Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by sd1, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. sd1

    sd1 Fapstronaut

    So ill try to make this as short and sweet as possible. Over the last two years ive had 5 different sex partners one being my longtime girlfriend so i really dont count that, with my girlfriend i never had an issue getting an erection but with two out of the other 5 it was a lil different. One of them it took until the third time we tried to have sex for me to get it up and i was DRUNK when that happened and i pretty much had to be intoxicated for every encounter with her afterwards to get it up, she was a lil skinnier than im use to so maybe she just wasnt my type? Idk. And the other girl the first time we did it i almost didnt get it up i was going soft when i was getting ready to penetrate but eventually it stayed hard enough for me to slide in and then i was good. My concern now is recently ive had two opportunities for sex with girls i was really attracted to but ive been so scared to even try and start anything out of fear of not getting it up.. i was on a a pmo streak of 42 days but I relapsed so now im currently at day 6. Ive been staying away from women until i hit day 90 but a new female just came into my life and she really wants us to have sex. I like her i want her but idk what to do my anxiety is keeping me scared from even trying to have sex with her, any advice or help is appreciated
  2. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    It is possible that you have PIED. If this is your first time combatting it, a 90 day reboot usually does the trick. You of course have to follow it up with frequent sex in order to rewire, but that does not seem to be a huge problem for you.

    During your reboot, while you can't have sex or be stimulated in any way, you can kiss girls, cuddle, them, and give them oral sex. When I did my first major reboot, I had a girlfriend. She couldn't touch my dick (I actually think my underwear never came off around her for the first 3 months), but I was eating the shit outta her pussy. There are a lot of benefits for this, some scientific, and some common sense.
    • being that intimate with a partner helps your brain to reorient to real women and their bodies, without activating your brain's sex centers
    • it's good for practicing your head game, which women prefer much more often than PIV
    • if you can keep her around for your whole reboot, you'll have an immediate and consistent partner for rewiring, which is imo the most important part of recovering from PIED
    Hmu if you have any other questions
    sd1 likes this.
  3. sd1

    sd1 Fapstronaut

    Ok ok so see ive been cheating on my reboot because ill still have sex here and there but i think thats keeping me in this limbo im in. Ill follow your advice but i think it will be hard for me to a keep a girl around in that capacity because she will eventually want us to just have sex and im not really comfortable sharing my reboot journey with just any female you know..ive been trying to just do my reboot and i hope i could still have sex here and there but i think its hurting me more doing it that way
  4. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Rebooting with a partner: What about sex?

    What do I say to my mate?

    Porn-induced ED: What do I tell my girlfriend?

    What if my partner is a porn addict?

    Boyfriend Quitting Porn? 5 Tips

    You'd be surprised man. Girls love sex, but most of them like it because of the intimacy and making their partner happy. In terms of receiving pleasure, most girls I've been with have told me oral sex feels better than PIV.

    When I started dating my girlfriend during my first reboot, she was literally like "Ok". I showed her some articles on YBOP (nothing on NoFap, people tend to be kinda crazy here), told her we couldn't have sex, and that it would help me get erections. She was cool with it. We'd only known each other for a month at that point. I think I told her about my worst masturbation frequencies, but I never told her what I was masturbating to. You can tell her whatever you want, but I advise letting her know the scope of the problem is good (you have PIED from jerking too much is the main line), but giving her all the nitty gritty details (the porn you watched, people you PMOed to, porn-induced fetishes, etc.) is not a great idea.

    If this girl cares about you at all, she will give up sex for a while for you to get better. If you tell her that you're doing this to make things better for your relationship (which is true), I'm sure she'll feel much better about it. She should read some articles geared towards partners of porn addicts.
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.
  5. sd1

    sd1 Fapstronaut

    So thats the thing im not necessarily trying to have an on going situation with some of these females and build with them its more of a sexual encounter here and there but i dont think im there yet, ive decided to just focus on my reboot for now and not chase any women for the next fee months until im a lil more confident going into the situation to avoid the pied.. its not a problem with women ive already been but if its a new girl im nervous about it happening
  6. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    So if you do begin a monogamous relationship with a woman during your reboot, you wouldn't be having sex. Guys who do a hardmode reboot for 3 months and then consistent rewiring with sex for 2-3 months obtain similar to results to guys who do a reboot with no PM but still have sex over multiple years.

    If you want an effective solution to your PIED as soon as possible, you shouldn't have sex during your reboot. If you put the fact out that you won't be having sex at the beginning of your relationship, you won't need to worry about PIED. And trust me, after a 90 day hard mode reboot, you'll be ready to go. You might not get hard before sex (it'll happen when you get naked and start kissing) and you might not be able to finish/stay erect the whole time, but you will definitely see extreme improvement in the first month. In every guy who successfully does hard mode for 90 days, and even in some who screw it up a little, they always lose their PIED pretty quickly.

    In the end, as long as you and your partner are having fun and working on having a better sex life, you shouldn't be worried about PIED. It's 100% confirmed that PIED is reversible, especially in guys as young as us. Just follow the instructions, and you'll do just fine.
    sd1 likes this.
  7. sd1

    sd1 Fapstronaut

    Thank you man! Im on day 7 today so just 83 more days to go :eek: hopefully i can come back to this thread in a few months with successful results