cant stop relapsing, you should never relapse need urgent help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fluets_2, Mar 11, 2020.

  1. Fluets_2

    Fluets_2 Fapstronaut

    been there done it all, 30, 90 days everything yada yada. past few months i cant break the cycle, i relapse and i relapse nonstop i cant stop. I feel awful and never wanna do it again after the initial relapse... Then few hours later i just cant stop myself but do it, i cant STOP MYSELF.

    What the hell can i do. I've done all the stuff in the past and they dont seem to work anymore (cold showers/train like hell/hard mode/etc...) i am trapped in this pathetic existence now! pathetic! lame i cant treat either my wife well or my newborn daughter...

    What can i do that doesn't involve surgically removing my penis
  2. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    surgically removing your balls or your hands may work @Fluets_2

    lol no, just kidding. You need to realise the reason why you're doing nofap, it is because it makes you a sober, attractive, smart young man. Once you truly realised that nofap is your path, then you will go on. Don't do nofap purely because of the streak.

    Tomorrow is always a new day, but you will never be able to reach "tomorrow". Make today your new day!
  3. Burning star

    Burning star Fapstronaut

    You should change something, in your life, for example what you eat, what you do or just staying at home whole day, or what kind of people you hang with and so on. Everything matters. You should find the key.
  4. Burning star

    Burning star Fapstronaut

    I would give you some tips:
    1. Type somewhere the reason why you started nofap where you will read it every day and everytime when you be at home for example on the wall of kitchen. The reason which will stronger than your urges and after reading it you will become rock solid mental. I also recommend to count your days like this on the paper somewhere for example in your bedroom wall. It affects your mental before you sleep and it also reduces nocturnal emissions.
    2.eating is big here. You should avoid sugar at all if it’s possible. Spicy food is like urge pill too. Caffeine plays also big role, you should avoid that. And the king of urges is alcohol, by drinking it your chance to relapse is 90%. Just eat healthy carbs fats and proteins.
    3.try to exercise physically every day. It will cleanse your body and your brain as well. Especially cardio: running early morning is the best you can do for 15-20min.
    4.and the last one you should stop doing is - scrolling instagram girls and/or anyone else. You should think that just watching bikini girls in photos is like watching softcore P.
    And everytime you feel urges just remember how nofap gives you health, superpowers, love and life itself and it will increase day to day if you will continue being on your streak. Wish you huge success
  5. domsi

    domsi Fapstronaut

    you cant stop yourself, or do you not want to? before every fapping session we make the decision, conscious or unconscious, do i want to fap? we ourselves are the only people who can control our moves and make our choices. you arent willing to give it up yet. take your time, consider everything thats at stake, including your new and young family, and take the step when you are ready. but be aware that it will only become harder the longer you wait.
    thikk likes this.
  6. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    Does your wife know ?
  7. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    I would suggest going to seek professional help. You could try for a porn addiction therapist or check out noah church, hes a porn recovery coach
  8. Fluets_2

    Fluets_2 Fapstronaut

    True, tomorrow is always a new day to fail like a jackass again. You make a great point to re-visit my dreams and goals again, good thing i been jouranling, i started obviously with a different username and progressed from the 20-24 group to the 24-29 group and now am about to progress to the 29+ group, shiiit.
  9. Fluets_2

    Fluets_2 Fapstronaut

    Both points align and you guys are correct. I been so out of shape i barely exercise, i used to be so independent before i got married i would be up and running at 4:30 am and then again at 9:30 pm, i cut 10kg of fat in 2 months and before i started the ascension i collected all the garbage food in my house that i had recently purchased and threw it in the garbage.

    since i was a kid i could never eat in moderation, always had food addiction issues that derive from emotional issues.

    My guilty shit is you tube, i just know where all the soft porn is and i truly tried to resist today. I just couldn't and god damn PORN IS WAY MORE ACCESSIBLE NOW THAN EVEN BEFORE!
  10. Fluets_2

    Fluets_2 Fapstronaut

    So true, your words resonate so much. Its a conscious decision that i make every time and recently EVERY DAY while i am showering in the bathroom and she's in the other room!

    She knew in the past and i showed her my journal before we got married, i must admit at first it was hard to stay away from PMO during marriage, i would tell her when i was having urges.. But no i haven't told her recently and she asked. And i lied. And i already put myself in big trouble. I told her about P addiction before we got married it was a hard talk (in my society there a engaged or are about to be engaged status, well mostly this is the nature of our relationship before marriage) but she supported and accepted it and i was already 5 years into NoFap then.

    Thing is, i managed to stay away from P past 2 months, i am to embarrassed and way too afraid to tell her now, i believe i can do this again i can free myself from this poison.. which is a FALSE believe because i ABSOLUTELY have to tell her because all of us are forgetting the power of true love and help from other physical human beings all the monk mode and isolation and the intensive workouts just wears you down at the end.

    I have to tell her, i will tell her tomorrow.
  11. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Telling your wife is a good idea, a very good idea, move the computer into the main room of your house, or your daughters room, somewhere you will not masturbate. Don't take your phone in the bathroom, ect. Next cut down on screen time, don't aimlessly use the computer for mindless entertainment, don't spend more than two hours a day on it, go outside, do something with your wife and child. You could also have your wife take action, watch you, check up on you, but I'm not sure what kind of relationship dynamic you have so this may not work out.
    Fluets_2 likes this.
  12. Fluets_2

    Fluets_2 Fapstronaut

    My wife is currently on maternal leave and we are in semi-quarantine state due to the novel coronavirus, but yes, you are correct we must improve our bond and i have to nourish our relationship and i am super addicted on mindless aimless internet surfing, even right now i told her i am working on my article but i haven't done jack shit with it except maybe 15 minutes of work. I been revising myself and trying to devise a plan to get myself out of rock bottom.

