Why do people deny the Harms of Masturbation on us without Porn ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Nov 27, 2019.

  1. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Anyway, think about what you said about how if you don't fap you become obsessed with sex and can't concentrate because of sexual thoughts. Do you really think you are some virile beast that must drain his pipes on a daily basis? There are athletes who literally have 20x or more testosterone than you. Test that is adrogenically suped-up from exogenous sources [ steroids] taking massive absurd amounts and most of these guys are not obsessed with sex.

    Most porn addicts who spend their time in the basement wanking are anything but virile. It's an addiction and obsession

    Your constantly thinking about sex is you going through withdrawal. Go back to your drug if you like, but if you read up on NOFAP you will find it's on average 90 days to reboot sometimes longer you said you quit after 60.
    Happycamper12076 likes this.
  2. Repeating same thing you already said, I already know this is what you believe.

    You have not provided any rational or scientific reason why everyone is wrong.

    You clearly have a belief not knowledge, belief not based on anything solid you can present and therefor your argument is basally to push your belief at everybody and repeat the same thing.

    I respect beliefs of others, no matter how unfounded they may appear to me, however, I will question their rationality when someone asks me or others to accept them.
    I do not accept irrational beliefs.
    rideronastorm likes this.
  3. I am not going to open an argument about it. I strictly see nothing to argue about it, after years of suffer.. I would like to see you proving your point and everyone who finds it cool. Keep Masturbating, one day you may understand.
  4. I do understand, but I also test and remain objective.
    Stopping masturbation sounds like a good idea, and amazing benefits are promised.
    However, when benefits do not appear for people, they are told the same thing - have to do it longer, you did it wrong, etc.

    It sounds to me that this works for you in some way - great, I do believe you, but do not position it as the ultimate truth everyone must accept and one day you will understand why.
  5. You don't get it, we are not abstaining from Masturbation to have benefits, but at least to live a healthy life peacefully with yourself and your surrounding. It's a poison and nothing less, nobody can convince you why poisoning yourself is not good for you. You may not find benefits, but keep doing it "Moderately" as others say, enjoy it (for minutes before the regret) for some extra more years, then you hit the rock bottom, and then you may understand :)
  6. I do get it. I have heard this so many times before
    There is a community, larger than this one, allot larger that claims eating carbs is the worst thing you can do to your health. They recommend complete exclusion of carbs and they use same words - wait until you hit rock bottom.
    There is a community that says people are not designed for meat, and they also say - keep eating meat for some extra years until you understand.
    There is community that says world will end "soon" and suggest people prepare to die, they say same thing, keep laughing, when the world ends you will understand.
    There are communities of people that do long fasting, they say same thing
    Cleansing communities that insist on deep cleanses, and also say that you will understand in time
    Then mystical and magical communities, that recommend all manner of irrational oddities and also respond - you just wait, you will understand.

    List goes on and similarity apparent to me is striking, something is placed at the center - a belief, and then people gather to worship it. Mostly they want to blame something for the "rock bottom" they had or other problems in their lives.
    When someone points out rational flaws in the foundation of the belief they all smile with warm feeling, and say - "oh you are the naysayer, go away" you do not understand, maybe in time you will.
    I know this pattern well, I see it from mile away, it is at the foundation of every cult.
    Ignore facts, suggest some mystical qualities to the topic discussed, anyone questioning labeled as shortsighted and pushed as far as possible.

    Understanding comes from knowledge and experience, I understand what is happening, I am not blinded by belief.
    If there was a massive universal benefit I would be the first one to support these ideas.

    Taking cold showers has benefits, it does not take long to see them, just start doing them and you will discover the benefits. No need for beliefs, no need to suggest that people may understand.
    Same can not be said about what you are proposing.
    rideronastorm likes this.
  7. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    It sounds to me like you are copy-pasting a response claiming there is no scientific evidence without even looking at what was said. Scientific evidence about what? And who is this "everyone" you are talking about. Everyone does not claim that masturbation is healthy. Furthermore, history shows that often times the majority is wrong.

    Are you doing NOFAP? You don't seem to think it works despite not even giving it a try. You expected it to work wonders in 60 days never even doing it to the minimum 90 days. Now you are on a no masturbation site extolling the benefits of masturbation? Promoting wanking on a NOFAP site and saying people who disagree with you are pushing their views on you.

    Have you noticed the name of the website we are on? I'm not pushing anything. Can I not talk about not masturbating on a site called NOFAP. It's not like I'm on youtube or going to porn sites promoting NOFAP. You are on a NOFAP site promoting masturbation and accusing me of pushing my beliefs on you.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  8. Evidence about what? Did you get confused as what we are discussing? So it seems.

