Abstain is medicineChapter 41 to 45(From "EAGLE" a Chinese who reboots 9 years)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by 鱼菌熊, Mar 3, 2020.

  1. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Chapter 41 to 45( EAGLE a Chinese who reboots 9 years)


    Dear Fapstronauts:

    I am a high school student from China. There is a similar website as NOFAP in China.It has been up to 5300000 members.Sometimes I saw the translators forward the materials on NOFAP in the China Forum and received a lot of knowledge.But foreign brothers have some difficulty in translating Chinese materials. Although I am just a high school student, I know that helping others is helping myself.I would like to do my best to translate an excellent Chinese material every week for everyone.But my English level is not high, there may be a lot of mistakes, I hope you point out that I will send the original text for your reference.I'm nervous about my study, so I can't reply to your message.Below is the author information of the material I sent.This guy (internet name 飞翔) has managed to stay clean for 9 years and counting. Furthermore, he has shared his experience and continues to share them to this day (over 73 000 forum posts in one online forum alone). He has diligently studied many topics related to rebooting and has written extensively in this field. I discovered great value upon reading his material and felt compelled to share it with the English speaking community. Therefore I have started the project to translate his work into English. I will refer to this author as Soaring Eagle going forward which is similar to his Chinese pen name.Part of EAGlE's article designs Buddhism. If you don’t have a belief or conflict of beliefs, you can ignore it because you can also REBOOT. If there is a belief (whether it is Christian or Buddhism) then religion can help you.His article also involves the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, here I would like to say that traditional Chinese medicine is relatively reliable, because the theory of traditional Chinese medicine originated in my country and was relatively mature before 2000. Of course, the purpose of quoting traditional Chinese medicine is to explain the harm of porn.It is my hope that the English speaking community will benefit from Soaring Eagle s knowledge as the Chinese community has.If something does not resonate with your beliefs please don t be too quick to disregard the whole body of the material. His success in staying clean should speak for itself. I only ask the reader to read with an open mind and apply whatever he finds to be useful.Regarding reliability, I have been in the China forum for 3 years, learning EAGLE's article and REBOOT. The last REBOOT has been 6 months (2018.9 TO 2020.3)


    Brothers = all people on the road of rebooting

    TCM = Traditional Chinese Medicine

    SY=FAP=Masturbation=break a religious precept=Broken Oath; Apostasy; Transgression=In failure=RESET

    ·Semen=fine; refined; precise; excellent

    ·Color; Colour; rupa=pornographic; salacity; sexy=

    ·lonelyfaquir; Quit color; warning coloration=STOP FAPPING=REBOOT=Abstain from color

    ·Withdrawal Symptoms; withdrawal response; withdrawal reaction=REPLACE

    ·YY=sexual fantasy= psycholagny=evil thoughts

    · The Devil Inside=Demons=Devil in the heart

    ·spermatorrhea; emission=nocturnal emission; wet dream=Wet Dream; Nocturnal pollution; Wet dreams

    ·HATLINING=The dormant period of desire

    ·SURGE=rush hour; rush hours; peak season(Maybe its hard to understand)=Have a strong desire

    ·Blind to quit=a people dont learn the passage or dont learn the experiences in NOFAP =Quit by one's will alone=A person n kick it by willpower alone

    ·Article=Quit color articles=Ring color paper=Quit pornographic articles

    ·Edge ball; touch ball=Contains Implied Objectionable Content=unhealthy information=offensive material

    ·Desistance=Break thoughts and think nothing(just like meditation)=keep your mind blanket=cut off bad thoughts

    ·Forsake formula=a setence helps you stop thinking bad things

    STRANGE CIRCLE=vicious circle=a person try to get rid of FAPPING but always fail

    That's about it. Please point out any mistakes

    In addition, I have some difficulties, such as how NOFAP pays attention to others, how to upload files, which section should my post be sent to, and the VPN signal I used when visiting NOFAP in China is not good, I hope you can understand

    Last and most important A summary of my 6-months abstinence

    FIRST keep away from telephone and internet.If not necessary dont use internet.Thats because there are lots of unhealthy information in the internet.PEBOOT not only means to stop FAPPING,but also need avoiding all the information.If you YY,it also makes bad influences to your mental and physical health.

    SECOND Practice cutting off thoughts.This is the most important thing in REBOOT.There is an old saying goes “Ten thousand read by the heart out, ten thousand method by the heart is born, cultivate the body just to cultivate the heart, the heart has no two”.Thats means when you can't control your self or YY you should cut off your thoughts right now.You should cut off bad thoughts in a moment.How to do that?Practice makes perfect. In the passage EAGLE will share a Forsake formula.We should pay attention to it and practice it everyday.

    THIRD learn articles everyday.In this way We can achieve the purpose of brainwashing. I know brainwashing is a derogatory term,but we use it to achieve the purpose of purifying the mind.By reading articles, you will become less obsessed with bad information.

    FORTH Always be alert, never be proud, never stop reading articles,Watch yourself for evil thoughts,and learn everyday(Both the article I forwarded and the experience in NOFAP worked)

    Last stop fapping should use good habits to take places of bad habits.Exercise,reading,can help us

    My studies busy can not reply also please understand!

    Article source: 戒色吧 https://wapp.baidu.com/mo/q/f?kw=戒色&ie=utf-8&pn=0&)Author:戒者飞翔Reprint:熊


    2020.3.3 YuJunbear China

    If you have excellent articles please reply me then i can reproduce to 戒色吧.Let's help each other!


    This is a later supplement

    There is chapter 1 to 40 https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/6-years-clean-rebooting-as-the-best-remedy.135983/ Chinese bar.png
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
  2. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Caution is Good Medicine Season 41: Explaining the Ways to Control the Legacy
    戒色吧不少戒友都会分享自己的撸管经历,分享经历很好,能够给别人以警示和启迪。但分享放纵经历时,要注意避免涉及细节,因为那些敏感的文字容易让人产生邪念,从而导致破戒的发生,有的戒友看着看着就漏了,有的戒友看了以后久久不能平静,因为勾起了他自己的放纵回忆。所以我们在分享自己的经历时,要淡化放纵的具体过程和细节,应该突出撸管的危害。这样既可以起到警示的作用,又不至于让人看了产生邪念。 寒假和过年放假是破戒高发期,吧里的破戒帖子明显增多了,有的戒友甚至一天一次或者一天多次破戒,搞得自己很无奈,发帖叫救命,他自己就像失控的飞机,知道要坠毁,但自己就是无法控制心魔,无法克服撸瘾。想当年我做学生党的时候也是如此,平时上学还好,一到周末或者放假就会连续破戒,根本就不是心魔的对手。心魔最喜欢在你无聊时出来考验你,如果你走的是强戒路线,那肯定完蛋,因为强戒之人,觉悟并没有实质的提升,注定是失败!戒色成功=觉悟高+警惕强。这就是我总结的成功公式,如果你一味强戒,那么等待你的只有失败,破戒后不要灰心丧气,关键是要从破戒中汲取经验教训,这样下次才能戒得更好。有的戒友破戒后从来不反省,也不忏悔,也没有总结经验教训,这样只会越戒越差,越戒越没有信心。冬季破戒的恶果是加倍的,因为冬藏精,冬季收藏得不好就会影响到来年的身体状态,而且冬季破戒出症状的概率也是相当高的。大家如果在冬季不慎破戒了,也一定要注意避免连续破戒,连续破戒太伤了。只有觉悟提高才有望战胜心魔,大家每天都要提醒自己:一定要千方百计提高自己的觉悟!提高觉悟就像练级,级别到了才能和心魔大BOSS抗衡。否则免谈!只有被虐的份。 有好几位戒友问我,到哪去找戒色文章,想让我每期推荐些戒色文章。我当初戒色是从精品文章开始看的,所以我推荐初戒者应该把精品分类的文章多看几遍,多做笔记,多思考多总结,然后要多复习,温故而知新,这样觉悟就会慢慢上去了。如果你有很强的学习能力和悟性,那么你觉悟的提升会很快的。对于好的戒色文章应该反复看,并且尝试记忆重点句子和段落,这点也非常重要。对于前辈的经验帖,应该更加重视,因为这是前辈实战的总结,并不是泛泛而谈,有很强的针对性和指导意义。在看戒色文章的同时,也可以多看书籍来提升觉悟,我现在基本都是看书提升觉悟了,觉悟提升才是戒色的王道。 上季我有讲到戒色成功的时间标准,我说的是半年或者一年,有戒友就说戒色论坛的标准是三年算成功,半年是不是太短了。其实半年还是三年,两者并不矛盾。戒色论坛的三年标准是比较保险也比较稳妥的说法。而我说的半年标准其实是对上根人说的,中根人则需要一年左右,下根人可能需要两年以上。打个比方,初中3年数学,一般人要花3年才能学完,而有些上根人,就是天资聪慧异常之人,可能半年就能把3年的数学全部学完,甚至他还会觉得“吃不饱”,还想学高中乃至大学的数学,这其实就是根器的差别。 有些戒友提高觉悟像爬楼梯,而有的戒友提高觉悟是坐电梯,觉悟提升超快,常驻戒色吧的资深戒友应该会注意到此类上根戒友的存在。戒色吧就像个大班级,总有冒尖的学生,也总有悟性较差的学生,但只要你坚持学习,总是会成功的,就像龟兔赛跑一样,不要放弃,即使是下根人也是可以抵达终点的。 戒色成功的最关键标志就是:进入戒色稳定期,基本无意淫! 戒色稳定期是很多戒友梦寐以求的终极戒色状态,就像金字塔的塔尖一般,当你进入戒色稳定期了,基本就可以算成功了,只要你能保持足够的警惕守住戒色成果,那就可以算彻底成功了。上根戒友在半年左右即可进入戒色稳定期,戒色稳定期的最大特点就是:基本无意淫!甚至十几天都不会有一个邪念,处在非常稳定的戒色状态。这时候煎熬感会消失,根本就不会在意天数了。进入戒色稳定期后,就不一定要天天学戒色文章了,但应该时常看看,然后要注意保持警惕意识。很多资深戒友进入戒色稳定期后,意淫极少,这时候他就以为不会再破戒了,从而放松了警惕意识,殊不知放松警惕就会导致破戒,不管戒多长时间,失去警惕就会被心魔钻空子。所以,警惕意识怎么强调都不为过。特别要警惕心魔的怂恿,怂恿你去试定力和试性功能。 不断学习提高觉悟,觉悟提高到一定程度,自然就能进入戒色稳定期,所谓水到渠成。之所以你能进入戒色稳定期,其实就是因为你的觉悟已经强大到可以降伏心魔了,心魔就像野马,当你能够驯服这匹野马了,它就会变乖,就会变得稳定不闹事,意淫就会消失或者变得极少。但即使是已经被驯服的野马,偶尔也会发一回脾气,所以降伏后也要每天保持警惕,小心驶得万年船! 天下戒色是一家,戒色吧和戒色论坛其实就是一条战壕的兄弟,大家的观点可能有所不同,但动机是一样的,那就是为了帮助更多的人觉醒,帮助更多的人找回阳光健康的自己。说大点,社会是由人组成的,净化人也就是在净化社会,扬正气促和谐。戒色论坛的人来戒色吧发帖,我也表示支持,我有时也会去戒色论坛学习。大家团结一致,戒色大业才能越做越好。 下面步入正题 这季就控遗之道详细论述一下,具体如下: 关于遗精问题,我写过几季,这季再好好谈谈。如果把戒色比作一项运动,可以说是铁人三项。断意淫是其中一个专项,警惕意识也是一个专项,如何控制遗精也是一个专项,情绪管理也是一项,养生意识也是一项,学习意识也是一项。准确地说,应该是“戒色六项”。就像学生党的中考和高考一样,并不是只考一个科目,是考好几个科目,比如3+2或者3+综合等。这六个戒色专项,可以概括为一个词,那就是:总觉悟!就像高考的总分一样。 这季就控遗这个专项深入谈一下 身体要更好地恢复,控制遗精频率就显得异常重要了。很多戒友虽然在坚持戒色,但是频遗始终无法克服,结果就是漏垮了。记得有位戒友,戒色大半年,但是他频遗漏了大半年,以前还没有精索,漏了大半年,然后再去医院检查就有精索了。中医:久遗八脉皆伤!频遗是非常伤身体的,很不利于身体的恢复,频遗也很容易出现症状的反复或者加重。所以我们一定要严格控制遗精频率,控遗是可以单独分开来作为一门学问来研究的,戒友奥斯汀就在专攻频遗问题。我曾经也被频遗问题所困扰过,刚开始戒色我并没有出现遗精问题,因为以前透支严重,所以戒了很久才恢复正常的遗精频率。有的戒友因为从发育期就开始撸管,所以从来没有出现过遗精,他根本就不知道遗精是什么情况。还有的戒友体质虚弱,在撸管的同时也会出现遗精困扰,简直就是双重摧残,双斧伐木,没多久身体就吃不消了,症状百出。 我那时为了控制遗精频率,也费了不少功夫,天天在网上查资料,查了几百页的资料,我那时研究的重点就是两个方面,一,是什么原因导致了遗精;二,有什么方法可以控制遗精。我那时有做遗精记录,每月几号遗精,几点遗精,遗精间隔,遗精时的具体细节都有详细记录,然后我就研究是什么导致了遗精,把可能的原因想出来,然后上网查,看看是否有案例和我一样的情况。然后就把一个个原因给找出来了,导致遗精的原因很多,必须要学会避免这些遗精诱因,这是非常关键的。这季再具体罗列一下: 导致遗精的因素如下: 1.白天意淫;2.白天劳累;3.喝酒;4.吃肉太多;5.吃补药;6.趴着睡;7.裸睡;8.晒被子;9.盖太厚太重;10.睡前打坐;11.内裤太紧;12.顶着或者夹着被子;13.艾灸不当;14.打坐意守下丹田;15.熬夜久坐;16.睡前喝水太多;17.运动过度;18.生病;19.肾亏无梦而遗(滑精);20.饮食偏辣偏重;21.紧张(包括梦魇);22.挤压(包括趴睡);23.生气(导致气血紊乱);24.受凉(包括吃凉食);25.按摩穴位不当;26.炎症导致的遗精(属于中医肾亏范畴);27.还阳卧(有不少遗精的反馈);28.睡前泡脚(水过热);29.憋尿(易致遗精);30.睡时使用电热毯或取暖器;31.睡前有过剧烈的运动;32.包茎包皮过长;33.思虑过度;34.回笼觉;35.失眠再睡;36.大量出汗;37.吃中药(特别是不对症);38.长时间做足疗;39.黑芝麻吃多了 我16季总结了23条导致遗精的因素,这季添加至39条。其中很多都是我自己亲身体验,并且进行案例调查得出的结论。还有一些是根据戒友的反馈,然后进行分析调查得出的结论。遗精问题是比较复杂的,也是因人而异的。比如两个人同样喝冷饮,可能一个回家就遗精了,另外一个却没有出现遗精,这就是体质和健康状况的差别。冷伤阳气,但有的人体质还行,还伤得起,所以没出现遗精,但有的人体质较差或者已经很虚损了,再一吃冷饮,马上就会出现遗精。有的人吃很多肉都没事,但有的人肉吃多点,马上就会出现遗精。还有的人临睡前热水泡脚就会出现遗精,但有的人怎么烫脚都没事。而且我还发现一个事实就是,每年人的体质和健康状况都会发生微妙的变化,可能去年你热水泡脚不遗精,但今年就可能会出现遗精。去年你运动一下午都不会遗精,今年可能稍微运动多点就会出现遗精。另外,遗精和季节也是密切相关的,很多人在春夏遗精很少,到了秋冬遗精就开始频繁了。很多人刚开始戒色,基本很少遗精,但戒到一定程度就会出现频繁遗精,给他带来很大的困扰。我们要更好地恢复,必须有一个稳定的遗精频率,如果一年12个月,每个月的遗精频率都少而稳定,这对于恢复是很有利的。我罗列的这些导致遗精的因素,很多戒友可能看了印象不深刻,只有当遗精发生后,才可能会加深印象,下次才能真正做到避免。 遗精一般分2类: 1.生理性遗精 2.病理性遗精 一般一月3次以内算正常,还有的文章说3次左右。如果你一月达到6次8次了,或者连续几天都遗精,那就不正常了,属于病理性遗精。如果能把遗精频率控制在15天一次或者20天一次,已经可以算成功了。如果想更好地恢复,最好能控制在一月以上一次遗精。毕竟很多戒友的身体透支多年,出现了巨大亏空,一次遗精都伤不起了,一次遗精就可能让他难受好几天才能缓过来。这里再说说精满自溢,如果严格地说,是不存在精满自溢的,《圆运动的古中医学》里面就讲到不存在精满自溢一说,之所以有精满自溢,其实是对凡夫说的,凡夫色心一动,元精即化为浊精。修行高人,是可以突破遗精障碍的。而我们生在红尘俗世,诱惑太多,要真正做到“无漏”,难度是很高的。一方面你修心要做到位,另外就是要有明师传授方法。有的戒友会觉得浊精不好,其实浊精是很有营养的,富含多种营养成分,并不是垃圾。所以,浊精也不可随便泄露,对于浊精我们也要学会爱惜。 戒色吧里大多数的戒友都会遇见遗精的困扰,也许你现在没遇见,明年就遇见了。遗精后的心理调护也异常重要,很多人在遗精后都会出现破戒,因为遗精后容易出现思想动摇,也容易出现不良情绪,所以遗精后是破戒的一个高发期,我们在遗精后一定要注意调整心态,正确看待遗精,并且保持高度警惕,做好情绪管理,这样就能平安度过遗精后的那段时间。 中医一般把病理遗精分以下5类:(西医则归因于炎症表现,如前列腺炎等) 1、心肾不交型:表现梦中遗精、头晕、倦怠无力。此为心火亢盛、水亏火旺,扰动精室所致。 2、肾气不固型:表现滑精频繁,面色少华,畏寒肢冷。此为病久不愈,阳精内涸,气失所摄,精关不固。 3、肾阴亏虚型:表现为遗精、头昏目眩、耳鸣腰酸、失眠盗汗。此为房事过度,耗伤肾阴,干扰精室,致使封藏失职。 4、肝火偏旺型:表现为梦中遗精,烦躁易怒,胸胁不适,口苦咽干。此为肝火旺盛、火扰精室所致。 5、湿热下注型:表现为遗精频繁,或在排尿时精液外流,口苦或渴。此为湿热下注,扰动精室。 古人认为:“遗精不离肾病,但亦当责之于心君。”明代医家戴元礼在《证治备要遗精篇》中说:“有用心过度,心不摄肾,以致失精者;有因思色欲不遂,精色失位,精液而出者。”时至清代,对遗精指出“有梦为心病,无梦为肾病。梦之遗者,谓之梦遗;不梦而遗者,谓之滑精 ”。又将遗精分为梦遗和滑精,后世医家多沿用至今。 很多戒友最后都遗怕了,甚至害怕睡觉,而有的戒友则是经常滑精,这类戒友应该去找个好中医调理一下,药物调理也是控制遗精频率的一个有效途径。被频遗深深困扰的戒友,应该积极尝试药物治疗,特别要找一个好中医,现在庸医多,开的很多药都不对症,吃下去反而会加重遗精,记得有戒友吃了中药后,2天遗精4次,像泄了气的皮球。另外,很多戒友喜欢自己找药吃,或者听某某人推荐吃哪种药,他就去买来吃,这样吃药很可能不对症,因为适合别人的药不一定适合你,比如有戒友听说吃知柏地黄丸好,就去买来吃,结果反而加重了遗精。所以,有遗精困扰的戒友,如果你想吃药,最好去看中医,具体诊断后再对症下药,这样稳妥些。中医讲究辨证治疗,不是说遗精吃一种药就全部管用,吃得不对只会起到相反的效果。有的戒友吃金锁固精丸效果不错,因为比较对症,但有的戒友就不适合吃了,要看具体病情才能开药,还有的戒友是吃了封髓丹控制了遗精频率。 下面我推荐几种控制遗精频率的方法: 1.固肾功 2.睡姿吉祥卧 3.缩肛功 4.仰卧起坐或者仰卧举腿 5.铁板桥 6.站桩 固肾功就不多说了,我第3季的文章讲得比较详细,还拍过一个视频分享给大家。如果你把固肾功做到位,感觉找对,是可以做到有效减少遗精频率的。记得有个戒友原来一月梦遗8次,坚持做固肾功,就减少为一月一次,他一下又恢复了活力和自信,底气又回来了。当然,杜绝其他导致遗精的各类因素也很重要,特别是我上面罗列的各种因素。 睡姿吉祥卧也是非常重要的,固肾功加吉祥卧,就相当于“双保险”了。我看到有戒友在推荐婴儿卧,其实婴儿卧和吉祥卧类似,只不过吉祥卧是右侧,并且对手的位置有要求。吉祥卧刚开始容易产生不适应,一个是手垫着不舒服,还有就是腿一直弯曲憋得慌,我刚开始也是感觉不适应,坚持一个月,慢慢就适应了,现在我睡吉祥卧已经很舒服了。关于吉祥卧的原理,我想和大家分享一下,因为很多人都知道吉祥卧很好,但真正知道背后原理的人却不多,吉祥卧是把人体折叠,这样一折叠就相当于关闭了下漏的通道,我打个比方大家就理解了,好比一根吸管,你在上面灌水,如果吸管下面呈折叠状,水就不易漏失,具体折叠的角度,我推荐小于或者等于90度,如果是135度,那还是很容易漏失。我自己睡觉一般都90度,小于90度也很好,但难度有点大,不容易做到。古大德都很重视吉祥卧,很多都曾苦练过吉祥卧,甚至把自己绑着定型入睡,他们能克服遗精关,和吉祥卧是有一定关系的。一般坚持吉祥卧一个月,就能慢慢适应了,刚开始肯定会感觉到不大舒服。 有了固肾功和吉祥卧这“双保险”,再加上避免其他导致遗精的各类诱发因素,控制遗精频率就有把握了。 控制遗精频率的功法很多,网上应该不下十种,我自己试下来的最好的动功就是固肾功,当然吉祥卧也很好,不过是属于睡姿静功。另外,缩肛功大家也可以练练,仰卧起坐和仰卧举腿也可以起到固肾腰的作用。铁板桥不少戒友反映也不错,但贵在坚持。站桩也是可以有效减少遗精频率的,有戒友反馈通过站桩他大大减少了遗精频率。 最后总结: 我把自己控制遗精的心得和大家分享,希望能给大家带来启示和帮助。频遗关过了,恢复才有望。否则这样频遗,直接可以把一个人漏垮掉,漏出一身的病。当你有了一个少而稳定的遗精频率后,再加上养生之功,身体就会进入恢复的正循环。阳光、自信、底气会重新回到你的身上。人就像一只皮球,是由精气充起来的,精气泄掉了,人就像泄了气的皮球,无精打采,萎靡不振,面容猥琐,甚至面带鬼气。当你重新把精气充足后,那种感觉真的就如猛虎出笼,不怒自威,眼睛有神采,精力旺盛,有很强的自信和底气,不再惧怕任何事物,充满干劲。希望大家都能找回这种积极向上的身心状态。 后记: 最近有戒友在我帖子里说,他看了适度无害论后思想又动摇了,立场又不坚定了。他想听听我的意见,其实对于适度无害论,我已经在文章里讲过很多遍了,适度无害论是谬论,完全忽略手淫的高度成瘾性,新人看了以后就想“适度”一下,找到了所谓的理论支持,撸得更加心安理得了,其实完全是自己欺骗自己,自己害自己。适度无害论不知害惨了多少人,上瘾了能适度吗?上瘾后能自控吗? 关于性生活的次数,药王孙思邈是这样说的:人年二十者四日一泄,三十者八日一泄,四十者十六日一泄,五十者二十日一泄,六十者闭精勿泄,若体力强壮者一月一泄。彭鑫博士说的次数就是引用药王孙思邈的这段话,不过这段话是对古人说的,古人结婚比较早。鉴于现代人精气神耗损比较严重,彭鑫博士推荐现代人的性生活次数是一月一次。但大家看到这个次数,千万别以为这是普适的,这种标准是对健康人而言的,很多人以前不知透支过多少次,都已经症状缠身了,如果还想完成每月的“指标”,那无异于是雪上加霜了。很多名中医都建议禁欲半年乃至一年以上,加上中药调理和养生之道,身体才有望彻底痊愈。 还有一点,药王孙思邈还特别说到:“男不可无女,女不可无男。无女则意动,意动则神劳,神劳则损寿。”撸管就是单方面的性行为,阴阳不交,其实是很折寿的。所以,我们一定要戒掉撸管恶习,把最好的自己留到结婚后节制使用。让那些把自慰合理化的文章见鬼去吧,不知祸害了多少青少年,青少年没有深厚阅历,也没有分辨力,就这样被那些歪理邪说给迷惑了,最后搞得一身的症状,容貌也变丑变猥琐了,还影响到身体的发育。最后很多戒友都来上这么一句,真是意味深长的一句:我就是被适度无害论给害了!多么讽刺的一句话。 大家如果想彻底戒掉撸管,一定要过“适度关”,否则你的戒色立场不可能坚定,适度这两个字很有诱惑力,但我把这两个字看得很清楚,对于很多戒友来讲,适度其实就意味着一发不可收拾。我绝对不和心魔讨价还价,戒色不是买菜,戒色是很严肃的事情,也是很残酷的事情,因为戒不掉就很有可能废掉,实际情况是很多人已经废掉了才想到要戒色。 大家应该做一个坚定的戒色者,立场要坚定,信心要坚固,否则看了无害论是很容易被迷惑的。孙悟空有一双火眼金睛,像X光一样,能看清本质认识到真相。我们戒色也需要一双火眼金睛。认清适度无害论的真面目,远离无害论的文章。无害论就是一种毒药,这种毒药很甜,吃下去很舒服,但药力一发作,就要你好看了。适度无害论也很像酒,喝下去人就糊涂了,分不清对错了,我从来不看无害论,因为我知道那是害人的东西。
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  3. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Seaon 41

