Is Femdom Really Wrong?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by dogeatdog, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. Becoming Jasmine

    Becoming Jasmine Fapstronaut

    Okay, first off, it's been my experience that when people use the word "brainwashing" they usually really mean "the media isn't telling people to think what I think, and that's just wrong". For instance: though I don't support him in any way, shape, or form, I would agree that, too a degree, the way media has portrayed and satirized US President Donald Trump could be considered brainwashing, because it often portrays him as a bumbling idiot without actually deconstructing why his plans are bad for the country. But if you tell that to the people who want him taken out of office, they'll deny it because they don't consider it brainwashing for the same reason people who support him don't consider Breitbart or Fox News brainwashing. It supports their opinions, so to them it is okay.

    It is not an opinion that women have had fewer rights than men in many cultures throughout history, including our own. It is an objective historical fact. Women could not even vote in my country until 1920 (though admittedly neither sex had the right to vote for most of history). I do agree with you though that the idea of men collectively deciding to be sexist and oppress women is a myth. It's very common for people to believe there's a group of evil people conspiring against them. It makes people feel special, and like there's some "dragon" they can slay instead of their problems being caused by the cultural failures of their society. Instead, sexism is caused by historical conditions, beginning around the start of agriculture, that led to a world where the person with the most followers controls everyone else through violence and fear. And since men are naturally more equipped for doing that, particularly when most combat was hand to hand with sharp things or clubs, it made sense that they were more able to take what they wanted from women vs the other way around. If women could have taken from men, they would have. Hell, I've seen plenty do it today.

    Also, what is it with people here on NoFap and thinking that there existed some wondrous, perfect life long ago in which humans were perfectly happy and were in perfect balance with nature? Let's be real here: in the past, children often died painfully from disease, women would be killed in childbirth, infection was a death sentence, humans hunted mammoths to extinction, and if I'm not mistaken, most men did not have a chance at mating. Fathers didn't exist back then. In fact, humans didn't even know that sex created children until they started breeding animals. So families didn't exist the way they do today. I get that having an addiction to something as artificial as porn can make people long for a more simpler life lived in harmony with nature, but people are idealizing a world that never really existed the way they wish it did.

    Yeah, I agree that there does always need to be respect during sex. Especially if it's a kink like BDSM, because the results are pretty bad if there isn't any. It's a kink of mine, but if somebody spat in my face and called me bitch, I would probably punch them in the face, or at least yell at them. The porn people make of it is a poor representation of how to actually do it and have it work in a relationship. Just like basically everything in porn, really. Real dominant people who practice it in a healthy way are always careful to make sure they aren't genuinely hurting or upsetting the other person.
    anewhope likes this.
  2. Rebooter13

    Rebooter13 Fapstronaut


    Well said!!
    Except the last part because i like calling names to women :p

    But yeah i feel like those words came from my mind.
  3. Yes, women had less rights for centuries. Now, who is to blame for that? Men? They were evil and took it with power? Or was it a practical approach to the reality at this given time? The fact that having a period and bleeding once a month. Before the tampon, this was a serious condition, with a high risk of infection, it was hygienically challenging and put women off social life for this time. There were no showers inside the house where they could just wash. Is it men's fault that women were in this condition? It was a practical approach for women to stay home and take care of themselves. Guess what, women's movement started in the same time where their hygiene conditions improved. And most men were happy about that.
    What about children? Someone has to take care of them? Who is going to do that? Men? Who cannot feed them? And if they do, who will go out hunting the deer? Women? Who have in average 50% less strength in the upper body and 30% less in the lower body? Why? Would that make sense?
    Who is going to deal with the male neighbor trying to steal the food? Women?

    Also, yes, women had disadvantages. But let's not put like men are all CEOs, smoking cigars, driving fat cars and having fun for free. As you said, most men could not mate. Most people who get injured or die at work, are men. Most people in prison are men, most homeless people, most victims of violent crimes, these are all men.
    What about the responsibility? Men who don't sleep at night because they worry about how to take care of their family?

