Is it just me or does your Mind lie to you as well?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by rikityrik, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. rikityrik

    rikityrik Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I have become more aware of my thoughts and emotions and one thing that I have found that my mind constantly does is tell me how it is OK to fap and watch porn at the age of 26 (an early age) but my mind was telling me the same thing when I was 24, or 22, or 18 - you get the idea.

    It is so hard to tame this beast that is the mind and it baffles me how much it is works against you as long as its primal, innate, and egoistical desires are satisfied. And I see myself constantly believing and falling into the trap set by my own mind.

    Do you guys feel that too? How have you tried to overcome it during your NoFap journey? I am intrigued!
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  2. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    Yes . David Goggins once said " the mind has a tactical advantage over you".
    How is your stress level?
    How is your relationship with anxiety?
  3. rikityrik

    rikityrik Fapstronaut

    My stress levels and anxiety levels do not remain anchored but rather sway from one end to the other constantly.

    usually I see myself giving into my mind when I’m feeling low or bored at home, but even while engaging in the activity, I innately know that what I’m doing is bad for me - but I still end up doing it. This has a knock on effect on my self-trust as I stop trusting myself in sticking to what I set out to achieve , given how easily I give in to the proverbial beast.

    have you engaged in certain behaviours that have allowed you to control the mind and tame it?
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  4. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for asking.
    Yes i have done plenty of work on this front.

    Meditation ( not so much but worth mentioning- people swear by it)
    Breathwork. ( crucial)
    Praying ( spiritual not religious/dogma)
    Writing my affirmations down 15 times every day.
    Positive self talk.
    Self compassion. It is only human to slip up.
    Knowing myself more. ( i ask god everday : "God reveal me to me" know yourself and you will win every battle."
  5. rikityrik

    rikityrik Fapstronaut

    Awesome man, I am going to look into all these options as I try to understand more about the "why" of my emotions. I think it is always important to be mindful of the "why" - why are you engaging in the behaviours that you are engaging in, why are you feeling that way, etc. I feel like the source of these problems usually relate to Self-Love. The less self-loving we are, the more we allow the ego (the mind) to dictate our sense of well-being. The more self-loving we are, the less we'll allow the mind to rule us. And then the options that you have mentioned would act as a catalyst for our growth and expansion in awareness into the ever present Self-Love that I mentioned.

    Still, talk is cheap. I hope we can do our best work when no one is looking.
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  6. BlueBallsOG

    BlueBallsOG Fapstronaut

    Its called rationalisation, its a part of addiction. Your mind wants something and will come up with a thousand reasons why you need it.
  7. dzigi

    dzigi Fapstronaut

    Yeah it has happened. Your brain got used to something and now you think it away from him imagine you give to your imaginary child lolipop everyday and all of a sudden you stop doing that. Imagine their reaction. Thats how our brain reacting, like a child without a lolipop and need to get use it. After some time it is goinf to become regular state