    Quit it. Many buddies will share their stigmatizing experience, sharing the experience is very good, can give others warning and inspiration. However, when sharing indulgence experiences, you must pay attention to avoiding the details, because those sensitive texts are likely to cause evil thoughts, which will lead to the breaking of the ring. Some ring friends may miss it when they look at it, and some ring friends may not be able to watch it for a long time. Calm because it evoked memories of his own indulgence. So when we share our experiences, we should downplay the specific process and details of indulgence, and we should highlight the dangers of stigma. This can not only serve as a warning, but also prevent people from watching and have evil thoughts. The winter break and the New Year's holiday are high-breaking periods. The number of broken ring posts in the bar has increased significantly. Some friends even break the ring once a day or multiple times a day, making them helpless. Posting calls for help. He is like an out of control plane. You want to crash, but you just can't control the demon, you can't overcome addiction. I think it was the same when I was a student party. I usually go to school normally. Once the weekend or vacation, I will continue to break the ring, it is not an opponent of the devil. The demon likes to come out to test you when you are bored. If you are on the line of forbidden precepts, then it is definitely over, because those who are forced to abstain have no real improvement in consciousness and are destined to fail! Success in quitting color = high awareness + strong vigilance. This is the formula of success that I summarized. If you blindly force the ring, then the only thing waiting for you is failure. Do n’t be discouraged after breaking the ring. The key is to learn from the broken ring so that you can quit better next time. Some abstainers never reflect, regret, or sum up experience and lessons after breaking the precepts. This will only make them worse and worse, and they will lose confidence. The consequences of breaking the ring in winter are doubled, because the winter Tibetan essence, poor collection in winter will affect the physical condition of the coming year, and the probability of breaking the ring in winter is quite high. If you accidentally break the ring in winter, you must also pay attention to avoid continuous breaks, which is too hurt. Only the improvement of consciousness is expected to overcome the demon. Everyone must remind themselves every day: We must do everything possible to improve our consciousness! Improving consciousness is like leveling. When you reach the level, you can compete with the demon boss. Otherwise, talk free! Only abused. I have been asked by several friends to tell me where to look for articles about sex, and I want to recommend articles about sex, each issue. At first, I started to look at fine articles, so I recommend that beginners should read the articles of the fine category a few times, take notes, think and summarize, and then review more, learn new things and learn new things. Will slowly go up. If you have a strong learning ability and understanding, then your awareness will improve quickly. It is also very important to read good quitting articles repeatedly and try to memorize important sentences and paragraphs. We should pay more attention to the experience posts of seniors, because this is a summary of the seniors' actual combat, not general, and has a strong pertinence and guiding significance. At the same time as reading articles on banning color, you can also read more books to improve consciousness. Now I basically read books to improve consciousness. Last season, I talked about the time standard for success in quitting sex. I said it was half a year or one year. Some friends said that the standard of quitting sex forum was three years, and whether the half year was too short. In fact, half a year or three years, the two are not contradictory. The three-year standard of Jiexi Forum is a statement that it is more secure and safer. And the half-year standard I said is actually for the upper root people, the middle root people need about one year, the lower root people may take more than two years. For example, 3 years of junior high school mathematics, it takes 3 years for the average person to complete it, and some of the roots are talented and intelligent people, and they may be able to complete all 3 years of mathematics in half a year. He even thinks " "I ca n’t eat enough" and I want to learn mathematics in high school and even college. This is actually the difference between the root organs. Some disciples improve awareness like climbing stairs, and some disciples improve awareness by taking an elevator, and the awareness improves super fast. Senior disciples who are resident in the disciplinary bar should notice the existence of this type of root disciples. Quit coloring is like a big class. There are always sharp students and students with poor perception, but as long as you persist in learning, you will always succeed, just like the turtle and rabbit race. Do n’t give up, even if it is the next root. People can also reach the end. The most important sign of the success of quitting is to enter the stable period of quitting, and there is almost no intention to kinky! The color-stabilizing period is the ultimate color-retarding state that many friends always dream of, just like the spire of a pyramid. When you enter the color-stabilizing period, you can basically count on success, as long as you can maintain sufficient vigilance to keep the color-resulting results , Then it can be considered a complete success. Ue root ring friend can enter the ring stop period in about half a year. The biggest feature of the ring stop period is: basically no intention to kinky! There will be no evil thoughts even for more than ten days, and it is in a very stable state of abstinence. At this time, the feeling of torment will disappear, and the number of days will not be cared at all. After entering the stable period of quitting, you don't have to learn quitting articles every day, but you should check it often, and then pay attention to keep alert. Many senior disciples have entered the stable period of quitting, and have very little sexual promiscuity. At this time, he thought that he would not break the ring again, thus relaxing the awareness of vigilance. Everyone knew that relaxing the vigilance would lead to breaking the ring. Will be hollowed out by the demon. Therefore, the emphasis on vigilance cannot be overemphasized. In particular, you should be alert to the demon's temptation, and encourage you to try your strength and sexual function. Constantly learning to improve consciousness, to a certain extent, will naturally enter the period of abstinence, so-called organic. The reason why you can enter the stable phase of abstinence is actually because your consciousness is strong enough to subdue the demon. The demon is like a wild horse. When you can tame this wild horse, it will become good and become Stability is not troublesome, sexual desire will disappear or become very little. But even the wild horses that have been tamed will occasionally lose their tempers, so you must be vigilant every day after you fall, and be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years! The world's jieji is a family, jiexiba and jiexi forum are actually a trench brother, everyone's views may be different, but the motivation is the same, that is to help more people wake up and help more people find Back to Sunshine Healthy Self. To put it more bluntly, society is made up of people, and purifying people is also purifying society, promoting integrity and promoting harmony. People in the Jiexi Forum come to Jiexi to post. I also support it. I sometimes go to Jiexi Forum to learn. Everyone is united, and the great cause of abstinence can only get better. Let ’s move on to the topic in this season. Let ’s talk about the method of controlling herds in detail this season, as follows: Regarding the issue of nocturnal emission, I ’ve written a few seasons, and talk about this season again. If we can compare the abstinence to a sport, it can be said to be a triathlon. Judging sexual immorality is one of them, and awareness of vigilance is also one of it. How to control nocturnal emission is also one of it. Emotion management is also one of it, health awareness is one of it, and study one is also one of it. To be precise, it should be "six colors of abstinence." Just like the student's middle school entrance examination and college entrance examination, not only one subject, but several subjects, such as 3 + 2 or 3+ comprehensive. These six disciplines can be summed up in one word: total awareness! Just like the total score of the college entrance examination. This season, let ’s talk about the special issue of controlling the nocturnal body. For the body to recover better, it is very important to control the frequency of nocturnal emission. Although many abstinence friends are insisting on abstaining from abstinence, the relics can never be overcome, and the result is a leak. I remember a friend who abstained from sex for more than half a year, but he missed it for more than half a year. He had n’t had a spermatic cord before, and he missed it for more than half a year, and then went to the hospital for a check. Traditional Chinese Medicine: All the long-lost pulses are injured! Frequent remnants are very damaging to the body and are not conducive to physical recovery. Frequent remnants are also prone to repeated or worsening symptoms. Therefore, we must strictly control the frequency of nocturnal emission. The nocturnal emission control can be studied separately as a science. Jie You Austin is specializing in the frequency of nocturnal emission. I have also been troubled by frequency problems. At the beginning of quitting, I didn't have any problems with spermatorrhea. Because of the severe overdraft, I quit for a long time before returning to the normal frequency of spermatogenesis. Some of the friends have never had spermatozoa because they have been in control since the developmental period. He has no idea what the spermatozoon is. Some of the abstinent friends have a weak constitution. They also suffer from spermatorrhea at the same time when they are stubborn. It is simply double destruction, double axe felling, and the body can't take it any time soon. At that time, I also spent a lot of time in order to control the frequency of spermatorrhea. I checked the information every day on the Internet and checked hundreds of pages of information. The focus of my research at that time was two aspects. First, what caused the spermatozoa; Is there any way to control nocturnal emission. At that time, I had a record of spermatorrhea, the date of each month, the time of spermatorrhea, the interval between spermatorrhea, and the specific details of the spermatorrhea. Then I researched what caused the spermatorium, figured out the possible reasons, and then went online. Check to see if there are cases like mine. Then I found out the reasons one by one. There are many reasons for nocturnal emission. It is very important to learn to avoid these nocturnal emission factors. Here are some more details of this season: The factors leading to spermatorrhea are as follows: 1. Obscene during the day; 2. Tired during the day; 3. Drinking alcohol; 4. Too much meat; 5. Tonic; 6. Sleeping on your back; 7. Sleeping naked 8. Cover the quilt; 9. The cover is too thick and heavy; 10. Meditate before going to bed; 11. The underpants are too tight; 12. Put on or sandwich the quilt; 13. Moxibustion is improper; 14. Meditate to guard Dantian; 15 Stay up all night sitting; 16. Drink too much water before going to bed; 17. Excessive exercise; 18. Sick; 19. Kidney loss without dreams (sliding); 20. Spicy and heavy diet; 21. Tense (including nightmares); 22. Squeezing (including sleeping); 23. Angry (causing qi and blood disorders); 24. Being cold (including eating cold food); 25. Improper massage of acupuncture points; 26. Nocturnal emission caused by inflammation (belonging to the category of kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine); 27. Also lie down (feedback with a lot of spermatorrhea); 28. Soak your feet before going to bed (water is too hot); 29. Hold your urine (prone to cause spermatorrhea); 30. Use electric blankets or heaters while you go to bed; Have had strenuous exercise; 32. The phimosis foreskin is too long; 33. Excessive thinking; 34. Return to bed; 35. Insomnia and sleep again; 36. Sweating a lot; 37. Take Chinese medicine (especially symptomatic); 38. Long time Do pedicure; 39. black sesame I much summed up the season 16 emission factors of 23, added to the 39 this season. Many of them are my own personal experience and conclusions from case investigations. Some are based on the feedback from Jiyou, and then conducted an analysis and conclusion. The problem of spermatorrhea is more complicated and varies from person to person. For example, if two people drink the same cold drink, one may have spermatozoa after returning home, but the other may not have spermatozoa. This is the difference between physique and health. Cold injury hurts yang, but some human bodies are okay and can still hurt, so no spermatozoa appear, but some of the human bodies are poor or already debilitated. If you eat cold drinks again, spermatozoon will appear immediately. Some people are okay with eating a lot of meat, but some people eat more meat and there will be nocturnal emission. Some people will have nocturnal emission when they soak their feet in hot water before going to bed, but some people will be fine no matter how hot their feet are. And I also found out the fact that every year, people's physical and health conditions will undergo subtle changes. You may have no spermatozoa in your feet in hot water last year, but this year there may be spermatozoa. Last year you did not have spermatozoa in the exercise all afternoon. This year, you may have spermatozoa after a little more exercise. In addition, nocturnal emission is closely related to the season. Many people have very little nocturnal emission in spring and summer, and it becomes more frequent in autumn and winter. Many people have just started to abstain from color, and they seldom ejaculate, but to a certain extent they will frequently ejaculate, which causes him great distress. To recover better, we must have a stable frequency of spermatozoa. If the frequency of spermatozoa is small and stable every 12 months of a year, it is very beneficial for recovery. I listed the factors that lead to spermatorrhea. Many buddies may not be impressed after watching it. Only when the spermatorrhea occurs can it be deepened and can be truly avoided next time. Nocturnal emission is generally divided into 2 categories: 1. Physiological nocturnal emission 2. Pathological nocturnal emission Generally, it is normal within 3 times a month, and some articles say about 3 times. If you reach 6 times 8 times a month, or have spermatozoa for several days in a row, then it is not normal and belongs to pathological spermatozoa. If you can control the frequency of nocturnal emission once every 15 days or once every 20 days, it can already be considered a success. If you want to recover better, it is best to control the sperm emission more than once a month. After all, many fortune-teller friends have overdrawn their bodies for many years, and have suffered a huge deficit. One spermatorium can't afford to hurt. A spermatorium may make him uncomfortable for several days before he can get over. Here again talk about the perfect full overflow. If strictly speaking, there is no perfect full overflow, the ancient Chinese medicine of circular movement said that there is no perfect full overflow. In fact, he was talking to Fanfu. Whenever Fanfu changed his heart, Yuan Jing turned into Zhuojing. The practice of advanced people can break through the barriers of spermatorrhea. We were born in the earthly world and have too many temptations. It is very difficult to truly achieve "no leakage". On the one hand, you need to cultivate your mind, and on the other hand, you must have a master teaching method. Some abstinence friends will think that turbid essence is not good. In fact, turbid essence is very nutritious, rich in many nutrients, not garbage. Therefore, turbid essence should not be leaked casually, and we must learn to cherish turbid essence. Most of the disciples in Jiexiba will encounter the problem of nocturnal emission. Maybe you have n’t met now, you will meet next year. Psychological adjustment after spermatogenesis is also very important. Many people will break the ring after spermatozoa, because it is easy to shake their minds and have bad emotions after spermatozoa, so after spermatozoa is a high incidence period of breaking the ring, we must pay attention to adjustment after spermatogenesis Mentality, correct treatment of spermatozoa, and maintain a high degree of vigilance and good emotional management, so that you can spend the period of time after spermatozoon safely. Traditional Chinese medicine generally divides pathological nocturnal emission into the following 5 categories: (Western medicine attributed to inflammation manifestations, such as prostatitis, etc.) 1. Heart and Kidney Disjointed Type: manifests nocturnal emission, dizziness, and fatigue in dreams. This is caused by anxiety, water deficiency and fire, disturbing the fine room. 2. Kidney-qi insufficiency type: frequent slippery appearance, less complexion, cold chills. This is a long-lasting illness, impotence of impotence, loss of breath, seizures. 3. Kidney Yin deficiency type: manifested as nocturnal emission, dizziness, tinnitus, backache, insomnia and night sweats. This is an excessive sexual intercourse, which damages the kidney yin, interferes with the fine room, and leads to the failure of closure. 4, liver fire partial type: manifested as nocturnal emission in dreams, irritability, irritability, chest discomfort, dry mouth and throat. This is caused by a strong liver fire and fire disturbance. 5. Damp heat bet type: manifested as frequent nocturnal emission, or semen outflow during urination, bitterness or thirst. This is a hot and humid bet that disturbs the fine room. The ancients believed: "Nocturnal emission is not separated from kidney disease, but it should also be blamed on the heart." In the Ming Dynasty doctor Dai Yuanli said in "Symptoms of Preparing for Essence of Zhengzhi Preparations": "Excessive intentions, the heart does not take the kidneys, resulting in infertility; for reasons At the same time, in Qing Dynasty, he pointed out to the spermatories that "there is dream of heart disease and no dream of kidney disease. Those who are dreaming are those who are dreaming; those who are not dreaming are those who are not Slippery. " The spermatorrhea is divided into dreams and slippery sperms, which are still used by medical doctors in later generations. Many abstinence friends are finally afraid, even afraid of sleeping, and some abstinence friends often slippery, this kind of abstinence friends should go to a good Chinese medicine conditioning, drug conditioning is also an effective way to control the frequency of nocturnal emission. The abstinent friends who are deeply troubled by frequent failure should actively try drug treatment, especially to find a good Chinese medicine. Now there are many quack doctors, and many of the medicines prescribed are not symptomatic. Instead, they will aggravate the spermatorrhea. Nocturnal emission 4 times in 2 days, like a flat ball. In addition, many abstinent friends like to find medicine for themselves, or listen to someone recommends which medicine to take, and he buys it. This medicine may not be right, because the medicine suitable for others may not be suitable for you. Friends heard that it was good to eat Zhibai Dihuang Wan, so they bought and ate it, but instead aggravated the nocturnal emission. Therefore, if there is a nocturnal friend who is troubled by nocturnal emission, if you want to take medicine, it is best to see Chinese medicine, and then prescribe the right medicine after a specific diagnosis, so it is safer. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical treatment, which does not mean that nocturnal emission will be effective if it takes one medicine. If it is not eaten properly, it will only have the opposite effect. Some Xieyou eat Jinsuogujing pills have a good effect, because they are more symptomatic, but some Xieyou are not suitable for eating, depending on the specific condition to prescribe medicine, and some Xieyou take Fengsui Dan to control the nocturnal emission frequency. Below I recommend several methods to control the frequency of nocturnal emission: 1. Gu Shen Gong 2. Auspicious lying in sleeping position 3. Anal contraction 4. Sit-ups or sit-ups 5. Iron plate bridge 6. Standing piles do not fix kidney function More to say, my third season article is more detailed, and I also took a video to share with you. If you get the kidney-fixing function in place, and feel right, you can effectively reduce the frequency of nocturnal emission. I remember that a friend who had turned out to have dreams 8 times a month and insisted on solidifying kidney function was reduced to once a month. He regained his vitality and confidence, and his spirit returned. Of course, it is also important to eliminate other factors that cause nocturnal emission, especially the factors I listed above. The auspicious sleeping position in sleeping position is also very important. Gu Shen Gong plus auspicious lying is equivalent to "double insurance". I see that some friends are recommending a baby bed. In fact, the baby bed is similar to the auspicious bed, except that the auspicious bed is on the right side and the position of the opponent has requirements. At first, the auspicious bed was prone to discomfort. One was that the hand was uncomfortable, and the other was that my legs were constantly bent and panicked. I also felt uncomfortable at first. I persisted for a month and slowly adapted. Already comfortable. I would like to share with you the principle of auspicious bed, because many people know that auspicious bed is good, but not many people really know the principle behind it. Auspicious bed folds the human body, so a fold is equivalent to closing down. I can understand the leaky passage, for example, like a straw, you fill it with water, if the straw is folded below, the water is not easy to leak, the specific folding angle, I recommend less than or equal to 90 degrees, if it is 135 degrees, it is still easy to miss. I usually go to sleep at 90 degrees, and it's good to be less than 90 degrees, but the difficulty is a bit difficult and it's not easy to do it. Gu Dade attaches great importance to auspicious beds, many of whom have worked hard on auspicious beds, and even tied themselves to sleep. They can overcome the spermatorium and have a certain relationship with auspicious beds. Generally, if you insist on being auspicious for one month, you can slowly adjust to it, and you will definitely feel uncomfortable at first. With the "dual insurance" of solid kidney function and auspicious lying, plus the avoidance of other inducing factors that lead to spermatorrhea, it is possible to control the frequency of spermatozoa. There are many ways to control the frequency of nocturnal emission. There should be no less than ten kinds on the Internet. The best exercise exercise I have tried is the solid kidney exercise. Of course, auspicious lying is also very good, but it belongs to the sleeping posture static exercise. In addition, everyone can also practice anal contraction, sit-ups and sit-ups can also play a role in strengthening the kidneys. Many banquet friends in Tiebanqiao responded well, but they insisted. The standing stump can also effectively reduce the frequency of spermatozoa. With the feedback from the ring friend, he greatly reduced the frequency of spermatozoa. Final conclusion: I have shared my experience of controlling spermatorrhea with everyone, hoping to bring inspiration and help to everyone. Frequent legacy has passed, recovery is hopeful. Otherwise, if you are so frequent, you can directly leak a person and reveal a whole body of illness. When you have a small and stable frequency of spermatozoa, plus the power of health, the body will enter a positive cycle of recovery. Sunlight, confidence and confidence will return to you. Man is like a leather ball, which is filled with essence gas, and the essence gas is discharged. Man is like a deflated leather ball, listless, sluggish, wretched, and even ghostly. When you regain your energy, you really feel like a tiger coming out of the cage, not angry, with energetic eyes, strong energy, strong self-confidence and confidence, no longer afraid of anything, full of energy. I hope everyone can find this positive mental and physical state. Postscript: Recently, Jieyou said in my post that after seeing the theory of moderate harmlessness, his mind shook again and his position was not firm. He wanted to hear my opinion. Actually, I have already talked about the theory of moderate harmlessness many times in the article. The theory of moderate harmlessness is a fallacy. Ignore the highly addictive nature of masturbation. "Now, I found the so-called theoretical support, and I felt more at ease. In fact, I totally deceived myself and harmed myself. The theory of moderate innocence does not know how many people have been hurt. Can it be moderately addicted? Can I control myself after being addicted? Regarding the frequency of sexual life, Sun King, the medicine king, said this: Twenty people in one year bleed on the fourth day, thirty people on one day bleed on the eighth, forty people on one day bleed on the 16th, and fifty people on one day bleed on the 20th. Sixty people do n’t sacrifice their spirits. If they are physically strong, they leak every month. Dr. Peng Xin said the number of times he quoted the medicine king Sun Simiao, but this paragraph was told to the ancients, who married earlier. In view of the serious loss of energy and vitality of modern people, Dr. Peng Xin recommends that modern people have sex once a month. But when you see this number of times, do n’t think it ’s universal. This standard is for healthy people. Many people do n’t know how many times they have overdrawn before. They are already suffering from symptoms. If you want to complete the monthly "Indicator", that is even worse. Many Chinese medicine practitioners have suggested abstinence for half a year or even more than one year, and with Chinese medicine conditioning and health regimen, the body is expected to recover completely. One more thing, the drug king Sun Simiao also said in particular: "A man cannot be without a woman, and a woman cannot be without a man. Without a woman, he will move, if he will move, he will lose his life." It is unilateral sexual behavior. , Yin and Yang do not pay, in fact, very long life. Therefore, we must quit the habit of stigmatization and keep the best for ourselves after marriage. Let the articles that rationalize masturbation go to hell. I don't know how many young people have been harmed. The young people have no deep experience and no discrimination, so they are bewildered by these fallacies and the symptoms that finally make them all look ugly. It also affects the development of the body. In the end, a lot of friends who came to this place had such a meaningful sentence: I was just harmed by moderate harmlessness! What an ironic sentence. If you want to get rid of stubbornness completely, you must pass the "moderate off", otherwise your stance of sacrifice cannot be firm, the word moderate is very tempting, but I see these two words very clearly. For For many disciples, moderation actually means out of control. I definitely do n’t bargain with the demon. Giving up color is not buying food. Giving up color is a very serious and cruel thing, because if you ca n’t quit, it is likely to be abolished. In fact, many people have already abolished it. Avoid color. Everyone should be a stubborn sabbatical, with a firm stand and a strong faith; otherwise, it is easy to be confused by looking at harmlessness. Sun Wukong has a pair of fire eyes and golden eyes. Like X-rays, he can see the essence and realize the truth. We also need a pair of fire eyes to abstain from color. Recognize the true face of moderate innocence and stay away from innocuous articles. Innocence is a poison. This poison is sweet and very comfortable to eat, but as soon as the medicine is attacked, you need to look at it. Moderate harmlessness is also very similar to wine. It is confused when you drink it. You ca n’t tell right from wrong. I never look at harmlessness because I know it is harmful.
  4. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    戒为良药 第42季:关于撸管症状的恢复问题



































