What are you all reading?

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. hfr19

    hfr19 Fapstronaut

    Hey all, I'm new around here but enjoy reading to keep my mind busy and at peace when I can.

    I have a simple question.

    What are you guys reading at the moment? Any recommendations?
    Johnthesavage likes this.
  2. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Me, A private revelation of a woman who spoke for 25 years with Jesus and asked Him hundreds of questions and He instructed her in the matters of faith, prayer and gave some info. about what would be the next future of church. Two volums theologically aproved by our bishop. She lived in my hometown but I didn't know her.
    Swazzy 1 and hfr19 like this.
  3. hfr19

    hfr19 Fapstronaut

    That's pretty hardcore. What's the name of the book?
  4. Right now I am reading "A Canticle for Leibowitz" which was recommended to me by a friend on here. It follows the events that take place at this monastery past the year 3000 A.D, after nuclear war had destroyed the world centuries before. Despite how grave it sounds it's more comical than drama, as most science fiction tends to be. And I'm also rereading LOTR.
    Swazzy 1 and hfr19 like this.
  5. hfr19

    hfr19 Fapstronaut

    I was recently thinking of reading LOTR for the first time but had heard amazing things about A Canticle for Leibowitz. I'll probably try to read LOTR first, would love to become a Middle Earth buff especially before Amazon comes out with their series and game.
    Johnthesavage likes this.
  6. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    The first volume - 'Witness (document)'
    The second volume - ' The word of instruction'

    After short prayer to Our Lady what would be a suitable excerpt for you I chose blindly and translated to you this passage from the second volume (Jesus told this on 23.05.2002.):

    '' The areas of life that are particularly attacked are heart, mind and body.

    The heart - through pride, vanity, obstinacy, fear, rejection of spirituality, vulgarity, egoism.

    Mind - through stupidity, superficiality, illusion, lying, distrust, darkness.

    The body - by recognizing it as the highest value. The body of a woman by its commercialization and recognition of it as a source of utter pleasure.

    Satanic activities include: Culture - art (music, art, literature), fashion, interests, lifestyle, hierarchy of values (cult of matter).

    Religion - in its place pagan religions are introduced with the cult of Satan ultimately, and indirectly sects, superstitions, occultism, magic, etc. Satanism, as a cult of the so called good god who is Lucifer.

    Social relations - control and enslavement of people, globalism, manipulation of consciousness, common poverty, elite rulers and riches, looting .

    Idolizing of man - his abilities, deciding about life (creating and killing), about good and evil. But also the dehumanization of man by stripping him of the dignity of the child of God by humiliating, degrading, glorifying animals, manipulating and sadism.
    The goal is the so-called 'new world' - a new era (age) - according to the principles which are the inverse of natural and divine law to a totalitarian government based on the possibilities of modern technology. The so-called new order created by Satan's Church . ''
    hfr19 likes this.
  7. hfr19

    hfr19 Fapstronaut

    I like the bluntness! That's dead on.
  8. Tryin' Hard

    Tryin' Hard Fapstronaut

    Confessions by St. Augustine. Was reading it on my personal terms and now my summer philosophy course is having me read it. Excellent book tho

    Posted a quote from it a little bit back. It's an excellent resource for advice in continuing the fight
    Swazzy 1, Johnthesavage and hfr19 like this.
  9. hfr19

    hfr19 Fapstronaut

    Have a copy! Need to read that and bump it up higher on my reading priority list.
  10. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    St. Augustine, - my system or method, way to get rid of pmo and understanding of the condition of human being (his great weakness and blindness without God's grace) - this I owe to him ( to St. Augustine ). I recommend to you both his so called ,,antipelagian writings,,. if you get to know what is pellagian heresy (pellagian heresy is used unconsciously by all the pmo addicts who unsuccessfully try to quit pmo on their own or who try to change themselves for good on their own ) and get to know what the man can and what he can't then using the knowlegde you'll be able to change all your lives.
  11. hfr19

    hfr19 Fapstronaut

    I actually have an ebook copy of his anti pellagian writings! Im familiar with what you're talking about. I remember one of the questions I came across that he pondered was:
    1. If I fail, is it because I wasn't given enough grace, or
    2. I was given enough grace, but maybe I didn't conform my own will enough to the grace.

    I remember he wasn't sure how such could be answered, but if I remember correctly he believed God has to give us grace to act justly, and if we do act justly it's because God grace was sufficient.

    Does that sound right? It's been awhile since I've read those writings of his. Great stuff.
    Johnthesavage likes this.
  12. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    '1. If I fail, is it because I wasn't given enough grace ' - St. Augustine explains why someone wasn't given enough grace. Either because they hadn't prayed or because they hadn't worked together (cooperate) with God, so when they resisted to God. (IMO - lack of cooperation or resistance is for example not to go to confession when one is in grave sins or a decision that one won't forgive somebody (so all decisions to do something or not to do something all which is against Jesus's will - and Jesus's will is written in the Bible (especially NT) plus the magisterium (what the Church teaches).

    '2. I was given enough grace, but maybe I didn't conform my own will enough to the grace.' - here as I said above - lack of cooperation or resistance to God's will - for example, after an honest prayer one has enough grace (good will, strength) not to watch porn or erotic pictures but when one decides - I'll see 1 or 2 photos, no porn but only bikini pictures - out of curiosity and I won't pray so that the temptation go away from me , I'll only see the two pictures..... - this is lack of cooperation.

    'I remember he wasn't sure how such could be answered' - on the contrary - St. Augustine was really convinced of his statements and beliefs which formed the Catholic teaching on grace and were repeated by some councils as tenits of faith or dogmas.

    'if I remember correctly he believed God has to give us grace to act justly, and if we do act justly it's because God grace was sufficient.' - sufficient grace means the grace of prayer mostly. Some sufficient graces are enough to start doing something - for example doing chores but there are many instances that we have only sufficient grace to pray (not a ready grace to act) and only after we have honestly prayed we gain the second additional grace so called effective grace strong enough to do something good or to resist something bad (pmo for example). This is to observe in all addictions - the addicts have rather a sufficient grace to pray but they don't have a grace to resist pmo and if they don't pray at the time of temptation then they fall because only after or rather during an honest prayer we get from God the effective grace to resist pmo.

    'he believed God has to give us grace to act justly' - this is not his private belief, this is a dogma of Catholic Church. He was the first who stated it distinctly and clearly. To act justly means to live according to God's word (will) so consequently - it includes living without pmo acts (without sexual sins) ... so without God's grace it's impossible for an addict to live without pmo and this grace is given only in prayer. (Sacraments including).

    St. Augustine wrote too that we should do what we can (are able to) do but if there is something that is too difficult for us (like not doing pmo sins) then we must pray to get the grace to do what formerly was practically impossible to us.

    That's why without prayer at the time of temptation and without repentance (penance) we addicts have no chance to quit this addiction. This is simply something that is beyond our own will. Only God can rescue us. This is the mistery why there are only few pmo addicts who have got rid of pmo. Look at the whole nofap forum and other ones - You'll find hundreds or thousands of addicts who try to rescue themselves without prayer, without comming back to God - they count only on other men (other addicts) and on themselves , on their own strength - try to find someone who is sober, clean for many years and you'll see that the very small group or rather individuals are believers who count on God very much because the only Author of chastity is God, not the man. The man is nowadays too weak to do it without God's help (without prayer).

    If you come back to reading antipellagian writings pay attention what St. Augustinus says about human will and its ability to live justly.
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
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