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For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. And i want to add that Jesus healed so many.
    I think he wanted the healed ones to be happy and live a healthy life
  2. I don't understand how you can ask this question after watching the video... it's laid out very clearly the wrong things he is preaching. If you didn't get it from the video, then I'm not sure me repeating the same points is going to make any difference.
  3. Yes, he did heal many. But Jesus also consistently says our lives on earth will be hard, not prosperous. Reward comes in Heaven, not here. He cares more about our souls and our eternity than our "happiness" here on earth.

    Prosperity gospel, word of faith, law of attraction, are all false gospel. If you are completely unfamiliar with this concepts, then honestly I don't have the energy at the moment to explain them, especially if you watched that whole video and still disagree. I'm not sure what else can be said other than to read your Bible and understand what it teaches, because it does not teach what Joel teaches.
  4. I already commented the video
  5. Yes... I know. That's why I said everything I said. Idk what else to say.
  6. See, this is where the danger lies. This is completely just your own assumption.

    Jesus wanted them to be SAVED. Whether or not they live happy and healthy lives is secondary. And Jesus often says that our lives on earth will be hard, that we will have to deny ourselves daily and take up our cross to follow him. Taking up your cross, denying yourself, is not what most people would consider a "happy" life.

    Dealing with the death and sin of the world is not always happy. Turning the other cheek is not always happy. The goal of our lives on earth is not to be happy and healthy. That's irrelevant. It's dust in the wind. It's the flowers of the field that are here today and tossed into the fire tomorrow.

    Jesus wants you to be holy and saved, not happy and healthy. The Bible is very clear on that. The idea that Jesus wants everyone to be happy and healthy all their days on earth, is not in the Bible. It's a made up idea that sounds nice and makes people feel good.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  7. I have the feeling you are angry that i see it different. I have no problem to see your view. But i saw the video, i wrote why i dont agree.
    I dont know law of attraction, prosperity gospel etc. Maybe it's more known in america
  8. I'm not angry. But it does bother me to see people believing lies, which is what you are doing. It's not about seeing it MY way, it's about seeing the truth of what the Bible teaches. I'm not talking about "my perspective." I'm talking about the word of God, which is holy and not to be twisted and changed to suit our own desires.

    So yes, it does make me a bit angry to see preachers like Joel Osteen twist the word of God and lead people astray, into a false gospel that could lead to them not even being saved or knowing the true God. I think I would be pretty heartless to not be a bit angry about that. I'm not angry at YOU, but I am angry at false teaching. As is Jesus, by the way.
  9. I agree that i think jesus meant that its more important to be saved. But not that we should not do anything to become better. I think the sins in life often lead to unhappyness like pmo for example. I came to nofap a short time after i became a believer. I forgave all people after that. In my experience believing and praying leads to a happier life with less sins. Thats just my experience.
    Joel doesnt say life is always happy
    I have heard from a lot of people that life improved after they believed.
    Youre right that Jesus doesnt say everbody should live a happy life. But i dont think he wants us to live unhappy too. Why should he? I think he wants us to live healthy and be saved. Thats my personal interpretation. There are always people who see it different thats why we have different denominations like katholics, evangelicans etc.
  10. Thats nice from you
    I think it's difficult to interprete the bible right. It's full of parables and many see it different.
    I always try to find out the truth
    There are also a lot of things the bible doesnt mention. So that i can ask myself, is it right or wrong
    I recently listened to a video which said jesus wants us to be vegetarian for example. But its not in the bible because the church didnt want that. Others say the bible is adulterated. It's very confusing. So i believe my interpretation and my own experience
  11. Of course. I never said that Jesus said we shouldn't do anything to become better.

    Yes, it does often work our that way. But there is a difference between acknowledging that and claiming that it WILL be that way for everyone, because Jesus says so. He says no such thing.

    I think he absolutely can desire someone to live an unhappy life if it is for the betterment of the kingdom of God. Sometimes powerful testimonies come out of tragedy, that end up leading a lot of people to salvation. God cares more about your salvation than your happiness on earth.

    And note the key words there: ON EARTH. Of course God cares about your happiness. That's part of why he wants you to be saved. But happiness is not guaranteed in this life, nor is success or prosperity.

    The law of attraction is basically the idea that if you believe something enough and speak it aloud, declare it, it will come to pass. That is a large part of what Joel teaches, and it's completely unbiblical. I can't just declare that I will be a millionaire and have it happen. I might work my butt off for years and never be a millionaire, because maybe God wants me to learn something from having less. Or maybe he wants to use me in a different way than being wealthy. There's very little humility in the type of message Joel preaches. It's all about yourself and what you can get from God. That's the opposite of what the gospel is about.

