Guys please help me.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Danton_7, Mar 5, 2020.

  1. Danton_7

    Danton_7 Fapstronaut

    These days I am out of control, not able to maintain streaks. It seems like I am not giving my all, it feels like I have no motivation to drive me. If you have any advice or motivation please let me know.

    This time I want to complete 21 days.

    I will update every day.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  2. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    My friend you are not alone in this do not let the panic define you. I know that everything feels out of control. For me I couldn’t seem to stop M or trying to find ways around internet filters on my devices.
    I had to take a step back a relook at my life, triggers, motivation, and hopes a dreams for the future.
    Then I took action to face them, social media accounts were deleted, I admitted that I am an addict, I started posting daily, I started helping someone else daily, I talked to accountable partners. Point being if there is hope for a guy like me then there is hope for you too. You can do this, forget 21 days, just focus on these 24hrs. Let the days add themselves up.
    Danton_7 and henryhill like this.
  3. I believe

    I believe Fapstronaut

    i tried hard pmo from the beginning result is same as yours i couldn't last 16 i changed my plan i didn't watch p but instead did mo for a month with p sub(not daily only when i am very uncontrollable horny but i made sure not to watch p.after a month i am much more control now,started doing hard pmo .i didn't struggle like i did in the beginning its easy to control my urges now after i avoided p.
    EdricKr likes this.
  4. Vairagya

    Vairagya Fapstronaut

    Many like me are struggling hard to get where you are now. Please don't let us down. Tell us there is light in this path somewhere. Don't do it my friend. Tell us evil can be conquered.
    Danton_7 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    Already some great advice on this thread, you need to try and find out what’s works for you cause everyone is a little different.

    I recommend finding other things to fill the void, even new things to try out especially if they are things that get you around other people or at least out of the house and maybe even away from technology.

    Also definitely focus on one day at a time.
    Danton_7 likes this.
  6. Arjuna's path

    Arjuna's path Fapstronaut

    Well, I've been fighting with this sh for more than 2 years and I can tell you: seeing a professional and opening with her was my best resource of advices and better knowing myself and my addiction (which it seems it was related with my relationship with my parents). This and studying, meditating, meeting new people and having a personal diary where I write what happened through the day and three things that I'm gratefull for, all this has helped me a lot.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    Danton_7 and henryhill like this.
  7. Just to add to that about being horny , it's not even just a problem with building up sex drive , even if your not particularly horny , the compulsion to pmo is so strong your drawn to it even when your not particularly horny , shit just never ends. Things to look out for , keep yourself feeling good , well slept, well fed and exercise, in those moments when your dopamine is low , this is when pmo finds its way in.
    Wether we like it or not , porn has become a way of self medicating.
    Danton_7, henryhill and Vairagya like this.
  8. Vairagya

    Vairagya Fapstronaut

    Exactly that's why we have to be vigilant all the time. Sometimes even just reading about nofap you can get urges and even a simple thought can make you horny. It's how hard your brain is trying to lure you into masturbation and its all about how hard you fight it back. Stand up and fight and tell your brain "you will not get it.....because you are addicted to it I am not".
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
  9. Danton_7

    Danton_7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro, I will update in every 24 hours
  10. Danton_7

    Danton_7 Fapstronaut

    Ofcourse, there light and you only reach it when conquer this addiction, these ups and downs are part of the process and these are the times one should not give, you should try to ask help and keep trying.
  11. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    You have been triggered and i dont mean by anything external but i believe you have an internal civil war going on. You are probably trying to change too hard that your subconscious mind got scared and kicked in and sabotaged / slowed down your progress.
    Tell me if i am wrong.
  12. Danton_7

    Danton_7 Fapstronaut

    Can you explain in more detail?

    Don't buy whatever your trying to say feels right.
  13. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Yes!! Please do
  14. Danton_7

    Danton_7 Fapstronaut

    Day 1 completed!

    Thanks guys.
  15. Fernandez torres

    Fernandez torres New Fapstronaut

    Hi look you could stop it's just in your mind go to play soccer or go with your family to cinema or something else don't stay alone we are with you bro the first thing to do is to pray to your god in say everything you feel i know in hard time it's difficult to do that but you need to keep moving towards your goal in life we are all like a family here and we will support each other to overcome his addiction #we are againt porn industry# stop feeding them by watching porn because they win money and you you take the consequences of that by feeling shamed and bored we are here with you my friend and we will not let you alone you are like my bro trust in god and in yourself
    JR-62 likes this.
  16. Read the rebooting manual in my signature's link . It will be helpful. It is written by a Chinese Nofapper who is on hard mode for at least 8-9 years.
    Keep on buddy!
  17. Danton_7

    Danton_7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro.

    I feel really good seeing your guys support me.

    Thanks its helps me a lot.
  18. Danton_7

    Danton_7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for advice

    I will definitely read it.

  19. Danton_7

    Danton_7 Fapstronaut

    Day 2 complete!

    Thank you everyone.