Brain Fog

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Strong2233, May 13, 2020.

  1. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    Hi, everyone

    I have been struggling with quitting PMO the last 5 months and my best streak was 26 days. So far I am progressing and learning from my failures. For me, distracting myself from thinking about sexual things has become normal and not that hard, so I can get over it and not think about nudes and etc, but one thing that bothers me so much and to be honest made me relapse every time, was brain fog!
    Even now Im writing this Im experiencing very heavy brain fog that I barely do my daily tasks, such as studying, coding, working.
    As I said, not thinking about porn and not masturbating is not an issue for me right now because I have so much work to do that keeps me busy the whole day, but this brain fog..... this brain fog is scaring **** out of me and sometime I just want to go back to PMO again to get rid of this brain fog and do my coding and other tasks easier.
    So my question is, is there any way that I can make the brain fog shorter or even make it a little tolerable ?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. TGI9000

    TGI9000 Fapstronaut

    I recognise what you are saying. I think it’s a matter of patience. What helps me is doing physical exercise and that can be anything
    Strong2233 likes this.
  3. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    the problem is we do not know how long it will last, what if it lasts couple of months ? I will lose my job, fails my university courses and etc if it does !.
  4. LethalSlim

    LethalSlim Fapstronaut

    I too have bad anxiety. But the thing about anxiety is typically it's all based upon fears that will never become a reality and we get all worked up about our fears and things for no reason. Just remember you have some power to control it. I would concentrate on taking things one day at a time and keep reminding yourself that worrying about "tomorrow" never helps; I have to do that for myself a lot. Also with the brain fog thing, I can't be too sure, I feel I have less brain fog and a more clear brain when I'm staying away from P. But my guess is if you drop down and do some pushups that'll burn up some energy and help you refocus through things.
    Strong2233 likes this.
  5. TGI9000

    TGI9000 Fapstronaut

    Well said. Living in the moment really helps. Anxiety is just the opposite of that. Getting crazy about the future and catastrophizing....
  6. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    You are lucky that your brain fog goes away in PMO, mine starts in a week of no PMO and I literally cannot think at all, forexample I read your comment 6 times to fully understand what I was reading. Anyway I am going to try excercising and pushups and see if that helps. Since my last post I have been working on a job task that I could finish in an hour before starting no PMO, and still have not finished it, it sucks :D
  7. Sean Scoops

    Sean Scoops Fapstronaut

    Try to switch activity. Take a break and do some exercises for example.
    Strong2233 likes this.
  8. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Listen fellow Fapstronaut, Don’t relapse.
    It will drain your Energy.
    You need to take sufficient breaks After say 2-3 hours of Intensive Involving Work/Study. Have something to eat, preferably fruits, Maybe exercise for a while or Practice a Hobby! If you don’t have a hobby, find one!! Anything except PMO that can make you happy and refresh your mind.
    Spot Running, situps maybe some yoga for a brisk 20-30 min will refresh you, help u fight the urge(if any at all).
    Think about all that U have already Accomplished, or wht u want to!
    Strong2233 likes this.
  9. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    Ive started it recently and I feel so exhausted but definitely helps Im sure. This brain fog goes and comes back instantly that I can feel the instant change, its so weird.
    yesterday I had a low level brain fog that I could do my job tasks, then at 6pm suddently switched to a very heavy one and I coudnt think at all until bedtime that went away. However
    today I have had none so far and my brain has been so clear! I managed to finish alot of tasks just in case if it ocurs tomorrow and ruins my plans lol
  10. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    @Strong2233 Try listening to music for some time as you work. It could be anything: A little Vivaldi, Beyonce, maybe some Alessia Cara or Logic?
    Also, you can try taking 25-30 min Naps, with or without coffee prior to it.
    Strong2233 likes this.
  11. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    thanks I will try them.
    TGI9000 likes this.