    Oh geez, man. This is such an incredibly dangerous way to live life. You can't rely on "your interpretation" of God's word. There is truth, and there is lies. There is no "my truth" and "your truth." The Bible does not conform itself to you, you conform yourself to it.

    If you hear nothing else, please, please hear this. This is one of the greatest lies of Satan that will lead you straight into deception. You have a view of the word of God as if there is no true foundation, only speculative interpretation. That is NOT true. You need to find teachers who are sound in their theology and know what they are talking about. You cannot act like anyone's interpretation of the Bible is true. The Bible doesn't mean whatever you want it to mean or think that it means.

    I'm not trying to be harsh, but this is just such dangerous stuff.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  12. It can be difficult sometimes, but you can't then just say "well, this is too hard to figure out, so I'll just guess and hope I get it right." There is a right way to interpret scripture. It's not as difficult as it seems, once you find good teachers who can explain things in a way that's easy to understand.

    This sort of mindset that several people can have different interpretations of the same passage, and somehow they can all be right, is just impossible. If you interpret a verse one way and I interpret it in another way, then at least one of us has to be wrong. We can't both be right, because the Bible wasn't written to be interpreted any way you want. It was written to be interpreted one way, and one way only. And it is our job to seek to understand it and know the truth.

    Man... this is so sad, and I really can't stress enough what a huge problem this is. The Bible says the heart is deceitful above all things. You can't just trust your heart and your own experiences.

    I can see why you don't have a problem with Joel Osteen, because that's exactly what he and other word of faith preachers preach. They value experiences over the word. I can't tell you how many examples I have of people being so easily deceived by doing exactly that. They believe their own experiences over the Bible, and pretty soon they are worshipping a god in their mind that isn't even the God of the Bible anymore. That's called idolatry.

    In Matthew 7, Jesus says there will come a day when people will come to him, thinking they have been following him, and he will say "I never knew you, depart from me." Because they aren't following Jesus. They're following their own version of Jesus that they've made up in their mind.

    This is really dangerous stuff, and I truly hope and pray you realize the important of know scripture deeply and fully, over putting faith in your experiences and your own interpretations. It's such a lie from Satan that we can't possibly understand the Bible, so we might as well not pay so much attention to it. I mean just think about it. Doesn't that sound exactly like what Satan wants? He wants to to believe there is no real way to interpret the Bible, so that you will put it in the back of your mind and not even bother with it. But I'm here to tell you that is a lie, my friend. You can know the word of God deeply, and it's the most important tool you have. The Bible says the word is your sword. It is the only offensive weapon you have against the enemy, so of course he would love for you to think it's less important than it is.

    Please consider my words, friend. I would hate to see you deceived, and I'm afraid that is the road you're headed down. If you want to seek to know the word deeply, I would start with Mike Winger on YouTube, and also just by reading the heck out of your Bible, slowly, and finding a good pastor to guide you in that. One who studies and preaches the word, verse by verse, not one who encourages you to rely on feelings and experiences.
  13. Wrestling through Scripture, discerning Truth by listening to the Spirit's voice, step by laborious step -- this is also the path of the disciple. Good stuff. Thanks for the encouragement, @Castielle !
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. I think Joel Osteen sees it that way like you said that we should follow the way god wants us to

    Whose interpretation should i trust then if not mine. I like to hear other opinions but if it dosnt sound right for me why should i trust this opinion

    This are the main rules i think the bible want to express

    1. Believe and love god
    2. Love everbody like yourself (Its difficult but i'm working on it )
    3. forgive others and you will be forgiven
    4. God can release you from yor sin
    5. We are all sinners so dont judge others

  15. In my opinion Joel is a good preacher. It makes sense to me what he says.

    My own experiences arent in contradiction to the bible

    I will watch sth from Mike Winger

    I tell you why i think Joel Osteen is a good pastor
    He doesnt judge other, so i believce more in him than those who judge him. It's sth Jesus mention very often in the bible
    He lets god be the judge
    He is often critisized for saying that he doesnt know all the answers. To some things there is nothing writen in the bible. For me it sounds more honest to me if he admits he doesnt know than if he would say this is the right answer without a doubt
    Motivational speaking is a good thing in my opinion so that we dont lose trust in god. It might be a psychological thing but it helps me to stay in connection to god
    And yes it's just a feeling but for me it looks like he is somebody full of love. And i think god represent love
  16. You shouldn't trust opinions. You should trust well researched truth backed up by facts.

