The Last of Us Part 2 leaks

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by AtomicTango, May 4, 2020.

  1. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    There may be spoilers in this thread, but I wont be posting any in this initial post.

    So, The Last of Us Part 2 has been leaked, its possible to know almost the entire story from beginning to end, and a lot of cutscenes and gameplay has been leaked as well. The reaction to a lot of the leaks has been negative, and I was interested in knowing if anyone here had seen them, and if so, has it affected your desire to get the game? Personally, I enjoyed the first game but think it is quite heavily overrated, and I saw the leaks and almost bust a gut laughing about how bad the game sounds story wise. Would be interested in what others think.
    Ghabbbyyyy likes this.
  2. I saw the leaks as well. I loved the first one, however i do think people overhyped it. It was a great game very much so but not to the point where it is "top 5/10 best games of all time".

    I don't know what to think of the leaks. I am both disappointed yet intrigued at the same time. I do hope the particular leak surrounding "Abbie" is false. U know which one i'm talking about lol. I'm going to wait for game reviews. If all these leaks turn out to be true, than i won't be getting the game until it is on sale :)
    desmondmiles likes this.
  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think its safe to say the leaks are accurate, I've seen what you are talking about and its not pretty, I think the fanbase at large will be mad with a lot of the decisions made. Lets hope the game itself is still decent.

    I think a lot of PS4 games are better than the first game by a good margin if I'm being honest, I cant help but feel like its overhyped just because its a Naughty Dog game. I loved Bloodborne at the time, and I also really liked Spiderman, I see your profile picture is old Kratos, I also enjoyed God of War 2018 and hope the sequel will be even better.
    Ghabbbyyyy and desmondmiles like this.
  4. Unfortunately it seems u might be right. Sony and NaughtyDog have both come out to acknowledge the leaks. Even Troy Baker (I think the guy who voices Joe) said in an interview a few years back that fans must go about with this game with an 'open-mind'. I just hope it won't be as bad on screen as it is on reddit. This is what happens when agendas are shoved our throats. One of the directors is a 'pro feminist/lgbt rights activist'. I still am optimistic and there may be a 'very slim chance' they might actually pull it off.

    Yes, ps4 is home to one of the best games of all times. As u already mentioned, I have Kratos as my profile picture. God of war 2018 was to me the best game of all time. It did have an impact on my life in some way. I think i finished it (start to end) like 3 or 4 times. I received the platinum trophy. Spiderman is also really well executed (platinum as well). The inevitable sequels to these 2 games is the reason i will be picking up a ps5.

    I'm really looking forward to the Ghost of Tsushima, it looks pretty cool. This is gonna be an unpopular opinion but i really am optimistic on the upcoming Avengers game. Yes it looked bad when they first revealed at E3 but i've been following up on it lately and it seems they really have been taking their time to fix a few issues. Most people are pumped for Cyberpunk 2077 (basically seems like a futuristic version of gta). Looks pretty cool but i saw the ratings and it promotes sexual content on so many levels. Maybe this isn't a good game for my reboot LOL.
  5. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I am unsold on the PS5 until they show more of a reason to get one, sequels to the games you mentioned are inevitable but until I see them I'm not sure. Personally I still get more than enough use out of my PS4.
  6. I don't understand why we still fetishize the zombie/post-apocalyptic genre. No offense.
  7. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    It seems like its an easy way for writers to create drama and opportunities for the kind of things that may not be as easy if the story was just set in the real world. I dont inherently have a problem with it, but my biggest issue with TLOU specifically is it copies so much from other things and yet people still hold it up as being some sort of GOAT masterpiece. I still use the "Citizen Kane of gaming" line from one review in conversation all the time with friends as shorthand for being ridiculously OTT.
    desmondmiles likes this.
  8. Yeah the fans of TLOU are very hyperbolical in their ratings of this game, which I find funny. Maybe I'm completely disillusioned from playing games my entire life, but I just feel like it kind of wrote itself.
  9. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I feel like a lot of videogame stories are like this if I'm being honest. I felt the same way about Red Dead 2, a lot of that plot relies heavily on the characters being stupid and the gang behave like a sanitised version of what a gang like that would actually be like. To my eyes it uses a lot of the same elements as a book called Blood Meridian but it just does them worse, this seems to be a running theme with AAA games now, take elements from a book or film the majority of the audience wont have heard of, and pass it off as brand new. I sound pretentious as shit putting it like that but its kinda hard to deny how blatant it is sometimes, I mean Death Stranding has some things in its story that are the same as a Russian sci fi novel I cant remember the name of right now, even down to them having the same names!
  10. I'm gonna be honest - I'm really looking forward to Death Stranding (when it comes out on PC June 2). I know he was inspired by movies and comics as well as mythology and other stuff, but Kojima's creative talent is beyond parallel. Now I sound like the kind of fans I was talking about.

    And triple A games are more about profit these days than passion. Gaming used to be for nerds, and people made games out of sheer love for the process. But now that it's been industrialized, I think that corporate greed has ruined good franchises and killed the process of making interesting original titles.
  11. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I bought Death Stranding on a whim and actually ended up really liking it, a lot of it is nonsense and its very clearly flawed in a lot of places but I still appreciate it not just yet another game I've played before but repackaged. I kinda feel about it and Kojima the same way I feel about the Star Wars prequels and George Lucas, sure the prequels may be incredibly flawed to the point its often baffling but I would still rather take Episode 1,2 or 3 over the Disney sequels, and I feel the same about Death Stranding and "Heres another generic shooter or open world game." Sure DS has those elements but its main gameplay focus is something I havent seen on anything other than maybe truck delivery sims.