Excessive porn use and masturbation is turning me gay

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Dave419, May 1, 2020.

  1. Dave419

    Dave419 New Fapstronaut

    I started with normal straight porn then graduated to watching anal porn. I’m so addicted to big asses n anal porn that I also started watching transgendered person porn...I also started watching gay porn even though I find it disgusting sometimes...I’m so disappointed with myself and I fear I’m turning gay, I also started inserting stuff into my rectum and having stupid gay fantasies. I’m so ashamed of myself cos I know that all this was caused by porn use. I tried Nofap a few times but keep relapsing everytime I get frustrated and stressed out. I really love women but I have pied which has greatly reduced my confidence n self esteem..I’m so fucked up.
    Last edited: May 1, 2020
    VanGuy likes this.
  2. Might_Stag_Beetle

    Might_Stag_Beetle Fapstronaut

    I've watched porn for two decades and it never made me gay or watch transgendered people. That's dead. Mental toughness bro. It's all mental. Resist.
    don'tlookbackinanger likes this.
  3. don'tlookbackinanger

    don'tlookbackinanger Fapstronaut

    as for being gay, i don't understand what is gay, who is gay or how is gay

    thing is, you've seen so much your brain can't just have enough but it's not the worst case and to fix it you need to follow some steps.

    -get a porn blocker. ( ASAP DO NOT WAIT)
    - do not touch yourself or fantasize for a week. cut away any sexy thoughts immediately.
    - break that lethargic pattern of being bored, then tirelessly surfing on the web- it's mostly the first step to a PMO session.

    do this for a week then come back here. do not cheat. do not rationalize that porn is good.
    KILLPOOPHUB likes this.
  4. VanGuy

    VanGuy Fapstronaut

    Porn does that man.. it’s pretty well documented that it’s the shock factor as much as anything that triggers dopamine release.

    I remember watching some hot chick stripping and getting into it and then her boner pops out.. and it shocked the shit outta me.. but you know with your dick in your hand while that happens.. your telling your brain that it still feels good so it must be good..

    I started looking up that shit after that for awhile but really that was what started me thinking..what the hell is wrong with me?…I’m wanking to all sorts of shit I don’t even like?…that’s a big deal when you realise how fucked you are.. you realise that porn/ internet escalates anything you show interest in, into something more shocking.. dopamine release is the same because you were shocked brain says thanks let’s do THAT again..thing is it’s not particularly about being gay.. if you started with an initial attraction to say watching thick women it may lead to obesity.. older women into grannies.. teens into pedos..anal into trannys /gay.. rough turns into rape etc...it’s designed that way.. it can go in any direction. it just gives you a more and more extreme version of whatever you looked at before to keep shocking you instead of arousing you.. exactly the same way that adverts are targeted... track anything that you look at and offer it to you until what works best is all that’s offered... It’s a business model.

    Thing is.. if you don’t stop and get off the damn ride right now.. where the hell does it go that’s any good?… it only escalates in some new direction.. also the further you go the harder it will be to stop.. now is as easy as it is ever going be.

    Good thing you’ve questioned it.. you CAN stop.. there’s plenty of examples now of people on here that have successfully beaten this.. there not superior humans.. they just didn’t watch it anymore one day at a time as best as I can tell.. or they got sick of feeling manipulated by corporate interests.. maybe they got sick of being someone they didn’t like.. that’s my motivation.. but whatever works for you.
    Good luck man✌️
  5. Don't hate yourself for it. You can recover if you want - the door is always open. I have sexual fantasies about transgendered people too, but I don't think it's because of porn. I think I just like transgendered people.
    AmeVirupa likes this.
  6. MattRyan7

    MattRyan7 Fapstronaut

  7. marekasap

    marekasap Fapstronaut

    don't worry about that much. There is still hope for you but you need to answer yourself a question:

    > when you see a hot girl,... do you want het?
    > when see a handsome man ... do you want him?
    > when you walk up in the morning would you rather to have a hot girl next to you or a hot men?

    if you honestly answer the questions and you prefer women then there's i cure for you. Its called NoFap :) Stop watching porn, make your brain vacation from that crap and start the process. After two weeks you would see a difference and gay fetishes will start to fade away.

    I've been through the same... so i feel your worries by heart.