    Well, you're missing some important things in there. Like salvation. It's not enough to believe in God. The Bible says even the demons believe in God and recognize His power. You aren't forgiven because you forgive others, you are forgiven because Jesus died for you.

    Well I'm sorry, but your opinion is incorrect. One cannot be a good preacher if they twist the Bible and preach false teachings. It doesn't really matter if what he says makes sense to you. What matters is if it's true, and much of it is not.

    That's a pretty bold claim. I don't think you can be certain of that if you aren't studying your Bible extensively.

    Judging false teaching is Biblical, and important. People who claim Joel is a false teacher are not "judging" him. Some things are supposed to be judged. You are supposed to lovingly correct your brother or sister in Christ when they are doing something wrong. This whole new-age philosophy of accepting everything and never judging anything is completely unbiblical.

    Jesus also says that we are to correct our brothers and sisters when they are doing wrong. That is not "judging" them.

    I don't criticize that at all. That's obviously true. None of us know all the answers to everything. Mike Winger says that same thing all the time, and I appreciate the humility in that.

    See, again you're letting your emotions rule your decisions though. You're saying it "sounds more honest" to you. But a lot of liars are great at "sounding" honest. That's a poor way to make decisions.

    But again, I have no problem with someone saying they don't have all the answers. They don't. But in some things, we can know the answers and the truth, because God gives it to us in his word.

    Look, there is nothing wrong with emotions. God made us emotional beings for a reason.

    But there IS something very wrong with false teaching that goes against the Bible. And there is something wrong with preferring to listen to false teaching just because it feels better or sounds more loving.

    Guess what? A lot of things Jesus said in his day do NOT sound loving. Not to the world.

    The world would say that you should love and accept everyone and never tell them anything negative or tell them they are wrong, because that's hateful.

    Jesus says that we are to correct each other when we do wrong, and that we should not accept sinful lifestyles, even if it appears harmless to us.

    The world would say it's loving to not criticize other religions and just let people believe whatever they want, as long as it makes them happy.

    Jesus says to go into the world and preach the gospel. He says the path to heaven is narrow, and that NO ONE comes to the father except through him.

    So many things Jesus says do not "sound" or "feel" loving to the world. So of you are basing your views on what feels good, you are going to end up rejecting a lot of truth in favor of comfort. I really wish, for your own good, that would would not do that.

    I'm not sure if there's anything else I can say. It sounds like you are fairly set in believing your way of thinking is fine and not dangerous, but I really hope you give it some thought and prayer and consideration. The MOST important thing is truth, not whatever feels good. Sometimes the truth hurts and is hard to swallow. It's unwise to base your view on what's true and right by what you feel.

    You can get a whole lot of motivation and encouragement from reading the Bible and spending time with the Lord. There's nothing wrong with listening to teachers if that is helpful for you, but only if those teachers are teaching you the right things that are true.
  17. I think we can live a life with a good connection to god and it can make a live a good happy life. Like i said. I dont see it that Joel Osteen says we can do what we want. In my opinion life can be fun by doing good thing. But bein perfect is impossible
  18. I had a problem with the quoting. I hope you differentiate my quotes from yours
  19. Well, if all you're looking for is to live a happy life, then yes, that may be true.

    But if you care about salvation, preaching the true gospel of Jesus, and being like him, then there is much more to it than that.

    I don't think there's anything else I can say. It seems like you keep latching onto things I haven't even said, like that you don't think you can be perfect or that you don't think Joel teaches that sin is okay. I don't either... I never said that he does. But he does teach a lot of false things, which the video highlights. If you don't understand the video for some reason, then I'm not sure what else I can say. I thought her explanations were pretty clear, so I don't know how I could do a better, more thorough job of explaining to you why Joel is not a good teacher.

    At the end of the day, it's up to you what teachers you listen to. I just hope you give it more consideration, and regardless of who you listen to, I hope you continue to read the word and seek truth above feelings and emotions.

    Best wishes to you.
  20. I dont think it's possible to be like Jesus. He was the ideal version how people should be, but in the end i'm only a human
    I would have to live like a monk. No possession (no mobile phone, no tv etc.), no sex with a woman ( maybe to get her pregnant if shes married with me)

    The thing with being perfect didnt have anything to do with your comments. I just wanted to make that clear

    I wrote about the video. You never related on my point of view to this cricism

    I also wish you the best.
    I hope we can all get salvation even if we have some different views. But i'm sure besides all the differences we also have a lot of agreements even we didnt write about them that much