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  5. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Quit Good Medicine Season 42: On the Recovery of Symptoms
    Recovery is a topic that the majority of disciples are more concerned about. Many people start to abstain from color problems because they have physical problems. They just want to restore themselves to a healthy state through abstinence. Whether or not others recover will affect their self-restraint and confidence. If you see that many people have not recovered, you may naturally lose your confidence and motivation. Some Jieyou friends may even think that since they can't recover, what else should they quit, so they break the pot and lay a hidden danger for the further collapse of the body in the future. Share a case first [Brother Feixiang, I saw someone saying that it would be uncomfortable if I could not recover, I am not shaken now, I know I want to continue. I am 23 this year and I have been abstaining for almost a year. Can I recover? ] A: There is no need to be uncomfortable. Someone recovers, some people fail to recover, it is normal. All aspects are well done, and the recovery will be great. Come on! I suggest you exercise actively and pay attention to your health. Work hard on health, learn more health articles and videos, and improve your health awareness. Only give up, it is difficult to recover. Analysis: Many people are discouraged when they see that they can't recover, their confidence is shaken, and they don't want to give up. Posts that shake the confidence of Jiuyou still appear from time to time. If you watch and are affected, it will be bad for you. Many people are not steadfast in their stance, and their foundation is unstable. It is easy to get upset when you see these articles again. For example, ten people abstained from color, and one of them really recovered, but the other nine did not recover. You should learn from those who have recovered. Those who can really recover have their own set of health methods and recovery experience. Here's a word for everyone: To recover, ask the person who really recovered. Those who haven't recovered will just tell you that you can't recover. At the beginning, my hair loss basically peaked. I also went to many hair loss forums, and basically said that it was difficult to recover. There were also white hair problems. It was difficult to see cases of recovery. But everyone must know the reason. . Just like when you buy a lottery ticket, you have never won 5 million, which does not mean that no one has won 5 million. Of course, the recovery of sacral symptoms is not so low. As long as all aspects are done well, especially the health care is in place, the possibility of recovery is still great. Not to mention complete recovery, at least it can be improved a lot, much better than before. Some friends who are severely injured, have a long age, are hard to return, or have a poor physique. In order to recover, it is like getting sick, and recovering trace by trace. If the health is not well done or the frequency of spermatorrhea is uncontrollable, it is still possible. It will go backwards, and only with patience can we finally recover. Recovery is a systematic project, and all senior veterans should be clear. It is difficult to completely quit color. It is difficult to recover. It is not easy to overcome one kind of difficulty. To overcome both difficulties, you need a high level of quitting color. Awareness and health awareness. Everyone who sees difficulty will definitely worry that they can't do it. In fact, if they really master the method, then it is not called difficulty. The so-called meeting is not difficult, and the difficult is not. You also need to know how to recover. There is always a way to succeed, but you have n’t found it for a while. It ’s like playing a game with cheats. At that time, I was always looking for a recovery method, and I ’ve been trying to recover it. It helped me a lot. One is to fix kidney function, which allows me to control the frequency of spermatorrhea; two, to stand and meditate; three, aerobic exercise; and four, moxibustion. Among them, moxibustion is indispensable. Moxibustion can be said to have cured my allergic rhinitis and hemorrhoids, and has a positive significance for improving my physique. The cost of moxibustion is not expensive, but you must have a certain understanding and knowledge of moxibustion, constantly summarize practical experience, and continue to learn to deepen your understanding. About the bottleneck period of recovery Some Jiujiu health care is also doing, but to a certain extent, you will feel stagnant, in fact, you have encountered the bottleneck period. It is normal to meet the bottleneck period. To break through the bottleneck period, you should find a method, just like a technical obstacle. To overcome this technical obstacle, you must further improve your health methods and health awareness. This situation is also like running. When you work hard for a period of time, a hundred meters can reach 12 seconds, and then you will find that it has been hovering for 12 seconds without making progress. At this time, it is easy to have a senior coach. The coach will tell you how to break through the bottleneck period and how to further improve your sports level, letting you enter 11 seconds or even 10 seconds. I read an article by a track and field coach. He said that professional track and field athletes need at least three years of systematic professional training to run into 10 seconds, of course, except for some geniuses. If we encounter a bottleneck period in recovery, we should learn more articles on health preservation. We can try a lot of health preservation methods, and then find a health rehabilitation method that is suitable for us and keep practicing. For example, standing stakes, if you can get to the point and persevere, many symptoms of the body will be greatly improved. There are also real cases of practicing Taijiquan and practicing yoga to alleviate or eliminate diseases through practice. Medication supplements are not as good as food supplements, and food supplements are not as good as motion supplements. How to move is a question asked by the university. Many people know that aerobic exercise is good, and they run sweating every day. It doesn't take long for them to find that their bodies have collapsed. spirit. There is nothing wrong with sweating and yang in Chinese medicine, and some people are young and able to hurt, but if you keep doing this, it is easy to go wrong. At that time, the Ma Jiajun track and field team attached great importance to recovery and conditioning after sports, and boiled Chinese medicine to supplement the soup for the team members every day. I was able to recover and I was constantly breaking through the bottleneck period. At that time, I saw an article saying that lifting can stimulate the leg of Chengshan Acupuncture, which is similar to Baduanjin's "Behind the Seven Boundary Diseases", and then I do a few hundred every day. This time, even thousands of times, I walked and walked. I found that lifting the scorpion can not only improve the physique, but also improve the bouncing force and make the calf stronger and stronger. However, when we do some exercises, we must learn the essentials, and we cannot practice blindly. Like some disciples, when they see that they are squatting up, they practice 500 a day, and finally they break their knees. When squatting, the knees cannot exceed the toes, and the knees and toes should be in the same orientation to avoid adverse effects on the knees. Otherwise, the knees will cross the toes for a long time, which will transfer the pressure to the knees, causing knee wear or other knees problem. We must practice like this and avoid blind practice. Share another case ["Nocturnal emission for solid kidney function, prostatitis depends on medication and nourishment, these two persist for more than half a year, can recover more than 80%. But judging from my experience in staying for more than a year, premature ejaculation and second shot There is no one who posted after curing, and some did not cure premature ejaculation after 1 year of continuous abstinence. Many people's premature ejaculation has not changed at all. It turns out that to a large extent, once the premature ejaculation is achieved, it is likely to be permanent. It's sexual. "This is from a friend, does Teacher Feixiang make sense? There seems to be no case in this regard. 】 A: This Jieyou friend makes some sense. Recovery is a systematic project. Based on my experience, I have seen Jieyou post that it has improved, and there are still cases of recovery, but many people are very young, and the degree of injury is deep, so the recovery of premature ejaculation impotence is basically based on years. And it must be completely abstained from health + health, both aspects must be in place, and strict control of the legacy. Many people can't even do it completely. What about recovery? There is no health consciousness, how to talk about recovery? Come on! Analysis: I emphasized the importance of good health very early in my article. Why do my answers emphasize quitting and keeping fit? Why don't I just say quitting? Because I am deeply aware of the importance of health for recovery, it is not ideal to just give up recovery. Many disciples all pin their hopes on discouragement, believing that it will be all right to start disciplinary treatment. In fact, this understanding is wrong. Caution is only one aspect, and health is the top priority. Three points of treatment, seven points of health, health care includes quitting color and keeping essence, but also includes all kinds of health knowledge and health methods, the weight of health is self-evident. There are still a lot of friends who have pinned their hopes on doctors and medicines. They have no health awareness at all. They think that kidney deficiency and colds can be solved by taking a few pills. This kind of understanding is also wrong. Severe or persistent symptoms should be actively treated, but do not put hope on the doctor. The various symptoms caused by kidney deficiency are the most important thing. There is a saying that prostatitis is raised, not cured. Just like a new car, it will be 90% new after a year of maintenance. It will not be repaired, and even repaired several times. Maintenance is too important. As soon as the professional athletes finish training, they immediately apply ice, massage, infrared physical therapy, and acupuncture. There are too many recovery methods, and the recovery and maintenance methods of NBA players are even more varied. Many are high-tech, and most people have not even heard of them. I can recover. The effort in health preservation is super big. I have been learning the knowledge of Chinese medicine health preservation. I have tried many health preservation methods myself. I saw that some friends told me that I had only managed a few hundred times in ten years, so I could recover. How is this possible? I was at most 6 times a day, and the last shot was water, even to the point where there was nothing to shoot. At that time, my addiction was very strong, and dragged me directly to the symptom of hell. Friends who have read my "Be Good Medicine" should know that my degree of sperm injury is very serious, and there is a severe neurosis. The efferent neurosis is extremely painful. Compared with prostatitis and neurosis, it is really a witch. Witch, when I got neurotic, I wanted to commit suicide every day. I lived in a state of anxiety and panic every day, and the people around me couldn't understand your feelings at all. I really broke down at that time, I became a medicine jar, and now there is a box of unfinished medicine at home, which has expired and contains dozens of medicines. I do n’t throw it away just to remind myself, because I stay up late and indulge me Living in hell, I don't want to return to that symptomatic hell, it's just inhuman torture. There was a friend who added an anxiety disorder group because of curiosity, and then he was very scared to quit, because he found that the people inside were too dark, the content of the chat was all painful symptoms, the atmosphere was very depressed, and many people wanted to Thoughts of death. So later I came up with a mantra: that is, hell! Some friends who have not given up for a long time have not recovered, he will think that recovery is a lie. His thought is a bit like seeing only white swans, and narrowly thinking that black swans do not exist. This kind of argument really hurts a lot of confidence. I used to think that prostatitis could not be cured, and I talked with many people and said that it relapsed. The drug can only be used temporarily. Many people have serious injuries and long aging ages, and their recovery is very slow. Senior veterans have also concluded that the recovery period before the slow period is more than one year. This year is a year of quitting health, especially paying attention to health. It is said that active exercise and proper aerobic exercise can greatly relieve prostatitis, so I have always advocated to do more aerobic exercise so that prostatitis can recover faster. But you must pay attention to the right amount. If you are sweating every time, it may have the opposite effect on the recovery before the slow. I now mainly take a walk and walk. When the body is hot and sweating, I slow down my steps and try my best. Don't sweat. Sweating is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the body's toxins are excreted from the body with sweat, but at the same time, the essence is also leaked through the form of sweat. Chinese medicine: sweaters, essence is also. Sweat is the fluid of the heart. There is a kind of energy in the human body. This energy can be converted into several forms, which can be converted into sweat, Jin and Jing. Just like water, it can be gaseous, solid ice, or liquid. In fact, it is a kind of energy. A person is an energy body. There is an invisible energy value. All aspects of the body's operation require the support of this energy, just like the battery in an electric rabbit. When you get sick due to stunned tubes or bad living habits, the energy actually drops. Stubbed tubes will cause the energy value of the human body to fall, staying up late, anger, sweating, and cold and other external sensations. Energy, listening to headphones hurts the kidney too much, talking too much hurts. In short, there are many ways to hurt the energy. What we have to do is to save energy and minimize energy loss. Leakage of energy in life is inevitable and leaks unknowingly. For example, too much thought is also leaking energy, and because we have no health awareness, we may not know it at all. In Qu Limin's book, she said that pregnant women cannot be directly blown by wind or read books, because pregnant women are weak after birth, that is, their energy values are very low, their resistance is insufficient, and they are likely to get sick if they are blown by wind. Reading a book will lead to injury to the liver and blood leakage energy, the body is already weak, can not afford to leak, so pregnant women are advised to rest after the birth. Some abstainers may say why the more you exercise, the more powerful you are, because fitness has an over-recovery principle, and you can recover to a higher level than the original through exercise, but there is a premise that your body is healthy and not counted Very weak, if your energy value is already low, you can't afford to be tired. When your body is okay, exercise as much as possible. Of course, I mean the right amount of exercise; when you are very weak, it is best to adopt a resting strategy, otherwise exercise may be counterproductive. Just like I once learned, a cycling instructor took a class while having a cold, which caused myocarditis to die, and he was only in his early 20s. There are few reasons for the recovery of premature ejaculation in the following reasons: First, the recovery of premature ejaculation impotence is basically based on years. Many people do not quit color for a long time. Second, to recover, you must have a high awareness of health. If you do n’t give up, you wo n’t have a good recovery effect. Third, the bottleneck period of recovery cannot be broken, and the recovery methods and means are not enough. Fourth, unmarried ring friends account for the majority, many ring friends for more than half a year, will not easily try. Fifth, no sexual life for a long time, restarting the first sexual life, it is likely that "new marriage and premature ejaculation." Six, a lot of friends who do n’t give up and do n’t know what to do, they are on and off intermittently, which affects recovery. Seventh, if you quit for the sole purpose of restoring sexual function, you will probably like to try it, and this motive is easy to break. Sexual dysfunction is expected to recover. I have also seen cases of recovery. Some time ago, a married ring friend said that he had had premature ejaculation and impotence and could not erect. After six months of abstinence, he could complete an erection and complete his sexual life. There are not many recovery cases, which does not mean that there is no recovery. If all aspects are done well, the recovery control will still be great, at least there will be improvement, which is stronger than in the past. If there is a friend who posted on the quit, I said that my premature ejaculation has recovered, I have been stunned for half an hour or more, or my girlfriend and I have been doing it for a long time. Such posts are likely to be deleted Because quitting sex does not promote premarital sex. In addition, a long sexual life is not necessarily a good thing. It may be an ejaculation disorder. A persistent erection and congestion will also cause great damage to the prostate. Anyway, too long and too short is not a good thing. The recovery of premature ejaculation impotence should ask more friends who are married and abstain from sex for more than half a year. They have more say, but there are a few married people who abstain from sex, and there are not many married people who have firm caution. We also need to support cooperation. In fact, many unmarried ring friends have their own experience. For example, Chen Bo has recovered, Chen Bo's quality has improved, and the other point is that Chen Bo is relatively stable. If ten Chen Bo is only good once, it is not stable. When your Chen Bo quality becomes good and stable, that is a sign of sexual function recovery. Some abstainers may say that their Chen Bo is not good, but the sex life is OK, this situation also exists, but I am sure this is not the best state of your body. There is a word involved in it: momentum! Many people are injured in the end, the semen is flowing down, the ejaculation is weak, and the shooting distance is not as it is now, which is much worse than in the past. This is the loss of energy and kidney qi. Regarding the mystery of the range, I once wrote a season, and interested friends can check it out. To better recover, do not stay up all night and sit for a long time. Health preservation is a science. Only when you learn more, think more and practice, can you find a health regimen that suits you, and you must constantly improve your health awareness and let yourself know how to maintain health. More, do better, so that the confidence of recovery is great. In particular, to avoid a life-threatening lifestyle, we must pay attention to emotional management. Prostatitis is also prone to recurrence, especially after nocturnal emission, so we must control the frequency of nocturnal emission, and we must pay attention to all aspects, so that the number of repeated symptoms can be greatly reduced, and then stabilize, and finally heal. From the negative cycle to the unstable positive cycle, and then pay attention to the way of health, you can finally enter the stable positive cycle from the unstable positive cycle. Negative cycle → unstable positive cycle → stable positive cycle! The recovery of other symptoms is basically the same. The recurrence of symptoms is very normal. Don't worry. It is the key to maintain yourself and reduce the number of repetitions. It's like walking on a tightrope. It just started to fall down after getting old, and then with experience and lessons, it gradually stabilized and rarely fell off. Regarding the "irrecoverable theory", there is actually some truth, after all, it is the conclusion drawn from the personal experience of Jiyou. When I got neurosis, "unrecoverable theory" was also popular among patients. There is a famous saying about unrecoverable: we are like broken vases, no matter how we glue them, we ca n’t fully recover Before being broken, no matter how adhered, there will be cracks. There is some truth in this sentence. Can a person recover to development before discerning health? The human body will naturally age, even if you do not control it, your body will continue to flow, but the desire to accelerate this process, even to the 20-year-old young man, the pulse of the 60-year-old man, can speed up decades . But being unrecoverable is not absolute. Some quit friends actively exercise after quitting. They feel that their bodies are more powerful and mentally better than before. In this sense, aren't they better than before? Can the symptoms caused by sacral canal recover? In fact, recovery has two meanings: First, it is basically impossible to recover before sacrifice, because people will naturally age. Second, it can be restored to asymptomatic and full energy. Even if you are a stubborn lover, you can at least have a lot of relief through quitting health, so that it won't get worse. One thing is for sure, if you do n’t keep up with your health, your body will fall faster, and worse results will be waiting for you. If you have a deep understanding and accomplishment in your health, then you will have a much stronger grasp of recovery. I also saw a lot of pessimistic arguments at that time, but I never wavered because I believe I can return to an asymptomatic state. Seeing the case of recovery can motivate everyone to go forward. Seeing the case of no recovery, you do n’t have to be discouraged. If he does n’t recover, it does n’t mean that you ca n’t recover either. All we have to do is to strengthen our self-confidence and discourage health Well, this treatment is an active treatment, but we must realize that health is the key to recovery, and we must learn to work hard on health. Health is divided into health and mind. We must pay attention to spiritual cultivation, do more good deeds, build more ethics, give more positive energy, the heart is right, the body will follow, just like a puzzle, the front is the world map, the reverse is Character avatars, it takes a long time to spell the world map, and it only takes a few minutes to spell the character's avatar. If the avatar is spelled correctly, the world map will follow. And the cultivation of the mind is like fighting for the head of a character. The cultivation of the mind is more important than the cultivation of the body. In the next season, I will especially recommend a recipe for face restoration. Mastering this secret will bring about rapid changes to your appearance.
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  6. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    戒为良药 第43季:论气色及容貌气色恢复之秘技







































