The Dilemma...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by computergeek44, May 23, 2020.

  1. computergeek44

    computergeek44 Fapstronaut

    A part of me wants to stop fapping and another part of me doesn't care. I don't think I believe that anyone truly stops fapping 100%. I think the reason why I started fapping is because my body was ready for sex and it couldn't get sex in the proper way. From there things got carried away. I've had to face the sad reality that I'm never going to have proper sex. There is different reasons as to why I say this...

    Something is wrong with me. I had lots of trouble learning, and because of that my parents still help me get through the hard things in life. But I help them with things I'm good at. It's a family thing I guess. People who don't know me can not see where the issues are.

    Firstly got to understand my religious background. I'm raised in a family that believes that if you cuss and swear then you probably are not going to heaven. I was taught that people who swear a lot are also a bad character. Often times these kinds of people are involved in other bad things as well. This is how the girls at my school were. They were stuck on themselves, swore a lot, some did drugs, and some got pregnant. My view of life and their view of life just didn't match up. Besides that I was just someone to make fun of....

    After graduation, I got involved with a Church also during that year I suffered a nervous break down. The Church fell apart too. At that Church there was only two girls I could of dated, if only they would of been interested in me. They were not. After the Church many of us left and lost contact. Even if you tried to maintain contact, nobody wanted to be connected anymore.

    I needed a job. I began hunting around. I got one job but couldn't hold it down because I wasn't fast enough. Then I got another job and couldn't hold it down either. Same reason. Finally I got a second shift job. My parents and I knew that once I took this job, I would become isolated. That is when almost all my human interaction started happening online. Now I'm 41 and I'm still in the exact same situation as I was in my early 20's. My prediction is that I will die before I ever meet someone special. So, why do I want to stop fapping? Will it help me physically? Probably not. Will it get rid of my learning disability? Probably not. Will it make me more successful? Probably not. Will it make more confident around Women? LOL What Women? However, as long as I continue there is the possibility of finding one's self in the lake of fire.

    Matthew 5:28
    1 Corinthians 6:9-10

    But this is confusing because of 1 Corinthians 6:11.

    Some Christians believe that with the help of the Holy Spirit you can stop sinning. Others think that nobody stops sinning. That is why we have Jesus. He stands in for us, because we can't be perfect enough.

    Once again, I didn't cover everything in this post.... It's possible to take each paragraph and expand on them even more...
    angelpart likes this.
  2. :)-keepsmiling

    :)-keepsmiling Fapstronaut

    Hey there,
    Wishing you best of luck!!
    You can make it mate!!!
  3. computergeek44

    computergeek44 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the encouragement. I haven't made any goals yet. I'm trying to keep myself emotionally stable. I'm not very good in forums where people often try to disagree with me.
    :)-keepsmiling likes this.
  4. :)-keepsmiling

    :)-keepsmiling Fapstronaut

    Don't worry about people disagreeing with you mate!!!
    Your only focus is to learn from your mistakes and act accordingly. Okay!!?
    Keep posting your journal in the forum!!
    People actually give advice to you!!!!!
    Start finalising goals for the day mate!! Keep working on yourself and I think you will make it!!!
    Hoping to read your success story someday!!!
  5. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    40 year old Virgin? Dude, do you want to have kids or not????? You better do something about it FAST and with a young woman... no old than 30 for sure. Go to your church look for women there, if there is only grandmas ther ask if they have granddaughters! Ask them to introduce you. If not, drive to another church and repeat process!!! Noone else is going to bear your cross in this life.... So please take ownership of your actions, I beg of you until it is too late and you regret it until the rest of your life.
  6. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    The idea that there are fixed "kinds of people" is a very insidious lie, one that even a lot of scientists believed in implicitly until neuroplasticity was proven, even in adults with learning disabilities. It's also divisive. That doesn't mean people aren't different, just that we can change even later in life and things aren't set in stone. There's no question things are more easily changed when you're young, but there are also people with really serious stuff that got over it late in life.

    There's a lot that people can try but they don't because they think this way, either about themselves and/or other people. It relates to the psychological concept called learned helplessness. Sometimes it comes from information that is sketchy that gets passed on, and it sounds reasonable because people who are supposed to be authorities say it's that way and we end up buying it wholesale. So even when there are things that can help someone can be under the impression there's nothing that's going to make a difference so they don't try. It's almost like the thought or pessimistic position is the thing that is believed in above all rather than God or anything spiritual.

