Astral projection, sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, etc.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. Just wanted to share this video here, because I know a lot of people here are interested in this stuff. It's pretty crazy to hear this guy's experience. I used to be sort of into the whole lucid dreaming thing, but not anymore.

    Give it a listen.

    desmondmiles likes this.
  2. Wait a second that's not the Josh Peck I know...
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  3. desmondmiles

    desmondmiles Fapstronaut

    I've been trying to get into lucid dreaming, and the like for a while now.

    I just haven't been able to get there for some reason, it's like I'm just too tense. I really don't know. If anybody has any tips and tricks as to how to actually get to the lucid state, and things like that, those would be much appreciated.

    I've tried just laying there for a while, but after like thirty minutes I ultimately just end up giving up because nothing has changed one bit. I've tried tensing and relaxing my muscles, I've tried listening to audio, calming music, I've tried a lot of different things. Ultimately, the thing that has gotten me closest to being able to do it was the audio where it guides you through the different steps, but every time I do that I end up falling asleep before I can actually get relaxed enough.
  4. Lol I thought the same thing
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  5. Please watch the video and don't get wrapped up in this stuff. This thread is not for advice on how to do this, it's to warn against the extreme dangers of these things.
  6. I am a pro at this, but i dont like it, just wake up and go back to sleep is the key the more you wake up the more easy it is to do, drink alot of water before bed so you wake up to pee
    desmondmiles likes this.
  7. Please stop sharing tips for this here. If you want to share those tips, you can do it elsewhere. This thread is AGAINST all of these things and warning of the danger of them. If people are going to be sharing tips on how to do them here, I will delete it.
  8. desmondmiles

    desmondmiles Fapstronaut

    I know, that was my bad. I didn't watch the video all the way through, and at first it sounded like he was talking it up. At the same time, I've always been very interested in the paranormal very similarly to the guy in the video, and I just...I don't know. I feel like it would help me to have more faith if I had an experience like that because I tend to be very skeptical. With that being said, I can see the potential danger in it.
  9. I get what you mean, but faith isn't about spiritual encounters. And if you're getting your spiritual encounters from demons, that's a terrible idea and will only lead to pain and suffering. I would very much advise against it. If you want to experience God, study the Bible. If you just want spiritual experiences, then do what you want, but I would strongly warn against it.
    desmondmiles likes this.
  10. KurosuX

    KurosuX Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you were trying to become lucid through WILD, is that correct?
    If that didn't work, there are other methods that might work for you. DILD/MILD are beginner friendly options that don't require too much investment, so they may be worth looking into.
    desmondmiles likes this.