    【树木疗法指的是借助树木治病,用树木治病在民间广为传播,医学中也有实例。 印度瑜伽术认为,树木可以把从宇宙中得到的一种物质传给人。不同的树种,带的能量不同。有的帮助恢复精力,有的消炎,有的防病。橡树让人精神振奋,云杉能吸收不好的能量,松树可以传递有益的能量,山杨树皮能治牙疼。俄罗斯一本辞典中写道:“脚疼时,把山杨木放在脚上;头疼时则把它放在头上。”现代从事树木治病研究的是生物定位专家。他们认为,树木有生物场,树木对人有治疗作用正是生物场发挥了效能。英国卫生研究所的专家认为,树木拥有的能量足以治病,而且效果不见得比药物差。经常在森林中练气功的人可能有这样的体会:如果在白桦、橡树、松、柏、杉树旁练功,会感到精力充沛、神清气爽,偶得小病也会迅速消失。目前已经得知,树木既能“供给能量”,也能“吸收病气”。】


















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  7. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Caution is Good Medicine Season 43: On the Secret Techniques of Rejuvenation and Complexion
    Seeing a friend of the ring said that it is a blessing for everyone to come to the ring. I agree with him very much. Think about it, the environment is still innocuous, and there are still innocuous theories on the Internet. How many people can really understand the truth of stubbornness? Most people are driven by innocence and indulge in indifference. Those who can stay in the banquet are definitely blessed and have good roots. Otherwise, even if they come to the banquet, they will not stay. For example, some people come to Jisu, but they will misunderstand Jisu, and he is trapped in a moderately harmless trap. This superficial misunderstanding is ridiculous and ignorant in the eyes of senior ring friends. Senior ring friends already have a very deep and correct understanding, and will not be blinded by moderate harmlessness. Moderate harmlessness is a wonderful thing. Lies can provide a plausible excuse for your indulgence. With this ridiculous excuse, you will go further and further on the path of stubbornness, until you are completely lost, and you will probably wake up when the symptoms erupt. The so-called seeing the coffin does not shed tears. We should cherish the pure land of Jiedeji, Jiedeji. There are a lot of victim cases for you to be alert, and there are various kinds of senior experience for you to learn. You can learn the truth of stigma in Jiedeji. Of course, the meaning of abstinence is not just to banish adultery. We should learn how to be a person and what kind of person. Through the study of traditional culture, you will change your outlook on life and values, which is very helpful for your spiritual improvement. of. If we abstain from color, we must learn how to keep healthy, and we must also learn to do good and build morals, do evil, do all good things, do more good things, and help others. This kind of life will become more meaningful. Helping others is great, and helping others is the foundation of happiness. There are hundreds of millions of people in China. There are very few people who really have the chance to come to Jisu. There are very few people who have the opportunity to hear the truth. You can observe classmates and friends around you. Many people do n’t even realize it. Regardless of the harm, it is in a state of ignorance and misdirection, which is very sad. In such a state of mind, obsessed with indulgence, waiting for them is undoubtedly a tragedy of life, and no one in life tells them the dangers of indulgence. If you have a friend, say, no one told me. This sentence is a bit ironic. Some people, even if you tell him, he will misunderstand your kindness and even think that you are too extreme. His idea is to enjoy it. At this time, he ca n’t listen to loyalty. You may turn back when you have symptoms, or you may never turn back, and you will not understand the truth when you die. We can come to Jisu, we can understand the principle of Jisu, it is really a blessing for everyone, cherish this blessing, regain the sun and health of ourselves, and spread positive energy to more people. Ten years ago, at that time, home computers were not yet universal, and there was no place for you to understand the truth of stubbornness. There was no place for you to learn to improve your consciousness. It was an era of darkness and adultery. Now everyone can come to Jisu, it ’s really time to catch up, and now the theory of Jisu is basically mature, the foundation of Jisu is already solid, and the road has been paved for the majority of Jiyou. Tree, for future generations to take advantage of the cold. China's quitting cause requires the efforts and advancement of our group of people, as well as the selfless dedication and dedication of our group of people, to provide valuable success experience for the next new jieyou friends, let them leave less Detours, quit color early and succeed. Purify yourself and purify society. What I want to say about temperance is that temperance is a very high state, and those who can achieve the two words of temperance are extremely conscious. Otherwise, there will be no high awareness, and it will be abolished before and after marriage. What we have to do is to try to completely abstain from abstinence and completely subdue the demon before marriage. The demon is like a wild horse. You must learn to tame this wild horse instead of letting the horse run with you blindly. Then you become a demon. There is no freedom at all, only misery. Many people care that they are painful and happy. The pleasure is short-lived, but the pain of the symptoms is long-lasting. If you are resident in jealousy, you will surely know that there are many medical friends who have thousands of medical expenses and thousands of medical expenses. Jieyou can often be seen, there are also a lot of abstinence friends who have undergone surgery, and there is a history of blood, tears, and chanting behind almost every abstaining friend. At the beginning, we must be correct in quitting our minds, that is, we must quit stubbornness completely. According to a large number of quit friends, many quit friends have completely quit, and some quit friends have not yet reached the state of complete cessation. However, the number of stabbings has been greatly reduced. For example, it was necessary to stab nearly 100 times in the first half of the year, and now it has been reduced to less than ten. This is not because he deliberately stabbed them, but relaxes his vigilance or breaks the awareness. Confucius said: "Take the top of it, get the middle of it; take the middle of it, the bottom of the bottom; if the bottom of it, there is no income." Many abstinence friends are not right from the beginning. They still think of temperance rather than complete abstinence. This is actually an idea of compromising with the devil. This kind of ring friend will break the ring 100% of the time. His determination and stance are not strong at the beginning. As long as the wind blows, he will immediately shake and break the ring. Only when a person has completely surrendered his heart demon can he really achieve temperance after marriage, which is a very high state, and he must have strong control over his thoughts. Just like a high-altitude wire rope, only with a strong physical and mental control can they go a few hundred meters high. Our abstinence is to reach this state. Even if you can't reach it in the end, you must start your mind with complete abstinence, because "it depends on it, it depends on it; it depends on it, it depends on it." If you are thinking about temperance at the beginning, it will not succeed, it is just self-deception. If you are determined, have a certain level of understanding, and continue to learn to improve awareness, it is entirely possible to quit it completely. There are already a lot of veteran disciples who have entered the stable phase of quitting color. After entering the stable phase of quitting color, the torment will disappear and there is basically no intention to seduce, but it is still necessary to maintain high vigilance in order to keep the results of quitting color. Here are two answering cases. Case 1: I am the one you said has been around for 30 days. This period of time has been slack, and my wife was very special. As a result, the spermatorrhea was 3 days, and I was guilty of it. It was really back to before liberation. Case 2: The effect of Gushen Gong was very good at the beginning. No sperm was released for 36 consecutive days. The sperm was released on the 37th day. However, in the following 10 days, I actually spermatized four times. What is going on? Analysis: The kidney has an ability, and this ability is called fixation ability. "Su Wen" said: "The kidneys are the masters and the seal of the seal." Because the seal of the kidney can prevent the excessive excretion and loss of essence, qi, blood, and body fluid, the more full the kidney's essence, the more The more vigorous the vitality. In fact, spermatorium, tuberculosis, and even sex can actually hurt the ability to fix the camera. Some people have good health, so they can still afford it. For the time being, there is no continuous spermatorium. Unstable, this will cause frequent phenomena. There are many factors that cause frequent failures. One of the big factors is the inability to fix the camera. For example, in elementary school, you can take a lesson with a urinary bubble. There is nothing at all, but when the sacral tube hurts the kidney, the fixation ability declines, and you can't hold your urine or stool. Already. Chinese medicine: the kidneys have two stools, stool and urine. Everyone looks at the elderly. He can't hold back his poop and urinate. It may not work for ten seconds. If he wants to urinate, he will urinate immediately, otherwise he will urinate. This is actually a manifestation of the weakening of the ability to fix the camera. With the increase of age and physical weakness, we will also come to this step, but now many of the disciples are still young, but the performance of the elderly has appeared. ,What should I do? In the first case, this sacrifice is a continuous sacral injury to the kidney, which results in a weakened fixation ability. Just like the faucet is turned on, the result is not closed, and the sacral tube is added with nocturnal emission. The damage is huge. The second abstinence friend put the kidney-fixing function in place, and the effect was obvious, but one sperm sperm damaged the ability to take pictures, and the result was 4 leaks in 10 days. When this happens, sufficient attention should be drawn after the first sperm emission, and special care must be taken. After the first sperm emission, the kidney-fixing function should be put into place. The kidney-fixing function is to increase the fixation ability. The sleeping position should be auspicious. In addition, the various factors leading to spermogenesis should be avoided. This can avoid continuous The occurrence of nocturnal emission. Try to avoid strenuous exercise after nocturnal emission, because the body is relatively weak, you should pay attention to rest for a few days, you can do health exercises, can also take a walk. After the spermatozoa is a very special period, it is a period of high incidence of broken rings. At this time, it is easy to appear discouraged and disappointed, which will lead to emotional breaks, and the spermatorrhea will return to the state of false hyperactivity, so be extra vigilant. As long as it's not frequent, don't worry, just stick to quitting and keep in good health, you must pay attention to emotional management. If it is frequent, you should analyze the cause of spermatozoa well, and do a good job in all aspects, solid kidney function, auspicious lying well, and avoid all kinds of factors, so as to control the frequency of spermatozoa. The frequency of nocturnal emission is effectively controlled, and the basis for recovery is established. Let ’s move on to the topic. This season, I will share with you two themes of complexion and mysterious recovery techniques. The details are as follows: Traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine face-to-face consultations have the same effect. The highest state of traditional Chinese medicine is: God who knows what it is! The highest state is to look at your face, and know what's wrong with your body. The story of Bian Yan, I believe everyone has learned. Bian Kun is a master of face-to-face consultation. TCM face consultation and Xiangshu are two branches on a tree. A deep understanding and understanding of the theory of Xiangshu can allow us to better and deeper understand the dangers of suffocation. Basically, every classic photobook has a chapter of color, and the detailed discrimination of color, whether it is Chinese medicine or photobooks, is extremely Valued. The following is a special feature of the photo book and my personal in-depth experience to share with you: "Insufficient qi, nothing can be achieved, qi is strong, strong dialect, blessed with vitality, color is glorious and dry." 》) Qi refers to the qi of the internal organs of the five internal organs, while the essence of the internal organs of the internal organs of the internal organs of the internal organs of the internal organs of the five internal organs is reflected in the face. After sacrifice, the color is easily changed. When the gas is insufficient, the color will also change. It will become darker, greener, dirty, and oilier. It will make people feel disgusted. Serious friend abstinence and facial shape will also occur. Subtle changes, also known as deformation. The eyelids of some friends have changed, and they changed to double, and after a period of abstinence, they changed back to double eyelids. There is also the phenomenon of puffiness, including puffy eyelids, puffy cheeks, and bags under the eyes. The skin texture will also change, the skin will become rough, the touch will no longer be smooth and delicate, and some acquaintances will show molt, enlarged pores, acne, acne, etc., which will last for a long time, and will leave acne marks or spots. Others have cheeks with sunken cheeks, protruding cheekbones, a ghostly look, and look like zombies, as well as deep dark circles, which are typical manifestations of sacral canal injury. In modern society, facing the computer will cause a "screen face", as well as staying up late and sitting for a long time will also hurt the body, so the spirit of energy is even worse. Another point is that the lightness and darkness of the complexion will also affect the shape of the face. If you have studied photography, you will know that when the lightness and darkness change, the shape of the object will also change subtly. Similarly, when the brightness of a person's face changes, that is, after darkening, the shape of his face will also change subtly. When a person has kidney deficiency, it is easy to show a manifestation, that is: sleepiness. This is also specifically mentioned in Chinese medicine. Everyone should have this experience. After stubborn, I especially like to sleep, always do not wake up, and also like to bed, and the bed is easy to cause breaking the ring, thus forming a vicious circle. It is difficult for such a lazy person to achieve success in his career. It is not an exaggeration to say that nothing can be achieved. The actual experience of many disciples is indeed the same. Their studies and work are a mess, and they are unsuccessful in doing anything. . Let's imagine that if a person is full of energy and energy, and is full of energy and energy, doing things to learn in this state, the efficiency will be completely different, and the results will be very different. "One month of Qi full-colored hair is lustrous, and the color is decisive in the outside world" ("Liu Zhuang"). Many jealous friends have reported that for about a month, the spirit of Qi has improved, and others have said that It looks handsome, in fact, this looks better, looks better, subtle changes in face shape, eyes and complexion will brighten, refreshed and refreshed. The confidence is back. When you are in a good spirit, you have a good physical and mental state to do anything, and it is easier to succeed in doing so. On the other hand, many people become inferior because of indulgence, lack confidence and confidence, do things hesitant, and show social fear. Go out and do things like this, haven't done it yet, you've lost half. To a certain extent, the injury of the human brain will greatly decrease, and the attention, memory, and thinking will decrease to varying degrees. The things that could have been done well cannot be done, and the student party will affect the academic performance. Without a good physical and mental state, whether it is study or work, it is not easy to succeed. The complexion is the external manifestation of a person's energy and spirit. A good complexion and mental energy can only lead to a good state of study or work. A person with a spirit of dragon and horse will also allow others to be infected subconsciously, feeling that you are full of energy and willing to be with you. This feeling is like facing a dirty river, naturally you will feel disgusted, and when you face a clear spring, you will naturally feel close to your heart. "In the skin of the gas reservoir, the skin is visible outside the skin. If the skin is solid, the branches and leaves are multiplied. If the root is dry, the branches and leaves are thankful." Color, this is the person who is good in color; Qi is partial, then the color is focal, air stagnation, then the color is dry, air is obscured, then the dark is seen in color, this is the murderer of color "," color light, then static, color obscure, Those who are light-colored, such as Qiuyue continually. Those who are dark-colored, such as floating clouds covering the sun. If you are calm, you are lucky. If you are emotionally confused, you are fierce! Semiao, Qi is the most basic, and the kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and the essence of the internal organs of the internal organs is hidden. Therefore, the kidney qi is the most important, equivalent to Wang Zhongwang. Kidney deficiency, internal organs are prone to maladjustment, and are prone to various symptoms. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine has said that kidney deficiency is endless and there are many diseases. This is true. The medicine king Sun Simiao said that "there is less disease than disease" actually means the same. The sacral canal not only hurts the complexion but also the skin. According to my observations, I had the worst skin among my friends at the time, and it became worse after being stubborn. Others also stubborn, but everyone ’s symptoms are different. Later, I studied Chinese medicine to understand that this is related to my physique. There is a close relationship. Traditional Chinese medicine has divided people into nine types of constitutions. Each constitution has different problems due to sacral problems, and each has its own emphasis. How can some people scratch, his skin is still good, but some people scratch a few times, the skin will become very poor. However, God is fair. He has no skin problems, and other serious problems may occur, such as severe hair loss, or other symptoms such as low back pain, insomnia, and easy to get angry. Also, although his skin is okay, his complexion will also change, that is, because of the stern tube, no matter what kind of constitution, his complexion will become worse. There is no doubt about this. When your kidney is full, just like a child, the skin is smooth and smooth, the brightness is very good, full and clear, it makes people naturally feel happy; when your skin is dull and dirty, like expired fruit, like withered flowers , Both myself and others will feel sick. When you persist in quitting color, your skin and complexion will gradually get better. In this regard, the experience and photos of numerous friends have been fully confirmed. "Husband wants to be upright, his anger is right, and his sexuality is right. Gang is not stingy, regular is not evil, he has to be righteous, he is the talent of the world!" ("Yu Guan Zhao Shen Bureau") The most important thing for a man is to With a righteous spirit, the gentleman's heart is bright and clear, but the rigidity here is not too rigid, and the rigidity is easy to fold. The rigidity here refers to the rigidity and softness, and the inner circle. The rigidity here doesn't make you stubborn and show off everywhere. If you really have the righteous spirit, you won't be addicted to it. With the righteous spirit, you won't be trivial. To have righteousness, you should continue to infuse yourself with positive energy. The heart is regular and the heart is clear. When we abstain from color, we need to straighten our heart, purify our heart, wash away the yellow poisonous heart scales, wash our skin, restore the purity of the sun, and let ourselves be masculine and upright. No matter where you go, just bring this upright gas field, just like the spring breeze, wherever you go, there will be a vibrant scene. If you carry a wretched air, no matter where you go, you will not be welcomed, and you will even find that the relationship with your parents will become tense, and you will not be able to communicate with others normally. The root cause was poisoning the yellow poison, and obsessed with the stern tube hurt the righteousness. Without righteousness, there is no confidence, becoming inferior, unwilling to communicate with others, afraid of others looking down. To change this dysfunctional physical and mental condition, only by learning more about discouraging articles and traditional culture, and improving one's consciousness and positive energy, can he re-establish self-confidence. Many abstinence friends have reported that for a period of time, the mood has improved, and they have dared to look directly at others, and it is natural to communicate with others. This is actually a manifestation of physical and mental adjustment and a manifestation of righteousness recovery. When you have enough righteousness, you will be able to do a lot of things smoothly. Even if you have a short setback, you will be able to face it optimistically and cheerfully. The mood is completely different, and you will become more aggressive and optimistic. "If the husband is oblique, the color is dim, and the poor appearance is also. Those who look white as jade, black as lacquer, yellow as steamed chestnut, and purple as 绛 缯 are all auspicious." (Complete Edition of the Gods)
