Porn has permanently destroyed my sex life

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Gavalar09, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    I feel its safe to say I'm a permanent case of PIED.
    I recovered somewhat 2 years ago and up until November last year was able to have PIV with a woman fairly easily, turned on by just kissing, sex was great.
    Fast forward to December last month and things drastically change again. I relapse to porn and all my previous recovery has gone. Just like that. A whole 2 years work, 3 major streaks and im now 16 days in, no natural erection, complete ED.

    It's that bad that I cant even feel my penis. I'm completely asexual right now. How does all that progress just dissappear after a few relapses! I just shouldn't?!
  2. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    If you were healthy until last November then you're not permanently damaged.
  3. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    But maybe you can take this too far?
    Like PIED can be permanent if you do it too much.
  4. @Gavalar09 hi dude , i recommend visiting a doctor and asking him rather than asking random people here .
    be sure that you will recover brother .
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  5. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    The thing is I was full blown impotent when with this girl and haven't had even a semi in the last 8 days.
    No interest for sex at all....
  6. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Theyll do nothing mate.
    Just ask me to pop ED drugs.
  7. That can be caused by many things such as anxiety, stress, depression, and porn.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    But that's what I mean.
    Maybe porn has finally caused a permanent shift and I can no longer get hard. Maybe I've finally damaged myself beyond repair.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Fendi24

    Fendi24 Fapstronaut

    Hi Gavalar, I can empathize with you as I'm currently in a horrible dead libido flatline as well but you NEED to stay positive man. Yes you've relapsed but remember that your brain recovered before and you were able to have sex. Those sex pleasure pathways will still exist in your brain, the relapse just threw your dopamine receptors back off kilter. Keep rewiring with rl girls and never relapse is all you can do. Thinking you're permanently damaged is just your anxiety attacking you, I'm experiencing the same at the moment. Keep telling yourself there's no evidence that you won't be sexually functional again and stay strong it might just take some time.
  10. hyper88

    hyper88 Fapstronaut

    Your mind said that 'you need a break'. It's normal human behaviour. Btw, if you're trying to get rid of PMO, first, hate it. Then, leave it!
    EdSucks and (deleted member) like this.
  11. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    How can I rewire when I don't work at all?
    I tried last week and complete ED.

    No morning wood, numb dick, everything bad is back. I don't get it.

    How is it worse this time around?

    16 days and I can't even get a damn semi....
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Long ass break though.
    My FWB invited me round tonight and I'm having to say I'm at football training....
  13. Fendi24

    Fendi24 Fapstronaut

    That is tough to deal with man, I'm sorry to hear, but rewiring can still be done without PIV sex, you need to find a girl that you can be intimate with so can still experience oxytocin releases from kissing / cuddling etc.. This will still give you pleasure (although a lot different to pleasure from sex, but pleasure nonetheless) and get your brain back used to receiving pleasure from real life girls. Eventually bigger dopamine releases will come with that. The relapse just set you back a bit but surely will not take as long as 2 years to get back to where you were. Remember once an addict, always an addict, stay away from the P and keep trucking bro.
    Username321 and Deleted Account like this.
  14. can u tell me your whole daily routine ? send me a private message if u do not wanna publish that .
  15. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    I definitely will be mate.
    I just see that I'm not functioning, even a little bit.
    Had no joy from kissing for the first time in two years. I was getting good erections from just kissing only 2 months ago and now I can't even get a semi.
    It's just like my body has completely shut down.

    Just don't get how everything has been lost in such as short space of time.
  16. brother , try not saying such words , if u say that you have something then your body will act like if u really have this thing . try doing a mini holiday where u change your whole daily routine . be sure that you will be healed , not that u are sick .
  17. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    But surely if I was fine I'd see like a semi in the morning or be a little turned on.
    I've got nothing.
  18. SoundsGoodToMe

    SoundsGoodToMe Fapstronaut

    Right, first things first, take a deep breath and RELAX.
    This whole thing is just a mistake and EVERYONE makes a mistake. How many times have you spilt your drink? hundreds? thousends?
    I'm guessing more....
    Does that mean you're not capable of holding a glass? No, it means you're human like the rest of us.

    Now as for the Porn/ED.....
    As everyone above has already told you, you fixed your D once and you'll do it again. Some people can watch porn everyday and not suffer for it, we're not that lucky. We can't watch it. but that's it.
    We can still have sex (eventually), jerk off, kiss, eat, sleep, work, spend money, throw parties, get jobs, hate jobs, have friends, family, blah, blah, blah.
    Porn cannot be apart of our lives, BUT WHY WOULD YOU WANT IT TO BE?
  19. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    I don't want it to be at all.
    I've got urges and succumbed unfortunately but all my progress has just got after all the reboots.

    Its very frustrating. How can I have zero libido. My bodies just shut down for the last two weeks. Its actually mad.

    It's like I've done these big streaks for no reason.