Someone talk me out of this (trans escort)

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Fallacious D, May 22, 2020.

  1. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    no man...there is nothing going on there. All these trans shit is going on because of excessive porn watching imho.
    if you think you are comfortable with having sex with a trans, by all means go for it, otherwise, don't do it, man....just remember that you will regret it later, it worked me anyways....looks like your case is different
  2. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Yeah this seems to be my general attitude as well. I pretty much agree with this. I may have gotten a little out of touch with reality because of a lack of social contact, and extended use of porn but I vaguely remember how nice it feels to have an actual person who cares about you.
  3. If you are a virgin, don’t loose it to a prostitute/escort.

    I think it is the dumbest thing you can do. Find a person where money is not involved.

    To say my experience, i paid a prostitute to have sex and I didn't feel a thing. It felt acted, nothing at stake. I didn't have to be vulnerable or be exposed. Also, once it was over, I wanted more even though I didn't enjoy it, you are replacing porn for this, same shit just different and it costs:v.

    In short, don't do it bro
  4. Self-Actualized Men

    Self-Actualized Men Fapstronaut

    You raise a solid question so I'll clarify a few points. I have had performance anxiety in the past on multiple occasions and know the feeling but in this Porn Star Experience that was not an issue or reason I didn't enjoy it. There was nervousness leading up to it for sure, but it was more from excitement than anxiousness. There are many reasons why I didn't enjoy it but to summarize, Porn had conditioned me to be the "viewer" in the experience, not the participator. Due to watching porn my imagination would fill in the gaps of what it would feel like in real life which I envisioned to be amazing. But going from the viewer to the participator I realized I did not receive any legitimate sexual gratification from the act itself (In talking to a therapist he pointed out how an act with the real person engages a different part of our brain than when just watching porn). I was truly more aroused by the porn of this women then the act itself.

    I was skeptical and thought that maybe I just needed to adjust to this and try it again, which I did with a Stripper. She was a college student who had a a strong interest in exploring sexuality so we did a similar type of session and I found the results to be exactly the same. Imagining what we would do together (Porn in my head essentially) was far more gratifying than when I actually had sex with her. Again I want to call out, it wasn't performance anxiety that got in the way, it was an unrealistic porn induced expectation and attraction to this super-stimulus that seemed to have the strongest hold on my emotional response.

    You seem to be at a cross-roads here, I believe the most logical course of action should be to do what aligns with your goals. What is your goal with NoFap? If you goal is to determine what part of your sexual desires are porn induced illusions then I think it would be most effective and with less risk to give yourself 90 to 180 days Porn, Masterbation & Sex free and see what desires remain at the end. I think getting a Trans Escort could potentially confuse things more and further feed into the addiction (Assuming you have an addiction). With all of that said if you feel its something you need to do then I'm not going to judge you if you think this is the only way to figure out what you like. I'm just simply providing you with alternative options and letting you decide what avenue you feel is best for your given situation.

    Nobody understands your feelings as well as you do so do what you feel is best, however, the thread here is asking to be convinced out of it so that is the context in which our replies are being framed. If we are to effectively do that we need you to provide us with why you think its a bad decision and what your intent is. If you don't think its a bad decision then it sounds like your mind is already made up on what you'd like to do so if you do go through with it all I can say is be safe and really do your research.
  5. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I once again find myself agreeing with the points raised. Porn causes performance problems because it messes with the way your brain perceives sexual relations, and relegates you to the position of an observer and not an active participant. Ergo, when you actually try to do the things you think you like, it turns out you dont actually like them, you just like LOOKING at them. This is also why, in my opinion and experience, why softcore porn or more vanilla porn is a stepping stone to this kind of effect, it doesnt start IMMEDIATELY as soon as porn is first watched. When you see a naked girl in a Playboy or something (outdated reference but work with me here) your brain still puts YOU as the active participant, your sexuality imagines what it would be like to be WITH her, to have sex with her perhaps. At the very least observing in this kind of situation is less harmful because its reasonably close to reality. Sure the woman is probably way hotter than the women you may see in real life, but its still only one or two steps off. If it stayed there, it might not be bad at all. On the other hand, fantasising about sex with a trans escort, or any of the other various fetishes that seem to crop up again and again is, to follow this analogy, 10 steps off from the starting point and completely off the board. I think on some intrinsic level OP knows this, hes a reasonable and level headed person from what I have seen.
  6. Mr.Anderson