  8. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    In fact, this paragraph mainly refers to the brightness, transparency and clarity of the complexion. Many stunners or stunners should find that after stubbornness, the complexion is obviously darkened, just like a flashlight that is almost dead, and the color of the skin will become very uneven. Friends who have read about makeup should know that there is a special brightening in makeup, and it is to make the complexion even and detailed. When a person's complexion is brightened, the person's mental appearance will be renewed. Of course, makeup is false. Many women take off their makeup immediately and show their original shape, that is, the complexion is dull and dull, and it looks particularly gloomy. The endocrine disorders caused by sacral ducts are indeed reflected in people's faces. There are indeed many bad expressions on the face. For example, the skin of some friends will become greasy, and there will be a feeling, that is, how to wash, it is not clean, or even The more you wash, the more oil comes out. It feels dirty even after washing many times. In fact, it is dirty inside and endocrine disorder. In this case, it is useless to wash outside, and it is not useful to wash it with disinfectant. When you adhere to color health, take active exercise, pay attention to regular diet, light diet, persist for a period of time, the skin will naturally become clean. Many abstainers have personal experience, insist on abstaining from color health, and the skin has become clearer and brighter again. Immediately after breaking the precepts, he would return to before liberation, become ugly and insignificant again, and lose confidence and confidence. Because of heredity or sun exposure, everyone ’s skin color is different. Some are white, some are black, some are yellow, and some are purple. But no matter what kind of skin color is, it ’s bright, transparent, and clear. Look. On the contrary, dullness, dullness, uneven skin tone, dull skin tone, and dust on the face are not good looks. This look is actually an external manifestation of internal disorders. The complexion is a manifestation from the inside out. Sacral canal injury, visceral dysfunction, and endocrine disorders will definitely be reflected on the face. A sighted person knows at a glance. In addition, quitting color will also brighten a person ’s eyes. Human eyes are also divided into light and dark. The floating color is not a good sign. The best eyes are bright and implicit. This is the best. For example, you can understand, like the light of a glass ball and the light of jade. A glass ball is a dazzling light with no connotation, and the light of jade is a restrained light, a divine light emitted from the inside out. After being in control, the appearance changes are subtle and obvious. To a certain extent, I feel insignificant and indifferent at first glance. After abstaining from color, the changes in human appearance are also subtle. Only by careful observation can we discover the subtleties. Others say that you have become handsome, have your facial features deformed? Why are you handsome? Because after quitting, some subtle and good changes have already taken place. Such subtle and good changes are indescribable but obvious, and people can directly feel it at a glance. Look at children, is there any child who is particularly ugly? Hardly, because the child has good energy, looks, and bright eyes, which makes people feel happy. The most important thing for a man is not his facial features, but his spirit, but his complexion. A man can be handsome, but he must not lose his energy. Losing his energy is really a fool. Many handsome friends who were very handsome turned out to be ugly in the end. As soon as the spirit was leaked, no matter how handsome they were, they would become insignificant and ugly. This is the personal experience of many handsome guys. It is true that stubbornness can make people change from handsome guys to decayed brothers and eventually become uncles. Let ’s talk about the secrets of the recovery of the appearance and appearance this season. Many seasoned friends are more concerned about it, because after stubbornness, many circled friends have become ugly. It is a common phenomenon to become ugly. I also talked about the season when it became ugly More detailed, various types of ugliness have also been summarized. This season, we will talk about how to restore our looks. How to restore the complexion is a deep learning. The phenomenon of ugly tube becoming ugly will show up to a certain extent. After indulgence, people's looks will start to go downhill. It is okay in their teens, and it will become obvious after 25 years of age. I started stubborn during puberty. I had endocrine disorders at that time. Although it was not ugly at that time, it was no longer comparable to that before stubborn. Then when I was in college, I started to have dark circles and bags under the eyes. I remember At that time, I took a summer vacation, and then I looked in the mirror and found that I had bags under my eyes. People with bags under my eyes seemed particularly unspirited and very old. I found that after wrinkling, my wrinkles began to increase. After having a sense of crisis, I started to run every day at that time. Anyway, I had a lot of free time at the university. I ran every day for more than 20 days. Then I looked in the mirror and found that my bags and dark circles were gone, and people became very I was mental, but I was still in a state of forced or blind ring. It did n’t take long for the broken ring to return to the past, and the bags under my eyes came out again, so I started running again. I struggled back and forth between running and breaking the ring. Very painful and helpless. Through my own practice, aerobic exercise has a positive effect on the recovery of the face and the relief of prostatitis, but if you do not quit the sacral tube completely, it will become ugly again after breaking the sacrifice, so it is the best to quit the sacral tube. Pivotal. After working alone, it is not possible to exercise every day, and sometimes it is too tired to work out. The harm of exercise to the sacral canal is a kind of balance, but with age, you will find that after exercise and sacral canal, the body becomes more and more difficult to recover, because the person's recovery ability will decline a lot when people get older. . By the age of 30, your recovery ability has fallen by half compared to the age of 20, that is, no matter how good your body is, if you have a history of sacral injury, symptoms will appear more or less by the age of 30. When I was young, I was overdrawn, and when I was older, the evil results gradually appeared. Many people think that indulgence when they are young is nothing but health after overdraft. Generally, there are three types of ugliness: 1. Changes in form 2. Changes in complexion 3. General overview of changes in skin texture Generally speaking, there are three major categories. Some people are okay, but they look like ghosts, others have okay skin and complexion, but their faces The department has deformed, and more people have all three, that is, the skin, complexion, and shape have all changed badly. I think you must have thought of many ways to restore your appearance, such as facial cleansers, or traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, or facial masks. Remember to have a friend to go for laser treatment. After a period of treatment, the skin quality has improved, and then he continues The stern tube broke the ring, and the skin became worse again soon. Then he went to the hospital for laser treatment. He posted that he hated himself, so why can't he quit the stern tube. Those who have good exercise habits should realize the true meaning of the phrase "exercise is the best cosmetics for men". After a period of aerobic exercise, the skin color will become better. If you continue to adhere to it, the problem of facial deformation will gradually improve. But you must not break the precepts, as soon as you break the precepts, it is likely that you will give up all your achievements and return to before liberation. Staying up all night also hurts your appearance and can cause dark circles. I believe that many acquaintances have the experience, so we must develop a good routine, active exercise, and good sleep is actually beauty work. The so-called beauty sleep, sleep well, wake up If you look in the mirror, you will find that you look better. If you stay up late, you will get very tired and unconscious in the morning. But what I want to say is that, to a certain extent, sacral injury is difficult to restore appearance even when sleeping. Aerobic exercise can improve the appearance, but it is necessary to persevere. In fact, the restoration of appearance can easily enter the bottleneck of recovery. It does n’t seem to be obvious how to do it. Even with the best skin care products, the effect is very limited, and it ’s so expensive. You ca n’t even use it for a lot of friends. Many skin care products can easily cause skin allergies. The restoration of looks is indeed one of the difficulties in recovery. It is extremely difficult to recover by quitting color alone. Unless you have n’t been in control for a long time, to really recover, you must think of a way to recover. This season I will share a secret technique to restore the complexion. I have read countless health articles and books, and I have never seen anyone recommend this method. This method is completely learned through practice. It can be said that it is an exclusive recovery secret. It has an amazing effect on the recovery of looks. Everyone I should know that I am a person. I say this sentence without exaggerating, that is, the amazing recovery effect, beyond the top skin care products, the most important point is that it is completely free and completely natural. Please raise your ears and hold your breath to listen to the following content, do not miss a word, otherwise it will be a great loss of your own. I said in a previous article that I had a neurosis originally. Those who have neurosis should know that taking the medicine can not cure the neurosis. Taking the medicine can only relieve the neurosis. To cure the neurosis, you must be in health. In order to make great efforts, we must improve our health awareness. At that time, I understood this principle, so instead of holding all my hopes of healing with the doctor, I continued to study health articles to improve my health awareness. I often walked in the park at that time and saw many retired elderly people walking on the cobblestone path. I also followed, just to massage the acupoints on the soles of my feet, but I didn't persist for that long. Later, I saw some old people hitting trees. You may know when you ’ve been to the park. It ’s like hitting the tree with your own back. Yes, I originally felt discomfort in the back and felt a lot more comfortable after hitting it for a few days, but I didn't stick to this tree hit therapy. However, through the experience of hitting a tree, I have a certain kind of affection for trees, so I started to check on the Internet, if the trees can cure the disease, I really found it. Let ’s look at the following text: [Tree therapy refers to the treatment of trees. Diseases, the treatment of diseases with trees are widely spread in the people, and there are examples in medicine. Indian yoga believes that trees can pass on a substance obtained from the universe to people. Different tree species have different energies. Some help restore energy, some anti-inflammatory, and some prevent disease. Oak trees are inspiring, spruce can absorb bad energy, pine trees can transfer beneficial energy, and poplar bark can cure toothache. A Russian dictionary reads: "When your feet hurt, put aspen on your feet; when you have headaches, put it on your head." Modern biomedical experts are engaged in the study of tree treatment. They believe that trees have biological fields, and trees have a healing effect on people. Experts from the British Institutes of Health believe that trees have enough energy to cure diseases, and they are not necessarily worse than drugs. People who often practice qigong in the forest may have the experience that if they practice next to birch, oak, pine, cypress, and fir trees, they will feel energetic, refreshed, and even minor illnesses will disappear quickly. It has been known that trees can both "supply energy" and "absorb sick gas". ] I read this text about three years ago. At that time, when I saw this text, I felt that there was some truth in tree therapy, but I also felt that the theory of tree therapy was very mysterious, and it was not easy to say whether it was effective. But I have already begun to practice at that time, that is, I went to the park to touch the trees, and I persisted for about half a month. At that time, I didn't have any special feelings. Now I want to come, but I was too careless at the time and could not do anything. Pig Bajie eats ginseng fruit and swallows jujube. I went to touch the tree at that time and didn't feel very delicate. Therefore, I did not continue, but in close contact with nature, I can clearly feel that my mood is easier to relax, and it is very effective in regulating my mental state. The following text is the key point, everyone pay attention: wait until I really realize the relationship between tree therapy and appearance, it is three years later, that is, I really realized it last month. At that time, I was also inadvertently inserting willows, and did not want to restore my appearance through tree therapy. At that time, I just felt that I wanted to be close to the trees and hug the trees in the park. I had such an impulse and thought. Previously, through the study of gas field science, I knew that everything has its own gas field. The gas fields can communicate and influence each other. People also surround the gas field, but they cannot see it with the naked eye. The circle field cannot be seen by human eyes, but it does exist. I thought at the time whether I could purify my gas field through the tree's gas field. At that time, I had such an idea. I didn't know where the idea came from. In short, I went to hug the tree and hug this. This kind of posture can make people feel a kind of consolation of the mind, which can relax the body and mind. At the moment of hugging, the gas field of the trees is already affecting your gas field. When I hug a tree, I chant it, because scientific research shows that plants also have moods and sorrows, and we should be grateful for plants, because without plants, our air will be bad. So while I was chanting the Buddha and hugging the trees, I could feel the peaceful and peaceful aura of the trees, and that aura could make my impetuous heart become peaceful instantly. At this time, there was a voice in my brain telling me that I should hold the tree with both hands, and the Yintang between the eyebrows stick to the tree, and then imagine that the energy of the tree enters his body through the Laogong acupoint and Yintang acupoint in the palm to purify his aura. At the same time, I must be extremely grateful to the trees. I did this at that time. Three years ago, I was close to the trees, but I just touched it with my face, but not with my face. When I got close to the trees with my face for three days, about 2 hours a day, a miracle happened, I could only use a miracle. This word, I can't think of a word that better expresses my feelings at that time. On the fourth day, I got up to wash my face in the morning, and after looking in the mirror, I found that the complexion became particularly good, my face was much cleaner than before, and it began to become transparent and plump. The feeling of fullness reminds me of the child before development. The face is abnormally clean, and no facial cleanser or skin care products are needed at all. Everyone can know by observing the child's face. It is very round and plump, with a sense of vitality. Supported outward. At the same time, I feel that my skin tone has become even, and my complexion is obviously brightened. Then I increased my confidence and often went for tree treatments. In about a week, the dirt in the pores began to drain out, but the background was still bright and moist. When the dirty things are almost lined up, the complexion improves a lot. I have personally experienced that the tree's gas field has purified my gas field, and adjusted my endocrine, so that my mood becomes more peaceful and stable. Let me share a few more exquisite experiences, touching the tree with both hands for two hours, and one hour after returning home, I will find that my palms become thicker, a very intuitive feeling, my mother said how my hands become thicker , Thickening is mentioned in the phase technique, in fact, it is a manifestation of Qifufuhou. I remember a farmer shaking hands with President Xi, and then exclaimed: a thick palm! I insist till now that my palms are thicker by a quarter compared to the past, and it is very obvious. Namo Amitabha!
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  9. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    戒为良药 第44季:关于魔考、憋与射之间(附戒色考卷)




