Why it’s really semen retention...

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by TheRetainer, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. TheRetainer

    TheRetainer Fapstronaut

    I’d like to share my experiences and discuss maybe.

    Im 38m. Suffer from all the issues impotence No libido depression Ed anxiety etc.

    I feel the benefits most of us do from retaining.

    However. I’ve never ever watched porn. Never really over masturbated. Never had a wet dream.

    on a side note I’m extremely successful in life generally. I’m retired no need to work. Can get girls reasonably easy.

    I’ve had great sex when I was younger with V pills etc.

    it isn’t prolactin... I took carbogoline, it reduces prolactin to zero. No effect.

    It isn’t testosterone... I injected test up to junkie levels. Zero effect.

    I could almost buy the dopamine argument. But it’s a massive theory at best.

    im studying Qi, energy and a eastern perspective. And your basically throwing away your life force with every sexual encounter.

    now I have friends that fap to porn all day long and still go out and have sex with girls and cheat on their wives. They are in their forties and still going strong.

    unfortunately or fortuneately depending on your perspective we aren’t all cut from the same cloth.

    my basic logic says either we don’t create as much of this energy like my friend or we release far more of it in one hit than my friend.

    So that’s my path of discovery-semen retention. I’m going to stop trying to follow the path of western society.

    Monks devote their lives to retention abstinence etc. Why do they do it? Because they feel incredible, euphoric. Far better then the majority of us westerners can dream of.

    I’m far from a master. But when I’ve retained I feel happy euphoric. Just going on a walk or listening to music. It feels better than any moment have had wanking or having sex or with a partner in general. I’m happy just to be alive.

    when I o from sex or m. I feel shit, I am needy, anxious, insecure, pathetic.

    id say all of us on this forum have this in common and are the opposite to my friend. There’s nothing wrong with us, you could say gifted. I have a better life in general then my hyper sexual friend. Stop trying to be something your not.

    keep it for making children only friends I say.
  2. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    Good post!
    I strongly concur with this theory. I always wondered why the heck I seemed to be so drastically affected compared to my peers. I think its both releasing more in one hit, and possibly having generally weaker constitutions to be able to counteract this loss.

    I have never had sex before, but I think you (and probably me) have what's called POIS- Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
    You may want to check out

    The bottom line is that I suspect that only a profound amount of time on hard mode can "cure" or mitigate POIS. I mean at least 1 year, maybe even 2... or more? There is a youtube video of a guy who cured his POIS after 4 years of hardmode
  3. TheRetainer

    TheRetainer Fapstronaut

    Yes I’ve come across POIS.

    Our genes have all evolved independently of each other from animals. So many genetic pathways. Most animals don’t have sex for pleasure and only do it limited times in a year.

    So hard mode all the way. It doesn’t mean we can’t have sex or be great lovers - just don’t cum. Least that’s what I’m telling myself.

    Perhaps when I’m healed I’ll explore sexual transmutation and energy work to avoid losing so much in one splurge.

    im on day 18 hard mode, can’t really get out of bed - depression - anxiety - apathy. I’m questioning the what I’m doing.

    but I guess I have nothing else to do.

    everyone on here is so focused on sex. Worried about no libido or no erections. It is probably that same obsession with sex which causes the problem in the first place. It will probably cause them to test and relapse.

    I couldn’t care if I never have sex again if only I can be stable mood and happy.
    goodnice 3.0 and GoldenDreams like this.
  4. Wolf7

    Wolf7 Fapstronaut

    Our phones and electronics are literally siphons for our Chi energy. It is proven, it is drained from your body when you use these devices. A lot of people in the western world as so fucked up and sick and shit because of their sexualities, and because of the electronics. America in general is just a fucked up place but semen retention will for sure increase your health, your spirituality, and your life in general in all aspects. Sexual energy is real and it is powerful. I mean you can use the cum from inside of your balls to produce an ENTIRE life form. I don't know why people still think it's okay to ejaculate into a sock or on a girls face. Of course this isn't taught in school either so it's hard to blame anyone, but there is a reason it's not taught, and there is a reason porn is so big in this country, and in the world. It keeps people at a lower freuqency, and a lower level in life.
    goodnice 3.0 and Prashanh4321 like this.
  5. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    Wait really?? About the phone siphoning off chi energy? Seriously if this is true, this makes so much sense, and it all comes together.

    I always wondered lately, WHY DO I FEEL SO TERRIBLE WHEN IM ON MY PHONE FOR A LONG TIME? I really feel crappy

    But then can you explain this paradox to me? Because i don’t get the same negative sluggish effect when i’m working on school work on my laptop. When I’m on my phone for too long just scrolling or browsing or watching youtube, then i get the bad feeling

    BUT, when i am on my computer productively working on something, then i never really get this bad feeling. I’m able to concentrate and focus well...

    Can you or anyone give a theory for why this is?
  6. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    Also is it the mere touching of our phones, or rather is it the use that is bad for us?

    Is having my phone in my pocket bad, is it siphoning off chi? Or is it using it too long in an unproductive way
  7. Wolf7

    Wolf7 Fapstronaut

    I haven't seen any studies studying the usage of the device in the pockets or another position aside from being in use by the user. But I believe it'd be more so just when you're using it unproductively and putting all your emotions and happiness into it. Like think about it, the highlight of some peoples days are watching youtube videos to laugh, or going on social media, you can see what that does to you.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  8. TheRetainer

    TheRetainer Fapstronaut

    I have noticed a sort of energy drain looking at screens of all kinds.

    I have literally had long periods of no screen use and it didn’t solve my issues though.

    One thing I struggle to explain with The semen retention theory is why we have flatlines and in have mood swings etc. You’d think recovery would be more linear as you build up your energy reserves...
  9. Wolf7

    Wolf7 Fapstronaut

    My theory for that is because you are actually having productivity which makes you feel better regardless of what the device is doing. I believe the way you use the device and the frequency plays a big part.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  10. Wolf7

    Wolf7 Fapstronaut

    Humans being creatures of habit will sometimes feel abverse effects when completely cutting off something they're used to. Habit is preservation and that's what the brain sees as safety. it feels threatened when exposed to changed and it will do anything to bring back that state of safety. It will cause headaches, fatigue, mood swings, etc, because it believes it is preserving it self and it wants the "good" feelings back.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  11. I have no idea, but let me just say that this is true for me too! What, can this be real? Never thought of it before but now that this has been mentioned, I have noticed it. I would rather not have one. Fortunately the internet is completely restricted on mine except for nofap website, or I would have relapsed far more.
    goodnice 3.0 and J707 like this.
  12. Wolf7

    Wolf7 Fapstronaut

    Yes sir, it is literally draining your life force and you are giving it all of you. When you're off of the phones and electronics you will notice how grounded and happy you feel. Also, same here. My phone is really only for my workout app and to communicate with friends and family.

    Here's a video explaining what chi energy is and how to feel it.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  13. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    Tru, there is also the neurochemical level (which I am currently learning about in my behavioral neuroscience class). Dopamine and various chemical changes in your brain probably has a big role
    Check out this very good post about the hormones affected by pmo

    HORMONES explanation