160 days clean. this article will mostly contain advises with clean language

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by evenprincehaveproblems, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    i added extension about Apple "screen time"
  2. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    i added extension about pluckeye program and a link to a LONG list of all known filters in the world right now: extension 11 and 12.

    feel free to comment anytime !
  3. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    added short version of my advice: the not-TLDR short version.

    and added 2 more advices about password keeping and car keys keeping: extension 13 and 14.
  4. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    final thought: advice number 15:
    15. above all, motivation is the key, and without it, all is lost.
    why are you fighting against P ?
    why do you keep struggling ? why do you keep kick and scream against the wall every time ?
    whatever the answer for that might be: a burning ambition, a religious background or the wish to gain a girlfriend: you have to keep believe in yourself.
    you have to keep your inner spirit high and unbending, never yielding, never giving up.

    but, i must warn you, a small warning of advice.
    your motivation to fight your addiction to P, could come from your motivation to carve another addiction.
    me ? i fought P for a lot of years. and why? because i felt my joy from computer games was lowered. that's the ugly truth - i did cared about god and about wife ect, but deep down, it was to just feel this spiritual feeling again in computer games.

    is it good ? is it bad ? i am not sure to this very day, even after 7 years, if that was a good reason.
    but that's a very important point to debate on, and i urge you to do it.
    MexFighter likes this.
  5. winningover

    winningover Fapstronaut

    Did you go through or are you going through withdrawals.
  6. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    after 56 days i forgot how it feels to masturbate, so if i don't watch any triggering pictures, my withdrawals feel like a some unexplained discomfort

    but if i watch a triggering pictures, i get withdrawals of sexual fantasy.
  7. Rick Grimes.

    Rick Grimes. Fapstronaut

    Hands down, this is THE best post I've ever read in NoFap.com

    These ideas must be put as a highlight in this website. I hate fairy talks like 'believe in yourself and you are halfway there'. Of course belief isn't enough. We need concrete action to back it up.

    Thanks a lot for typing this post man. My gratitude is without bounds for you.
    Pluckeye is surely a robust programme out there.
  8. i fully agree about the privacy, giving up porn means i never have to worry about my browsing history being seen.Or having someone walk in while i am on the computer .
  9. Mwanzo

    Mwanzo Fapstronaut

    The privacy part is so true. Being alone and hidden from society increases my chances of PM
  10. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    i know, right ?
    in fact, if you are a teenager and your parents are cool with your action to remove privacy. and your house is always crowded. than it's game over - you will never see P again.
    but only tough people can take that action. with strong will.
  11. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    thanks a lot ! it warms my heart to read this kind of comment.

    but i must say, that i kind of understand the people who wrote "believe in yourself" ect.
    because you need huge amount of motivation - (from religion or something else) to keep fighting.
    i think the most horrible thing i found out about the world, is that most of the world today is consisted by people who gave up fighting P, and have gone so deep, that P is now NATURAL, really natural part of their lives.
    in the end, everything can became natural part of life. even the most horrible stuff. just read history.

    so, to change what feels natural or becoming natural, you need a lot of motivation.

    but of course. this website has taken it too far, and thought that ALL you need is motivation, which is of course not true.

    anyway, ty again.
  12. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    Something I wanted to share to demonstrate my point - "you can’t beat porn. Only run from it".
    take a look at this picture:

    this - this is how only a fraction of one million (1,000,000) people looks like.
    That’s how many woman who are working in the porn industry.
    And they are after who ? That’s right. They are after you.

    Imagine, just imagine, all this people in the picture I put, as young and attractive (some more than others), naked females. who have all only one goal and job in mind: to make you, dear male reader, watch them again and again and again.

    do you think you can handle it ? Yeah ? Even all the superheroes in the movies haven’t been challenged with this task. But you - some guy (who I am sure is qualified with many attributes), you think you can handle this ?

    no, man. You can’t. Nobody can.
    You can do only 1 thing - RUN ! ! !

    and that’s not including all the 3D artists who use their talent to work in the P industry. And will probably make more animated detailed woman than all human population combined in the next ten years- who will stop them ? No one.
    You think what is going on now in the porn industry is worse ? Ha ! You are naive. the future and his developments is knocking at the door, to give the porn industry powerful and sophisticated tools to lure more people to a true never ending supply of new features.
    i am sure they are working right now to develop the brain function that shuts down the lust through ED. and override it. i mean, they got so much money...

    really, i mean it, i believe it:
    you can’t beat porn. Only run from it.
    And if you ever feel you can beat porn. Just look at the picture, that would cool you off.

    so do all you can to avoid this.
    the 3 no's:
    no privacy/comfort. no free access to p. no advancing (to other types of p)
    and the 3 yes's:
    yes to exercise. yes to routine work/study. yes to writing.

    and the base to all that: the reason/motivation to avoid P.

    i only talked about the no's. no so much about the yes's. but you need both.

    Good luck. And stay healthy.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
  13. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    how is everyone doing this days ? did someone found good filters they want to share ? i like mine, but i always love to hear more
  14. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    What symptoms did you have before you decided to quit? Have you seen improvements in those symptoms?
  15. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    symptoms: i haven't had any dream in my sleep. i was a bit tired, and if not tired - not very fresh.
    always hungry.
    the world had grey colors instead of blue red and green.

    after that: i forgot how it feels to masturbate, i dream in my sleep again. i wake up every morning with... i don't know, a good feeling.

    words can't transfer the full emotion being clean makes you.
  16. great post, i'll try learning from your path and i think your post is a must read on here for people who want to seriously quit. the privacy part was especially true, why do i leave my door closed apart from fear of someone seeing me?

    i know you spoke a bit about benefits but can you list some you gained?
  17. Santiagopaulus

    Santiagopaulus Fapstronaut

    Wow @goodnice 2.0 that was a great post! I resonate a lot with the message you wrote at the end, it was really powerful and motivating. Keep up the good fight! May God bless you and help you to defeat this
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  18. Santiagopaulus

    Santiagopaulus Fapstronaut

  19. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    ok, a bit more:
    1. contrast between black and color colors is better, like in flat screens (totally strange). i noticed it at night that the dark was much more rich-dark, while the color contrasting the dark were contrasting it better.
    2. better colors, it's like the ''TV'' of the eyes had an upgrade.
    3.when i wake up in the morning, i wake up peacefully. with peaceful breathing.
    4. smells bring back memories (before that the memories was like a old tv screen with bad anttena connection - it's there but not fully.
    5. hand balance and ability to carry stuff without dropping them - much better.
    6. i had a weird ear infection, that is always getting worse while i am fapping, and it's always almost completely gone after around 7 days of being clean. now it's totally gone.

    strange things ha ?
  20. Zoscales25

    Zoscales25 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for your advices