    2. 我最近四天抱了三天,每次都是一个多小时,最明显的变化就是贴过树的地方脸色明显的亮了起来,出现脏东西排出后的小坑,这部分的皮肤也没有这么油了,细腻的变化是显而易见的,树疗真的很神奇!不枉我三天来的努力。



























    撸管后会出现非常多的情况,五花八门,对于每一个常见的问题,我们都要有正确而清晰的认识。如果你有疑惑,那么就会导致疑惑破戒,如果你没意识到情绪管理的重要性,那就很可能出现情绪破戒。每次破戒后我们不应该气馁,而是应该从破戒中不断总结经验教训,这样下次才能避免犯同样的错误。其实很多戒友都是在犯同一个错误,比如每次遗精后都会破戒,其实他之所以遗精后会破戒,就是因为他对遗精没有正确的认识,在心魔的考卷上写了错误的答案,结果就是破戒。当你写了正确的答案,那就过关了,只要真正过关一次, 那么就永久过关了,因为你知道如何正确应对了。就像一道难题,你知道正确答案,那就一辈子都会了。
















    A.憋 B.射掉










    A.随着时间变强 B.随着时间变弱


























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  10. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Caution is good medicine Season 44: About the magic test, 憋 and shot (with Caution test) Foreword: Tree therapy was recommended to everyone last season. Many disciples are eager to try, and some of the disciples have received good results. This season, add some content about tree therapy to share first 2 feedback cases: 1. Teacher, late. The demons attacked more and more. I kept urging me and blamed me. I didn't make up my mind when I started quitting. Now the demons are getting stronger and stronger and I can't support them. And the teacher, your tree therapy works very well. I hugged it for about 6 days, and I only hugged it for 10 minutes every day. I felt that my face became smoother and more delicate, and I started to restore elasticity. I am very happy. Thank you again, Teacher Fei! 2. I hugged for three days in the last four days, and each time was more than an hour. The most obvious change was that my face became brighter when I pasted the tree, and there were small pits after the dirt was discharged. This part of the skin was also No more oil, the delicate changes are obvious, the tree therapy is really amazing! Don't skimp on my hard work for three days. The first is the feedback from Jiu Liu Ang, and the second is the feedback from Ji Fizra. Of all feedback cases, Fizra is the most tree-bound one. He has truly experienced the magical effects of tree therapy and has already begun. He really enjoys the feeling of enjoying tree therapy. When you start to enjoy tree therapy and really start to get close to trees with your face, miracles will happen. Last season, I shared the recovery method of tree therapy with you. Some disciples are in a wait-and-see state, half doubtful, and others are suffering from nowhere to do tree therapy. Many student parties are not very convenient in school. When you see it, you may think that you are a weirdo, and then you become the "character of the day" in school. Therefore, I generally recommend that everyone go to the park, go to a quiet place with few people, and try not to be seen by acquaintances, so that there will be much less stress. In fact, when you are used to tree therapy, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. For example, when someone just starts shaving their heads and walks on the road, they may give pointers. They will adapt to it after a long time. If they are confident, they will not care, and their habits will become natural. Some friends who are afraid of being seen during the day say that it is okay at night. I generally do n’t recommend tree therapy at night. The sun is harvested in the evening, and the plants are the same. The effect at night is definitely not as good as the day. In addition, we do tree therapy during the day At this time, you should choose the sunny side of the tree. What does it mean? It is the side of the trunk that is exposed to the sun. The tree is the same as the house. It has the sunny side and the negative side. My experience is that the tree treatment on the sunny side will have better results. Regarding the cleanliness of the trees, some martial arts friends say that the trees on the roadsides are dirty. I generally don't recommend tree treatments on the roadside because the trees on the roadside are dirty and there are too many people. We should choose less people and be quiet. Do tree treatment everywhere. Then you need to pay attention to choosing trees. If you look closely, you will find that the cleanliness of each tree is different. The same is camphor, some trunks are clean, and some are dirty. I recommend the park. The park is less polluting and there are relatively more clean trees. The clean tree is for you to find by yourself. When you find your own tree, you will slowly build a relationship with this tree. When you embrace the tree, the tree can also give you a kind of spiritual comfort and slowly , You will really like the tree therapy and really start to enjoy the feeling of tree therapy. To improve your looks, you must use your face to get closer to the trunk, which are Yintang, both sides of the cheek, and the side of the cheek. These parts take turns. Some Jie friends said that if you do n’t think about it, you can do it without thinking, but I think the effect of meditation is better. Some jieyou feel bored, you can also listen to MP3 while doing tree therapy, this is all right, and some jieyou hold this tree for half an hour, and then hold another tree for half an hour, this is all right Yes, there are many trees in the park anyway. Some friends say that the tree therapy I recommend is similar to qigong gas harvesting. I have known about qigong gas recovery in junior high school. Generally, gas harvesting must keep a certain distance from trees. The tree therapy I recommend is to directly contact the tree. , Followed by other requirements, and greater flexibility. How to look at the effect of tree therapy, I believe that the four words can be felt: relaxed and happy. Intimate contact with the tree can adjust your mental state, which is a subtle influence. When the psychological pressure is high, it is recommended to be close to nature. This can relax you and help you adjust your mindset. Tree therapy can give you a peaceful and peaceful aura, make you feel relaxed and happy, and have a kind of joy. It feels like this is a psychological effect. Many friends who want to restore their appearance due to their stubborn appearance are eager to restore their appearance. I first recommend tree therapy, followed by aerobic exercise, and finally skin care or physical therapy. Regarding the effect of tree therapy on appearance recovery, I will talk about it in detail this season. Tree therapy is very magical. It can make your skin look back to before development. It is very subtle and incredible. It has a feeling of going back in time. The specific changes are as follows: 1. The skin will become smooth and delicate. Liu Ang mentioned smooth and delicate, and Fizra also mentioned delicate. The skin is delicate. First, it is the visual feeling. Second, it is tactile. It feels smooth and delicate to the touch, not rough, and has a good touch. This is the feeling after the tree treatment. It doesn't take long, one hour a day, three days, and staying up late, you can immediately feel this delicate and good change. My own feeling is also the same, it has become very smooth and delicate, very magical feeling. 2. Cleaning effect. This point is a bit unbelievable. To say the best cleansing method, everyone may choose a facial cleanser or a cleansing mask, but I can tell you that the best way to clean the skin is tree treatment. Fizra mentioned the cleansing effect of the tree treatment, the dirt will be discharged, and the pores will become very clean. This cleanliness is not the cleaning of the surface, but the cleaning from the inside out. Tree treatment can purify your gas field, adjust your endocrine, and the skin will naturally become clean. 3. Skin complexion will become brighter. Tree therapy will brighten your skin complexion, and it will look very sunny and energetic. Fizra has also experienced this. The bright feeling is very obvious, and you can see it in a mirror. 4. Oil control. After the tree treatment adjusts the endocrine system, the problem of oil production on the skin will be greatly improved, and it will slowly return to normal. 5. Skin regains elasticity. There is something in Liu Ang's experience that the skin will become plump and elastic again, which is the elasticity only for children and a very healthy feeling. 6. Swell and shape the face. After the sacral canal causes body disorders, it is likely to show a slight swelling on the face and subtle changes in the facial features. Tree treatment can greatly improve such problems, reduce swelling and firm the skin, and even greatly Improve bags under the eyes. 7. There is an aftertaste in the mouth. Fizra mentioned the aroma of the tree in the reply to my article, which I also feel very clearly. I remember a tree therapy. I did it in the park for more than 3 hours, and then on my way home, I felt very fragrant in my mouth and nose. The aroma was very wonderful. It was both a wonderful experience of taste and a wonderful experience of smell. This scent can stay in the mouth for a day or even a few days. It is very wonderful and wonderful. The benefits of tree therapy are many, and these 7 points are listed temporarily. Of course, I also listed some benefits last season. I hope that more friends will experience tree treatment seriously and find your own tree. Really use your face to get close to the trees. When you treat tree therapy as a great enjoyment, you will not feel bored anymore, because you enjoy the feeling very much, just like holding a tree to sleep, it is also a great Soul consolation. When you really get close to the trees, and get close with joy, miracles will happen and changes will surprise you. I hope more friends will give me feedback on the experience, and your real experience can inspire and help more people. Regarding what tree to choose, it depends on your area. There are trees in the south and trees in the north. There must be good trees in the north. It depends on your own observation and experience. Do a few more experiences, and then you You will find the tree you like. Here ’s a Q & A case: [Hello Brother Fei, quitting color for a while, but I ’ve always had problems with JJ fluid, like yesterday and the blind date, just calling and chatting will also flow a lot (not intended to kinky), and then today I felt that the testicles were swollen and painful in the lower left part of the abdomen. It had been a bad day. I had a few times before and it was better after a while. Will it improve through rest and persistence? Still need to go to the hospital for a checkup or something? 】
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  11. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    A: Well, many of your questions have been reflected by your friends. Calling your girlfriend will cause a conditioned reflex, even if you do n’t talk about sensitive content. Therefore, having a girlfriend is a major obstacle to abstinence. As long as it is leaked, it is easy to have repeated symptoms. I suggest you pay attention to rest and exercise actively so that the symptoms will be relieved. If the symptoms continue to be uncomfortable, you should seek medical treatment and treatment in time to consider prostatitis. Come on! Analysis: It is more troublesome to have a girlfriend to stop coloring, and the phone is missed. This situation is more common, even if the phone is completely normal, it will leak because it is easy to leak as long as a woman's voice is heard, which is a conditional reflection. As I mentioned in previous articles, no matter what is missed, there may be repeated symptoms. This is the case of this sacrifice friend, and his body immediately becomes uncomfortable. Therefore, if you have a girlfriend, you should strengthen your studies and pay attention to spiritual cultivation. When your body has not fully recovered, you should reduce intimacy, otherwise it will not be conducive to your physical recovery. If you miss the old one, it may be abolished before you get married. That marriage may be a tragedy. Remember that a few married ring friends divorced because they were abolished. Regarding frequency problems, I would like to add the following: We must pay special attention after the first sperm emission, and we must pay attention to avoid continuous sperm emission, because after the first sperm emission, the fixation ability has decreased, so it is easy to have continuous sperm emission. . At this time, we should do the kidney-fixing work, but everyone pays attention. What I said is not to let you rush and beat. If you are too tired before going to bed, it may also cause nocturnal emission. We must pay attention to grasp the rhythm when doing solid kidney exercises, the movement is soft, step by step, slowly press down, do not rush. Some abstinence friends do too much to strengthen the kidneys, and as a result they strain the ligaments. We must pay attention to warming up, slowly, the movements remain soft, and the rhythm is stable. This will not hurt the ligaments or hurt ourselves. It is too tiring, so we should pay more attention to this. The difficulty of the auspicious bed is to fix the sleeping position. Many people wake up to find that they have become flat. Gu Dade specially emphasized the fixation of the sleeping position. The auspicious bed requires practice, even tied up. Some ring friends recommend putting pillows on their knees. This is also a method. Other ring friends even put boxes on the bed to fix their sleeping position. He is probably afraid. Everyone should practice more auspiciously, but it is not difficult at all. It is slowly getting used to. It may be difficult to fix the sleeping position at first. After all, you will feel uncomfortable. After training, you will sleep comfortably. The next step into the topic this season is about the magic test, the two themes between 憋 and shots are discussed in detail, as follows: The two words of magic test are written in a picture I made, I believe a lot of friends I've seen it all this season from the perspective of magic exams. The so-called magic test is actually the test of the demon. The demon will come to test you from time to time after quitting. What will test you? Test your awareness and concentration, learn to increase awareness, and awareness generates concentration. By awareness! Some jiejie friends said that to treat kaiyu, you must study like you do for the college entrance examination or entrance examination, study every day, review every day, prepare for the test, and work hard to learn quitting articles. I agree with him more. He has such a point of view, in fact, he is deeply aware of the importance of learning. Only learning can improve consciousness, and when you are conscious, you can overcome the demon. We should also be serious about abstinence. Do n’t abstain from abstaining. In fact, abstinence is more cruel than the college entrance examination. It is likely to be abolished if you ca n’t quit. The actual situation is that many people start abstaining after abolishing the college entrance examination. Failure, your body will not be abolished, and you can repeat the test again. We quitting is actually like an exam, except that our examiner is the demon, and it is the demon that is writing the paper. Every time you break the ring, you fail the exam. The wrong question in the magic test is a failure, so it is more difficult than the college entrance examination. But by breaking the ring each time, we can see our shortcomings and then find the correct answer, so that we can quit better next time. Many quit friends do n’t summarize their experiences and lessons, and do n’t analyze the reasons for violating them. Each time they quit, they are very confused, and their studies are sloppy. It is really difficult to quit. Recalling that my strength in studying quitting articles at that time was indeed like the college entrance examination. I remember that I didn't take so many notes during the college entrance examination. Have a desire to learn, and be able to develop good habits of learning and review, so that awareness is continuously improved, so it is not difficult to stick to it and quit stubbornness completely. The difficulty lies in continuity. Improving consciousness is like climbing a mountain. Some disciples have climbed to half, they are not moving, there is laziness and laziness, there is no motivation and enthusiasm, and then there is a series of broken rings, and every time he breaks the ring, Find yourself getting worse and worse. In fact, this is simply relying on enthusiasm to abstain from color. Once the enthusiasm subsides and the boredom appears, it immediately falls into the circle of breaking the ring. To overcome the period of enthusiasm and weariness, it is necessary to develop good study habits and habits. It does not matter if you are tired of brushing your teeth, because it is a fixed habit. Every day, I read articles about quitting color and notebooks about quitting color. I learn something new and learn new things, and I have some thinking and comprehension, so that my consciousness can continue to improve. I don't have to read new quitting color articles. Review is the mother of learning. I was like a sponge at that time, absorbing the knowledge of madness madly, and then I was constantly thinking and comprehending. When I reached the stable meditation, I did not relax, and I have been learning and understanding because I have a knowledge Desire. Up to now, I have been studying. There are many books in my family. In fact, each book is related to the theory of quitting, depending on whether you can understand it. The fastest way to improve awareness is to enlighten. When you truly understand a principle or rule of color abstinence, awareness will rise to a level. Often in the state of consciousness of enlightenment, consciousness soars like taking an elevator. When the consciousness reaches a certain level, the demon can't move you, and you can respond correctly to any problem the demon has. Regarding the encouragement of the demon, can you realize that it is the demon that is encouraging you to break the ring, and whether you can respond correctly. Sometimes the demon will encourage you to break the ring, he will not seduce you directly, but will encourage you to break the ring, the demon will help you find an excuse for breaking the ring. Such as the idea: once a week is okay, or try to restore sexual function is not, or semen is nourished, sighing is not good for the body. Thoughts such as these are very confusing. If you don't understand these issues clearly, it will likely lead to breaking the precepts. First of all, we must have a correct understanding of these issues. Secondly, as soon as such thoughts appear, we must immediately realize that this is the demon that is encouraging you to break the ring. For such thoughts, we must also think about it immediately. Never obey such thoughts. In fact, the demon's encouragement is actually asking you questions to see if you can deal with it correctly. If you are very conscious and know that this is the demon's inducing you, then you will resolutely cut off such thoughts. There will be a lot of situations after being under control. We must have a correct and clear understanding of each common problem. If you have doubts, it will cause doubts to break. If you don't realize the importance of emotional management, then emotions may break. We should not be discouraged after each break of the ring, but we should continue to learn lessons from the break, so that we can avoid making the same mistake next time. In fact, many ring friends are making the same mistake, such as breaking the ring every time they ejaculate. In fact, the reason why he breaks the ring after being spermatozoon is because he does not have a correct understanding of the sperm, and wrote the wrong answer on the test paper of the demon. The result is a broken ring. When you write the correct answer, you will pass the level. As long as you really pass the level once, then you will pass the level permanently, because you know how to deal with it correctly. It's like a puzzle, you know the right answer, and it will last a lifetime. When you have broken the ring, I can tell you with certainty that there is still a lack of understanding of the ring color, because a flaw or misunderstanding in the knowledge will lead to the inability to cope with the assessment of the demon, and then the ring break will occur. . When your consciousness has risen to a certain level, you can basically cope with the problems of the demon, and then your number of days of abstinence will continue to break. The Demon Examiner finds that he cannot test you, he will reduce the assessment, just as if you were tamed, slowly, you will enter the stable phase of quitting, once you enter the stable phase of quitting, the torment will disappear. It doesn't matter if you count the days. After entering the stable period of vigilance, you don't have to learn every day, but you must keep alert. You have been vigilant for more than 2 years, thinking that you will not break the vigilance, and then once you relax your vigilance, you will start to break vigilance immediately. So vigilance Do not loosen the screws, and be especially vigilant about the idea of incitement. By breaking the precepts, we must recognize our own shortcomings, and then we must strengthen our cognitive deficiencies, so that we will quit better next time, just like a design product. After hundreds of modifications and improvements, it will eventually change. Get perfect. Remember, breaking the precepts is to make your consciousness stronger and more perfect, not to get rid of it. If you don't sum up the experience of breaking the precepts, you will make the same mistake. The aircraft can fly to the sky is the result of numerous modifications and improvements. As long as we can keep improving, realize our deficiencies through breaking the ring, and then strengthen our deficiencies, then our consciousness will become more and more perfect. In the face of the demons, the assessment will be in your mind, because you have mastered all the correct answers, no matter what questions the demons have, they will not fail you. Why is the ring broken? After all said and done, still not enough consciousness. Learn to increase awareness, and awareness generates concentration! Success in quitting color = high awareness + strong vigilance. There is no other way. Raising awareness is the king of abstinence. The improvement of consciousness is the result of your hard work and no one can replace you. Just like you watch other people eat, you will never be full. You can only continue to improve your consciousness if you learn to absorb it by yourself. Master leads the door to practice personally. As long as you have a desire to learn and can develop good study habits, it is not difficult to quit stubbornness completely. The disciples who have high perceptions will progress quickly, and the disciples who have low perceptions will progress quickly It will be slower, but as long as you keep improving every day, sooner or later, you will have a "big turn". For many disciples, especially newcomers, I have observed their posts. In fact, many people have not started at all, and they are forcibly or blindly forbidden, while the old disciples emphasize the learning to the newcomers. The importance of trying to bring newcomers to the right track, but helpless some newcomers simply can't hear it, and their mentality is also more impetuous, and they can't read the articles. I have been told by friends who have quit, because I could n’t read the banning articles because of my heart irritability. After quitting for a while, my mind was able to calm down. Then I saw the banning articles and found it really worked. The door to the banquet was never touched before, and it was just a layman. Treating abstinence is like treating a life test. This is a cruel test. If the test fails, it is likely that the body will be abolished. The body in the teens and 20s recovers relatively well. After all, young people recover quickly. By the age of 30, the recovery speed will be much slower. By the age of 40, the recovery speed will be even slower, and the men's forties will begin to decline. Already. Men go eight, and fifty-eight forty begin to decline; women go seven, and five-seven to thirty-five begin to decline. Therefore, we should completely quit the stubbornness while we are young. A good body is the most important. When we lose our health, we will realize the value of health. The feeling of health is precious than tens of millions and billions of dollars. Health is spent. Money cannot be bought. We do n’t have to be afraid of the demons. The demons are the ones. You can learn the experience of seniors to get the correct answers. With the correct answers, you are not afraid of the demons. If your answer is wrong or you do n’t know the answer at all, then what is waiting for you is breaking the ring and what is waiting for you is the torture of symptoms. This is very realistic and cruel. It is crueler than any exam, because once you answer wrong, What you lose is health, appearance, and your entire life. At the same time, you lose money because you need a lot of money to see a doctor and take medicine. It's so cruel! To deal with the magic test, you must raise the twelve points of spirit, abstain from acting like a martyr, and be determined! Be cruel to yourself! Correctly responding to the magic test is your only way out. The answer is like a password. Enter the correct answer and you will pass, otherwise you will break the ring. Let ’s talk about the problem of 憋 and shots. The problem of 憋 and shots should be a problem that every disciple will encounter. The choice of 憋 and shot is actually an examination question from the demon. This question is a multiple choice question. When you make a wrong choice, you will break the ring. Because you don't have the right answer in your heart, only the correct answer can pass the test. This season I will share the correct answers with you. In general, there are the following situations: 1. The last part of the dream is to hold back or to go back to a part. 2. Do not shoot, that is, stop during fast shooting. 3. Do not shoot when you are sexual. The dream widow sperm, some of the buddies had quit well, and then one day the dream widow sperm had suddenly come out, at this time he had an idea in his head: bad holding will cause inflammation, and holding the harmful to the body should be eliminated . This idea is actually the point in the relevant article he read. Regarding the question of 憋 and shot, the correct answer is that both are harmful. 憋 Jing has actually lost its place and the harm has already been caused. Many buddies will soon have symptoms on the second day of 憋 Jing and discomfort. Symptoms worsened his recognition of the harmful view of the essence, and he was driven to break it.憋 and shooting is a dilemma. The reason for this dilemma is that both are harmful. At this time, we must learn to weigh the pros and cons. It is like putting these two choices on the heavens to see which one is more reasonable. Alas, it is easy to have symptoms; in fact, it is easy to have symptoms. But shooting is not good for quitting color, because it is likely to be out of control, which will seriously hurt your confidence in quitting color. Although Xijing can feel discomfort, as long as you pay attention to rest for a few days and exercise properly, this discomfort will disappear. In addition, after all, there are not many cases of sacrifice. Occasionally, it is not a big problem. If you often sacrifice, it is very bad. If you only do it once a month or once a few months, then you don't need to keep your heart in mind and continue to adhere to health care. If you choose to shoot, then it's over. If you open your gate and let it go, you will lose all confidence, courage and morale, and you will probably not find it. It may take a long time to regain a good feeling of quitting. Therefore, my opinion is to choose 憋, which is the result of weighing the advantages and disadvantages. If I choose to shoot, then I must have failed. When you do n’t know clearly about the problem of maggots and shots, then the idea of “maggots are harmful” will become a powerful encouragement of the demon. The demon will keep telling you that maggots are harmful, so it is better to shoot them. If you are confused for a while and listen to the demon's encouragement, then you will definitely break the ring. Many ring friends have flaws in understanding this problem, and the result is to break the ring and regret it. I once said in a previous article: Don't break the ring no matter what happens! Please bear in mind this mantra. The Shield of Caution must be strong enough so that the Spear of the Demon cannot break through. In fact, there is a tug of war between you and your demon. When you have little awareness, it is like a child and an adult are tug of war. When you continue to learn and your consciousness is improved, you will become a teenager. Teenagers and adults can pull out, but it still does n’t work. After all, the demon is an adult, not a demon opponent, or you will lose. When you continue to study, when your consciousness becomes an adult, you can compete with the demon at this time, and the number of days of abstinence will also break through. As you continue to learn to improve your consciousness, your consciousness will become a strong man, and it will be difficult for the demon to defeat you. When your consciousness becomes a mountain, the demon cannot move you. This is the process of consciousness cultivation. Through the metaphor of tug-of-war, everyone can know at what level they are. Many newcomers to the sequel are undoubtedly in the "childhood", and they are passed by the demon. They are not opponents at all. I hope that everyone will continue to study and improve awareness. I will emphasize the importance of learning almost every quarter, especially the continuous improvement of continuous learning. Consciousness, when consciousness is cultivated, nature can remain as if not moving, not being led by the realm, and not turning for the realm! This season has summarized 35 questions, all of which are covered in my article. I believe that many people have the correct answers in their hearts. The way of asking questions can be a good test of your absorption rate of studying quitting articles. Many sabbatical friends forget about reading the quitting articles, which means that they haven't read anything, and their consciousness has not grown at all, so the absorption rate is very important. You can increase the absorption rate by reviewing it, and you can also test the absorption rate by asking questions. When all the articles you have eaten have been digested and absorbed, your consciousness will become stronger day by day. reason. Attached test paper: 1. Your attitude and understanding of moderate harmlessness. 2. When ejaculation occurs, you will choose: A. 憋 B. Shot 3. What should I pay attention to after sperm emission? 4. What are the types of broken rings? 5. What are the factors that cause nocturnal emission? 6. What is the secret of adultery? 7. What is the dormant period of desire? 8. What are withdrawal reactions and what are they? 9. What is the correct first reaction when meeting temptation? 10. What is the right motivation to quit? 11. The law of change of sexual masturbation: A. It becomes stronger with time B. It becomes weaker with time 12. Why does masturbation cause back pain? 13. What causes masturbation to cause soft legs? 14. Why do stubborn people become less courageous? 15. Why does masturbation cause hair loss and gray hair? 16. Why does the testicle sag easily after sacral canal? 17. Can you control your emotions when you abstain from sex? 18. Why does masturbation cause mental decline? 19. Why does masturbation cause rhinitis or worsen rhinitis? 20. How to overcome the period of quitting tiredness? 21. Why do I become prone to sleepiness and yawn after masturbation? 22. What should I do when Chen Bo appears? 23. How to overcome nightmares? 24. Why does masturbation make people ugly? 25. Isn't it harmful to just look at it? 26. Which thoughts are the encouragement of the demon? 27. Why should pornography be cut off in the first place? 28. What is the normal color of semen? 29. What are the dangers of sitting and staying up late? 30. What are the dangers of adultery? 31. What are the signs of entering the stable phase of quitting? 32. Why is it easy to have problems with urine after kidney deficiency? 33. Why do people who masturbate easily humble themselves? 34. Why does stubbing cause tinnitus? 35. On what basis to subdue the demon? One book is recommended this season: The Legend of Milarepa. The Milarepa is a yoga practitioner, philosopher, and poet loved by Tibetans. In the depiction of pictures, he tends to listen with his ears. This symbolizes the way he conveys the wisdom of the Dharma through poetry. His complexion was greenish, because during years of retreat meditation, he often relied on nettles to make soup. He is also of great importance to the development of Buddhism, and he provides an example where mortals can preach between life. I like this book myself, and I have watched serials specifically, and it was shot well. His life is a legend. Many of the teachings in this book are worthy of repeated research and appreciation.
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  12. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    戒为良药 第45季:关于戒色新人、情绪管理深谈













