Counting 3 wins

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by u376, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. Today's wins:

    1. Did nothing at work.
    2. Had a therapy session and worked hard on recovery.
    3. Went to the gym.
  2. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Nope, these are wins for me. As it was said before on the forum, you can't possibly judge someone since you don't know what he may be going through. For me, my life is such that these behaviors are actually positive steps in the right direction.

    Today's wins:

    #1 Threw out an old sponge that was starting to get moldy.
    #2 Realized that the end of a pen cap can be used to get the more "uncooperative" earwax out of your ears.
    #3 Popped a pimple that I only noticed after I shaved.
    GigglingTrout and dogeatdog like this.
  3. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Today's Wins:

    1. Ran
    2. Finished One Punch Man S2
    3. Walked
  4. Aren't you tired of trolling this thread?

    If you really think this thread and its participants are ridiculous, then show some maturity and go spend your precious time elsewhere.

    Surely an alpha male like yourself has better things to do than try to belittle people in passive aggressive ways.
  5. Who are you to judge him.You don't know him.Are't wins on this forum subjective
    SuperiorMan95 likes this.
  6. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    Today's wins:
    1. Opened up to my friend about my PMO addiction like never before
    2. Got a Luma in TemTem
    3. Took care of myself since I'm sick
  7. Hexham C

    Hexham C Fapstronaut

    Small wins:

    1. Super productive at work
    2. Finally got a huge sack of dry cleaning sorted for SO
    3. Wrote out to-do list
  8. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Thank you sir! The top dog alpha of the group "Optimum Fortitude" deems all posts subjective. Therefore, who is he to judge my wins? Maybe my house was dirty and needed an old sponge thrown out. Maybe my face needed some cleaning hence popping pimples and things of that nature. What I don't get is just how someone can be so judgmental...
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020
  9. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    I am legitimately hurt by your harsh judgment. Who are you to judge me? Mind your own business Mr.Fortitude. You are not here to see the condition in which I'm in to deem those achievements unworthy. For me, they are worthy and that's all that counts! Please focus on your own wins, not others. Thank you.
  10. What you're doing is called "passive aggressive". Look it up. If you do it online, chances are you do it in real life too, and it might affect your relationships.
  11. Blessedboy❤️

    Blessedboy❤️ Fapstronaut

    1.Was able to see the good side of someone new to my life
    2.Read before going to sleep
    3.My roommate cheered me up when i was feeling down
  12. Today's wins:

    1. Resisted strong urges/chaser effect.
    2. Worked hard on recovery.
    3. Had lunch with friends.
    4. Got official confirmation of permanent residence status in foreign country.
  13. Knight in rusty armor

    Knight in rusty armor Fapstronaut

    Today's 3 wins:
    1. I ran for 30 minutes.
    2. I went to a therapy group.
    3. I started to talk again to an old friend.
  14. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Today's Wins:

    1. Ran
    2. Got some groceries
    3. Walked
  15. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    Today's Wins:
    1. Did exams even though I'm sick as a dog...eatdog
    2. Went to the gym
    3. Saw myself shirtless in the mirror and wasn't repulsed
    4. Ate a really delicious apple
  16. Hexham C

    Hexham C Fapstronaut

    1. Made it to 10 days no PM
    2. Did a huge pile of laundry
    3. Read book
  17. Today's wins:

    1. Received important papers from the fucking IRS.
    2. Paid speeding ticket.
    3. Brought my watch to the store to get the battery replaced.
    4. Went to the gym.
    5. Went to physical therapy session.
    6. Read on attachment thinking.
    7. Had fun talking with a girl.
  18. Knight in rusty armor

    Knight in rusty armor Fapstronaut

    Today's 3 wins:
    1- Worked a bit on my assignment.
    2- Talked and mainly listened to someone in need for an hour.
    3- Cooked for myself.
  19. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry if you deem my posts as passive aggressive. If only you understood that I was merely expressing myself and my personal wins, you wouldn't be so upset I'm sure. Just some constructive criticism: Look up "How to not be triggered by a post you disagree with". If you don't, your weaknesses may start to negatively impact your relationships.

    Yesterday's wins:

    #1 Figured out that the "moon" icon on the iPhone is the "do not disturb" button.
    #2 Finally cleaned the toothpaste smudges from my sink mirror. Now when I look in the mirror, I see a handsome toothy smile.
    #3 Couldn't finish other half of my sandwich so gave it to a homeless guy instead of throwing it out.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2020
    muhagg and dogeatdog like this.
  20. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Today's Wins:

    1. Did laundry
    2. Ran
    3. Finished JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
    4. Walked