Coronavirus affecting my nofap

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Nimbo, Mar 18, 2020.

  1. Nimbo

    Nimbo Fapstronaut

    Alright so some background info, 2 days ago from the time I’m posting this I relapsed due to getting urges to do so. Since I knew I wasn’t going anywhere or doing anything that day because school was shut down from the virus, I convinced myself “Fuck it, I’m not going to be seeing anyone for a while.” There goes my 40+ day streak.

    Today was scary because it’s only been a 2 day streak and I’m already getting heavy urges again to use porn. This was to the point where I’m physically shaking due to how much my body craves it. Sadly I gave into this urge again with the same justification, “I’m not gonna be seeing people anyways.”

    Now I’m on here posting this really frustrated on what to do. What’s the point of doing nofap and getting that magnetism if there’s no one around anyway? The reason I’m worried is no one knows how long this will last, I could possibly be out for the rest of the school year. There’s no motivation to do nofap when I’m isolated inside the house...

    Any advice would be helpful on how people are dealing with this event.
  2. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    You can't go out? My country is in lockdown since Friday but we can still get out to exercise. I do home gardening, cycling and hikes in a forest plus I have small improvised free weights gym at home to get some strength training done. I also started learning German with doulingo to keep myself mentally occupied beside work. I also find it great opportunity to get into reading some great books.
  3. What you do in the dark will shine in the light . Or not .
  4. Gambler Kaiji

    Gambler Kaiji Fapstronaut

    I'm not one to tell you what to do with your life, or why you should strive for succeeding in NoFap. But if the sole reason for doing this is for the perception of others, when that is removed, your motivation is removed, and thus you relapse. What is it you really want to do nofap for? You ask what's the point of nofap as if this is a denial of something very significant to you. Are you proud to lock yourself away, use your important bodily resources, and fap yourself into a psychological stupor? The benefits are but an added bonus of taking care of the mind, body and soul. Of not abusing the reproductive capabilities for short term pleasure. If you want to truly achieve in NoFap then recognize you're going to be faced with every possible situation in life during it, both hard and easy. Will you face them head on and grow stronger from it, or fallback to the dead weight of fapping to cope with it for the rest of your life? The isolationism we're facing now is but another challenge to be dealt with. Yes you relapsed but that's in the past, and those benefits you're worried about will always be in the future. We're in the present my friend, you've got to do the very best for yourself in the here and now, before even thinking about that sort of thing. Regardless if people see the fruits of your labor or not.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  5. Nimbo

    Nimbo Fapstronaut

    I do go outside as well as have friends over to my house, but it’s just because school is closed I find myself having more alone time which is scary because that’s when the urges come out.
    I hear you and I do want to take care of mind as well as the rest of my body. It’s just harder because of having more alone time now a days. I do nofap because it makes me enjoy being around people and them being around me, but I just don’t seem people as much now. I only time I see people is my neighbors when they decide to come out and play basketball, and I have 1 close friend that comes over occasionally to hang out, but otherwise I’m usually alone.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  6. Gambler Kaiji

    Gambler Kaiji Fapstronaut

    I feel for you and wish you the best no matter what choice you decide to make. But ultimately you’ve just gotta learn to love it. You have to make peace with being alone and not fapping just as you’ve made peace to have it being beneficial for you and those you care for. I can’t give you the answer to it, but you should find out why you want to be free of this habit under all circumstances and not just partially in order to be more sociable. It doesn’t have to be grandiose, but an effective change in quality of life for your solitary situation. Think on it, and really challenge if it’s worth giving it all up.
    Nimbo and Reborn16 like this.
  7. Man ! You got quit the vice if you want to have a better life and better future. You got to learn how to delay gratification. 5 years down the road it is all gonna pay off and it is worthy that you made decision to quit fapping. Don't give up. Success depends more on backbone than wishbone.
    Nimbo and Reborn16 like this.
  8. Mark Scott

    Mark Scott Fapstronaut

    I live in Hong Kong and I almost work from home for 1.5 months. I discovered some methods to avoid watching porn. They work fine for me :

    1. Install filter and monitor software by the one who supports you. They keep the password.
    2. Shutdown the computer after work. I put it in the drawer.
    3. Stop browsing web or online community after work by your phone. Reduce the frequency of replying WhatsApp and other IM, choose talk by voice with your friends and families.
    4. Tidying your house. I use a towel to clean the floor and it really works for me. I also discovered that after I arrange my HDD and online services, delete unnecessary files and services, my mind becomes clearer. Environment does affect us.
    5. Exercise ! Exercise ! Exercise ! It is very important.
    6. I read books when I have spare time. No ebook to avoid being tempted to browse web.

    There are many methods that are suitable for you. Keep it up ! We can win this war against porn !
    Reborn16 likes this.
  9. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    So much good advice here! This is a very important topic.

    I commented in another post that this pandemic brings up a unique challenge: We're no longer able to focus on upcoming social commitments in order to keep us motivated. At least, not to the same extent we used to.

    We might have no workplace, no time at school, no going to big events with friends. So why even get out of our pyjamas right..?

    Well, now is a great time to do this for ourselves! And I don't mean that in a narcissistic way. We simply must want to improve our lives for the sake of becoming better versions of ourselves. Rather than worrying about how we present ourselves at work, or whether the girl in class thinks we look confident.

    And of course when we become better versions of ourselves, we end up helping those around us too.
    Fenix Rising and Gambler Kaiji like this.