    答:这个问题在我以前文章讲到过的,手淫早泄和ML早泄是有一定区别,比如有人手淫时追求强刺激,追求快射,那么他就可能只是手淫早泄,而ML正常。但有的人手淫早泄,ML早泄则更严重,如果你手淫时并未追求快射,只是稍微一刺激就射,那么ML也很可能会早泄的,而且ML时会容易紧张。 ML早泄不都是心理问题,中医有讲到肾亏会出现早泄和阳痿的,比如有的人刚开始不早泄,但是放纵到一定程度,他就出现早泄了。这种情况在已婚戒友中很常见,比如刚结婚几年还行,放纵几年后就出现早泄了,并不是心理问题。当然心理问题是可以导致早泄的,比如有的人很紧张,心理压力很大,这样也是会出现早泄的。你原来身体好时可以撸管多久?有人10分钟,有人半小时都可以。但放纵到一定时候,撸管时间就变短了,JJ也变得很敏感,十几秒甚至一碰就会射,就是肾气不足了。关于ML早泄和手淫早泄是否等同,那要看具体情况,有人是手淫早泄,ML早泄更严重,有人其实体质还行,只是撸管时追求强刺激和快射。加油!







    知道戒色论坛为什么不允许新人发帖吗?因为新人满脑子思想误区,一上来不学习,马上就强戒,戒色思路完全错误,还在想着靠毅力戒掉,结果就是不断失败。新人的思想误区五花八门,被无害论洗脑严重,一时难以纠正过来,必须通过大量学习戒色文章来纠正。对戒色没有正确的理解和认识,那是无法戒除成功的。比如有的戒友喜欢说“食色性也”,抓住这句话不放,还以为自己很对,你知道一个“食色性也”,那我问你,你是否知道 “吃完了要付账”,天下没有免费的午餐,别以为手淫像吃饭,然后就放纵自己,为放纵找到了借口,其实是大错特错,这样理解“食色性也”就会步入歧途,古人说食色性也,更多的是传宗接代的需求,是婚后的正淫,而不是叫你肆无忌惮地放纵,古人是坚决反对婚前性行为的!













