Accountability for All

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by corylife, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Kobold

    Kobold Fapstronaut

    That sucks man. But you learned some valuable info. Just have to get back on your feet and keep grinding
    Action and corylife like this.
  2. Today was a strange one. I did sleep much much better than the past 2 days, but the fantasies were way stronger than they were before. Here's where it gets weird as hell though. Even after I saw a trigger today, and I was fantasizing like crazy both days, the fantasies weren't about stuff like fetishes or sexual desires, but intimacy with another person. It really distracted me and I leaked somewhat. My groin area hurt extremely bad, but it also seems like my bladders finally working better again.
    Action and corylife like this.
  3. that dude

    that dude Fapstronaut

    Day 2 finished.
    corylife likes this.
  4. blahblahblah100

    blahblahblah100 Fapstronaut

    My brothers and sisters I failed a few days ago and felt too embarrassed to check in. I restarted and am a couple of days in now. As always, overconfidence and temptation got the better of me. I felt pretty low. I felt terrible for letting myself down and all of you. Will keep going to rid myself of this with your guys’ help
    corylife likes this.
  5. corylife

    corylife Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Done with day on day 2. This girl is interested in me and that just really motivated to stay on the NoFap grind. I cant believe it
    Action likes this.
  6. Action

    Action Fapstronaut

    Congrats for going over three weeks! Keep up the good work.
    corylife likes this.
  7. Action

    Action Fapstronaut

    Aye, that's great to hear! I wish you and her all the best.
    corylife likes this.
  8. If you don't mind me asking what caused you to fail?
    corylife likes this.
  9. Kobold

    Kobold Fapstronaut

    Day four went well! Still going strong
    corylife likes this.
  10. Day 9 and I passed my drivers test the first time in. Slept pretty fine and had a bombass dream where I won the lottery as well.
    mak2504 and corylife like this.
  11. that dude

    that dude Fapstronaut

    Congrats! I'm happy to hear you've had a nice day :)
    corylife likes this.
  12. that dude

    that dude Fapstronaut

    Day 3 over, no urges yet. I will stay strong this time.
  13. Kobold

    Kobold Fapstronaut

    Day 5 down!
  14. corylife

    corylife Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Thanks guys. Im on day 3 !
    Action likes this.
  15. Kobold

    Kobold Fapstronaut

    Finished day 5. Starting to feel that paws shit. Really shows how much damage I’ve done to myself over the years
    corylife likes this.
  16. mak2504

    mak2504 Fapstronaut

    About to finish my Day 5.
    As usual, tried my best to stay with the schedule, ate some junk food but that's okay as baby steps will be better than overburdening myself. Urges were light and now looking forward today 6

    Have a Good Night and Have a Good Day tomorrow, Best of Luck!
    corylife likes this.
  17. Kobold

    Kobold Fapstronaut

    Day six down boys!
    Action and corylife like this.
  18. Day 25 feel decent have some withdrawal symptoms.
    corylife and Action like this.
  19. mak2504

    mak2504 Fapstronaut

    Day 6 going to finish.
    This mantra is working! I am trying to stay away from home and concentrate on projects and studies! this week I had done a lot than I use to cover up in 2 weeks.

    Have a Good Night and Blessed Day Tomorrow
    corylife and muhagg like this.
  20. corylife

    corylife Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Just got done with day 4. I noticed that my overall quality of life in terms of socialization/communication , productivity, energy has increased even though I still relapse ever now and then. How am I still improving? Because my streaks have increased from 1-3 days average to 6-7 days average, and I'm watching less extreme/fetish porn aka decreasing the amount of high dopamine rewarding videos. Thus, this has created improvement in my daily life. Relapsing is not the end of the world, but that doesn't mean you should relapse regardless.
    Kobold and Action like this.