I need help and advice

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by CaptainMax737, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. CaptainMax737

    CaptainMax737 Fapstronaut

    Hello my brothers and sisters. Lately due to covid 19, my company has been forcing us to actually work more because other employees got laid off. I work 12 hour graveyard shifts and by the time I get home at 9AM in the morning, I fap because there are strong urges. I eat healthy(not always but mostly), hike alot and am in good shape. I think due to sleep deprivation I fap alot and need to stop. Any suggestions and advice is highly appreciated. I want to quit porn and fapping. Thank you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Hi there...
    Welcome to the community! :)
  3. Get out and exercise more, time to take good care of yourself, you want to lose weight or build some muscle now is a good time . Keep in contact with people so you don't gravitate towards porn
    Distract yourself , if you like video games or reading books then drive right in . When the urges arise, give someone a ring . Go for a run or a walk . Urges will pass , the longer you abstain the easier it gets
  4. This is very good advice!
  5. Is there any chance your fapping is a contributive reason for your sleep deprivation?

    I fully understand you turning to porn and fapping after your workdays since its a very powerful and effective short term way of releasing stress. Longterm its bad tho... But I guess you already know this.

    This is also an acknowledgement but I want to remind you that staying in good/ very good shape will significantly increase sex drive. I myself have this problem.

    Also meditation and yoga helps alot. Go online on this forum when you have urges and stay active here. This helps me. Giving others advice and read about their problem helps you to question yourself aswell.

    These are just my tips.

    I hope this helps some. Stay strong. We are here to help you!
    Dragonkmp67 likes this.
  6. fireblaster

    fireblaster Fapstronaut

    Amazing video describing the reboot timeline.
    All the best macha.