    That can work what you suggested - by far she is the best AP i ever had. before i met her i used to be the AP for others that would never disappear on them, after i met her i disappeared on all my APs because i had her.

    What happened to me, i used to be able to do hard mode and not touch my phone except for important things.. How do i get myself to restart, to re-grow where i was 2 years ago.

    Seriously, if i was to go back and time and fight myself with my current physical body Fluets from sept 1st 2018 would slaughter me with 1 hand..
    DerSchütze likes this.
  13. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    So than delete youtube app, or vow not to use youtube anymore. Or delete the youtube channel you used to watch the softcore stuff, and create a new channel which is dedicated only to clean stuff

    I know the feels bro. I have been in both predicaments several times! Either you are free or you are hopelessly trapped.

    What you need my friend is a new MINDSET. A new heart. Ask God to help you, seriously. We can’t fight all on our own

    Out of the heart flow all the issues of life. Examine your heart my friend. Make sure all of you is aligned and in agreement with quitting pmo

    Also know that you won’t be able to be efficient in any of the tasks you need to do when you keep relapsing. Or you won’t be able to do them well. All you will want to do is sit around, pmo, numb yourself... you know how it is

    This isn’t any way to live!! This is absurd. Isn’t it crazy how we destroy ourselves? I feel your pain. It’s almost too tough to bear. We just wanna give up. We just want to scroll on the internet until the urge comes back and we relapse again. What i want you to do is to string together at least a few days, so you can feel what it’s like to be somewhat of a normal human again

    So next time you relapse, you need to generate some serious hatred and disgust towards pmo
    Brother, tell her please. It could break the spell. And i told my mom, and my mom helped me.

    Did you tell her? If not, then after your next relapse, tell her. And what you can do is: since you are having urges in the shower, make a commitment to her right before you shower that you won’t relapse and have her hold you accountable right after showering

    It’s embarrassing right? Well it’s even more embarrassing to keep relapsing
    Onan the Barbarian and domsi like this.
  14. Stag99

    Stag99 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hey Fluets,

    have you looked into setting up porn blockers ?
    On your phone / home computer or whichever devices you keep relapsing on.
    When your mind knows the path to pmo is blocked, the urges die down a bit and you can go on longer streaks of no pmo.
  15. domsi

    domsi Fapstronaut

    i watched the youtubes stuff aswell and goodnice is right, you have to create a new account. what i did is i deleted everything on the email adress of that account, i deleted its history, i deleted its youtube history, liked videos, playlists, watch laters and its search history. everything, in order to not be able to return. if that isnt enough, just ask someone to change the account password. if you dont want to ask friends, ask somebody here, ill even do it for you if necesarry
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  16. thikk

    thikk Fapstronaut

    Also, if you think about, then if you were really ready to quit you would even tell your partner and go through it together.
  17. Fluets_2

    Fluets_2 Fapstronaut

    So true, well i won't delete my youtube channel since it has some videos with multiple hundreds of thousands of views, but i will stay away from that site.

    Everything you said is so true and resonates so much with me, i've tried to find god. I've tried to pray to no avail, i lost faith in god and i somewhat think he's an asshole because he's allowing the ruthless slaughter of so many people on this planet, so either he's A) a sadistic god, B) doesn't care or C) doesn't exist. I believe in a creator, i want to believe i want to pray but i am just not convinced.. I want to see a miracle like the miracles he sent in the past, i want to see a real prophet like prophets moses, jesus and muhammad... I want to believe :(

    Moreover its true, i always tell myself "I WILL NEVER EVER RELAPSE AGAIN!" then few hours relapse again, which is a great idea to simply face the urges than avoid them and confront myself WHEN i relapse, to defeat that negative cycle i have to fight it, right?!

    I tried telling her, well kinda half assed it last night.. I will tell her this week i am ! and gosh you told your MOM!? OH MY! thats a first! proud of ya dude
    Onan the Barbarian likes this.
  18. Fluets_2

    Fluets_2 Fapstronaut

    Been there done that, i had set them up with the AP viewer and all, i would just change their tracks or set up a password i cant remember... One time i formatted my entire PC to remove the blocker, and after installing all the hardware drivers I Relapsed! Porn blockers just made porn exist all the time in the back of my head :(
  19. Fluets_2

    Fluets_2 Fapstronaut

    I've told her in the past, before we got married and she was very supportive. I told her during our marriage and she came to believe i simply defeated porn addiction. Well she knows i watch Porn obviously because i asked her if we can watch it together few months ago, she felt so repulsed and annoyed because she saw what type of fetish i have and what type of videos i watch and that hurt her because she's trying to compete with porn stars... That are in reality one of the most disgusting and saddest people on this planet
  20. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    You gotta go back to Him bro. It’s so much more nuanced than your oversimplification that he’s “allowing the slaughter of so many people” and also i believe Tim Keller addresses your exact statement: “i want to see a miracle like the miracles he sent in the past”. He talks about people who say the same thing. People say “just show me a sign God”

    Just listen to any of tim keller’s videos on youtube. I sincerely hope it will open your eyes. The bible says one of the signs of end times is pestilences. He explains things much much better than I. I especially like his video: “Why does God allow suffering”

    It might help you gain a better bigger perspective

    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”- Hosea 4:6

    Fluets_2 likes this.