
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by .......7, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. .......7

    .......7 Fapstronaut

    Guys I need your help.
    It's getting worse.
    I need something, that block all porn sites and prevent me from visiting them, even if I want to.
    Please anyone has a suggestion.
    I tried a lot of website blockers
    Such as SPAM REMOVED - REPORT TO MODERATION blocker, but when the urges sometimes come, I find myself deactivating them.
    How can I solve this problem.
    I would love to hear your suggestions.
  2. Ronaldo Machuca

    Ronaldo Machuca Fapstronaut

    P*rn blockers are a bad idea. The only good p*rn blocker is asking your internet provider to block all adult sites and sites you know have p*rn. And if they can block keywords. As with normal p*rn blockers, you will get major urges and try and get p*rn. You will find workarounds those blockers. You will find sites that have p*rn in them. then they become useless as you can find p*rn around blockers. Another method is to lock your devices away. Put them in your garage and make it hard to get. Put them somewhere you can't easily access them. Blockers don't work dude. The only platform I found to somewhat work is on IOS. You can whitelist your phone and block certain apps you prohibit to download. It will block any browser.
  3. .......7

    .......7 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much man
  4. .......7

    .......7 Fapstronaut

    I appreciate this a lot
  5. Ronaldo Machuca

    Ronaldo Machuca Fapstronaut

    Trust me dude I used them and the only useful way is to whitelist everything but safe apps. Facebook prohibits and nudity, instagram does but thots are in it.
  6. leetspeak

    leetspeak Fapstronaut

    How does this work if you don't even have your own house, and the internet provider belongs to someone else you're renting from?

    Do I just ask them?
  7. If you want something you will find a way. If you don't want something you will find excuses.
    Ronaldo Machuca likes this.
  8. By starting to face the acutal problem. Stop running away. You will always be able to access porn in your life.
    Like each of us.
    Face your problems instead of running away other wise your whole life depends on a blocker on each device.
    Ronaldo Machuca and Dexter Moran like this.
  9. Trial and error.
    Define what you want to achieve, then begin making changes and monitoring outcomes.
    If you wanted to stop accessioning pornography and installed blocker, then realized it does not stop you, move on, try your next idea.
    The more honest you are with yourself, the faster you will arrive at real cause of the behavior you want to change.

    With pornography use there are two most likely causes, ether you have an addiction where pornography is consuming more and more time in your day and use is growing or you have a bad habit caused by your emotional situation.
    Very few people actually had porn addiction, most people just have a habit they developed and they cant stop.
    This habit is no different from having bad food habits, some people eat junk food and destroy their health, and cant stop when they try.
    Some people drink coffee every morning and cant stop.
    Some people play video games all day and cant stop.
    These are bad habits developed in the absence of criticism, punishment and pain as a result of social isolation and depression.

    Habits take significant effort to change, key factors in changing them are goal oriented behaviors, you must have a goal that means allot to you, that this habit prevents from happening, then you will have motivation to change.
    Great example of this comes from behavior of people who receive unemployment flowing job loss.
    Small minority of highly motivated people find another job very quickly but majority remain unemployed many months and, when unemployment is about end they become motivated and actually find a job.
    All behaviors are goal oriented, your goal must be significant to you and only then you will change your behavior. If you do not have a goal that is significant to you - you do not change your behavior.

    When I ask people - why do you want to stop porn use and they reply with some generic quote like "porn is a virus that destroys society and stops me from being successful and I feel bad about myself"
    I know nothing will come of it.
    If someone says, I want to stop because my wife will divorce me - now we are talking, there is pressure, there is a goal and chance for change.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Real men don't porn/rmdp.

    Lots of updates to your accountability partner, as well as uninstall notifications for the app
  11. thespo

    thespo Fapstronaut

    I can do without porn but I have side chicks that I constantly sext with...this is one really difficult one to get rid of...
  12. Block their numbers then - send a message explaining then block them
    thespo likes this.
  13. thespo

    thespo Fapstronaut

    I’ve had so many over the years...I know I need to, it’s just the hardest part of all of this. Most people have addiction to porn, mine is to sexting. It’s ruined my life.
    That'sJustDandy likes this.
  14. leetspeak

    leetspeak Fapstronaut

  15. leetspeak

    leetspeak Fapstronaut

    What an interesting problem to have. And I thought I had it bad with just pornography.
    thespo likes this.
  16. thespo

    thespo Fapstronaut

    It’s different because you’re dealing with real life and real people. People you know.
  17. leetspeak

    leetspeak Fapstronaut

    Haha, I've never even had a girl interested in me. Let alone like me. All I have to do is get rid of my pornography addiction and I'm a free man.

    For now at least.
    thespo likes this.
  18. That is not how it works.
    Girls like you because you are likable, social and interesting they have no idea you watch pornography, it plays no part in "likability index".

    When you drop pornography use, you will notice that girls are still not interested in you, because it has nothing to do with use of pornography, it has to do with you inability to communicate with people.

    So fix your personality and get some experience talking to opposite sex, be honest, direct and genuine and girls will like you
    Ronaldo Machuca and leetspeak like this.
  19. I'm sure it will be really tough, but you need to cut the thread. Close the door on your past and past behaviours.

    I can understand the pull and allure, but that's why this needs to be done.
    thespo likes this.
  20. thespo

    thespo Fapstronaut

    Yes sir 100% correct. Having real people involved for many years is different than cutting out porn.