Let's talk about Linux/BSD

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BecomeMaster, Feb 14, 2020.

What operating system do you mainly use?

Poll closed Mar 14, 2020.
  1. GNU/Linux

    3 vote(s)
  2. BSD

    0 vote(s)
  3. Dualboot Linux+Windows/Mac

    2 vote(s)
  4. Dualboot BSD+Windows/Mac

    0 vote(s)
  5. Other UNIX or POSIX-compatible OS

    0 vote(s)
  6. None of these. Windows/macOS is my jam.

    5 vote(s)
  7. OTHER other. (Please, tell me what the heck you are running!)

    0 vote(s)
  1. BecomeMaster

    BecomeMaster Fapstronaut

    How many of you guys are familiar with UNIX operating systems? I use GNU/Linux as my main OS, but I have Windows when I need it for school.

    What OS do you use? If Linux, what distribution do you use? If BSD, what branch?

    I use Manjaro, but mainly because I can access the AUR, which offers a huge selection of software. If I didn't need the AUR, I'd probably use Debian.
    However, I also reaallly like FreeBSD, because of it's cleanliness and organization. I only use it in a VM, however, because FreeBSD isn't compatible with some programs that I have on Linux. I hope someday I could become a regular contributor to FreeBSD.

    I haven't tried out OpenBSD yet but I will soon, I already have the image downloaded. I also want to test out Plan9 or whatever the continuation of it is, because it looks interesting.

    Once I actually configured some Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Arch to work alongside Android, as a "chroot." Which basically means I installed an OS inside a folder on Android, and configured that folder to work as an independent OS. I wish I could do that for FreeBSD but it's incompatible with the Android kernel. Also, there's a different sort of app called "Termux" which is even better.

    I'm kinda ranting here but I'd like to hear from you, reader!
  2. Ruttigan

    Ruttigan Fapstronaut

    Currently rocking Ubuntu Mate on my laptop. I converted to Linux several years back, no going back now!
    BecomeMaster and Master Chips like this.
  3. Since I saw your picture I knew you are a Manjaro guy :p I used to use Arch Linux as my main system. But after I got a new laptop I had a lot of troubles to make it compatible with linux drivers (Nvidia hybrid) so most of distros used to freeze unless I use bumblee and that is not what I wanted to do. Secondly due to my engineering field most of apps I used are for Windows/Mac only. So I gave up using Linux, for sometime!

    Not to mention, I started learning about running servers, So I am using Ubuntu server for Nextcloud.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2020
    BecomeMaster likes this.
  4. BecomeMaster

    BecomeMaster Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I also chose it because my name begins with an M and it could also go for "Master" from my profile name. :D

    :cool: I don't blame you.
    Master Chips likes this.
  5. I read that Nvidia is going to announce some changes for linux in March. I hope they support PRIME render offload for Wayland as they did for Xorg recently.
    BecomeMaster likes this.
  6. macOS for my daily workflow ... Windows for my nerdy gaming sessions. I would switch to Linux in a heartbeat if it had the same support as Windows for gaming ... but it's just not there yet.
  7. Nowadays it supports a large base of games using Steam Proton! But I don't think all games
    BecomeMaster likes this.
  8. It does, but not the games I play, unfortunately. It is about 800 billion times better than it used to be. It's almost there.
    Master Chips likes this.
  9. BecomeMaster

    BecomeMaster Fapstronaut

    macOS intrigues me but I haven't had access to a laptop with it yet to tinker with, those laptops are so expensive! But I find it cool they use parts of FreeBSD in there, and that it is generally POSIX compliant.

    Why do you think macOS isn't becoming a good gaming platform like Linux will be in some years? It seems to have been time-tested as a reliable Operating System.
  10. Gorgewalker

    Gorgewalker Fapstronaut

    Most games work on linux nowadays. According to ProtonDB 75% of the 100 most played games are playable without any issue whatsoever and about 80-85% are playable with only minor issues that don't affect playability in any deal-breaking way. Do what I do, leave your recovery partition intact so in an emergency you can restore your windows install but wipe your main partition then use linux as your daily driver. I've yet to find something I can use on Windows I that I both can't use on Linux and doesn't have a near-exact analogue.
  11. BecomeMaster

    BecomeMaster Fapstronaut

    I've gotten into this phase where I'm pretty interested in FreeBSD again. I just installed it on one of my USB flash disks, so I can plug it in and boot on different computers. I've also figured out how to boot that USB drive on a VirtualBox machine, but in this case there are some errors launching Xorg, so the virtualization is console-only. I had to (by reinstallation) disable the swap on the drive though, because the drive was getting more hotter than it should have. Swap is not a good thing to have on a USB flash drive.

    I dunno, maybe I will update my avatar to a FreeBSD one. :p Linux works for me, but FreeBSD just interests me much.
  12. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut

    I’ll check it out the next time I have a gaming rig. OpenOffice just plain sucks though, I’d rather go to a library computer with MS office on it.
  13. Gorgewalker

    Gorgewalker Fapstronaut

    LibreOffice :)
    BecomeMaster likes this.
  14. I use Libreoffice, actually it is great until you run your file by MSOffice!
  15. BecomeMaster

    BecomeMaster Fapstronaut

    Like the rest said. LibreOffice!

    Also there are some lesser-known office suites out there. Usually a quick search on a search engine brings up results like this. Judging from appearance alone, WPS Office looks nice, but I've never used it before. It looks like you have to download the package from their website and install it by hand, if you use Ubuntu/Debian. On Arch, and derivatives like Manjaro, you can install the AUR package wps-office using your favorite helper.