Is News/Politics A Waste of Time?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, May 3, 2020.

  1. Don’t get me wrong. Obviously, staying informed can be good. But what if your informed with negative information all the time. Every time, I turn on news/politics, it’s always the same thing. Someone did something bad, the world is going to implode etc. I quit the news/politics for like a week and my anxiety/depression was almost gone. I never felt so joyful and happy. Do you believe news/politics is a waste of time or maybe not?
    Axesteel, Taylor25 and palindromo like this.
  2. frosties

    frosties Fapstronaut

    That's a very interesting question. I stopped watching news/politics maybe 3 or 4 years ago, for the reasons you said. The pros are this is much less information for my brain to process so I'm far more clear minded (although other stuff come to overwhelm me). The cons are : I never know anything, people talk about things I know nothing about, global politics for instance. This is a sacrifice I was willing to make but I don't think it's a necessary one. Maybe try to set a time in the week, an hour on saturday for instance, to do your own research about the important things that happened this week, where's the world at?
    palindromo likes this.
  3. I understand what you mean. I worked a job that involved dealing with conversional topics. (Ex: Money, Politics, Religion etc.) One of my coworkers had an affair with another coworker that both cheated on their partners. The divorces were super nasty. One of them lost 50,000 thousand dollars in the court proceedings. Thank god I don’t have children. Crazy stuff. Every decision I made at the job I used to work at involved making conversional decisions regarding politics. Absolute misery. People yelling and screaming, just terrible. Even though, I was making six figures at that job. It never made me happy. I resorted to drugs and anything involving escapism. After four years of misery, I quit that job. I was unemployed for three months collecting benefits. Until I found a job that was bearable. It was a 60,000 thousand per year job and involved no conversional topics(Politics, Religion, Money, etc). I won’t lie, there are a few negatives to the 60,000 per year job but I couldn’t be anymore happier in my life.
    Taylor25 and palindromo like this.
  4. That’s a good idea. I guess just limit yourself or don’t watch it at all. Good post.
    palindromo likes this.
  5. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    The only reason you should ever watch the news is if you’d like to get a kick out of how the owners of the media corps (and world) are trying to manipulate the masses. Which, is also a waste of time. Believe me, there are enough idiots to go around to let you know what contrived stories are going on. Save your brain cells, don’t watch the news. Btw, “the microscopic life form that shall not be named” would not even exist if it weren’t for the news.
    Deleted Account and palindromo like this.
  6. Interesting stuff. Thanks for replying, man.
    palindromo likes this.
  7. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    palindromo likes this.
  8. This is why I avoid TV news, lol.
    palindromo likes this.
  9. Don’t bother with news/politics. It’s all fear mongering and negativity. It makes life worse than it seems. I don’t need to watch the news, anyway. I can get my sources from other means necessary.
    Deleted Account and palindromo like this.
  10. Yes, a waste of time. Unless it’s your job. I don’t need to do drugs or buy a gun. Don’t care about taxes because I live in a state with no income tax. Health care isn’t a worry for me. I have no need and time for nonsense political drivel and negativity.
    Deleted Account and palindromo like this.
  11. Your better off avoiding it. My advice is to use it when it’s absolutely necessary (Ex: Pandemic, Election Day/Week, Global Crisis, War, Severe Weather, etc.) There’s no reason to watch it every day, all that information is going to give you anxiety.
  12. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Fapstronaut

    I stay what I call "reasonably informed". I know the headlines, I know the basics of what is happening, and I read further into things that interest me. What I've stopped doing is digging deeply into things, trying to figure out what's "really going on", what so and so "really meant" etc. That's a never-ending rabbit trail and it makes you stressed, paranoid, and uncharitable towards people with different opinions than you.

    I stay focused on the things that really matter to me which, if I'm honest, isn't politics.
  13. The rabbit hole thing is real. Definitely relate. Yes, be “reasonable informed.” Completely agree.
    Marcus Aurelius and palindromo like this.
  14. That’s what I plan on doing for now on. Only use it for when it’s important otherwise there’s no reason to consume.
    palindromo likes this.
  15. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    No , not a waste of time but it's better to be very critique with what we see. What they are showing us , the sources are never neutral.

    It can help us to have a critique eye , to understand the masses and changes of our time.

    To close our eyes makes us vulnerable , the don't act is a choice. But not always the best choice
  16. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Trying to avoid social media and news as much as possible. But I do think good journalism has also positive effects to the world and is important.
    DudeMan430 likes this.
  17. “But I do think good journalism has also positive effects to the world and is important.” True.
  18. Politics is boring to me. It’s all vilification and no action. The news is too sensational, I think. I don’t believe news/politics has any substance unless the actions the politicians take, affect your life in a positive/negative way.
    DudeMan430 likes this.
  19. I agree. Good post.
  20. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Fapstronaut

    I can't say I find politics boring. I'm interested in the political side of history and I enjoy it when politics are well used in fiction. My aversion to irl contemporary politics comes down to two main things. 1) Not being able to trust anything. I mentioned this in my earlier post, but getting to the bottom of things is a full time job that I'm not willing to commit to. 2) The left / right divide. The faithful on both sides see themselves as the saviors of civilization. When you don't find yourself in either camp and tend to see politics as a dirty power game, rather than the struggle between the good side and the bad side, and you think that the vast majority of politicians are self-serving powermongers, it can be frustrating when everything is filtered through the lens of these two very narrow-minded political philosophies.
    Last edited: May 6, 2020
    recon117 and DudeMan430 like this.