Quarantine Is Ruining NoFap

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by dogeatdog, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    For about the past week, I've watched porn almost everyday - I'd say 6/7. This has the worst it has gotten for me since about last year, as I can usually go at LEAST 2 days without PMO. I haven't been on the forums and have been so unmotivated to do so, but now I'm taking a stand against this. Fuck quarantine, I'm gonna fill my time with writing and making videos that I've been wanting to make for a while now, and doing actual reading for Dungeons and Dragons. How are you guys handling quarantine?
  2. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    u know even tho im not being quarantine (yet my province is the 2nd epicentrum of this pandemic and i lived in small city) going outside is not as fun as it seem

    i have to work (thank god) daily like there is no pandemic happen, and every time i come back home, im so affraid that i carried the virus , it haunted me like every damn day

    not to mention about the economy, im so afraid loosing this job and my study also is devastated
    on the bright side, i buy myself some gundam toy's and some books too this is the first time i buying those kinda of thing's, because i believe sooner or later our city will locked itself too

    but i understand that quarantine is so sucks

    i suggest have an home exercise for just 1 hours it can help your sleep

    stay healthy fellow +62 friend , and don't keep this feeling for urself, u can pm me anytime if that helped you through this
    Zexiant, dogeatdog and Reborn16 like this.
  3. Onan the Barbarian

    Onan the Barbarian Fapstronaut

    Until last Wednesday, I was looking at porn basically every day during this quarantine. So embarrassing, but true. I'm still getting my mind right.
    FinPaja2020, dogeatdog and Gmork like this.
  4. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    I know it's difficult, but I recommend doing an Internet fast the first 1-2 weeks of rebooting. That was really helpful for me. I had a hard time getting past the first week for a long time.

    Good luck!

    SOLDIER MAN Fapstronaut

    Quarantine is hard but at the same time you can turn it to one of the best times in your life and your turning point forever. HOW? If you abstain from PMO during this difficult time, then it will be easier to abstain from it after this period and under any other condition in the future. Simply put, stop now and you can stop for the rest of your life.
  6. I'm right there with you. I was laid off two weeks ago and spent the first three days relapsing big time. I slipped right into nothing-better-to-do mode. So untrue, even under quarantine.

    It was a real struggle to pick myself this time, so finding something to do is imperative. Minimum internet. Maximum attention to the pile of unread books, going out for walks, and reestablishing a prayer rule. And of course, refraining from getting handsy with myself.

    SOLDIER MAN Fapstronaut

    Way to go my man
    dogeatdog likes this.
  8. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut

    Keep it up man! You can beat this addiction

    Currently I am keeping myself busy during this pandemic with video games and study. It helps a bit. My main hobby is archery (just returned to it after a stagnant period due to PM) taking away any motivation to pursue anything worthwhile in life). I'm on Day 8 and the urges are preeeettttyyy strong atm. I have to remind myself this urges are temporal and the more I avoid the temptation to act on the urge, the more likely I will develop the willpower to not continue my addiction.
  9. It sucks, but you just keep doing the right things on the web. Daily walks somebody here pointed that out are good. And whenever you do go on the web, have some sort of objective. If you don't, you'll get burned.
    dogeatdog, Gmork, getbetter73 and 2 others like this.
  10. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I've gone off track a few times since this corona stuff started... I study full time and everything went from 100% in class to 100% online. Now I'm studying in my room each day, must use the internet for assignments, and the responsibility just got real.

    I have older parents so I don't want to go out too much except for exercise. I was genuinely interested in starting dating again just a month or so ago, I even cold approached a nice girl at the shops to get myself back into it... But now I feel it's going to be months before anyone would want to date new people again...

    Truth be told, I feel a loss of motivation when I don't have to front up to class or the shops and present myself well.

    I wear my pyjamas until midday some mornings, it's ridiculous, but shit - I don't think any of us should be hard on ourselves - we've been working on this since before corona, and it's just added the stress levels that extra bit. We're only human.

    Two things I would note might help:

    Spend every day like it's a normal one, wake up on time, get dressed, make a to do list if that helps. Just carry on with a routine as normal as possible, including exercise (even if only indoors).