    Saying history shows that majority is wrong, is an attempt at poetry, not a rational argument. History also shows that boats sink, people speak and planes fall. And also history shows that both majority and minority is wrong, and it also shows both are right.
    History shows anything you want it to show.

    I point out lack of rational and critical thinking about ideas some people, including you strongly push on to others. You do not care about research or rational thought, you have a belief and you are ready to attack, insult and attempt to shred anyone who disagrees.

    You made the decision that masturbation is bad and now you have to defend that choice. You will never admit you maybe wrong in condemning all its forms even if most conclusive evidence was provided, because you put everything on the line, you became a salve to your idea.
    I am open to both sides of the argument, I respect people that educate others by presenting compelling data and allowing others to come to same conclusions, that's science, not those who push their view as unquestionable gods wisdom. Because they know its right.
    I looked at both sides, and the conclusion is not at all clear cut. Something expected for topic as complex as human sexuality.

    When I hear someone saying it is clear cut, I know they do not see both sides.

    My queries are interpreted for some reason, as promotion of masturbation. While I am just pointing out flaws in logic when someone is suggesting it should be avoided like a plague
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2019
  9. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut


    You say you are open to both sides of the argument. So why not consider doing NOFAP for 90 days instead of quitting after 60 and saying " NOFAP doesn't' work. That being said I don't think you will as you seem to be contradicting yourself, and I question how open-minded you really are?

    ^ That doesn't sound like a guy who is open minded

    Anyway, I got into more than enough of an internet pissing contest already. Sorry we can't see eye to eye
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
  10. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    The problem is that you're masturbating since you have a sex drive, which you have because you have testicles. Therefore, all these guys on here should get castrated and not have to worry about all this stuff. Perhaps a penis removal procedure would be helpful too, then you wouldn't be able to masturbate even if you wanted to.
  11. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    You've got to be kidding me. Where's the data for this assertion?
  12. rideronastorm

    rideronastorm Fapstronaut

    It is impressive how people in this forum reduce something as incredibly complex as human sexuality to a few hormones and ideas, isn't it?
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  13. I think the problem is people do not realize how prone to mistakes we humans are, how easy it is to be fooled. Especially when things that are said that hit at deep problem, for which one wants a solution.
    Not only will they not be critical in these situations they may suspend disbelief and accept a set of beliefs and values, they did not confirm to be true. Once they associate with a group they gain security and it becomes even more difficult to question these values.
    Additionally, someone who is depressed and alone, naturally is looking for solutions to his/her problem online. They do not know what is wrong, but they know something is.
    So they see pornography use and say - maybe that is it. They say - my life is miserable and I use porn. And the crowd immediately diagnoses the individual with porn addiction. He uses porn, he feels bad - porn addict!
    Individual may feel a relief because he now has some hope and specific things to do, but although not using pornography or masturbating has its effects, it is not a cure to depression, poor lifestyle and lack goals in life and lack of social skills, which is what most people that come here have problems with.

    People hope that stoping pornography use will have significant impact on their lives and gradually they become disillusioned, sometimes despite being disillusioned they grasp to the community and defend the ideas, sometimes they keep trying endlessly.

    I just ask people to be critical, critical not only of ideas proposed by other but also of what problems they may have.
  14. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    I can say, that masturbation noticably changed the shape of my penis, lol. But now it's looking kinda original I gues. Also it's significantly reduces sensivity
  15. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    people like to deny their own mistake.

    Just look at some Japanese, they still don't confess their atrocities during the WWII
    Master Chips likes this.
  16. Happycamper12076

    Happycamper12076 Fapstronaut

    I dont really understand some of you. You don’t think the massive dopamine rush of an orgasm multiple times a day or even once a day, even without porn, is the reason you feel awkward and low energy. It’s very strange hearing ‘Fapstronauts’ justify masterbation. This place is called nofap. No masterbation. Releasing your seed is the main issue here and porn just makes it that much worse.
  17. yes THANK YOU
  18. amen
  19. omg i see so many ppl say that. they say all nofap did was make me horny, nofap doesn’t work, etc.

    Yes because your thoughts are all consuming on sex. So you can’t focus. You still allowing the lust in your mind, that’s why. If you truly learn to eliminate those sexual thoughts by focusing on them better more pleasing thoughts, then eventually you will see that it’s the exact opposite to what you said! Instead, You will be more productive and focused. As @Themadfapper said, try going longer than 3 weeks bc during first 3 weeks the urges are the strongest generally
    again likes this.
  20. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    I'm in total agreement with madfapper.. this site is NoFap! This means no porn, MASTURBATING, Or Orgasms. How the hell can anyone heal and get rid of this habit by justifying it's ok to masturbate as long as no porn is involved. Uh hello - you will not recover this way! You need to abstain from PMO 100%.. all 3!
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.