    You might have heard the reasoning that you shouldn't judge either other people or yourself, that's God's job or something along those lines. But this kind of depressive tendency is really just judging yourself isn't it? And of course I hear you about the "probably not" helping you with your situation, but nobody said Nofap *alone* is a miracle cure for every single thing in the first place, and the other thing is whether you are then looking for help with those issues specifically.

    Life isn't simple, but a lot of it is about being open and paying attention to things that can be helpful. You don't need to get super technical about the potential for something helpful but you do need to learn enough to appreciate it CAN work.

    You know how to block access to porn on your router right? What if someone just came at that with the attitude of "it probably won't work" when you talk to them about it? You KNOW it works but they would need to listen to you long enough to get an inkling that it can work.
  7. angelpart

    angelpart Fapstronaut

    @OP I like your post because it reminds me of myself. I too was raised in a religious family and have tried my best to stick with it. But so many things seem to just not work. I haven't given up on god completely because to me life makes no sense without a greater purpose. But at the same time I'm having a hard time believing... Many paradoxes.

    I've been battling with this addiction on and off for 14 years, made some nice streaks in that time, but most times were very dark, and long. In my current streak, I realized something : I do not need sex to live my life. Would I want sex with a loving partner ? Sure. But it's not a need.
    Until very recently I thought that I needed intimacy with a woman, and since I had none, I resorted to PMO for fake intimacy. I thought that I needed sex on a somewhat regular basis. But I discovered that this is not true. These days I don't think about sex and I have no urges. A big weight has been lifted, I don't feel this pressure to watch P every day. I think I'm just starting recovery but I'm starting to feel free from this addiction. And my point is exactly this : it is only an addiction ! An alcoholic does not need alcohol to live, but it sure feels like it when he's quitting !

    So to answer your question "So, why do I want to stop fapping?" : to just not be addicted anymore. To be free from this. To have this weight lifted, to break these chains. That is all.
    Sure that will free up some of your time so you can do more productive things, you may feel better about yourself, and so on. But these are not the goal, they're side effects that I feel too many people praise, especially here on nofap.

    Hope this encourages you. Love brother
  8. computergeek44

    computergeek44 Fapstronaut

    I don't think Churches do a very good job with the subject of Masturbation and Porn. It's one thing to tell Men not to lust after Women. It's another thing showing compassion and understanding of people's struggles. I think one of the reasons why forums like these exist is because people have a hard time finding support in real life.
  9. angelpart

    angelpart Fapstronaut

    For sure. In that regard, PM addiction is the worst thing. If you're an alcoholic I feel you can just tell pretty much everyone and they will support you. But many people, especially women, just don't understand the nature of PM addiction so they react poorly. I know because I've heard one very close family member being outraged and disgusted talking about the behaviour of some men. I was in the room, I said nothing but I felt so judged and shameful.
  10. computergeek44

    computergeek44 Fapstronaut

    I don't want anyone to think that I despise woman. I don't want anyone to think that I blame women for all my sexual issues. But when I see women racking up thousands of followers on youtube and instagram, simply because they do things that show off their bodies. I got to wonder, where is the disconnect? At one time in History, people just knew that Men are attracted to the Female body. When I was in the 8th grade, they made us take a little class on sex respect. It was a really simple educational thing explaining to everyone what turns Men on, and what turns Women on. (Just the basics) Then they tried to tell everyone this is what you do and don't do. Now days 'flaunting it' is the thing that gets views. That's why even Men like myself, who tried to avoid porn is still found himself addicted. What am I addicted too? My own sexual desires. The NoFap book talks about how there is too much sexual beauty online. When you look over it, you become sexually over whelmed. There is also this talk about "Don't objectify Women" the argument is "They objectify themselves". When I was trying to meet women online, I always posted a picture or two, or maybe three of myself. But that was it. Because all they needed to see was what I looked like. But if you go to a Woman's instagram page, you might find 100's of sexy pictures. Nobody needs to show themselves off that much. Then to make things worse they get incentives to keep doing it through fashion companies, and donations. It must be nice to spend your life taking pictures of yourself. :p My struggle is, on one hand it's ok for me to find Women attractive. But on the other hand it's not ok to go too far with it. Before you know it your addicted.