Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Oct 27, 2017.


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  1. Bobske

    Bobske Fapstronaut

    You are strong! You can do this!
  2. Bobske

    Bobske Fapstronaut

  3. Jiminy Cricket

    Jiminy Cricket Fapstronaut

    Thanks B! Just got a bit of a shitty work environment, which is tiring me out. It's hard to keep your priorities straight when you're like that.

    (Ps. You can include a link to your journal/blog under your user name if you enter it in your profile page. As you see under my name.)
    Deleted Account, Bobske, Pone and 2 others like this.
  4. Fredi-the

    Fredi-the Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Day 11/90 No PM with NO peeking
    Day 461 at attempting this challenge
    Day 162 weight training (M, W, F)
    Lifestyle: No caffeine or alcohol and reduced desserts
  5. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    Day 55:90
    Day 34 no coffee

    I’ll put up a longer post about coffee and also nofap 55 days how it’s going... it’s amaaazing!
  6. bromor

    bromor Fapstronaut

    Day 18 no M,
    Day 123 no P!

    Video of the day for me - Kill that f*cking coward!

    Repeating myself but - you do have to replace the bad habits with good ones. Its hard, but try and do it. Examples were given in a post before mine, but anything positive will do - there are countless online courses you can do, get in touch with family and friends more often, exercise, read, whatever just do positive things, you very well know what they are ;)

    Keep it going guys!
  7. Merry Terry

    Merry Terry Fapstronaut

    Day 7.
    I joined this forum 178 days ago. Of those 178 days, I was 159 days without P.
  8. Jiminy Cricket

    Jiminy Cricket Fapstronaut

    Would love to read it!
  9. antn

    antn Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the support. Day 5/90.

    I have quit smoking pot since about 10 days now. It makes quite a difference. These two addictions of mine are so connected
  10. Golden-Balls

    Golden-Balls Fapstronaut

    Day 16:).
    For the past days I have been feeling zero motivation
    I was expecting to be motivated or feel some drive to do any task. But I only want to do tasks that require almost no willpower power. Like watching movies or just sleeping.
  11. james0422

    james0422 Fapstronaut

    Day 8 rebooting. Have been reading the forum rebooting as the best remedy. It helped me a lot!
    Deleted Account, Pone, bromor and 2 others like this.
  12. Kgosi_345

    Kgosi_345 New Fapstronaut

    I have been addicted to porn i wanna change
    Deleted Account, Pone, bromor and 2 others like this.
  13. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    Welcome man. We are with you. Keep going!
  14. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    That's great. At this time of our lives we ought to engage in things that will motivate us, and not discourage us. Success is awaiting us.
    Deleted Account, Pone, bromor and 2 others like this.
  15. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    Good to know. The most important step is being willing to change. We are a group that is committed to overcome PMOing. Welcome to the family. If there is any challenge, you can share with us.
    Deleted Account, Pone and bromor like this.
  16. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    Day 7/90 Completed
    Today is my 7th day of no PMO. I struggled yesternight, but here I am today victorious. I feel energetic for not falling to PMO. It is better to spend time with ourselves, and loved ones than watch people on screens doing things that are damaging to our overall wellbeing.
    Deleted Account, Pone and bromor like this.
  17. Timothy_James

    Timothy_James Fapstronaut

    17 days complete

    Today is a tough day. My brain is really craving an instant high right now. I'm on my last 30mg caffeine pill. Moving down to 20mg tomorrow. For those of you who are considering quitting caffeine, I highly recommend finding a way to gradually reduce your intake. Quitting cold turkey can definitely work, but when you PAIR that with trying to stay PMO free it compounds the urges. In short, it's just too drastic of a chemical change for your brain to handle. The urge to have SOMETHING that makes you feel good can become so overwhelming you'll likely end up binging on one behavior or the other. At the same time, everyone is different. Not everyone's brain operates the same way and not everyone experiences chemical change the same way. So, cold turkey might work for you. Just something to be aware of. If you DO want an incredibly easy way to reduce your caffeine intake, try Wean Caffeine. I've been using these and it has helped tremendously! It's not magic, you'll still feel discomfort and tired on some days, but the withdrawal symptoms are much less severe. I've found that while I may be uncomfortable on some days, I can still function fairly well, so I've been able to continue doing my job and take care of responsibilities at home. More importantly, I'm still mentally present and clear enough to fight the PMO urges and make better choices!!

    For those of you that are noticing a connection between any kind of drug use (caffeine, alcohol, pot, etc.) I'm right there with you! I think a simple explanation is that while these are different behaviors and different chemical addictions, they all follow the same brain pathway of doing something that makes me feel good instantly without me having to do any real work (or be productive). In other words, they all follow the pattern of escape mentality. I believe that reinforcing one of these tends to reinforce the others. In the past I've observed that if I break my commitment to no caffeine, PMO will not be far behind.

    Again, this is how things have worked out FOR ME. I'm sure not everyone is the same, so don't hear me saying that you're wrong to drink coffee or alcohol if that's what you do. Those things are fine if you can maintain a healthy relationship with them and they don't affect your PMO goals. My only two goals in saying this are 1) to write out my thoughts on the subject and 2) encourage you to be mindful of these factors and how they MIGHT be affecting your progress. I hope at least some of this was helpful to some of you!

    I appreciate all of you going on this journey together!
  18. God.Beast20

    God.Beast20 Fapstronaut

  19. Merry Terry

    Merry Terry Fapstronaut

    Damn, my urges are crazy frequent today. Every 10 or 15 minutes a thought or a memory or a fantasy pops up. Staying strong...
  20. njb07

    njb07 Fapstronaut