    Mr.Anderson Fapstronaut

    I have been in a similar situation in the past, I acted out several times and every time was disappointing.
    I have always seen in porn a transwoman like a chick with sometning more, instead when you deal with it in real life it is clear that is a dude: the head is bigger, the hands and the touch are different, the skin is different.
    You said that you are virgin so I don't suggest you to have your first time with a transwoman but he you will try you will see that what porn is selling you it is a lie and also the esocrt sites you named don't rapresent the reality(make up, lights, photoshop).
    Even after realising that I was stuck to transwoman porn for years because it is highly addictive but at that point I always knew that was I masturbating to a fantasy that doesn't actually exist.
    I think that if you are so much into transwoman porn at some point you will need to experience it by yourself but you should know what sex with a woman is before, or it can be traumatising for long time.
  7. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I agree.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Yeah I definitely want to avoid trauma. I need to focus on real life instead of fantasies. And I used to be able to spot male features in all of them - I'm very good at identifying trans from cis women. But these days, they can get to a point where they are very convincing. I still believe that they would feel/look/smell more masculine in person. And yeah, I'm not into that. Thanks for the advice.
    Deleted Account and GottaBFree like this.
  9. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I can't seem to be able to convince myself that I only like looking at them. In fact, I have only rarely watched transwoman porn but I have always loved the idea of it. It is very easy to jerk off to the idea of being with a trans person - I have done this hundreds of times. But I cannot get off to the idea of being with a "normal" girl. It's very hard to do that, and I've only accomplished it a handful of times. Perhaps there is no other way but to try it out and either be pleasantly surprised or gravely disappointed/traumatized, but I must not do that now. I haven't dug myself out of this PMO hole yet, so until then I have to practice discipline. I've been with women and done everything short of actually having sex, and from my memory, it's not as interesting as it seems. This tells me two things - either I am more attracted to trans women than cis women, OR I have a problem with idolizing people and letting myself get disappointed by reality. I hope that it is the latter. But yeah I need to quit porn. Forget about all this shit. Thanks for responding.

    On a side note, it seems like my interest in these kinds of women has increased as I have watched more porn related to this fetish. When I was watching exclusively other stuff and ignoring the transwoman porn, I wasn't that obsessed with transwomen. But since I've switched to watching more transwoman-related porn, the intensity of these urges has increased. It could well be that this is a porn induced fetish. But if it is porn induced, then it is still heavily supplemented by my submissive nature, which is NOT porn induced. What a crazy situation.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    This kind of fantasising is probably way more common than the average guy would be willing to admit, you are taking a positive step forward by at least being honest with yourself. transwoman stuff isnt one of my "main" fetishes, its one of the fetishes I previously mentioned being one that fades very quickly on streaks and I can, for want of a better way of phrasing it, take or leave as I see fit. Even though my fetishes differ, I can definitely relate to finding it hard to envision being in a "normal" sexual situation with a woman, except unlike you, who finds it easier to think of a trans person, my brain filters sexual desire through a femdom lens instead. I find it hard to imagine a vanilla sexual interaction between me and a woman nowadays because my brain is so full of this femdom shit, even if its not the kind of brutal stuff most watch (I mentioned this on another thread but the TLDR of it is I prefer gentle femdom).
  11. I've never given the transwoman/trans thing much thought (I've got other problems), but this thread is quite enlightening and useful!
    Deleted Account and FellatiousD like this.
  12. cr7da8055

    cr7da8055 Fapstronaut

    Hey there man! I had a 3 day pmo binge at the start of this month. To stop it,I decided to go on a dopamine detox. Because at the end of the day, how we respond to different things,how some things which seem weird,but make us happy and satisfied,are because of dopamine release. After a point,your brain stops releasing good amounts of dopamine to the little,good things,once you’ve exposed it to some bad,addictive stuff. Please do read about dopamine detox my friend,it’s not some woodoo shit. I’m a man of science,it really did work for me. I had a flatline for about 15 days after that,cause my brain really loved the stupid,small activities like doing household chores. Give it a try,no harm!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Ok I'll do this. I'm in desperate need of a flatline right now. Luckily I've kept sexual thoughts out of my head today, going to keep up this trend.
    Deleted Account and cr7da8055 like this.
  14. Also, is there nobody around you want to date? Seriously wouldn't recommend doing it with any kind of escort your first time round. Is that something you want to tell your future wife, if you get married?
  15. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    If you've seen my other posts on this topic, you will know that this is one of my main obstacles to acting on sexual whims. There will one day be a confrontation between me and my future long-term partner about this. Now, there's no reason for me to be ashamed of these kinds of sexual acts, but they might take issue with it. Obviously my goal in choosing a partner would be to find one who is accepting of my lifestyle and ideology. And for the record, I would probably tell them everything.
  16. I'm not up to speed on what that your ideology is when it comes to sex, but I'm assuming it's along the lines of sexual liberty for all?
    Deleted Account and cr7da8055 like this.
  17. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I'm basically sex-positive, as long as there are no unwilling victims. My current position is that I have nothing against sexual liberty for single people. I just choose to remain a virgin for personal, non-religious reasons. Sexual liberty should usually be self-limited when you're with a long-term partner because of trust and commitment, etc. I also agree with the concept of marriage (or, if you want to be nit-picky, lifelong pairing) for non-religious reasons.
  18. It's hard to argue against adults having consensual sex as long as nobody's getting hurt. It really just comes down to how well your short-term desires match up with your value system. If there's no conflict, there's no conflict. But, if that's the case, I'm not sure why you'd want to be talked out of doing the thing.
    Deleted Account and FellatiousD like this.
  19. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Because I'm not sure if it will have mental/psychological consequences. If I can avoid trauma, I prefer to do that.
  20. The most effective way to avoid trauma is to be in a loving relationship with a good human being. Fucking an escort's asking for trouble. That's all I'm going to say.
    FellatiousD likes this.