Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Kratos_GOW, Jun 13, 2019.

Are you a warrior.?

  1. Yes

    818 vote(s)
  2. No, I am loser

    32 vote(s)
  3. I want to be

    438 vote(s)
  1. Laurent

    Laurent Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot, this really helps me.
    Check in day 24
  2. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Our Brother @eddiealright has achieved the Final rank of "God of war".
    As a completion of the challenge, you are required to post a Success story on this group and on success stories panel.
    Thank you for being consistent and motivating others!
  3. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    @bpboy1993 Reached rank "Spartan General"

    and @the alpha project has been indicted to the "Hall of fame"
    Congratulations to both of them!

    ZORROW Fapstronaut

    Yeah there is no fun at all , watching it without headphones , earlier when i had to study and i watched porn instead at that time i had my earphone already plugged in so it was easy to start watching porn then instead of removing the earphones and gather the will power to start necessary study lecture .

    ZORROW Fapstronaut

    No , i dont want to live my life like this , like a slave . I refuse to settle like this , congratulation to you for your streak and for the new title , your posts are really worth reading . They are full of wisdom and it gives the spark to burn the fire inside you all you have to do is feel that spark and focus on this journey . Day after day this fire will take new forms and will burn out all these negativity and filth inside you and you will be clean as a new born .

    Keep it up and please share your experience with us . How does it feel to remain pmo free for this long ? Is there any change in thought process ? And overall health and how many nightfall did you encounter in this journey till now ?
  6. LobsterBisque

    LobsterBisque Fapstronaut

  7. Okay I will post a success story, but give me some time to compose one. I have never been academically proficient especially at writing. I am a man of few words my friend.
  8. -Nevermore-

    -Nevermore- Fapstronaut

    Hola qué tal? éste es un post en español (jajaja). Llevo unos buenos días sin ver porno ¿Por qué lo hago? Porque quiero volver a lo básico, especializarme en ello, dominar los fundamentos. Y el fundamento que tuve para iniciar todo este proceso es cuidar mi cerebro, mantenerlo limpio y consecuentemente cuidar mi energía y mantenerla limpia. El cerebro humano es la máquina más poerosa, es un receptor y transmisor de enrgía muy potente ¿De qué me sirve abstenerme del porno y d ela masturbación si constantemente pienso en ello? No modifico mi vida en nada. Y ése es mi objetivo, modificar mi vida desde lo básico, lo fundamental, lo sencillo; dominar éstos conceptos desde lo más pequeño hasta lo más grande. Gracias.
    Pd. Creo que seguiré posteando en español, a veces me da pereza escribir en inglés y me frustro un poco porque no lo domino del todo, pero ustedes pueden responderme en inglés y los leeré con gusto.
    Symbol of Peace and Vendidad like this.
  9. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Take your time man!
  10. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Hola hermano, me alegro de verte lentamente construyendo las bases al comenzar con el proceso. No te rindas ahora!
    PD. No estoy seguro de que mucha gente entienda el español aquí, así que intenta escribir en inglés. Buena suerte.
  11. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Good luck brother!
  12. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    day 68, I am getting all those feelings of despair and hopelessness I had before starting this practice. I did not relapsed but I am getting them still. @fg4795 @the alpha project , is that what withdrawals feel like?
  13. Another brother made his way, congratulations @eddiealright show us what a real spartan is
    It depends, if you like numb to the world, like you are "watching" your life instead of living because you do not feel anything, then yes I experienced it around day 80. it is hard to keep the "good habit" this period but you have to overcome it without changing what you do.
    As you always say.
    Go beyond, Plus Ultra.
  14. Day 1(33) checking in
    Had my exam at 11 30
    I gave all I have. Because I feel confident, but great grades can come or not.
    But effort. Nobody can judge effort.
    I came back at home at 16 45, and guess what?
    At 17 I was at the gym, to give my 220% also there.
    Don't quit, no reason is enough.
    We are talking about your life my brothers.
    You can die with memories.
    Or you can die with regrets.
  15. Espi1971

    Espi1971 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on your achieving the rank of God of War! I appreciate everything you shared.

    I wish you continued success on your chosen path. Thank you showing me that it can be done :)
  16. N4ruto

    N4ruto Fapstronaut

  17. Davyfreedom

    Davyfreedom Fapstronaut

    Check in day 3! Today was tough, but being on here helped. Thanks guys :)
  18. Thanks, warrior
    Congratulations on your achievement

    Check in day 13
  19. bpboy1993

    bpboy1993 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much and congratulations mate!
  20. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    You are becoming aware of your patterns. Keep doing this work. You will be able to block porn with your mind. Just keep on doing the work. The time is coming.