Hair health

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Parzival1985, May 2, 2020.

  1. Parzival1985

    Parzival1985 Fapstronaut

    Does anyone have advice in dealing with PMO induced hair loss?
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  2. Hello there, I don't believe pretty much in that thing, I mean like I never saw hair loss I don't know if it the fact that I am still in my teen years but I suggest you should avoid stress, eat healthily and make sure to include in this diet Vitamin C, protein, B-complex vitamins. Also go to dermatologist so they can check your scalp with a specific device. This way they can see if you have hereditary hair loss. If you have any kind of dermatitis which leads to hair loss, still go. And don't forget to exercise so you feel happy!
  3. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Don't over wash your hair - three times a week is plenty. Use a specialist shampoo, not just an all over hair/body wash. Don't wash your hair in hot water, but warm/cool (or cold, if you are feeling brave, especially for the final rinse off).

    Diet, exercise and sleep - the holy trinity :) my wife and I are both getting a few speckles of grey since having a baby. Diet wise, you want to be getting sufficient protein, your 5-a-day of veg and fruit, and enough zinc, B vitamins and iron. If you are vegan/vegetarian, consider taking supplements. Quitting smoking can also help.

    If it's receding or going thin at the back, which it will do eventually, go to a decent barber and get a flattering cut. Basically, shorter styles are your friend, with a bit of choppiness on top to disguise thinness - style with wax and your fingers rather than a comb.
  4. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    Get rid off shampoo as it makes your hair fall off, use aloe vera gel straight from the plant instead.
  5. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    i dont have hair issues, but i realized that once i stopped using shampoo, i didnt need to use hair wax or gel to style my hair, because the hair looked a lot thicker and better.
  6. Under many researches and experiences, yes PMO causes hair fall, not just to head but over the whole body sometimes. And it slows the growth of hair and beard.
  7. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Just living as healthily as you possibly can would be my advice. In other words, exercise regularly, use on of those specialist-shampoos out there (as the regular ones are filled with chemicals and junk) eat a diet rich in whole foods, proteins and vitamins and avoid processed foods.

    Vitamin-C is more important than you think and the main-reason as to why I am writing this reply. All of those doctors and authority-figures (who are only schooled in conventional Western medicine) are never stressing the importance of this vitamin that is very key in collagen-production and formation.
    They are usually telling you to consume a paltry 90-100mg a day for good health which is in fact only 1-3% of what you really need for optimal health. In fact, you need to megadose vitamin-C daily (up to 10 grams = 10, 000 mg!!!) for optimal health so those guidelines are essentially a bunch of baloney. To reach those limits, you would have to eat at least 100 oranges per day which is impossible, even if oranges were the only food in your diet.

    Goats for example, produce 12 grams or more per day on their own (while not sick or ill) and humans who can't produce their own vitamin-C, need to spread this dose out throughout the day (through additional supplements) for optimal health since the storage of it depletes fast. By doing this, you will have a very strong immune-system but that also requires you taking care of yourself besides that.
  8. iluvfreedom

    iluvfreedom Fapstronaut

    what do you use instead of shampoo?
  9. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    nothing :emoji_shrug:
  10. iluvfreedom

    iluvfreedom Fapstronaut

    no dandruff?
  11. Address007

    Address007 Fapstronaut

    Hair loss in men tends to be genetic. If you're receding, or your crown is thinning, or all your hair on top is thinning (but not the sides and back - called diffuse thinning), then sadly odds are you have androgenic alopecia, and the only way to stop it is to get on a 5ar inhibitor (do your own research about side effects).
    Leader of ME and iluvfreedom like this.
  12. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    In my early 20s, my beard grows slightly bit, but 100% noticeable, faster on solid strikes.

    Also a funny thing. Extreme marathons of fap makes dandruff noticeably appear more over the next week or two.

    Also skin is terrible. Now, being on the good lifestyle, skin is strong. I rub my skin hard with a towel after the shower to open the pores. I no longer get any kind of dead skin from around my body. Before, all over my body, I had endless dead skin coming off in little particles as I was rubbing my skin hard with a rough towel. And it's not dirt lol, it's dead skin. I had this problem for years
  13. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Reasonably, when I didn't fap for a whole time I lost less hairs as when I did it. But when you do nofap your skin becomes more smooth and fine.
    Losing hairs at a specific age can also have genetic reasons.
    Leader of ME likes this.
  14. Not true with me .
    Hair growth for me . Everywhere .
    WesternWolf likes this.
  15. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Stop fapping and cooming.
    OscarNF likes this.
  16. Cavendish93

    Cavendish93 Fapstronaut

    Hair loss with me was one of the things that led me to the point I’m at now. When i was at college (10 years ago) I had a lot of hair and loved it (picture a young Justin Bieber basically that kind of style and length).

    I started realising my hair was thinning in 2017 when I was 24 but didn’t really think much of it. But in the last year it’s really accelerated and I started panicking a few weeks ago when I basically realised that my fringe is now almost completely gone. I have started taking hair loss medication and have been researching hair transplants because my hair is so important to me. Feeling ugly and bald made me turn to p even harder and added to my depression. Hair loss = depression = porn = masturbation = depression. A very bad cycle.
  17. Shave your head. When I shaved mine off I got used to it within a week. Best decision I ever made for my hair.
    Gold Blood likes this.
  18. josedelamuerte

    josedelamuerte Fapstronaut

    I do find that my hair is thicker when abstaining.

    I had very brittle hair a couple of years ago and my barber told me to test my blood for vitamin B12/6 deficiencies. Sure enough, I needed to take B12. Should watch out when taking supplements. Some the body clears out when you take too much (like B12). Others you can overdose on (like zinc). Get tested first.

    I'm now taking some saw palmetto extract, which is supposed to inhibit DHT and increase hair growth. It's only been a few weeks, so I can't really say if it's making a difference. Will keep you posted though.
  19. Oliver88

    Oliver88 Fapstronaut

    to be honest, hair loss depends on many different factors, such as vitamin deficiency or severe stress. You can consult a doctor with this question, you may need to change your diet
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  20. lastchanceharvey

    lastchanceharvey Fapstronaut

    100% M alone causes hair loss; whether you orgasm or not. No, it's not 99.5% nor 99.9995%.

    It's 100%.

    I've done nofap at least 5 times. Each time I start nofap, hair loss completely stops. Each time, every time.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2021
    WesternWolf likes this.