    And secondly, it is important to experience boredom, to a degree. This is a natural feeling, and one that just about everyone these days can't sit with (just watch someone pull out a smart phone at a social event, because they're bored for 5 seconds). We can learn to sit with boredom, that's where our creative problem-solving side is revealed.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
    FinPaja2020, dogeatdog and Gmork like this.
  11. FrenchOliver

    FrenchOliver Fapstronaut

    stay posistive
    lose your mind in a game (try Saint Seiya Awakening, a gacha very catchy)
    start or restart the entire Walking Dead (post apocalyptic strong characters)
    watch this when day start:
    watch this to stop porn:

    you need help and support like I do

    Keep up bro

    You are stronger than what you think, you just have to discover it, it is inside of you
    fredisthebes likes this.
  12. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    Mindsetmu bro, dipertegas. Urang juga menderita, gua insomnia dan gak mau makan karena badan gua demand ngewe, setiap hari. Tapi lu harus pilih sakit karena menderita atau sakit karena nyesel.

    Ayo kuat
    Zexiant likes this.
  13. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Same. Quarantine is so hard. I have friends on facebook claim to be using the period to better themselves, get in shape etc. It's all I can do not to go crazy. My goals so far are to wake up on time each morning and eat three good meals a day, and even this is a struggle for me.

    Keep 'restarting' and today was no exception :( I am reading a lot though which is beneficial. I agree that some time away from the internet/computers is very positive. Sadly I have to use the internet for work and study, so a complete fast is not possible. But I can cut down on idle/evening use for sure.
    Reborn16 and Zexiant like this.
  14. Zexiant

    Zexiant Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Early quarantine i'm also relapse, since end of March until today i'm succeeded not to do PMO. My target is 90 days i hope i can

    Since end of march i fill this quarantine with busyness. For example learning new skills and learning to solve rubik .
    Keep spirit brother +62
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
    dogeatdog likes this.
  15. Gorgewalker

    Gorgewalker Fapstronaut

    Quarantine only ruins NoFap if you let it. It's not your fault you're in quarantine, but it is your fault if you deal with it poorly. By the way, I am extremely guilty of this and I have failed a lot too - although I am getting back up there now - but "Quarantine is ruining NoFap" is the wrong mentality to have in my opinion. Quarantine is not ruining NoFap. You are ruining NoFap.

    Take responsibility. Build a schedule, preferably one you can actually stick to instead of one you wish you could stick to. Again, easier said than done.

    Most importantly, diagnose the shit out of every relapse. Why did you relapse? What's wrong? This is a major environmental shift, you are going to relapse for reasons you didn't before. So after every relapse, have a really hard think about what caused you to relapse and make sure you take steps to avoid it happening again. A mistake repeated more than once is a choice.
  16. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    One of the best posts on quarantine^ well said.
  17. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    Hey, what defines an internet fast? It sound interesting. I play video games when I'm bored or watch Netflix, what else should I do if I do this Internet fast? Also, I can only use the Internet to talk to my friends in the given situation. Could you please elaborate?
    FinPaja2020 likes this.
  18. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    My +62 friend, where do you live if you don't mind me asking? I live in Tangeran and I'm already quarantined for 1 month. Kasus nomor tiga di Indonesia adalah guru di sekolah saya haha jadi saya kawatir, tapi sekarang santai.
  19. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    Depok sekarang karena kampus udah tutup, urang paham brok, energi gua yang kesimpen juga gak bisa dipake gara2 karantina, alhasil depressed. Padahal gua ngarep bisa dipake buat olahraga tapi sekarang lagi gak boleh kegiatan massal
  20. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    u have to google it tho lol its so small City, but its a neighboring city near Bandung

    and i still working and go outside (thank god) like normal

    barusan tadi baru aja kerja di Lapangan, baru dari Rumah Sakit di Bandung cek lokasi, .... dan deket rumah sakit itu ada yg 4 hari lalu meninggal positive corona ,kmren2 dari stasiun Bandung cek lokasi juga,,, tiap hari pulang ke rumah perasaan ga enak soalnya takut jadi carier. kalo boleh milih mending wfh/stay home (tapi digaji hehe) asli dag dig dug tiap ke lapangan bro apalagi warga +62 masih banyak yg ga social distancing

    intinya syukuri apa yg ada hidup adalah anugrah haha