Had unprotected sex with two girls? Need help

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Iwanttobeabeast, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. Of course the woman is equally responsible. Nobody ever said otherwise.
  2. Ok. Thanks for clearing things out. I edited .y initial message cause it was pretty passive aggressive (and I don't want to be like that).

    I just got a different vibe from your initial comment on the first page of the thread.
  3. I was addressing the man who posted this. Not making some statement about all men, or all women. It seemed rather careless, to me, for this man to be only thinking about his own issues (contracting an STD) when considering whether or not he should use protection. So I was simply saying he should be thinking about the other person as well. Obviously that mutual respect should work both way, and the woman should be thinking about his protection as well. But that woman isn't here, and I'm not talking to her, so I didn't feel it necessary to add that. Didn't really think anybody was going to take me addressing one man as me making some kind of generalized statement about men being the sole responsibility for protection... since I never said anything of the sort.
  4. He hooked up with 2 girls in less than 24 hours so I don't think he cares much about them. They probably just are one-time Tinder dates.

    I read a lot of posts from some female members that were strongly biased against men today (not you) so when I read your post that's where I was coming from. The incident is closed on my end.
  5. I don't really understand why you added this, when I already just said that I never said that.... I feel like I'm supposed to respond, since you tagged me, but I already answered this. I literally never said any of this, at all. Obviously women are responsible for their own actions, and I'm not sure why anything I said made you think that I don't believe that.
  6. Well, he should. That's my point. You should give at least half of a crap about a person you're having sex with. I guess I'm just "old fashioned" that way.

    So... you're the one who is generalizing, then, not me. I didn't say anything biased against men at all. But you're judging me based on the other women you seem to have an issue with. That's kind of ironic.
  7. Yes, that's exactly what I did. And I implicitely apologized for doing so.

    No, I edited my initial message and posted it while you were answering so I had not seen your answer. I edited before I told you I edited (because I saw your message after I edited).

    I agree with you that he should. But I think that may be asking too much from a guy who bangs two unknown chicks in less than 24 hours. Again I don't know the guy maybe he's a great guy but from his messages it doesn't seem like he cares about other people but himself.

    PS: ok now that I've wrote this down I realize we think the same thing but are on a different wave frequency. I agree with what you said and I see where you're coming from. Lol :)
  8. Gotcha

    I was gonna say "cool," but that sounded passive aggressive. Then I was gonna do a thumbs up, and that seemed even worse. Lol so I'm just gonna leave it at that.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  9. Thanks. I'm gonna leave it at that also. It was actually insightful for my own psychotherapy and sorry for the attack.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. No worries!
  11. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    whoa whoa chill a bit, theres guys out there that marry 5 wives, if you trust your gut they are clean they are clean just get checked at end of month ,i actually wouldnt mind having 3 wives :confused:
  12. Breadman

    Breadman Fapstronaut

    Well it’s not a problem having sex close together but boy you sure better hope in nine months to don’t have a baby to deal. Don’t be dumb. If you’re going to screw around protect yourself and her from stds, pregnancy or dealing with abortion.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    That's not true neither of us wanted a latex sack separating us from eachother :confused: kinda sexist to say too :D

    Never said I'm proving anything but it has worked for me and my friends so far. Have more trust in experiance than some study that could easily be funded by durex ;)
  14. Pretty cool first answer IMO! A 15 year-old usually does not have much life experience but nevertheless can he teach something to a lot of adults, if he just pays attention in school :D

    I assume you don't mean the risk of transmission in the case that the woman has HIV (or 1% would be quite a small chance). But then, yes, these odds ARE high! For what region? Or is it worldwide?

    Story of my life: I had a new girlfriend. Actually a really nice girl, educated and all. But I had PIED and she was frustrated. The condom seemed to be a problem and she asked me to do it unproteted. I asked what about pregnancy. She then guaranteed me she wouldn't get pregnant because that's what her period-calendar stated ...
    Reminds me of the "pull-out KING" ...

    In her defence: that may be stupid but she had no idea it was my PIED, I mean I didn't even tell her that I was watching porn. And I myself was beginning to understand what the cause was. That relationship soon ended ...
    Luckily I didn't have another case of PIED since then.
  15. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Yeah that's kinda what I mean, but let's not forget that the penis and vagina aren't the only body parts to meet during sex. There are different transmission chances for penis to anus (for gays and kinky couples), mouth to penis, penis to mouth and other forms of sexual contact.

    These are worldwide statistics; there are only 2 main strains of HIV last I checked and neither of them have any differences in transmission rates; just in their aggressiveness. Also, transmission rates greatly depend on the viral load of the partner involved. Quite a lot of people with HIV enter a state of a functional cure (after strict treatment) where there are less than 50 viral copies per 100 mL of their blood, which is neither enough to cause symptoms nor any risk of transmission.
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.
  16. Yeah, that's a form of "natural family planning," to go by your ovulation cycle, but it's incredibly unreliable. It's definitely not impossible to get pregnant when you're not ovulating. Happens to people all the time.
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.