    Let's have a realistic view on how things are. Men do not oppress women.

    Yes, guys on NoFap idealize the world that existed before porn, as if it had been paradise. Well maybe it wasn't, but we need something better than we currently have, that we can crave for. I definitely preferred life before social media, online porn and smartphones. I did more stuff. I have the best and most success in my life during the periods where I had a shitty internet connection at home. I wish the world was just the way it has been.
  4. Rebooter13

    Rebooter13 Fapstronaut

    Women had less rights firstly because of evolutionary reasons and secondly for cultural and religious reasons.

    Evolutionary reasons:As you mentioned someone has to stay at home, protect the kids and take care of family's place while men who were more capable on other things had to go out , kill the deer,make a better place to live and stuff like that.This things had to happen for survival and for that men and women worked together for centuries accepting their different roles.

    Cultural and religious reasons:Let's be honest , the evolution was already with us on that.We somehow found it ready.So as soon we developed civilization women were already housewifes and we kept it like that.Although during the first hundrends of years of developed civilization in some places women started to gain some rights and then this is when religion came.Think about ancient Egypt or Greece.I am Greek and i know that when christianity came in my country and after it's establishment while putting aside the old religious system, women position in our society downgraded.Don't believe me?Think about islamic countries nowdays.

    On the second paragraph of you post you are totally right , most people when they are talking about women rights they do not consider all those stats you mentioned.If someone has different opinion i would tell him to go check the recent deaths during the fires in Australia...How many men died there fighting the fires and how many women?
    To be honest i don't think that this morph that feminist movement has become has anything more to claim in western countries..On the other hand they have a lot to claim on countries like Middle East , India , Pakistan etc..But do they have the guts to go there and act like crazy on TV shows like they do on western countries?I think they DON'T!People there could remove heads for that..

    You said you prefer the life before social media and high internet so high technology as well because high speed internet played a huge part on our development through the recent years.I am a man of technology , i adore technology and i am on internet since 1996.I cannot agree with you my friend.The technology is out there available to anyone but they don't give it to you with a manual.It's up to us on how to use it.We can use it to develop our society and ourselves as individuals or we can use it to destroy us.
    Take for example nuclear power.We developed it (as almost any known tech we have) for military reasons and it's very posible we will use it to destroy our civilization.On the other hand we can use it to solve our energy problems or develop better spaceships to go out there and explore the universe untill we manage to submit the energy our star provides us completely to our needs.
  5. Rusername

    Rusername Fapstronaut

    Guys, we talk about femdom here. You are totally off topic
    Kligor likes this.
  6. Rebooter13

    Rebooter13 Fapstronaut

    Well what actually happens here is people exposed to femdom porn talking about the women position in our society , not really into topic but not totally off topic.
    I believe porn like that can easy change your perspective on many things.
  7. Fifth Horseman

    Fifth Horseman Fapstronaut

    IMHO the topics of women’s’ evolving role in society and femdom are somewhat linked, at least insofar as those women who wish to be sometimes passive, sometimes sexually aggressive, or switch between the two. We are all currently in a time of rapid cultural rewiring. As we switch from a manufacturing economy to a technology and service economy where physical strength is irrelevant men no longer have the upper hand in many jobs and professions. Women are now the majority of college graduates. And there is a backlash- men and in my opinion many women as well are rebelling against the loss by men of their past dominant and idealized role as breadwinner in the family or the only candidate for a high paying job. The backlash results in the porn objectification of girls and women from the earliest age. While many of us used to teach our sons to respect women now we know they are called “bitches and hos” growing up. Women are both (sometimes unwelcomely) powerful and at the same time powerless to define their role, because right now everything is a moving target. Confusion of gender roles in sexual interaction is not a surprising by-product. And we have been talking here only about men’s’ “sniveling” need and attraction for femdom, but the psychology of women who seek to be dominant, always or from time to time, as a reaction to how society objectifies them, is just as interesting.
    dogeatdog likes this.