    下面根据我的学习和认识,把情绪管理的具体做法和大家做个分享,我们要做好情绪管理 ,做情绪的主人。











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  13. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Caution is a good medicine Season 45: Talk about new couples and emotional management. Foreword: This season's preface continues to share several tree therapy feedbacks from friends: 1. Hey, brother, tree therapy is really amazing! I kept it for about a week, and I felt my face was obviously brighter. My friends said that I look like a child now, hehe, thank you! so happy! If only I had come into contact with Jisu a few years ago. Hey! regret. Side note: This martial arts friend has realized the magical effect of tree therapy. The bright change is obvious. The brightening effect is obvious. Once bright, the whole person's mental appearance will be refreshed. In fact, there are other feelings, such as getting cleaner, more delicate, and fuller face, a series of subtle changes. 2. Brother Feixiang, today I hugged a willow tree again on the campus of the school. This time, the feeling was quite obvious. I kept changing my cheeks and sticking to it because there were too many people coming and going. In other words, it took more than ten seconds, and it took more than half an hour. After finishing this time, the palms of both hands really felt a lot thicker. When the hands were fisted, the palms would have a fleshy feeling, and there would be some feeling on the face, that is, the facial muscles were relaxed a lot. Whenever someone comes over, I play my mobile phone against the trees, and I continue to practice when others leave. I think I can still do it. Brother Feixiang gives me strength, I will insist, haha. PS: This feedback case is Xie Youyuanzhen. He felt that the palms became thicker, which is a feeling after the tree treatment. This thickened feeling will be felt during the tree treatment, but the most obvious feeling is a few hours after the tree treatment, especially at night. And after washing your hands, you can feel that the palms are much thicker, which is thicker than just after the tree therapy. Everyone can feel it carefully. 3. The tree therapy method you said, I went to try it. There are many trees in my school. I chose a big leaf ficus. I put it on the trunk with my hand. After a few minutes, I shook my fist and it was really powerful. After a lot, I shook my fist in the left hand, and the left hand was not touched. The strength was obviously inferior to that of the right hand. After a few minutes, the left hand also became very powerful. I want to say that the power of nature is infinite. PS: This friend is very interesting, he feels very delicate. In fact, it is to make up for Qi, Chinese medicine: the liver is in strength. The liver is exactly the corresponding wood, which is the liver wood. So touching the tree with your palm for a while can increase grip strength, which is a very delicate feeling. Summary: The tree therapy is very effective for improving the appearance and looks. Many friends have feedback, I hope more people can try it out. Find clean trees and choose quiet places with few people. This will help practice. Usually pay attention to the way of keeping in good health. After nocturnal emission, after staying up all night, after sitting for a long time, after tiredness, after watching the computer for a long time, skin complexion may appear to fall, so tree therapy should be done often, just like charging. Tree healing has a magical effect on the recovery of appearance and appearance. The change is subtle and obvious. When you really use your face to get close to the trees, hold on for a while, and the miracle of recovery will appear. In addition, try not to do the tree therapy too early or at night, because the yin is very heavy, it is best to wait for the sun to come out and do the tree therapy on the sunny side of the tree, that is, the side where the trunk is directly exposed to the sun. Share 2 Q & A cases below 1. [Fei Xiang, ask for help! I have been masturbating for six or seven years. Last year, I felt that I could still have an erection before joining the work. Suddenly I couldn't make love normally after joining the work. Am I really sick? I worry about impotence! A: Overdraw to a certain extent, the evil results will appear, there is a process of quantitative change to qualitative change. After work, you may have less exercise, or you may be sedentary for a long time. Sedentary injury to kidneys and prone to sexual dysfunction. I suggest that you stick to color regimens and exercise actively so that sexual function will gradually improve. In addition, it is recommended to avoid premarital sex, which is adultery before marriage, come on! Analysis: The evil fruit of the sacral canal has accumulation and hysteresis, just like the water will boil until it is boiled to 100 °. When the evil fruit accumulates to a certain degree, it will appear. After the critical point, you will suffer. Here comes this trouble. Some abstaining friends were okay last year. This year, his body collapsed. This collapse was not caused by one year. It was the result of overdrafts of several years or even more than ten years. The quantitative change produced qualitative changes. The evil consequences of sacral tuberculosis still appear very quickly. Even if some people are of good physique and love sports, their symptoms are not obvious when they are young, but after 40 years of age, various symptoms will become apparent. The so-called indulgence when young, Began to pay after middle age. After the age of 40, recovery will slow down a lot, making recovery more difficult. Therefore, to abstain from sex early, quit early, and avoid compromising with the demon. Be sure to clear up all kinds of misunderstandings in the brain and establish a righteousness and righteousness. 2. [Mr. Feixiang, I shot the broken ring in less than a minute these times, and sometimes even 10 seconds. I want to ask you if I count as premature ejaculation. In addition, I saw a post posted on the inside. He said that masturbation is different from ML. He personally experienced that masturbation would shoot in a dozen seconds, but ML time is completely normal. It is said that those ML seconds are all psychological problems. I am really confused. Equal to ML seconds shot? 】 A: This question was mentioned in my previous article. There is a certain difference between masturbation and premature ejaculation. For example, someone who pursues strong stimulation and fast shooting when masturbating, then he may just masturbate and premature ejaculation, and ML is normal. But some people masturbate and premature ejaculation, ML premature ejaculation is more serious. If you do not pursue fast shooting when masturbating, just shoot with a little stimulus, then ML is also likely to premature ejaculation, and ML will be easily nervous. ML premature ejaculation is not a psychological problem. Traditional Chinese medicine has talked about premature ejaculation and impotence due to kidney deficiency. For example, some people do not have premature ejaculation at first, but when they are indulged to a certain extent, he has premature ejaculation. This situation is very common among married ring friends, such as just married for a few years, premature ejaculation after a few years of indulgence, is not a psychological problem. Of course, psychological problems can lead to premature ejaculation. For example, some people are very nervous and have a lot of psychological pressure, which will cause premature ejaculation. How long can you care when you are in good health? 10 minutes for someone and half an hour for someone. But indulgence to a certain time, the stubborn time became shorter, JJ also became very sensitive, ten seconds or even shot at a touch, that is, kidney deficiency. Whether ML premature ejaculation is equal to masturbation premature ejaculation depends on the specific situation. Some people are masturbation premature ejaculation, ML premature ejaculation is more serious, and some of its physical quality is okay, but the pursuit of strong stimulation and fast shooting. Come on! Analysis: When the ejaculation reaches a certain level, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and impotence will definitely occur, and the sacral canal has a traumatic function. There is no doubt that countless cases have fully confirmed this. You are struggling now. Actually, it is sexual function after overdraft. If you take medicine to erect, it is calling your last kidney qi, and your body will collapse faster in the future. Worrying about the lack of sexual function is a common mentality of quitting friends, so we should stick to quitting and keep healthy and avoid waste before marriage. This is very important. Indulgence before marriage is too embarrassing, and it is very embarrassing after marriage, so there are many divorced people. Let's move on to the next topic, this season, we will talk about newcomers and emotional management. The detailed discussion is as follows: The newcomers come to Jie Se, 100 newcomers, basically 100 have been brainwashed by moderate harmlessness. And since childhood, he has lived in the "influence" of moderate harmlessness, which has become deeply entrenched in his mind, so many newcomers come to quit color, and their postings also carry a lot of shadows of moderate harmlessness. It is difficult for newcomers to change their minds at once, and they can only be advised to learn more about discouraging articles and constantly correct their own understanding and understanding. Otherwise, the mind cannot be changed, and it cannot be completely quit. Some old ring friends are still thinking of being moderately harmless, and have not yet climbed out of the moderately harmless thought trap. Until now, they have not quit masturbation. The first step in abstaining from color is to reform your consciousness. Just like when you go to jail to reform your mind, some people will get better after the transformation, and some people will not die after the transformation, and they will continue to commit crimes. The newcomer comes to Jieru, faced with such a problem, because the newcomer has a characteristic, that is, his mind is full of misunderstanding, look at the question asked to know whether it is a newcomer, I see the content of Jieyou's speech to know whether he If you can quit, you will know which level of abstinence he is in. Many abstinence friends do not even know the basic common sense that sexual prostitution is secretly leaked. They are still thinking that sexual prostitution is very beautiful. This will make senior ex-friends see that they may shake their heads. Inability to quit is actually a misunderstanding in thinking and a lack of understanding. Newcomers come to quit color, if you really want to quit, then you should calm down and learn quit color articles, improve your quit color knowledge a little bit, and improve your consciousness of quit color. Otherwise, you are still thinking of being moderately harmless, that is, you can't quit for 10,000 years. The so-called moderateness is simply self-deception. I do n’t know how many people are harmed. I think they can be moderate, but the masturbation is highly addictive. Have you considered it? Do you know that pornography is a secret? Symptoms are prone to occur after sexual prostitution. Do you really understand this common sense? A newcomer with a misunderstanding in his mind, as long as he persists in learning about banning articles, his mind will easily be transformed. Learning about banning articles is a brainwashing process, to be precise is to purify one's consciousness. If you don't change your mind, or if you still use the moderately harmless theory of the past, then don't try to quit. What the newcomers lack most is learning! What new people need most is learning! Otherwise, you have a misunderstanding of your mind, and you do n’t even listen to persuasion and refuse to learn. Then any seniors ca n’t do anything about it. They can only let the symptoms tell you the truth. I want to be sure that some people will never get out of a moderately harmless ideological trap. Once they fall into it, they will be in it for a lifetime. Such a person is really sad! He was captured by a wrong thought and became a puppet of that thought, but he did not feel that there was anything wrong with his thoughts, and he was very self-righteous, which was his most sad part. Quit color. Many newcomers are not right from the beginning. They don't want to give up completely. They are still trying to compromise with the demons. They are still thinking about moderation, their motivations are wrong, and they are doomed to failure. Moderate harmlessness is not cleared from the brain, all that awaits you is the failure to abstain. If you don't recognize the true face of moderate harmlessness, you can't quit. We must abstain from sex completely, including sexual prostitution. Thorough abstinence is the path I choose to fly. I am a thorough person, not a compromiser. I hope that the new people can recognize the theory of moderate harmlessness as soon as possible, and don't break down in the future. Complaining about the theory of moderate harmlessness will not make any sense at that time. Look at the real cases of seniors in it. How many people have been destroyed by moderate harmlessness? Unable to calculate. Do you know why the banter forum does not allow new people to post? Because the newcomers are full of misunderstandings in their minds, once they do not learn, they immediately abstain from abstinence. The idea of abstinence is completely wrong. They are still thinking of giving up by perseverance, and the result is constant failure. The newcomer's ideological misunderstandings are various, and they are seriously brainwashed by innocence theory. It is difficult to correct them for a while, and they must be corrected by studying a lot of quitting articles. Without the correct understanding and understanding of Ji Xie, it is impossible to quit. For example, some disciples like to say "eating in food", hold on to this sentence, and think you are right. You know an "eating in food," then I ask you, do you know "you must "Pay the bill", there is no free lunch in the world, do n’t think that masturbation is like eating, and then indulge yourself and find an excuse for indulgence. In fact, it is a big mistake. In this way, understanding "food sex" will go astray. Sexuality is also more about the need for lineage succession, or sexual intercourse after marriage, rather than indulging in unbridled indulgence. The ancients were firmly opposed to premarital sex! In addition, please ask the newcomers not to think too much about banting lust. I mean quitting lust altogether, including abstaining from sexual promiscuity, not quitting breaking. If you think too simple, you will only have the idea of underestimating the enemy. In fact, there are quite a lot of friends who give up the idea of underestimating the enemy. If you later become proud, you will lose. Of course, we shouldn't think too much about abstinence, as long as we are willing to down-to-earth through continuous learning to improve consciousness, and awakening to a certain height, we can surrender our demons. Some disciples may have obtained certain consciousness through study, which is much higher than that of the newcomer, but his consciousness has not yet reached perfection, and there are still flaws in his understanding. Such disciples will still break the ring. Everyone should abstain from being humble and cautious, and avoid pride and complacency. The higher the awareness, the more vigilant, instead of starting to be proud and complacent when the awareness is high, then the demon will drill into your empty space and become too self-confident. In the end, it will only lead to tragedy. The lessons learned from the past, I hope that the newcomers will learn more from their predecessors' mistakes and not repeat the tragedies of their predecessors. Let me tell you this. Almost all the seniors had an idea with you at the beginning, thinking that it was moderately harmless and eventually decadent. Now you are the blind and ignorant me in the past. When you start to learn about banning articles, you will continue to improve. Awareness, you will change your consciousness and become me now. The persuasive counsel of the seniors is to hope that the newcomers can wake up as soon as possible and step into the right path of quitting lust. It is a pure land for quitting luster. I hope everyone cherishes their blessings. Please consciously stay away from moderate harmlessness and remember!
    eoptda likes this.
  14. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Let ’s talk about emotional management. Let ’s take a Q & A case first. [Mr. Feixiang, I ’m learning the knowledge of jealousy every day. The broken ring is not broken in white. I cleaned my room over and over again. The room was too messy like a kennel before. Now I help my mother with housework when I have time. I used to learn about ring color and I did n’t want to do housework. Now The room was clean and clean, listening to light music and smiling all the time. I think the knowledge of abstinence is only a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause, the essence is still the mentality, and the calm mind is the absolutism. ] Analysis: This is lefty's message, lefty is a senior ringer, and already has a high level of consciousness, but please remember one sentence: if a person still breaks the ring, then he must still have insufficient knowledge, like a hundred Secret. What we have to do is to see this "deficiencies" through breaking the precepts, and then strengthen our consciousness. In order to succeed, you must constantly improve your consciousness and make it close to perfection. What is awareness? The so-called awakening is to have a correct understanding and understanding of the abstinence. The deeper and better the understanding is, the more likely it is to quit. Otherwise, if you are full of misunderstandings or blind spots, you will certainly break the commandment. The shortcoming of lefty lies in the failure of emotional management. I have seen countless cases of quitting friends. There are many people who fail in emotional management. There are always contradictions and irregularities in life, such as arguing with parents, such as with colleagues and friends. Tensions in relationships, such as not doing well, encountering great distress, etc. will affect a person's emotions. When negative emotions occur, you must learn to manage emotions. Just like clocks go faster or slower, they must be adjusted to the correct time. This ability to adjust emotions is extremely critical for abstinence. Emotions can lead to breaking the abstinence, especially bad emotions. Of course, carnival moods can also cause Break the ring, so it is best to maintain a stable emotional state. Lefty separates the knowledge of quitting color from the adjustment of mentality, which is actually a misunderstanding, because the knowledge of quitting color includes the adjustment of mentality. I have repeatedly emphasized the importance of emotional management in previous articles, and must immediately intervene in bad thoughts, otherwise These negative thoughts will overwhelm the master, and then control your behavior and lead to breaking the ring. However, through breaking the precepts, lefty has realized the importance of emotional management, that is, the importance of mentality adjustment. I hope that he can be better. After the emotional barrier, abstinence will become very stable. You don't need to separate awareness from mentality or habit, because abstinence awareness includes developing good habits, such as staying up late and staying in bed, and awareness also includes adjusting your own mentality. Awareness is a general word. The theory of sedition success can be included in this word, including vigilance consciousness. Succeed succumb success = high consciousness + strong vigilance. The reason why I separate vigilance is to emphasize the importance of vigilance consciousness. In fact, vigilance consciousness also belongs to the realm of awareness. The obscenity level is a watershed among friends. In fact, the emotional level is also a watershed. There are too many friends who die in the emotional level. After passing the emotional level, they will enter a new level of discipline. Otherwise, they will not pass the emotional level. The possibility of breaking the ring is still very large. Some friends may have to break the ring many times before they realize the importance of emotional management. The mentality adjustment and emotional management actually mean the same thing. The experience posts I wrote are all my profound understanding of thinking. I may be ignorant when reading my article. When he saw the four words "emotion management", he was not impressed. After being abused by the demon countless times, he may suddenly realize that the original emotion management is so important. It turns out that emotions can really lead to breaking the ring. At this time he only knew the weight of my emotional management. We must learn to manage emotions in abstinence. Some disciples may ask, how to manage emotions? If you talk about emotion management in detail, you can write a book, but the content of a book can be summarized in four words: psychological cues. For example, you are very irritable. At this time, you can suggest that you keep your peace of mind. Don't think too much. You can also think about something that makes you happy. I had a neurosis at that time. I lived in depression and despair every day, and even thought of suicide. Later, I learned about emotion management. Especially when I feel depressed, I immediately think of some comedy clips that make people feel relaxed and happy. , And then my mood was adjusted, and now I am also adjusting my mood. There are many ways and techniques of psychological cues. You can also visualize the self without me, where the emotions come from, and worry about yourself. You can naturally calm down the troubles of bad emotions. You can also think like this, using the theory of TCM Come to enlighten yourself, because anger hurts the liver, tiredness is yang, and seven emotions cause illness. Bad emotions can cause illness, so we must learn to maintain peace of mind and try to fit the health regime as much as possible. We shouldn't suppress bad emotions. Strong stress will harm physical health. We can transform emotions or empty emotions so that we can spend emotional peace safely. Emotional management also includes motivating yourself, letting you have an uplifting mood, and motivating yourself to effectively overcome slackness and keep yourself in a brave and progressive state. In addition, I would like to emphasize that try not to laugh as much as you are sad. I've seen some friends who say that they should laugh every day. That's not in keeping with health. You can laugh attentively, and you should laugh in a restrained way, and you don't need to laugh. The laughter is extremely sad and easy to cause sudden death. There are two real cases around me. One is a community chess room. An old man plays mahjong and draws a card. This makes a good hand. Then he laughs. Suddenly died suddenly on the spot. There is another case that is even worse. A 25-year-old young man who just married married and woke up with his wife after dinner. He was in a state of laughter and suddenly died. The ambulance came back and was weak. These two real cases are a reminder to us that we should try not to laugh as much as possible, but to restrain ourselves, so as not to be extremely sad. A friend who has common sense in Chinese medicine should know that people who are indulgent are likely to have heart problems, because the kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and if the kidney is deficient to a certain extent, premature palpitations and even cardiac neurosis may appear. Some seducers come to quit sex, it is likely that they have such an idea: why are all the symptoms on masturbation! In fact, if he understands deeply or has deep experience, then he will not think so. Chinese medicine: the essence, the essence of the body. The kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and the disease is rare and the kidneys are full of diseases. These are the truths of Chinese medicine. After thousands of years of verification, it is not wrong to blame the symptoms on masturbation. If you have limited understanding or experience is not deep, it is likely to cause misunderstanding. Of course, there are many causative factors, exogenous factors, dietary factors, emotional factors, and bad lifestyle habits, such as staying up late for long periods of time, long-term vision, and overwork, can cause symptoms. Poor constitution is also a factor. Symptoms The occurrence of masturbation is inseparable from masturbation, but it also has a certain relationship with other types of pathogenic factors. If multiple pathogenic factors work together, the injury is more serious. The method of hurting sperm is not just masturbation. Staying up late, furious, sedentary, etc. will consume kidney essence, so we must pay attention to the way of health. The following is to share with you the specific methods of emotional management based on my learning and understanding. We must do a good job in emotional management and be the master of emotions. 1. Confirm the current emotions: When you have negative emotions, such as anger, depression, decadence, despair, etc., you must recognize that the negative emotions have appeared. The first step is to discover and confirm the negative emotions, just like finding the enemy. 2. Transfer of bad emotions: When you realize that you are in a bad mood, just like being covered by dark clouds, you have to learn to transfer the bad emotions. You can fold a piece of paper, imagine that the bad emotions are wrapped in it, and then throw them into the trash can. . 3. Replace with good emotions: When you realize that bad emotions appear, immediately think of good things, such as a happy experience, a good memory, or a joke, to get rid of negative emotions immediately. 4. Empty yourself: You can visualize the self without me, where the emotions come from, and the troubles, everything is mediocre self-interference, empty yourself, so that negative emotions can not find the target. 5. Vent negative emotions: You can eliminate bad emotions through appropriate exercise, such as playing basketball, or going for a walk, or watching a movie, listening to songs. 6. Motivate yourself: You must affirm your progress, say what motivates you, want to motivate your characters and things, listen to motivating songs, watch motivating movies, and let your fighting spirit reburn. 7. Do more good deeds: Helping others is the foundation of happiness. When you are in a bad mood, you can try to do some small charitable actions, such as cheering on the Internet and giving positive energy, which can also adjust your mood. 8. Health awareness: realize that negative emotions can cause illness, why should we indulge in them? It's like stopping yourself with a knife, and immediately stopping the negative emotions from hurting you. 9. Keep a smile: Smile is one of the most beautiful expressions. It usually implies that you are optimistic, keep smiling, and be positive and optimistic every day. There is no hardship. The key lies in attitude. 10. Relax yourself: Do n’t stretch yourself too tightly, it will break down. Learn to relax yourself, take a hot bath, and do wellness exercises. Do n’t think about anything and get rid of your troubles. Summary: Emotion management means that we can choose emotions. Emotions are like supermarket goods. We can choose. When negative emotions appear, we should immediately realize that, then we can choose good emotions and don't let negative emotions. self-control. Negative emotions are actually negative thoughts and thoughts. For that kind of thoughts and thoughts, we must also think about it immediately. Don't be controlled by negative emotions. Once controlled by negative emotions, it is easy to break the ring. In the final analysis, Ji Xing is to learn to observe thoughts, identify thoughts, and control ideas. The ultimate goal of our study of bantering articles to improve awareness is to improve our ability to control thoughts. For example, a person has 300 thoughts a day. Which thoughts are likely to lead to breaking the precepts, you should know, such as negative emotions, obsessive thoughts, encouragement thoughts, carnival thoughts, thoughts about suspense, etc. There are still many thoughts that lead to breaking the ring, and some thoughts are well disguised, such as the idea of temptation. For thoughts, we need to be an observer, and identify which thoughts are problematic and which thoughts are likely to lead to breaking the precepts. Once that thought occurs, we need to intervene immediately. For example, it's like setting a checkpoint on the road to let thoughts pass one by one, but problematic thoughts cannot pass. Once you let problematic thoughts pass the checkpoint, it will dominate your behavior because thoughts cause behaviors and thoughts. → Behavior! Once the problematic thought is passed, it will lead to breaking the ring. Let's be a thought observer, let's be a thought master!
    eoptda likes this.
  15. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    If you think the translation is not bad,please tell me then i needn't upload the Chinese.And if you have excellent articles piease reply me then i can reproduce to 戒色吧.Let's help each other !Good morning guys!
    eoptda and Mr. Catwalk Runway like this.
  16. winningover

    winningover Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for sharing. I will give a detailed feedback after reading completely. I think there is no need to upload the chinese version as well.
    Mr. Catwalk Runway likes this.
  17. Mr. Catwalk Runway

    Mr. Catwalk Runway Fapstronaut

    No I didn't read but I value Chinese culture.

    What a chore it was scrolling to the bottom here to post. Swiping with my thumb for ages.

    Anyways fat chances getting over five million Americans to quit fapping to porn.
  18. Mr. Catwalk Runway

    Mr. Catwalk Runway Fapstronaut

    You are an animal! So ferocious.
  19. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your approval!
  20. 鱼菌熊

    鱼菌熊 Fapstronaut

    Pardon me brother i'm not a native speaker so i can't understand your mean.Could please say it directly?o_O