StageDoor likes this.
  12. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    got some bad news. I relapsed today to foot femdom by choice but I will not let it happen again I just wanted to see something. Ever since starting nofap I have been getting HOCD thoughts because ive never masturbated to vanilla sex. Those thoughts started to eat me alive and its weird because Ive never watched gay porn before and whenever I hear it I just cringe. But never fapping to vanilla stuff and only femdom really makes this hard. I am not going to fap again this was just an experiment I was totally able to control it but I was just testing to see that I still get turned on by stuff but definitely should have not used my femdom shit but I am not gonna watch it again. 1 relapse thats all im allowing. I just really want to start liking sex like I do femdom that is my goal. I really feel like if I had my father alive to tell me about sex and girls and stuff I would have went a whole different path. I also think those HOCD thoughts came because I am quarantined and literally have not seen a girl IRL in like 50 days. I am gonna get back on nofap path this time with no relapses.
  13. chapuleta

    chapuleta Fapstronaut

    I reseted too, i watched a foot joi video, now im on my 3 day.
  14. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    Im back on nofap but HOCD is starting to come with it. I am really starting to question my sexuality just because I am not interested in real sex and these thoughts are ass I am going to continue nofap but Im pretty sure its just my brain fighting me. The HOCD thoughts are coming strong every day. This might be from quarantine because I haven't seen a girl IRL in like 50 days. Ive only seen guys but the thing is before nofap I never had these thoughts ever. I was only fapping to foot femdom and thats all I thought about. Now on nofap Im like what if my sexuality changes on nofap. I read all the symptoms and I have them all currently I am just overthinking too much because it is quarantine and I have nothing to do Ive been going outside but recently the thoughts have been eating me outside. I try so hard to resist something that isnt true like what.
  15. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    But I always have found girls hot af and had so many crushes and fell in love so many times with a girl. Before all this I would never get any bad thoughts when hanging out with the guys I would always look forward to it now whenever I see a guy Im like so do I like guys or girls because I dont even know. I know this is the lowest point in my life, hopefully I can dig myself out. I just need to realize I am not my thoughts but that is hard to realize when your thoughts eat you alive.
  16. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    relapsed again to femdom. Still get HOCD thoughts whenever I watch any video with a guy in it its stupid it can be anything just my brain wants me to have a bad time for some reason and its hard to fight that voice. I am going to start the streak tomorrow and not let myself relapse this time.
  17. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Try not to watch any porn at all. Ask yourself why you like femdom so much, if you keep asking yourself, you will get the answers and you will find if it is something you actually like or a response to some trauma.

    elvagoazul likes this.
  18. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    tbh I get more head fantasy than porn and whenever I get a head fantasy thought it automatically makes me hard.
  19. godsaveme27

    godsaveme27 Fapstronaut

    but I watch porn in order to create the fantasies so your definitely right just I on nofap for some reason I try so hard to resist a boner to everything just because I think im always horny even tho I might not be.
  20. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Porn damages your brain. The reason why people come to nofap is to stop that damage. I am not sure why you want to increase that damage. Please do some research on this.
    elvagoazul and Targaryenn like this.