What would you do if you were me

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Burning star

    Burning star Fapstronaut

    Dude I repeat doctors are not the cure especially about mental things the only one who needs pills is extremely sick human who is going to die anytime and I’m done here. Be an object or a warrior you decide. I’ done here
  2. I'm not going to take any more pills, but I will look at getting some more blood tests done. It's free here in the UK and so I might as well get it checked out.
    Burning star likes this.
  3. mcp19

    mcp19 Fapstronaut

    Dude I know how you feel because I went through my 20's with periods of unemployment and depression now I'm 35 years old, no g/f, still living with a parent and stuck in a dead end job for the past few years... I would say being in a job you hate is far worse than being unemployed if you can use your time setting a goal and sticking to it. I guess you're quite similar to me because I lack motivation and don't know what I want or how to get it apart from short term pleasures. I struggle to socialise and only have a couple of friends who I don't see very often. I can't really advise you because I'm in a similar position to some degree but I think it's about having a goal and sticking to it because otherwise you're floating aimlessly and before you know it you could be older in a dead end job with no life. Make a plan and execute it when you wake up the next day - that's what I'm trying to do at least even if it's just menial things like cleaning my room.
    bluemax4 likes this.
  4. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Nice, try to walk again tomorrow ^
    One habit at a time and soon you enjoy life once again :)
    bluemax4 likes this.
  5. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you need to force yourself to be more active, as long as you are physically problem free. The more you move, the more energy you will generate over time.
  6. Yeah, I can usually do a couple of days but then I feel like I've been hit by a truck and need to rest all day. I'm going to try and start with just gentle walking for a week and then build it up from there.
    Mistersofty likes this.
  7. I would recommend having a relationship with Jesus, the Great Physician. Anxiety is largely a spiritual problem.
    bluemax4 likes this.
  8. That's pretty normal, if you're working out heavily. Rest days in between heavy workouts is important. My husband is super into working out, but he definitely does not do a big workout every day.

    Also, look up what kinds of foods have B12 in them, and ask yourself if you think you're getting enough of that. Taking B12 supplements definitely helped my fatigue a lot, as well as some tingling in my arms. Use cautiously, though, because too much B12 isn't good for you. Nutrition is probably a big factor effecting your fatigue levels. Maybe consider seeing a nutritionist or getting your blood tested for vitamin deficiencies.
    bluemax4 likes this.
  9. I don't work out heavily, I get tired if I do just a couple of days brisk walking for just an hour.
    I have had some blood tests before, which showed I had low B12 - since then I have taken a B12 supplement daily, I can't say I've noticed any real difference with my energy levels.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Hm... I'm not sure then. :/ hope you figure things out! Fatigue is extremely frustrating to deal with. Makes nofap a lot harder as well, for me.
    bluemax4 likes this.
  11. Me too, fatigue is usually my main trigger. I'm just working my way through a book called the energy plan, so hopefully I'll get some ideas that work from that.
    fredisthebes and Deleted Account like this.
  12. One of the mistakes, I think I've been making is that I usually eat the same food everyday which means by body might not be getting all the nutrients it needs. I also don't have much protein in my diet. So I'm going to try and see if mixing it up and increasing protein help.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Do you follow a specific diet like vegetarianism or veganism?
  14. No, I don't usually eat meat that often however I am trying to eat some more protein this week to see if it helps.
  15. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    How is it going with the job applications? I think long periods of unemployment can have a really detrimental effect on your self-belief and confidence, etc. Don't get hung up on the idea of 'dead end job', just do something for the summer, then move on and do something else. Just see how it goes.

    I would get something part time and temporary for the time being, not too strenuous.
  16. I've got a job I'm looking at, and they've said they'll get me in registered for it at the next opportunity. It is a physical job, but it's only 4 days a week so I think I could handle it.
  17. I like to put chia seeds and hemp seeds on whatever I can. It adds some protein and you barely even notice they're there. And they're good for you for other reasons too.
    bluemax4 likes this.
  18. Okay I would try eating some more meat, especially if you are deficient in vitamin B12. Im pretty sure that B12 deficencies can cause fatigue and other negative symptoms.
    Deleted Account and bluemax4 like this.
  19. I did get shown as deficient in B12 a year or two ago on a blood test. I have been taking a supplement but I'm not entirely sure how effective some supplements are.
  20. Yeah, eating b12 from a meat source is probably more reliable than taking supplements in my opinion as meat is easily digestable in your stomach. Drinking milk also gives you a source of b12 im pretty sure.
    bluemax4 likes this.